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Hearing aids: what are the most recurrent complaints from users and their possible relationship with fine tuning?



To identify the most frequent complaints from hearing-aid users and establish possible relationships that might help audiologists solve some problems.


Cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study, carried out through an online questionnaire, answered by 176 audiologists. After analyzing the responses and computing the terms, coding was performed and the 30 most frequent complaints were described. Four categories were established to verify each reported term and its correspondence with the problem pointed out in each question. To address the possible relationships between complaints and their solutions, the terms were divided into the following main aspects of the hearing aid fitting process: physical adaptation, adjustment of electroacoustic characteristics and user’s intrinsic characteristics.


30 representative terms of complaint were described due to their high number of occurrences : the term “very loud device / very loud sound” appeared 223 times whereas the term “I cannot hear anything” had the fewest number of occurrences, 25 appearances. In total, there were six complaints related to physical aspects, 17 to adjustments of electroacoustic characteristics, four that could be related to both aspects and two to intrinsic characteristics of the individual.


It was possible to identify the most frequently reported complaints of hearing aid users. . It was observed that it is feasible, based on a complaint, to address a supposedly related aspect of adaptation and help audiologists find solutions. However, each particular patient and situation must be given individualized attention.

Hearing; Hearing loss; Hearing aids; Audiology; Problem solving



identificar as queixas mais recorrentes dos usuários de aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual (AASI) e estabelecer possíveis relações que auxiliem a busca de soluções de problemas no processo de adaptação desses dispositivos.


estudo transversal, descritivo e quantitativo, realizado mediante questionário on-line, respondido por 176 fonoaudiólogos. Após computação e organização das respostas, realizou-se uma codificação e foram descritos 30 termos mais recorrentes, referentes às queixas dos usuários. Foram estabelecidas quatro categorias para verificar cada termo relatado e sua correspondência com o problema apontado em cada questão. Para o direcionamento das possíveis relações entre as queixas e suas resoluções, os termos foram divididos nos seguintes aspectos principais do processo de adaptação de AASI: adaptação física, ajuste das características eletroacústicas e características intrínsecas do usuário.


foram descritos 30 termos representativos das queixas, com maior número de ocorrências para o termo “Aparelho muito alto/Som muito alto”, que apareceu 223 vezes. O termo “Não escuta nada” apareceu com menor número de ocorrências, 25 vezes. No total, foram encontradas seis queixas relacionadas a aspectos físicos, 17 a ajustes de características eletroacústicas, quatro que poderiam estar relacionadas a ambos os aspectos e duas a características intrínsecas do indivíduo.


foi possível elencar as queixas mais referidas pelos usuários de AASI. Observou-se que é viável, a partir de uma queixa, direcionar um suposto aspecto relacionado à adaptação e auxiliar os fonoaudiólogos a levantar soluções, apesar de ser clara a necessidade de um olhar individualizado para cada paciente e situação.

Audição; Perda auditiva; Auxiliares de audição; Audiologia; Resolução de problemas


According to projections of the World Health Organization (WHO), one in every ten people will have disabling hearing loss (HL) by 2050(11 World Health Organization. Deafness and hearing loss [Internet]. 2020 [citado em 2020 Abr 27]. Disponível em:
). Therefore, we know that HL is an increasingly discussed topic in the present world scene, since, regardless of the identity, it has negative consequences in communication, emotional state, and quality of life(22 Olusanya BO, Neumann KJ, Saunders JE. The global burden of disabling hearing impairment: a call to action. Bull World Health Organ. 2014;92(5):367-73. PMid:24839326.
). Sound amplification is the most recommended intervention for individuals with HL. Hearing aid (HA) is among the available technological devices widely used(33 Chisolm TH, Johnson CE, Danhauer JL, Portz LJP, Abrams HB, Lesner S, et al. A systematic review of health-related quality of life hearing aids: final report of the American Academy of Audiology task force on the health-related quality of life benefits of amplication in adults. J Am Acad Audiol. 2007;18(2):151-83. PMid:17402301.
) and with proven benefits(44 Glick HA, Sharma A. Cortical neuroplasticity and cognitive function in early-stage, mild-moderate hearing loss: evidence of neurocognitive benefit from hearing aid use. Front Neurosci. 2020;14:93. PMid:32132893.

5 Pichora-Fuller MK, Singh G. Effects of age on auditory and cognitive processing: implications for hearing aid fitting and audiologic rehabilitation. Trends Amplif. 2006;10(1):29-59.
-66 Rodrigues CCC, Aurélio FS, Silva VB, Lopes TA. Benefício fornecido pelo uso de aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual em idosos de um programa de saude auditiva de Porto Velho - RO. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(5):1170-80.
). To guarantee an adaptation of excellence, it is necessary to follow the stages of good practices recommended by the American Academy of Audiology(77 Valente M, Abrams H, Benson D, Chisolm T, Citron D, Hampton D, et al. Guidelines for the audiologic management of adult hearing impairment [Internet]. 2006 [citado em 2021 Jul 3]. Disponível em:
) and by the Brazilian Academy of Audiology(88 Almeida K, Mondelli MFCG. Boas práticas: caminho para uso com sucesso de próteses auditivas. In: 34º Encontro Internacional de Audiologia – Fórum de Aparelhos de Amplificação Sonora Individual; 2019; Foz do Iguaçu. São Paulo: ABA; 2019. p. 1-7.). These stages are the assessment of the individual, technical aspects of the treatment, orientation, advice of the patient, and validation of the use of amplification.

However, there is still a lack of standardization and protocol for fine adjustments, especially in the other resources offered by HA, in addition to those related to frequency gain adjustment(99 Anderson MC, Arehart KH, Souza PE. Survey of current practice in the fitting and fine-tuning of common signal-processing features in hearing aids for adults. J Am Acad Audiol. 2018;29(2):118-24. PMid:29401059.
). To help the current practice, based on evidence, studies suggest the development of tools that contribute to the resolution of complaints, also taking into account individual characteristics of the patient(99 Anderson MC, Arehart KH, Souza PE. Survey of current practice in the fitting and fine-tuning of common signal-processing features in hearing aids for adults. J Am Acad Audiol. 2018;29(2):118-24. PMid:29401059.
,1010 Oh SH, Lee J. General framework of hearing aid fitting management. J Audiol Otol. 2016;20(1):1-7. PMid:27144226.
). Thus, the active participation of the patient in the process of adapting the hearing aid is necessary. Listening to what he has to say about his amplified hearing is a fundamental task to individualize care, respect his characteristics and value his complaints(1111 Freiberger F. O acompanhamento fonoaudiológico de idosos usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual: motivos da não aderência [dissertação]. Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 2011. 129 p.). Listening occurs throughout the adaptation process, and the audiologists sensitivity to understand what each patients complaint represents and how to work with it is essential for solving the problems presented.

With the need to understand the terms used by patients with HA and how such descriptions could contribute to the adaptation process, several studies were carried out in the 1990s about sound descriptors and HA adjustments, mainly in Sweden(1212 Gabrielsson A, Schenkman BN, Hagerman B. The effects of different frequency responses on sound quality judgment sand speech intelligibility. J Speech Hear Res. 1988;31(2):166-77. PMid:3398490.

13 Gabrielsson A, Hagerman B, Bech‐Kristensen T, Lundberg G. Perceived sound quality of reproductions with different frequency responses and sound levels. J Acoust Soc Am. 1990;88(3):1359-66. PMid:2229671.
-1414 Ovegård A, Lundberg G, Hagerman B, Gabrielsson A, Bengtsson M, Brändström U. Sound quality judgement during acclimatization of hearing aid. Scand Audiol. 1997;26(1):43-51. PMid:9080554.
). The main objective of the studies was to analyze whether patients with HA would be able to describe sounds accurately, so these descriptions could be used to fine-tune the devices. We found that it is possible for patients to accurately describe their perceptions for its use in adjusting their HA. Other studies have related the complaints of patients with HA to specific adjustment parameters, also with results of reliability between reports and fine adjustments(1515 Gabrielsson A. Dimension analyses of perceived sound quality of sound‐reproducing systems. Scand J Psychol. 1979;20(1):159-69.

16 Moore BCJ, Alcántara JI, Glasberg BR. Development and evaluation of a procedure for fitting multi-channel compression hearing aids. Br J Audiol. 1998;32(3):177-95. PMid:9710336.
-1717 Jenstad LM, Van Tasell DJ, Ewert C. Hearing aid troubleshooting based on patients’ descriptions. J Am Acad Audiol. 2003;14(7):347-60. PMid:14620609.

The study by Jenstad et al.(1717 Jenstad LM, Van Tasell DJ, Ewert C. Hearing aid troubleshooting based on patients’ descriptions. J Am Acad Audiol. 2003;14(7):347-60. PMid:14620609.
) had the objective of raising the terms most used by patients with HA to describe their complaints and then, to develop a fine-tuning guide based on these complaints. They identified the 40 most frequent descriptors about electroacoustic behavior and physical characteristics of HA. The authors related these descriptors to future adjustments that could guide audiologists in fine-tuning them. Another research(1818 Thielemans T, Pans D, Chenault M, Anteunis L. Hearing aid fine-tuning based on Dutch descriptions. Int J Audiol. 2017;56(7):507-15. PMid:28635499.
) was carried out in the Netherlands replicating the aforementioned study but regarding the reality of the Dutch language. The aforementioned studies were carried out in English and Dutch and demonstrate that the terms and results found cannot extrapolate the use to other languages, as each language presents particularities, variations, and distinct origins.

In the literature consulted, we did not find recent research, national or international, which revealed the terms used for the most frequent spontaneous complaints of patients with HA and possible problem resolutions. Therefore, we realized that it was necessary to describe the terms in Brazilian Portuguese, aiming at a better understanding of the complaints of patients with HA.

We also noticed a need to understand how the audiologist should look at these aspects, thinking about the physical and electroacoustic characteristics of HA to achieve the proposed objectives for their adaptation and auditory rehabilitation. Thus, this research aimed to identify the most recurrent complaints of individual sound amplification devices and establish possible relationships that help to solve problems in the process of adapting these devices.


This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, and quantitative study. The project was sent to the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of FCM/UNICAMP and was approved under number 2,253,925/2017. Data collection started only after approval by CEP.


The research was carried out and made possible through an online questionnaire, prepared on the Google Forms platform, based on the study by Jenstad et al.(1717 Jenstad LM, Van Tasell DJ, Ewert C. Hearing aid troubleshooting based on patients’ descriptions. J Am Acad Audiol. 2003;14(7):347-60. PMid:14620609.
), and disseminated through social networks and e-mails. There was no disclosure through professional associations or professional registration councils. The research participants declared their consent by clicking on the “I agree to participate” button, at the end of the online Informed Consent Form (ICF). Only after the consent of the informed consent form, the audiologists were allowed access to the questionnaire.

The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part comprises 11 questions regarding the participants and their work locations. The second part contains 18 open questions, subdivided into five main categories that influence the adaptation of HA: frequency gain, maximum volume/output, physical adaptation, compression characteristics, and unwanted sounds (Chart 1). All questions were designed to allow the audiologist to report the patient's complaint when HA is behaving in a certain way.

Chart 1

After analyzing and categorizing the complaints, during the study the responsible researchers raised the possible relationships between these complaints and problem solutions in the process of adapting these devices. For the establishment of these relationships, the terms were dimensioned in the following main aspects: physical adaptation, adjustment of electroacoustic characteristics, and intrinsic characteristics of the patient. It is important to consider that physical adaptation is related to the physical characteristics of the HA and also to the anatomical conditions of the patient; adjustment of the electroacoustic characteristics presupposes the performance of fine adjustments and adjustment in the device. Intrinsic characteristics of the patient refer to factors inherent to the individual such as cognitive ability and brain functioning and superior executive functions for speech comprehension.


The sample was formed of 176 audiologists with the following inclusion criteria: professionals with a degree in Audiology in Brazil and professionals who work in the area of individual sound amplification devices. We did not consider the difference between professionals who were working at the time or who had already worked in the area as relevant for the analysis of the answers since the audiologists could give up from answering the question if they did not feel free to respond or were confused about the question. We excluded questionnaires whose answers were outside the scope of the research such as “yes” or “no” answers when asked to describe terms or phrases used by patients with HA.

Among these professionals, 93% (163) were female and 7% (13) were male; 70% of audiologists were from the Southeast region, 14% from the South region, 7% from the Northeast, 3% from the North region, 3% from the Midwest region and 3% did not report to this data. Regarding training, 31 audiologists were only graduated, 94 were post graduated, 28 had a master's degree and 23 had a doctorate. The average time of experience with HA adaptation was 10.81 years, with a minimum of six months of profession and a maximum of 40 years.

Statistical analysis

The inferential statistical analysis of the data was performed using the following stages: 1) Coding of terms: performed by two audiologists responsible for the research, with at least three years of experience and specialization in the area of ​​HA selection and adaptation. Before its performance, there was a preparation through the study of existing terms and review of rules of the Portuguese language. Afterward, the coding took place independently. When divergence occurred, we tried to talk and reach a consensus regarding the classification. Terms with the same meaning (for example: “there is a noise in my device” and “my device is making a noise”) and with the same morpheme (“echo”, “echoes”, “echoing”) were combined in the same category. Morphemes that modified the meaning of the word were not grouped in the same category. Despite the existence of specific software for mining text data from the study, they did not prove to be useful in Portuguese. We needed a manual selection from the tabulated data in the Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet editor; 2) Calculation of the occurrence frequency for each term in the entire questionnaire and verification of the most frequent terms (in this study, the 30 most frequent terms were listed); 3) Verification of terms that are repeated in the different questions. We could analyze each term and the probable behaviors of sound processing and physical characteristics of HA. Thus, we analyzed the distribution of terms by questions and the number of times these terms were referred to in the questions. From the table of terms occurrence frequency, 10% of the total of the most frequent terms were selected, that is, the first 30 items were presented in descending order (from the highest number of occurrences of each term to the lowest number). For the analysis of the results, four categories were established: A, B, C, and D (Table 1)

Table 1
Analysis categories and their parameters for the distribution of terms by questions


Table 2 shows the occurrence of the 30 terms referring to complaints from patients with HA in descending order, that is, from the term with the highest number of occurrences to the term with the lowest number of occurrences. We observed that the most frequent term, “Very loud device/Very loud sound”, appeared 223 times, and the least frequent term, “I did not hear anything”, appeared 25 times.

Table 2
Occurrence of terms referring to patient complaints as reported by the study sample

Chart 2 shows how we analyzed and described the defined categories (Methods section). We observed that most of the terms appeared in more than one question, but in a non-homogeneous way, that is, their appearance prevailed in certain questions. Based on this categorization, we presented the supposed relationships that can help to solve problems in the process of adapting HA aids.

Chart 2
Result of the analysis of the four proposed categories and their relationships with the adaptation of the individual sound amplification device


The analysis of the research answers enabled the discovery of the terms most often mentioned by patients with HA to describe their complaints, reported by the audiologists who accompanied them. We observed thirty terms with the highest occurrence (Table 2) for categorization and description of patients' complaints. The other studies that explored these terms in English(1717 Jenstad LM, Van Tasell DJ, Ewert C. Hearing aid troubleshooting based on patients’ descriptions. J Am Acad Audiol. 2003;14(7):347-60. PMid:14620609.
) and Dutch(1818 Thielemans T, Pans D, Chenault M, Anteunis L. Hearing aid fine-tuning based on Dutch descriptions. Int J Audiol. 2017;56(7):507-15. PMid:28635499.
) developed a list of the 40 most frequent words reported by patients with HA. The terms of the Dutch study are described in English due to publication reasons, as reported by the author(1818 Thielemans T, Pans D, Chenault M, Anteunis L. Hearing aid fine-tuning based on Dutch descriptions. Int J Audiol. 2017;56(7):507-15. PMid:28635499.
). No similar study was found in Portuguese. Table 3 compares the first ten terms among the three researches.

Table 3
Description of the first ten terms in the three studies: Brazilian Portuguese, English, and Dutch

The term most often referred to in this study was “Very Loud Device/Very Loud Sound”, as it agrees with the findings of terms similar to English and Dutch language studies. When analyzing the ten descriptors of the other studies(1717 Jenstad LM, Van Tasell DJ, Ewert C. Hearing aid troubleshooting based on patients’ descriptions. J Am Acad Audiol. 2003;14(7):347-60. PMid:14620609.
,1818 Thielemans T, Pans D, Chenault M, Anteunis L. Hearing aid fine-tuning based on Dutch descriptions. Int J Audiol. 2017;56(7):507-15. PMid:28635499.
), relating them to the one carried out in Brazil, we observed that, despite the different languages and the long time to carry out the study of the English language (more than a decade), the terms used to describe the behavior of the HA are similar.

Over time, HA manufacturers have shown great commitment to developing technologies to improve sound processing, which has been updated exponentially. The development of new algorithms and the updates of prescriptive rules are present at all times, alleviating complaints and improving the performance of patients with such electronic devices(1919 Bertozzo MC, Blasca WQ. Comparative analysis of the NAL-NL2 and DSL v5.0a prescription procedures in the adaptation of hearing aids in the elderly. CoDAS. 2019;31(4): e20180171. PMid:31433039.). Thus, the fine-tuning of hearing aids becomes increasingly complex due to technological advances and the fact that current devices try to compensate not only for the magnitude (degree) of hearing loss but also the way of sound processing, by “imitating” the cochlea, through non-linear amplification methods and activation of different sound processing strategies for different acoustic environments(2020 Dreschler WA, Keidser G, Convery E, Dillon H. Client-based adjustments of hearing aid gain: the effect of different control configurations. Ear Hear. 2008;29(2):214-27. PMid:18490863.

21 Sabin AT, Gallun FJ, Souza PE. Acoustical correlates of performance on a dynamic range compression discrimination task. J Acoust Soc Am [Internet]. 2013 Sep 26 [citado em 2021 Jul 3];134(3):2136-47. Disponível em:
-2222 McShefferty D, Whitmer WM, Akeroyd MA. The just-noticeable difference in speech-to-noise ratio. Trends Hear. 2015 Jan;19:1-9. PMid:25681327.
). Despite this, we observed that complaints remain similar even after more than a decade of difference between the American, Dutch and Brazilian studies. This reinforces that, even with advances, some difficulties presented by patients with HA have not yet been solved.

It becomes evident that, despite great advances, HAs are not able to rescue the sound processing performed by an intact auditory system. However, for the possible changes, an audiologist is needed to manage HA programming.

This survey of representative terms that prove to be the most frequent complaints enables the professional to analyze and propose ways to make fine adjustments and orientations to help him in a more efficient adaptation and an adequate hearing rehabilitation process. As in other researches, there is a diversity of complaints and difficulties related to the use of the HA, reinforcing the continuous challenge that patients and audiologists have(2323 Bennett RJ, Laplante-Lévesque A, Meyer CJ, Eikelboom RH. Exploring hearing aid problems: perspectives of hearing aid owners and clinicians. Ear Hear. 2018;39(1):172-87. PMid:28787315.
,2424 McCormack A, Fortnum H. Why do people fitted with hearing aids not wear them? Int J Audiol. 2013;52(5):360-8. PMid:23473329.
). However, evidence remains conflicting on the reliability of the solution of the problems based on the descriptions and reports of the patients(99 Anderson MC, Arehart KH, Souza PE. Survey of current practice in the fitting and fine-tuning of common signal-processing features in hearing aids for adults. J Am Acad Audiol. 2018;29(2):118-24. PMid:29401059.
,1717 Jenstad LM, Van Tasell DJ, Ewert C. Hearing aid troubleshooting based on patients’ descriptions. J Am Acad Audiol. 2003;14(7):347-60. PMid:14620609.
,1818 Thielemans T, Pans D, Chenault M, Anteunis L. Hearing aid fine-tuning based on Dutch descriptions. Int J Audiol. 2017;56(7):507-15. PMid:28635499.
,2020 Dreschler WA, Keidser G, Convery E, Dillon H. Client-based adjustments of hearing aid gain: the effect of different control configurations. Ear Hear. 2008;29(2):214-27. PMid:18490863.
,2525 Caswell-Midwinter B, Whitmer WM. The perceptual limitations of troubleshooting hearing-aids based on patients’ descriptions. Int J Audiol. 2021;60(6):427-37. PMid:33176515.

Considering that we opted for an analysis of the terms and a separation seeking terminology similarity through the structure of the morphemes of the words, the 30 terms had similarities between them regarding the complaint presented versus adjustment of the HA versus result for the patient. Some terms do occur, such as “Very loud device/Very loud sound” (term 1) and “Very strong device/Very strong sound” (term 7), which, in a classificatory analysis of what the complaint represents, are related, and may refer to the same complaint. Thus, it is even more evident that it is a frequent complaint and that HA is exceeding the patient's comfort levels.

Within this perspective of analysis, the terms “Low device/Low sound” (term 6), “Weak device/Weak sound” (term 13), “Device makes no difference/It makes no difference” (term 19), “Do not hear well” (term 28) and “Don't hear anything” (term 30), follow the same line of reasoning when a possible solution is raised: increasing the gain of the HA. However, only the use of these terms to describe the complaints makes them unspecific, requiring further investigation for a precise resolution. The suggestions raised demonstrate the initial step to guide the audiologist in performing fine adjustments. This becomes even more evident if we consider the way current HAs process the sound and provide several digital transformations in the sound that are forwarded to the patient, to improve speech intelligibility(2626 Nelson JA. Fine tuning multi-channel compression hearing instruments. Hear Rev. 2001;8(1):30-5.).

According to the proposed categorization, we observed that the terms “the device comes out” and “the device escapes” were directly related to the question “if the mold or dome is too wide”, and the term “physical discomfort” related to “if the mold or dome is too tight”, that is, complaints regarding the physical characteristics of the mold/dome of the HA. In agreement with another study, we found that many times, the difficulty is related to the handling of HA, which can be considered a factor with the greatest impact on adherence to the auditory rehabilitation process, demonstrating that guidance and counseling are a good starting point to help patients(2323 Bennett RJ, Laplante-Lévesque A, Meyer CJ, Eikelboom RH. Exploring hearing aid problems: perspectives of hearing aid owners and clinicians. Ear Hear. 2018;39(1):172-87. PMid:28787315.

In the HA adaptation process, the first stage is to ensure good physical adaptation: HA cannot be moved during use, as demonstrated by the terms “the device comes out” and “the device escapes” (term 29), which already translates that the HA is poorly adapted. Further on, the terms “Hurts (device)” (term 12), “Physical pain/Pain in the ear” (term 15), and “Physical discomfort” (term 22) refer to the fact that, in addition to the HA being poorly positioned, it may cause physical discomfort to the patient. However, physical comfort is paramount to use the HA for long periods and obtain the benefits of peripheral and central auditory system stimulation. Since all complaints listed in category A are directly related to physical adaptation, the speech therapist must pay attention to this aspect, in an attempt to solve the problem.

For category B, even if the terms used were not fully related to only one behavior of the HA, they tended to represent, more than 50% of the time, a single behavior of the device. Questions about physical adaptation are easier to address and resolve when using the terms “Hurts (device)”, “plugged ear/plugged ear (device)”, “Physical pain/Ear pain”, referred to in this category. Other terms may already elucidate the idea of the need for fine adjustments, such as the terms “Squeaking sound”, “Strange device/Strange sound”, “Device makes no difference/It makes no difference”, “Annoying strong sound”, “Metallic sound”, “I do not hear anything”. The terms “Beeping device” and “My voice inside the head” can direct audiologists to two paths: physical adaptation or adjustment of electroacoustic characteristics. This is because the “Beeping device”, referred to by the patient can be caused by poor positioning of the HA in the ear (physical adaptation characteristics), or by excessive amplification, thus causing feedback. The term “My voice inside the head” suggests the presence of an occlusion effect, which must be resolved with changes in ventilation and depth of adaptation in the external acoustic meatus or, in some cases, by modifying the gain of low frequencies.

When looking at this category in detail, the intrinsic characteristics of the patient appear as a problem situation with possible alternative causes mentioned above. As already described in the literature, HA contributed as a “gateway” of sounds to the individual. However, the interpretation of the message and the understanding of speech take place in the brain(2727 Buchweitz A. Language and reading development in the brain today: neuromarkers and the case for prediction. J Pediatr. 2016 May;92(3):8-13.
,2828 Benítez-Burraco A, Murphy E. Why brain oscillations are improving our understanding of language. Front Behav Neurosci. 2019;13:190. PMid:31551725.). Thus, many times, even though the speech therapist guarantees access to speech sounds and, through the resources provided by HA, patients hearing effort is reduced, the ability to follow the conversation and understand speech remains compromised, since cognitive and cerebral aspects are essential for this.

Still analyzing category C, several complaints should be looked at from the point of view of the need to refine the regulation of the HA. When complaints such as “Device too loud/Sound too loud”, “Very loud device/Very loud sound”, “Device bothers/Sound bothers/Annoyance” are observed, the fine adjustment should be directed towards issues of maximum output and/or gain of the HA. For complaints such as “The device is noisy/Too much noise”, “Noisy device/Noise/Too much noise”, we also suggest checking the technological resources offered by the HA, such as noise reducers.

Category D was represented by a single term: “I listen but I don't understand/I can't understand anything/I don't understand conversations”. This is a complaint that can represent several situations that are occurring to a patient, and that should cause the audiologist to seek a more precise description to perform or fine-tune the HA. Similarly to the study by Jenstad et al. (1717 Jenstad LM, Van Tasell DJ, Ewert C. Hearing aid troubleshooting based on patients’ descriptions. J Am Acad Audiol. 2003;14(7):347-60. PMid:14620609.
), to deal with two imprecise terms as a problem, it is necessary to raise more questions or be more patient to find a more adequate term that uncovers and clarifies the complaint.

We believe that, regardless of the term mentioned by the patient, the role of the audiologist is to analyze this complaint and be able to be precise, accurate, and specific in solving the problem, respecting the patient's characteristics(2929 Poost-Foroosh L, Jennings MB, Shaw L, Meston CN, Cheesman MF. Factors in client–clinician interaction that influence hearing aid adoption. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(3):127-39. PMid:22155784.

Even with advances and the use of digital technologies, the professionals must know about the complaints of the patients and how to deal with them, as well as the need for guidance on the HA and counseling throughout the follow-up of the patient, agreeing with different studies(2323 Bennett RJ, Laplante-Lévesque A, Meyer CJ, Eikelboom RH. Exploring hearing aid problems: perspectives of hearing aid owners and clinicians. Ear Hear. 2018;39(1):172-87. PMid:28787315.
,2424 McCormack A, Fortnum H. Why do people fitted with hearing aids not wear them? Int J Audiol. 2013;52(5):360-8. PMid:23473329.
,2929 Poost-Foroosh L, Jennings MB, Shaw L, Meston CN, Cheesman MF. Factors in client–clinician interaction that influence hearing aid adoption. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(3):127-39. PMid:22155784.
,3030 Bennett RJ, Meyer CJ, Eikelboom RH, Atlas JD, Atlas MD. Factors associated with self-reported hearing aid management skills and knowledge. Am J Audiol. 2018 Dez 6;27(4):604-13. PMid:30286248.
). Listening to and understanding the patient brings an effective adaptation because it is useless for the audiologist to have operational technical training on the HA and the software, but not being able to understand the patient's complaint and overcome such a problem in the form of an adjustment to remedy the complaints.

It is also necessary to reinforce that the process of selection and adaptation of the HA comprises steps of good practices that are already known and guide the audiologist to effective work. Based on this perspective, objectively verifying the amplification characteristics through the use of the probe microphone (considered the gold standard in the verification stage)(77 Valente M, Abrams H, Benson D, Chisolm T, Citron D, Hampton D, et al. Guidelines for the audiologic management of adult hearing impairment [Internet]. 2006 [citado em 2021 Jul 3]. Disponível em:
,88 Almeida K, Mondelli MFCG. Boas práticas: caminho para uso com sucesso de próteses auditivas. In: 34º Encontro Internacional de Audiologia – Fórum de Aparelhos de Amplificação Sonora Individual; 2019; Foz do Iguaçu. São Paulo: ABA; 2019. p. 1-7.), together with the stage of evaluating the results with the perception tests of speech in silence and in noise – which can assess how the patients will perform in their daily lives in their usual communication(88 Almeida K, Mondelli MFCG. Boas práticas: caminho para uso com sucesso de próteses auditivas. In: 34º Encontro Internacional de Audiologia – Fórum de Aparelhos de Amplificação Sonora Individual; 2019; Foz do Iguaçu. São Paulo: ABA; 2019. p. 1-7.) –, and to the partnership between the individual and the professional(2929 Poost-Foroosh L, Jennings MB, Shaw L, Meston CN, Cheesman MF. Factors in client–clinician interaction that influence hearing aid adoption. Trends Amplif. 2011;15(3):127-39. PMid:22155784.
) – in terms of reporting their experiences and complaints – lead to the process of successful adaptation of HA, always permeated with advice and guidance to the patient.

Considering the above mentioned, even with the limitation of the study regarding the disparity of responses by audiologists by region –which may not be representative of territorial extension –, we could recognize the most recurrent complaints and provide a path to guide them. More than that, we reinforce the importance of the audiologist’s role during the HA selection and adaptation process.


It was possible to list the most frequently referred complaints by patients with HA. We observed that, from a complaint, we can address a supposed aspect related to adaptation and help audiologists find solutions, despite being clear about the need for an individualized study for each patient and situation.

We detected 30 terms most frequently used by patients for complaints regarding their HA. The term that appeared the most was “Device very loud/Sound very loud”, with 223 occurrences, and the term that appeared the least was “I did not hear anything”, with 25 occurrences.

Within the categories of analysis of terms previously defined to establish possible solutions to problems, the terms were related to the main aspects of the adaptation process of these devices. We observed that, in category A, the three complaints were directly related to physical adaptation; in category B, three complaints were related to physical adaptation, six to the adjustment of electroacoustic characteristics, and two complaints could be related to both aspects. In category C, 11 complaints suggested the need for adjustment of electroacoustic characteristics, two with the possibility of referring to physical adaptation or adjustment of electroacoustic characteristics and one with the intrinsic characteristics of the patient. In category D, the referred complaint prioritized the targeting of the patient's intrinsic characteristics, when considering that the HA is properly regulated.

These terms may relate to certain aspects of HA adaptation. Even a term that can identify more than one complaint allows, from a joint analysis, to raise possibilities for different behaviors and reach a differentiated solution for each patient.


We thank the audiologists who will dedicate their time to respond to the questionnaire, as well as UNICAMP, for the possibility of carrying out this research.

  • Study carried out at Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP – Campinas (SP), Brasil.
  • Funding: None.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    25 Feb 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    21 July 2021
  • Accepted
    21 Dec 2021
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil