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Exploratory study on the multimodal analysis of the joint attention


The aim of this study was to produce exploratory multimodal analysis on joint attention. We used the ELAN tool: software with resources for temporal and special synchronization for verbal and non-verbal modalities that facilitate the visualization and annotation of interactional contexts. Excerpts of ten minutes of speech and language pathology evaluation of the child with suspected ASD and of another child with typical development matched by age group and gender, were analyzed and transcribed. Spontaneous occurrences of the child's gaze were investigated: a) Towards the interlocutor's eyes. b) Towards toys or play. c) Towards the interlocutor's eyes and toys (Joint Attention). The occurrences of look direction differed between children in a quantitative and qualitative way. The child with suspected ASD did not produce an episode of joint attention, nor did he direct his gaze to the interlocutor. There were 56 occurrences of gazing towards the toys. The typical child produced 18 occurrences of joint attention, and whenever he directed his eyes to the interlocutor's eyes, he did so with the intention of sharing the toy or play. We also observed 37 occurrences of gazing towards the toy or play. From the exploratory analysis produced by ELAN tool, it was possible to observe that there were differences in the number of occurrences and look direction between the evaluated children and to verify that the joint attention was absent in the child with ASD risk.

Autism Spectrum Disorder; Communication; Language; Child; Speech Language Hearing Science

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil