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Association between the number of swallowing, pharyngeal residue and bronchopulmonary aspiration in multiple sclerosis



To verify the association between the number of swallows and the presence of pharyngeal residue and bronchoaspiration in people with Multiple Sclerosis.


An observational cross-sectional study of videofluoroscopic examinations of 231 swallows from individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Three speech therapists evaluated IDDSI 1 (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) (5ml and 10ml) and IDDSI 4 (8ml) deglutitions for pharyngeal residue and penetration/ aspiration. Swallows with no pharyngeal residue were classified as swallows without pharyngeal residue (SWTR) and those with pharyngeal residue (SWR), the latter subdivided into pharyngeal residue in all or occasional offerings (SWR1 e SWR2). The number of swallows was analyzed by a blind evaluator and compared with demographic and clinical data.


Of the 231 swallows, 73 (31.6%) showed pharyngeal residues. The mean number of swallows was similar in the deglutitions with and without pharyngeal residues in each consistency and volume and in the variables age, gender, type of Multiple Sclerosis and functional disability. There was an association between the mean number of swallows and the absence of penetration/aspiration when comparing deglutitions with and without pharyngeal residues, in SWR2 and in individuals over 50 years of age. When analyzing intragroup, an association was observed in SWR, being higher in the absence of penetration/aspiration and in SWR2.


There was no correlation between the number of swallows and the presence of residues in pharyngeal recesses in multiple sclerosis. However, the number of swallows was higher when there was residue and absence of dysphagia and penetration/aspiration, and in older individuals.

Multiple sclerosis; Deglutition disorders; Pharyngeal residue; Respiratory aspiration; Physiology

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil