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The interference of expressive language status on Autism Behavior Checklist scores in verbal and non-verbal autistic children


To verify the interference of status of expressive language scores on the Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC), comparing verbal and non-verbal autistic children.


The sample consisted of 68 autistic children, of both genders, between 3 and 12 years, divided into two groups: 28 non-verbal (Group GNV) and 40 verbal children (GV). We used the ABC, which includes 57 maladaptive behaviors, which was completed by the mothers during an interview.


The GNV and GV did not differ in mean Total ABC score. In the verbal scale, the average score of GV was greater than that of GNV. When we excluded the behaviors in that area, the average total score was reduced. However, there was no difference in the means of other areas.


Verbal children showed more deficits in the language area than non-verbal children. When excluding all non-adaptive behaviors in that area, there was no significant difference between groups.

Autistic disorder; Language; Communication; Child development disorders; Pervasive; Child

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