Logomarca do periódico: Ágora: Estudos em Teoria Psicanalítica

Open-access Ágora: Estudos em Teoria Psicanalítica

Publication of: Programa de Pós-graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Area: Human Sciences ISSN printed version: 1516-1498
ISSN online version: 1809-4414

About the journal


Brief History


When the Postgraduate Program in Psychoanalytic Theory at UFRJ developed the project to launch a journal affiliated with it, its goal was to meet the demand of the scientific community in the field, which usually only had limited outlets for specific approaches, both for publishing and reading. The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory came to occupy a prominent place in the dissemination of knowledge, going beyond institutional conflicts and distancing itself from any identity specificities of the training societies in the field of psychoanalysis. Its proposal was pioneering in the field, serving as a forum for the discussion of research on the most relevant themes and problems of contemporary psychoanalysis, aiming to put the reader in touch with cutting-edge production in this area.

Moreover, it enabled effective interaction between psychoanalysis and various fields, giving preference to those connected to other subareas of psychology and related areas of knowledge such as sociology, anthropology, epistemology, ethics, and linguistics. It provided an open space for pluralistic debate, respecting the diverse tendencies that make up the fields of knowledge that the journal covers. 

Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory is considered, both in the academic milieu and in the national and international psychoanalytic community, a journal of excellence. This is evident from the growing number of international researchers seeking to publish their articles and/or conferences in our volumes. The demand has been growing each year, and we strive to meet this demand by considering the need for a thorough evaluation.



Complice with Open Science


In accordance with the Open Science Compliance and following the Green Open Science model, the journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory will adhere to the following criteria:

1. The journal accepts manuscripts made available as preprints, excluding works that are not original or published in other outlets.

2. The journal recommends that authors deposit the data involved in the research in Open Repositories (SciELO Data, Preprints).

3. The journal also recommends that additional data accompanying the manuscripts (numerical data, codes of computer applications, documents, and other contents) be submitted in the Supplementary Materials section, so they can be fully assessed in the peer and blind review process.

4. The journal will disclose in each volume: 

- the name of the responsible editor; 
- the list of reviewers responsible for manuscript evaluation—identified with their respective ORCID —as well as, when necessary and by mutual agreement, the disclosure of identities between the author and the reviewers; 
- the reviews of the manuscript. For this, authors and reviewers must, obligatorily, accept the aforementioned terms and conditions.



Publication Ethics


The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory does not tolerate the dissemination of any material that may promote prejudice or segregation.

Regarding ethics related to authorship and manuscript evaluation, the journal is in line with the ethical standards predicted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Editors and the editorial team are responsible for preventing any form of unethical behavior, as well as plagiarism. Authors submitting articles to the journal declare that their content is original and guarantee that the work has not been published nor is it under review/evaluation in any other journal. We also adopt the SciELO Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication and the "Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publishing" recommended by COPE, DOAJ, OASPA, and WAME.



Focus and Scope


The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory is a continuous-flow publication specialized in the field of psychoanalysis that seeks to offer an open space for pluralistic debate. Areas of interest for publication include themes in the field of psychoanalysis and related areas of the humanities and social sciences. The journal publishes only unpublished manuscripts.



Indexing Sources



Bibliographic Citations

  • Journal Title: Ágora (Rio de Janeiro)
  • Abbreviated title: Ágora (Rio J.) 
  • Published by: Programa de Pós-graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ        
  • Frequency: Quaterly
  • Publication type: Continuous publication 
  • Created in: 1997


Website and Social Media


Site: https://teopsic.psicologia.ufrj.br/revista-agora/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/revistaagoraufrj






In line with the policy of disseminating scientific knowledge advocated by the best practices of Open Science, the journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory accepts the evaluation of manuscripts submitted to preprint servers, aiming to make ongoing scientific discussions not only more agile but also public, pluralistic, and democratically accessible.


Peer review Process 

1. Initially, the manuscript will be reviewed by the Editors, who will send a letter or email to the author(s) notifying the start of the editorial process, provided that the submitted material complies with the journal's established guidelines.

2. Subsequently, the manuscript will be sent to two anonymous reviewers who will have a period of 20 (twenty) days to evaluate the material, which may result in:

i) rejection; 
ii) recommendation for publication with revisions;; 
iii) acceptance for publication without modifications.

3. In case of disagreement between the reviews regarding publication, the work will be sent to a third ad hoc consultant who will have a period of 20 (twenty) days to assess the material.

4. The reviews will be sent to the author(s) to justify the evaluation results or to make modifications to the text. In this case, the author(s) must return the revised work within a maximum period of 20 (twenty) days.

5. The work will be re-sent to the reviewers, who should comment on the revisions made.

6. The final decision regarding publication will be made by the Editorial Committee. Minor changes to the text may be made by the Editorial Committee to comply with the journal's criteria and operational standards.

7. Reviewers are requested to consider the insertion of the evaluated article in the scope of the journal, as well as the organization, content, and writing of the work, according to the following guidelines:

Organization of the work
Appropriateness of the title 
Clarity and conciseness of the abstract
Relevance of the Keywords
Inclusion in the scope of the jornal

Delimitation and definition of the work’s focus
Explanation of the work’s premisses
Consistency in the development of the issue
Conclusions resulting from the presented argumentation
Appropriateness of the bibliography to the addressed problem

Clarity in the expression of ideas
Properly presented citations
Presentation, organization, and size of the article
Compliance with "publication standards"

Final judgment
Favorable for publication without modifications
Favorable for publication with modifications
Unfavorable for publication

8. The review will be sent to the author, and it is important to provide a detailed justification, highlighting the necessary modifications and suggestions, with indications of the passages and their location (page number) in the article. In the case of an unfavorable review, please explain the reasons.

The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory, following the recommendations and policies of Open Science, now adopts in its editorial policy the openness of the peer review process in agreement with the reviewer. Thus, there are two possibilities for opening the evaluation processes: the possibility of direct dialogue between the author and reviewers with or without identity disclosure and the possibility of publishing approval reviews with or without the identification of reviewers, as long as mutually agreed upon.


Open Data

The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory has a mission to disseminate psychoanalysis and its connections, promoting immediate and free access to publications.

The journal recommends that authors deposit the data involved in the research in Open Repositories (SciELO Data).


Fee Charging

The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory does not charge fees for submission, review, evaluation, or publication. In the case of the assessment and subsequent approval of manuscripts in Spanish or French, they must be translated into English, and the associated costs will be covered by the authors themselves. Authors affiliated with Brazilian institutions who wish to publish in English should maintain the Portuguese version (bilingual publication) and will also bear the costs of translation.


Ethics and Misconduct, Errata and Retraction Policy 

Ethics and Misconduct 

The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory follows the guideline of certifying the originality of submitted manuscripts. Plagiarism in its various forms (direct, indirect, consented, and self-plagiarism) will not be tolerated, as it violates the copyright rights guaranteed by law. To prevent this practice, submitted manuscripts will undergo a plagiarism detection program (Inthenticate). In cases of plagiarism detection, the editors will take the necessary ethical and legal actions in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and in all suspected cases, the manuscript evaluation process will be immediately suspended.


The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory takes responsibility for the final editing of published articles. If typographical errors or errors in the spelling of the names of authors or in the titles of articles are detected, the subsequent edition of the journal will present an erratum with the necessary corrections.


The adopted methodological approach and the choice of theoretical framework, as well as the conclusions presented, are the sole responsibility of the authors. If authors identify the need for rectification, they should contact the editors by email, who will deliberate on the appropriateness of a retraction. If the editors confirm the allegations, they may consider requesting the authors to correct specific errors or mistakes, or they may consider publishing a retraction, based on the guidelines of COPE and the Council of Science Editors for correcting articles.


Policy on Conflict of Interest 

Conflicts of interest occur when personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial factors influence, on the part of authors, the submission of manuscripts, and on the part of reviewers and assessors, the evaluation of the works. When submitting the manuscript, authors are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced the work. If there is, even potentially, a conflict of interest, the author(s) must inform it in a separate document signed and attached to the submission platform. For more information, see: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.

Authors, Reviewers, and Assessors must notify the editors if they have any conflicts that may interfere with the fair evaluation of the submitted manuscript.

Considering the conflict of interest policy, the editors and ad hoc members of the journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory are subject to a general rule of a 24-month interval between article publications.


Adoption of Similarity Verification Software 

The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory is in the process of implementing the iThenticate software to track possible plagiarism in the submission of manuscripts. It is important to note that the journal only accepts original material, and failure to meet this requirement will result in the suspension of publication of the author(s)' part(s) in the journal.

Sex and Gender Issues 

The editorial team of the journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory, as well as the authors who publish in the journal, must always adhere to the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER). The SAGER guidelines encompass a set of directives that guide the reporting of information about sex and gender in the study design, data analysis, and the results and interpretation of findings. Additionally, the journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory observes a gender equity policy in the formation of its editorial board.

Ethics Comittee

Authors must attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research.


Authors of articles published by Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory retain the copyright to their works, licensing them under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY 4.0), which allows for the reuse and distribution of articles without restriction, provided that the original work is properly cited. This preserves the integrity of the articles in an open access environment. The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory allows the author to retain publication rights without restrictions.


Intellectual Property and Terms of Use

Site responsibility: Minor changes to the text may be made by the Editorial Committee to comply with the criteria and operational standards of the journal.

Author responsibility: Statements, opinions, and concepts expressed in the articles are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the authors.

All content in the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY).

Open Access Policy - The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory is published under the Open Access model and is, therefore, free for anyone to read, download, copy, and distribute for educational purposes. The journal encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts by publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, provided that the complete citation to the journal's website version is included.


Sponsors and Funding Agencies 

The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory is supported by the following sponsors:

Institute of Psychology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Graduate Support Program - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes)

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).




Editorial Board


Chief Editors



Executive Committee



Editorial Committee



Scientific Board



Graphic Design


Graphic Design and layout 

  • João Bosco Carvalho, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. e-mail: jbosco1951@gmail.com
  • Serifas editoração eletrônica, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. 

Text Standardization 

Executive Secretary



Instructions to authors



1. The journal publishes articles, reviews, and interviews. All material must be unpublished and not simultaneously under review by other journals. Areas of interest for publication include topics in the field of psychoanalysis and related areas in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Original submissions will be accepted for evaluation as long as they have not been previously published, accompanied by a letter to the Responsible Editor requesting publication.

2. Only articles authored by at least 1 (one) Ph.D. holder will be accepted for publication. There will be an exception to this rule in the case of authors with recognized expertise, with the Editorial Committee responsible for forwarding articles from these authors for peer review.

3. Only manuscripts from authors and/or co-authors who have not had an article, review, or interview published in the journal in the last 26 (twenty-six) months (interstice period) will be considered for evaluation. Manuscripts submitted within a shorter timeframe will be automatically rejected.

4. Given the increase in the simultaneous submission of multiple manuscripts by the same author and/or co-author, the journal now adopts the criterion of submitting and evaluating only 01 (one) manuscript per author and/or co-author at a time. The author(s) and/or co-author(s) must wait for the completion of the evaluation process before submitting new material. It should be noted that, in the case of approval for publication, a 26-month interval is required before submitting a new manuscript.

5. Due to the increase in the number of co-authors per article in many manuscripts submitted to Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory, the maximum number of authors is limited to 3 (three).

6. The decisive criterion for approval is the quality of the article's writing, including grammar and spelling, clarity in expressing ideas, citations presented in accordance with the journal's standards, presentation, organization, and article length.

7. All manuscripts must comply with the latest ABNT standards. Manuscripts submitted outside this reference standard will not be considered.

8. The journal accepts manuscripts for evaluation in the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French. When approved, articles written by authors with foreign affiliation must be translated into English, and the associated costs will be borne by the authors themselves. Brazilian authors wishing to publish in English must maintain the Portuguese version (bilingual publication) and also bear the translation costs.

9. All author(s) of the manuscript must provide the ORCID number and email of the first author, in the case of collaborative work.

10. Identify the singular contribution of each author in the submission form, with collective responsibility for the final manuscript review. The journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory adopts the CRediT taxonomy to represent information about the individual contributions of the authors.



Manuscript Preparation


1. The submission of the work must be done exclusively through the online form.

2. Originals will be accepted for evaluation as long as they have not been published previously, and the author(s) and/or co-author(s) have not had an article published in the journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory in less than 24 months.

3. The manuscript must be accompanied by a letter to the Responsible Editor requesting publication. In the letter, the author(s) must inform any conflicts of interest - professional, financial, and direct or indirect benefits - that may influence the research results. They must also disclose the funding sources involved in the work, as well as ensure the privacy and anonymity of the people involved.

4. The material must also be accompanied by a statement from the author(s) attesting to the originality of the work, according to the following model:

"I, __________, declare that the article entitled __________, submitted for publication in the journal Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory, has not been published or submitted for evaluation and publication in any other journal or book, being, therefore, original."

5. The maximum number of authors for the manuscript is limited to 3 (three).

6. The complete address, full affiliation, telephone, email, curriculum, and ORCID of the author(s) must be included in the manuscript.

7. The full affiliation must follow the following model: institution/faculty/department/city/state/country.



Article Submission Format


1. Font: The text should be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, letter format, with 1.5 cm spacing.

2. Size: The maximum number of characters with spaces (including full text, notes, and bibliography) is 40,000, and the minimum is 28,000.

3. Cover page: Title in Portuguese; author's name, followed by academic and professional credentials (in a maximum of 3 lines); author's postal and email address; phone/fax number.

4. Abstract page: Abstract in Portuguese (maximum of 100 words - approximately 580 characters with spaces); keywords in Portuguese (at least three and at most five words); title in English, corresponding to the title in Portuguese; abstract in English, corresponding to the Portuguese abstract; keywords in English, corresponding to the keywords.

5. Notes: If necessary, notes should be indicated by Arabic numerals throughout the text and typed on a separate page titled "Notes," without the use of Word's automatic program.



Digital Assets


Illustrations should be kept to a minimum and inserted directly into the manuscript. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure the image's resolution and intelligibility. The images may undergo size changes in the final layout process of the journal.



Citations and References


References to authors should be made in the body of the text, only mentioning the last name, followed by the year of the work:

E.g., (GREEN, 1982)

In the case of authors whose year of the text or work is important, include the year the text or work was written, followed by the year of the edition used:

E.g., (FREUD, 1915/1974)

If there is a coincidence of dates for a text or work, distinguish with letters (1915a, 1915b), respecting the order of entry in the article. In the case of a compilation of texts by the same author in a work, include the year of the text followed by the year of the edition of the work used: 

E.g., (LACAN, 1946/1966)

If there are multiple authors, all should be cited using "and" or "&": 


In the case of textual quotes, in quotation marks, the page should be indicated: 

E.g., "Knowledge is not made for understanding; it is made for cutting." (FOUCAULT, 1984, p. 28) 

Textual quotes with less than three lines, in quotation marks, should be kept in the body of the text. Textual quotes with more than three lines should be indented, single-spaced, and typed in Times New Roman, size 10. 

Bibliographic references should appear at the end of the article, in alphabetical order by last name. The list will follow the chronological order of the texts, meaning the works of the same author should be listed according to the year of their publication. They should follow the following item order: 

Book - last name in uppercase, author's initials, year of edition - preceded, if applicable, by the year it was written - in parentheses, title in italics, city, publisher.

E.g., FOUCAULT, M. (1984) Microphysics of Power. Rio de Janeiro: Graal. 

LACAN, J. (1959-1960/1988) The Seminar Book 7, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar. 

Freud Citation - last name in uppercase, author's initials, year it was written and year of edition in parentheses, title of the edition used in italics, city, publisher. Then, the title of the article in quotation marks, volume, and pages. 

E.g., FREUD, S. (1975) The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works. London: Hogarth Press. 

(1900) "The Interpretation of Dreams," v.IV and V, p.1-734. 

(1915) "Repression," v.XIV, p.141-158. 

Book Article - last name in uppercase, author's initials, year of edition in parentheses, title of the article in quotation marks, followed by in (without italics) and the coordinator's name, title of the book in italics, city, publisher. 

E.g., ANDRADE, R. (1995) "The Theory of Drives in German Romanticism," in MOURA, A. H. (org.). The Drives. São Paulo: Escuta/Educ. 

Chapter or Part of a Book - last name in uppercase, author's initials, year of edition in parentheses, title of the part in quotation marks, followed by in and the title of the book in italics, city, publisher. 

E.g., LACAN, J. (1946/1966) "Remarks on Psychic Causality," in Writings. Paris: Seuil. 

Journal Article - last name in uppercase, author's initials, year of edition in parentheses, title of the article (without quotes), name of the journal in italics, volume (v.), number (n.), city, publisher, pages (use p. for singular and plural).

E.g., SAFRA, G. (2000) A New Psychopathological Modality in Postmodernity: The Spectrals. Psychê, year IV, n.6. São Paulo: Unimarco, p.45-51. 

Dissertations and Theses - last name in uppercase, author's initials, year of defense, title in quotation marks, type of work, program, institution, city. 

E.g., VIDAL, P.E.V. (2005) "Declining the Decline of the Father." PhD Thesis, Graduate Program in Psychoanalytic Theory, Institute of Psychology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. 

Article Published in an Electronic Journal - last name in uppercase, author's initials, year of publication in parentheses, title of the article, name of the journal in italics, volume (v.), number (n.), electronic address, and date of consultation. 

E.g., DI MATTEO, V. (2005) Phenomenology of Spirit and Psychoanalysis: Approaches. Electronic Journal Hegelian Studies, year II, n.2. Available at: http://www.hegelbrasil.org. Accessed on: Mar 10, 2006.



Funding Declaration


Authors are expected to indicate sources of support for the work, including names of sponsors, contract numbers (if any), along with explanations of the role of these sources.



Additional Information: Target Audience


In the case of a journal specialized in the field of psychoanalysis, the target audience consists of professionals and researchers in this field of knowledge. In this sense, it is worth considering the fundamental importance of a journal specialized in this area within the academic milieu. Ágora - Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory played a pioneering role by seeking to delineate the boundaries of psychoanalytic knowledge in the academic field and clearly indicating the need for an in-depth study of psychoanalytic theory. In this context, the project of a journal that served as a vehicle for the dissemination of the production being carried out in various programs was of capital importance. The same applies to the production of foreign authors, given that the Postgraduate Program in Psychoanalytic Theory maintains formal and informal agreements with various programs abroad - notably in Spain, Argentina, and France. Such ties are further strengthened through the research conducted by several doctoral candidates in these programs.





Postgraduate Program in Psychoanalytic Theory 
Institute of Psychology 
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Address: UFRJ Psychology Institute, Praia Vermelha Campus 
250 Pasteur Avenue - Nilton Campos Pavilion - Urca
CEP: 22290-240 
Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Telephone number: +55 (21) 3938-5343
E-mail address: revistaagoraufrj@gmail.com




Programa de Pós-graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Instituto de Psicologia UFRJ, Campus Praia Vermelha, Av. Pasteur, 250 - Pavilhão Nilton Campos - Urca, 22290-240 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
E-mail: revistaagoraufrj@gmail.com
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