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Transsexualism as a suppleance in psychosis. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that the psychotic subject who is confident to be a woman, can turn transsexualism into a means of supplementing that can reduce physical and psychological dissociation while existing as a woman in the social field. Our method is to compare the outcome of the "push-to-woman" delirious paranoid metamorphosis with the development of which it is the object in transsexualism. Our results show that these two distinct clinical situations are based on common issues, such as regulating the excess of unbounded enjoyment by the phallic function. The discussion shows that transsexualism is distinct from delusion by making the female exception the issue that articulates the imaginary and symbolic dimensions. In conclusion, transsexualism regulates the "push-to-woman" process and allows the subject to build a new identity that encompasses enjoyment of the body and gives it a name.

Psychosis; transsexualism; push-to-woman; suppleance

Programa de Pós-graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Instituto de Psicologia UFRJ, Campus Praia Vermelha, Av. Pasteur, 250 - Pavilhão Nilton Campos - Urca, 22290-240 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil