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Dependência e adolescência: a recusa da diferença

Dependence and adolescence: the refusal of the difference. This article is dedicated to the problem of psychic dependence in adolescence from two angles: the relationship of self / other and the polarity interiority / exteriority. The experience of separation from the object is implied in this passage from childhood to adult life, central part of the issue of dependence, particularly in the addictions. It is intended to show the paradoxical character of the separation process in adolescence, its primary and Oedipal core, on whose entanglement lies the foundation of its impasses. Pathological dependence is remarkable nowadays. In search of absolute pleasure, the subject tends to find himself or herself in a situation of isolation which can be disguised by the establishment of a passionate link to the object.

Dependence; adolescence; otherness; contemporaneousness

Programa de Pós-graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Instituto de Psicologia UFRJ, Campus Praia Vermelha, Av. Pasteur, 250 - Pavilhão Nilton Campos - Urca, 22290-240 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil