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RFLP pattern determination for the invasive bivalves Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) and Corbicula fluminea (Muller, 1774)

Determinação do padrão RFLP para os bivalves invasores Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) e Corbicula fluminea (Muller, 1774)


The golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) and Corbicula fluminea are considered well-established invasive species in the rivers of Brazil and South America. In addition to the environmental problems resulting from this invasion process, the economic issue, especially in hydroelectric dams, is very worrisome and has mobilized several types of studies on these invasive bivalves. The detection and identification of these organisms in their adult phase in the rivers is not a problem; however, the identification of bivalve larvae by usual morphological methods is difficult due to high similarity conserved in these stages. The use of PCR-RFLP has proven to be an efficient and agile molecular method that allowed the detection of different patterns in the agarose gel for the two bivalves tested. The gel pattern showed a 100 bp band for L. fortunei not detected for C. fluminea. Thus, it is possible to detect larvae of these species from water samples, which can be a powerful tool for environmental monitoring programs on aquatic invasive species.

asia clam; golden mussel; larvae; molecular identification.


O mexilhão dourado (Limnoperna fortunei) e Corbicula fluminea são espécies invasoras consideradas bem estabelecidas nos rios do Brasil e da América do Sul. Além dos problemas ambientais resultantes deste processo de invasão, a questão econômica, especialmente nas hidrelétricas, é muito preocupante e mobilizou vários tipos de estudos sobre esses bivalves. A detecção e identificação desses organismos em sua fase adulta nos rios não são um problema, no entanto, a identificação de larvas de bivalves por métodos morfológicos habituais é difícil devido à similaridade extremamente conservada nestes estágios. O uso do PCR-RFLP se mostrou como um método molecular eficiente e ágil que permitiu a detecção de padrões diferentes no gel de agarose para os dois bivalves testados. O padrão do gel mostrou uma banda de 100 pb para L. fortunei que não foi detectado para C. fluminea. Desta forma com o uso de amostras de água é possível detectar os dois moluscos, o que pode ser uma ferramenta poderosa para programas de monitoramento ambiental em espécies aquáticas invasoras.

amêijoa asiática; identificação molecular; larvas; mexilhão dourado.


Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857), or golden mussel, is a bivalve native to the Southeast of Asia. This specie was introduced in South America in the early 1990s when Mercosur’s (the economic bloc from South America) business with South Korea and China was rising. The most-accepted hypothesis is that it entered along the coast of Argentina through ships’ ballast water (Darrigran, 1995DARRIGRAN, G. Limnoperna fortunei: ¿Um problema para los sistemas naturales de água dulce del Mercosur? Museo, v. 1, n. 5, p. 85-87, 1995.) with the first record in the Rio de la Plata/Argentina (Pastorino et al., 1993PASTORINO, G.; DARRIGRAN, G.; MARTIN, S.; LUNASCHI, L. Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Mytilidae), nuevo bivalvo invasor en aguas del río de La Plata. Neotropica, v. 39, n. 34, p. 101-102, 1993.). Nowadays it is found in several regions of South America (Darrigran and Mansur 2006DARRIGRAN, G.; MANSUR, M. C. D. Distribuição, abundância e dispersão. In: DARRIGRAN, G.; DAMBORENEA, C. Bio-invasion del mejillón dourado en el continente americano. La Plata: Edulp, 2006. p. 93-110.).

Another freshwater invasive bivalve is the Corbicula fluminea (Muller, 1774), or Asian clam, a Southeast Asia native species, which had its first American record in the USA by (Burch 1944 apud Mansur and Garces, 1988MANSUR, M. C. D.; GARCES, L. M. M. P. Ocorrência e densidade de Corbicula fluminea (Muller, 1774) e Neocorbicula limosa (Maton, 1811) na Estação Ecológica do Taim e áreas adjacentes, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Corbiculidae). Iheringia, Série Zoológica, v. 68, p. 99-115, 1988.). Its arrival in South America occurred in the mid-60s and 70s, first recorded in the Rio de la Plata/Argentina estuary (Ituarte, 1981ITUARTE, C. F. Primeira notícia acerca de la presencia de pelecípodos asiáticos en el área rioplatense. Neotrópica, v. 27, p. 79-82, 1981.). Veitenheimer-Mendes (1981)VEITENHEIMER-MENDES, I. L. Corbicula manilensis (Philippi, 1844) molusco asiático, na bacia do Jacuí e do Guaíba, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (Bivalvia, Corbiculidae). Iheringia, Série Zoológica,v. 60, p. 63-74, 1981. recorded for the first time the presence of C. fluminea in Brazil, and since then several works showed its dispersion in the South (Mansur and Garces, 1988MANSUR, M. C. D.; GARCES, L. M. M. P. Ocorrência e densidade de Corbicula fluminea (Muller, 1774) e Neocorbicula limosa (Maton, 1811) na Estação Ecológica do Taim e áreas adjacentes, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Corbiculidae). Iheringia, Série Zoológica, v. 68, p. 99-115, 1988.), Southeast (Avelar, 1999AVELAR, W. E. P. Moluscos bivalves. Biodiversidade de Estado de São Paulo, Brasil: síntese do conhecimento ao final do século XX. In: ISMAEL, D.; VALENTI, W. C.; MATSUMURA-TUNDISI, T.; ROCHA, O. (Eds.). Invertebrados de água doce. São Paulo: Fapesp, 1999. Vol. 4. p. 65-68.), Central-West (Callil and Mansur, 2002CALLIL, C. T.; MANSUR, M. C. D. Corbiculidade in the Pantanal: History of invasion in southeast and central South America and biometrical data. Amazoniana, v. 17, n. 1-2, p. 153-167, 2002.
) and North (Beasley et al., 2003BEASLEY, C. R.; TAGLIARO, C. H.; FIGUEIREDO, W. B. The occurrence of the Asian clam Corbicula fluminea in the Lower Amazon Basin. Acta Amazonica, v. 33, n. 2, p 317-324, 2003.
) regions of the country.

Among the various environmental problems in Brazil the presence of invasive species, which impact the environment, suppress native species and cause economic losses, are the most prominent. Limnoperna fortunei has caused several economic problems in hydroelectric plants and imbalance in the relationships between native fauna and flora (Brugnoli et al., 2005BRUGNOLI, E.; CLEMENTE, J.; BOCCARDI, L.; BORTHAGARAY, A.; SCARABINO, F. Golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) distribution in the main hydrographical basins of Uruguay: update and predictions. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 77, n. 2, p. 235-244, 2005.
; Pejchar and Mooney, 2009PEJCHAR, L.; MOONEY, H. A. Invasive species, ecosystem services and human wellbeing. Trends in Ecology e Evolution, v. 24, p. 497-504, 2009.
) and C. fluminea is easily found in hydroelectric reservoirs throughout the country (Mansur et al., 2004aMANSUR, M. C. D.; CALLIL, C. T.; CARDOSO, F. F.; IBARRA, J. A. A. Uma retrospectiva e mapeamento da invasão de espécies de Corbicula (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Veneroida, Corbiculidae) oriundas do sudeste asiático, na América do Sul. In: SILVA, J. S.V. da; SOUZA, R. C. C. L. de. Água de lastro e bioinvasão. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência, 2004a. p. 39-58.). Both are dioecious, with external fertilization and indirect development. The larvae consist of one of the main forms of dispersion of these organisms and reach a high adaptability success in the invaded environment due to their great density at the time of dispersion and the lack of specialized predators and parasites as adults (Darrigran and Mansur, 2006DARRIGRAN, G.; MANSUR, M. C. D. Distribuição, abundância e dispersão. In: DARRIGRAN, G.; DAMBORENEA, C. Bio-invasion del mejillón dourado en el continente americano. La Plata: Edulp, 2006. p. 93-110.).

Bivalve larvae become a major problem when it comes to the identification of these organisms due to the difficulty of morphological distinction in microscopy analysis (Ludwig et al., 2014LUDWIG, S.; TSCHÁ, M. K.; PATELLA, R.; OLIVEIRA, A. J.; BOEGER,W. A. Looking for a needle in a haystack: molecular detection of larvae of invasive Corbicula clams. Management of biological Invasions, v. 5, n. 2, p. 143-149, 2014.) at the most crucial moment for the management of invasive species during the early stages of colonization (Pie et al., 2017PIE, M. R.; STRÖHER, P. R.; AGOSTINIS, A. O.; BELMONTE-LOPES, R.; TADRA-SFEIR, M. Z.; OSTRENSKY, A. Development of a real-time PCR assay for the detection of the Golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei, Mytilidae) in environmental samples. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências,v. 89, n. 2, p. 1041-1045, 2017.
). Generally, optical identification techniques do not work with most bivalve larvae, since the specific characters appear only in the later stages of development or are visible only on a microscopic level (Garland and Zimmer, 2002GARLAND, E. D.; ZIMMER C. A. Techniques for the identification of bivalve larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 225, p. 299-310, 2002.

Individuals have several diagnostic features only present during the adult phase; however, in some cases, morphological features, intuitively used for diagnosis, such as shell coloration, variations in shape and structure, muscle insertions scars, can be highly influenced by environmental factors (Pie et al., 2006aPIE, M. R.; RIBEIRO, R. O.; BOEGER, W. A.; OSTRESKY, A.; FALLEIROS, R. M.; ANGELO, L. A simple PCR‐RFLP method for the discrimination of native and introduced oyster species (Crassostrea brasiliana, C. rhizophorae and C. gigas; Bivalvia: Ostreidae) cultured in Southern Brazil. Aquaculture Research, v. 37, n. 15, p. 1598-1600, 2006a.
). The advent of molecular markers brings us powerful new tools to correctly identify individuals or groups that present a controversial morphological diagnosis at any stage of their development, being a notable instrument in systematics. Molecular methods for detection of golden mussel were proposed using specific primers (Pie et al., 2006bPIE, M. R.; BOEGER, W. A.; PATELLA, L.; FALLEIROS, R. M. A fast and accurate molecular method for the detection of larvae of the golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Mollusca: Mytilidae) in plankton samples. Journal of Molluscan Studies, v. 72, n. 2, p. 219-219, 2006b.
), but they are restricted to binary responses (Pie et al., 2017PIE, M. R.; STRÖHER, P. R.; AGOSTINIS, A. O.; BELMONTE-LOPES, R.; TADRA-SFEIR, M. Z.; OSTRENSKY, A. Development of a real-time PCR assay for the detection of the Golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei, Mytilidae) in environmental samples. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências,v. 89, n. 2, p. 1041-1045, 2017.
), whereas technologies employing Real Time PCR (Endo et al., 2009ENDO, N.; SATO, K.; NOGATA, Y. Molecular based method for the detection and quantification of larvae of the golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei using real-time PCR. Plankton and Benthos Research, v. 4, n. 3, p. 125-128, 2009.
; Pie et al., 2017PIE, M. R.; STRÖHER, P. R.; AGOSTINIS, A. O.; BELMONTE-LOPES, R.; TADRA-SFEIR, M. Z.; OSTRENSKY, A. Development of a real-time PCR assay for the detection of the Golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei, Mytilidae) in environmental samples. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências,v. 89, n. 2, p. 1041-1045, 2017.
) perform a quantification of larvae by indirect means, increasing the time and cost of execution. The same applies to the methodology used for the detection of Corbicula sp. (Ludwig et al., 2014LUDWIG, S.; TSCHÁ, M. K.; PATELLA, R.; OLIVEIRA, A. J.; BOEGER,W. A. Looking for a needle in a haystack: molecular detection of larvae of invasive Corbicula clams. Management of biological Invasions, v. 5, n. 2, p. 143-149, 2014.) with the use of group-specific primers but which are not able to distinguish species.

The RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) is a molecular method that has been successfully used to differentiate larvae of several mussel species such as the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, from the Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulata (Boudry et al., 1998BOUDRY. P.; HEURTEHISE S.; COLLET, B.; COMELLE, F.; GÉRARD, A. Differentiation between populations of the Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulata (Lamark) and the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg), revealed by mtDNA RFLP analysis. Jornal of Experimental Marine Biology and ecology, v. 2, n. 31, p. 279-291, 1998.
). Pie et al. (2006a)PIE, M. R.; RIBEIRO, R. O.; BOEGER, W. A.; OSTRESKY, A.; FALLEIROS, R. M.; ANGELO, L. A simple PCR‐RFLP method for the discrimination of native and introduced oyster species (Crassostrea brasiliana, C. rhizophorae and C. gigas; Bivalvia: Ostreidae) cultured in Southern Brazil. Aquaculture Research, v. 37, n. 15, p. 1598-1600, 2006a.
also uses the same technique in his work to discriminate three species of oysters of the genus Crassostrea, grown on the Brazilian coast. Further, the RFLP assay was employed to determine the hemispheric origin of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Westfall et al., 2010WESTFALL, K. M.; WIMBERGER, P. H.; GARDNER, J. P. A. An RFLP assay to determine if Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. (Mytilidae; Bivalvia) is of Northern or Southern hemisphere origin. Molecular ecology resources, v. 10, n. 3, p 573-575, 2010.

The current work aims to use the RFLP technique to discriminate Corbicula fluminea and Limnoperna fortunei, the predominant mollusk invaders in South America (Ludwig et al., 2014LUDWIG, S.; TSCHÁ, M. K.; PATELLA, R.; OLIVEIRA, A. J.; BOEGER,W. A. Looking for a needle in a haystack: molecular detection of larvae of invasive Corbicula clams. Management of biological Invasions, v. 5, n. 2, p. 143-149, 2014.), that can occur sympatrically causing ecological and economic damages. These species are morphologically distinct, but have in their larval stage a fundamental tool for identification of new invasions, complicated due to morphological differentiation.


2.1. Samples collection

Adult specimens of each species were collected, placed in ethanol 70% and stored at -20°C. Table 1 shows the origin and collection points of the bivalves involved in this work. Limnopena fortunei was collected manually in the Rio Grande and C. fluminea by dragged sandbank in the mouth of Urucuia river.

Table 1.
Collection points for each of the species used in this work.

All the collected bivalves were deposited in the collection of the Museum of Zoology of the Federal University of São Paulo.

2.2. DNA extraction

Following the material identification, separation of the foot and parts of the mantle was performed for DNA extraction. Scalpel blades were changed and tweezers were sterilized between specimens. For DNA extraction, the manufacturer's recommendations (Invitrogen) were followed. The tissues were digested for 3,5 hours in a dry bath at 55°C and then subjected to the extraction protocol as instructed by the kit.

2.3. PCR

PCR was performed using universal primers for the gene sequence of the 18S ribosomal cytoplasmic RNA used by Ludwig et al. (2011)LUDWIG, S.; PATELLA, R.; STOIEV, S.; CASTILHO-WESTPHAL S.; GIROTTO M. V. G; OSTRENSKY, A. A molecular method to detect and identify the native species of southwestern Atlantic Crassostrea (Mollusca: Ostreidae). Zoologia, v. 28, n. 4, p 420-426, 2011.
. Primer Forward: 5'-GCCCTATCAACTTACGATGGTA-3' and primer Reverse: 5'-GATCGTCTTCGAACCTCTG-3'. The program used was: 94°C for 4 minutes; 32 cycles of 94°C for 30 seconds, 70ºC for 1,5 minutes, 70°C for 1 minute and extension at 70°C for 3 minutes extras. 100 ng of the extracted DNA, 0.05 U μL-1 of Platinum Taq DNA (ThermoFisher), 0.02 of μM primers were used for the reaction; 4 mM MgCl2; 0.04 mM of dNTP was added for a final reaction of 20 μL, with the volume adjusted with nuclease-free water. 1% agarose gel electrophoresis was performed.

2.4. Sequencing

The samples were sequenced by capillary electrophoresis in ABI3130 apparatus using POP7 polymer and BigDye v3.1, performed by Myleus Biotechnology ( The comparison and confirmation of the sequences obtained were performed through the Basic Local Alignment Search (BLAST) program, available at and was deposited in GenBank (identified by codes: Limnoperna fortunei: MG674670 and Corbicula fluminea: MG674669) of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The sequences were aligned and analyzed in the BioEdit program (available at:

2.5. Enzyme digestion

The restriction enzyme DdeI used to generate the RFLP standard was chosen according to the standards generated by the NEBcutter software (available at: The restriction digestion of the PCR products occurred at 37°C for 2 hours in a total volume of 10 μl (7 μl of PCR product, 10 U μL-1 of DdeI [Promega] in 1X Buffer 10 mM Tris-HCl [PH 7.4], 50 mM NaCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1mM DTT, 0.5 mg mL-1 BSA, 0.01% Triton® X-100 and 50% glycerol [Promega]). The electrophoresis with the digested fragments was performed on a 1% agarose gel.


The amplification of the 18S rRNA gene for invasive bivalves with about 700 base pairs (bp) is shown in Figure 1. The pattern of bands generated by the enzymatic digestion created distinct profiles among the species under study (Figure 2); for L. fortunei a band of ~100 bp is observed (Figure 2, lane 2) nonexistent for C. fluminea (Figure 2, lane 3). The observed pattern was the same for all replicates (L. fortunei, n = 14; C. fluminea, n = 11), which shows that the PCR-RFLP protocol described here can be applied for discrimination between invasive bivalve species. In addition, the results found for L. fortunei (n = 15) samples, which were collected at 2000 km to the North, and for C. fluminea (n = 13), collected at 780 km to the East of the original collection points, were identical, indicating that this method can be applied in other regions of Brazil.

The RFLP assay is quite robust and rapid for distinguishing larvae from L. fortunei and C. fluminea by performing only one detection test. The advantage of this method compared with the use of specific markers and Real Time PCR is to show a standard in agarose gel for the golden mussel, and in the absence of this we can confirm the presence of Asian clam. Due to the high genetic similarity between the other representatives of different species of Corbicula (Sousa et al., 2007SOUSA, R.; FREIRE R.; RUFINO, M.; MÉNDEZ, J.; GASPAR, M.; ANTUNES, C. et al. Genetic and shell morphological variability of the invasive bivalve Corbicula fluminea (Muller, 1774) in two Portuguese estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf. Science,v. 74, n. 1-2, p. 166-174, 2007.
), it would be hard to differentiate them among other species such as C. largillierti or C. fluminlais, for example Ludwig et al., 2014LUDWIG, S.; TSCHÁ, M. K.; PATELLA, R.; OLIVEIRA, A. J.; BOEGER,W. A. Looking for a needle in a haystack: molecular detection of larvae of invasive Corbicula clams. Management of biological Invasions, v. 5, n. 2, p. 143-149, 2014.). However, C.fluminea is a model organism for this study due to its vast dispersion (McMahon, 2000MCMAHON, R. F. Invasive characteristics of the freshwater bivalve Corbicula fluminea. In: CLAUDI, R. Nonindigenous Freshwater Organisms: Vectors, Biology and Impacts. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, 2000. p. 315-343.; Prezant and Chalermwat, 1984PREZANT, R. S.; CHALERMWAT, K. Floatation bivalve Corbicula fluminea as a means of dispersal. Science, v. 225, n. 4669, p. 1491- 1493, 1984.) and a massive expansion in sandy rivers (Hakenkamp and Palmer, 1999HAKENKAMP, C. C.; PALMER, A. M. Introduced bivalves in freshwater ecosystems: the impact of Corbicula on organic matter dynamics in a sandy stream. Oecologia. v. 119, n. 3, p. 445-451, 1999.) like many spots in the São Francisco river basin, one of the most hydroelectric-potential rivers in Brazil. Standardizing a new form of fast and accurate detection of an invasive bivalve with the potential for ecological and economic damages such as L. fortunei is a tool of paramount importance in the work of state agencies or their contractors that manage hydroelectric power plants. This test will be useful to monitor the introduction and possible dispersion of these bivalves in Brazil and South America, either by inlays in ship hulls, presence in ballast water or due to the aquaculture (Mansur et al., 2004bMANSUR, M. C. D.; QUEVEDO, C. B.; SANTOS, C. P.; CALLIL, C. T. Prováveis vias da introdução de Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Mytilidae) na bacia da laguna dos Patos, Rio Grande do Sul e novos registros de invasão no Brasil pelas bacias do Paraná e Paraguai. In: SILVA, J. S.V. da; SOUZA, R. C. C. L. de.. Água de lastro e bioinvasão Rio de Janeiro: Interciências, 2004b. p. 33-38. ).

Considering the issue of biological invasions, it was suggested that work be done on prevention, an efficient alert system, a rapid response, and afterward work on invasion management (European Commission, 2013EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Proposal for a regulation of the European parliament and of the council on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species. 2013. Available:
). Although easily distinguishable in adulthood, there is a difficulty, based on traditional morphological methods, to accurately differentiate the larvae of L. fortunei and C. fluminea (Ludwig et al., 2014LUDWIG, S.; TSCHÁ, M. K.; PATELLA, R.; OLIVEIRA, A. J.; BOEGER,W. A. Looking for a needle in a haystack: molecular detection of larvae of invasive Corbicula clams. Management of biological Invasions, v. 5, n. 2, p. 143-149, 2014.). Thus, a rapid identification, whether of adult organism and/or its larvae, becomes necessary to identify newly invaded environments. The PCR-RFLP method is an assay that fulfills all these requirements. It is also a low-cost method which has the possibility of obtaining satisfactory results without the cost of sequencing the samples (Marescaux and Van Doninck, 2013MARESCAUX, J.; VAN DONINCK, K. Using DNA barcoding to differentiate invasive Dreissena species (Mollusca, Bivalvia). ZooKeys, v. 365, p. 235 - 244, 2013.

Figure 1.
Amplification of 18S rRNA gene for invasive bivalves. Lane 1: 1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder (Thermo Scientific); lanes 2 and 3: 18S rRNA gene from L. fortunei and C. fluminea, respectively; lane 4: negative control of the reaction with the absence of DNA.

Figure 2.
RFLP pattern for invasive bivalves. Lane 1: 100 bp Plus DNA Ladder RTU (Avati); lane 2: L. fortunei standard, evidencing the band of 100 bp, nonexistent for C. fluminea; lane 3: RFLP standard for C. fluminea.


This work showed that the PCR-RFLP can be used as a simple and rapid method to detect larvae of the golden mussel and species of Asian Clam, especially in samples with presence of larvae detected in morphological analyses. The clear RFLP pattern presented can help to confirm these invaders in watersheds, especially in environments with hydroelectric units. However, we recommend using the Ludwig et al. (2014)LUDWIG, S.; TSCHÁ, M. K.; PATELLA, R.; OLIVEIRA, A. J.; BOEGER,W. A. Looking for a needle in a haystack: molecular detection of larvae of invasive Corbicula clams. Management of biological Invasions, v. 5, n. 2, p. 143-149, 2014. test if a 100 bp band is found in the PCR-RFLR tests and there is a need to confirm the presence of the Asian Clam.

New studies should also be conducted to assess the potential risks of these biological invasions (Pie et al., 2006aPIE, M. R.; RIBEIRO, R. O.; BOEGER, W. A.; OSTRESKY, A.; FALLEIROS, R. M.; ANGELO, L. A simple PCR‐RFLP method for the discrimination of native and introduced oyster species (Crassostrea brasiliana, C. rhizophorae and C. gigas; Bivalvia: Ostreidae) cultured in Southern Brazil. Aquaculture Research, v. 37, n. 15, p. 1598-1600, 2006a.
, Marescaux and Van Doninck, 2013MARESCAUX, J.; VAN DONINCK, K. Using DNA barcoding to differentiate invasive Dreissena species (Mollusca, Bivalvia). ZooKeys, v. 365, p. 235 - 244, 2013.
), and reiterate that regardless of the choice, differents methods should be used for detection these mussels with the intention of getting more robust results in monitoring.


Acknowledgments to the Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais (CEMIG) for financial support. To Dr. Carlo Cunha for the assistance and technical discussions. To Amanda Cocovick for the sample collection used in this work. To the Prof. Dr. Erika Cristina Jorge (Laboratory of Oral and Developmental Biology, Federal University of Minas Gerais), Dr. Mariana de Paula Reis and Prof. Dr. Andrea Maria Amaral Nascimento (Laboratory of Microorganisms Genetics, Federal University of Minas Gerais) for the use of the laboratory facilities.


  • AVELAR, W. E. P. Moluscos bivalves. Biodiversidade de Estado de São Paulo, Brasil: síntese do conhecimento ao final do século XX. In: ISMAEL, D.; VALENTI, W. C.; MATSUMURA-TUNDISI, T.; ROCHA, O. (Eds.). Invertebrados de água doce. São Paulo: Fapesp, 1999. Vol. 4. p. 65-68.
  • BEASLEY, C. R.; TAGLIARO, C. H.; FIGUEIREDO, W. B. The occurrence of the Asian clam Corbicula fluminea in the Lower Amazon Basin. Acta Amazonica, v. 33, n. 2, p 317-324, 2003.
  • BOUDRY. P.; HEURTEHISE S.; COLLET, B.; COMELLE, F.; GÉRARD, A. Differentiation between populations of the Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulata (Lamark) and the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg), revealed by mtDNA RFLP analysis. Jornal of Experimental Marine Biology and ecology, v. 2, n. 31, p. 279-291, 1998.
  • BRUGNOLI, E.; CLEMENTE, J.; BOCCARDI, L.; BORTHAGARAY, A.; SCARABINO, F. Golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) distribution in the main hydrographical basins of Uruguay: update and predictions. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 77, n. 2, p. 235-244, 2005.
  • CALLIL, C. T.; MANSUR, M. C. D. Corbiculidade in the Pantanal: History of invasion in southeast and central South America and biometrical data. Amazoniana, v. 17, n. 1-2, p. 153-167, 2002.
  • DARRIGRAN, G.; MANSUR, M. C. D. Distribuição, abundância e dispersão. In: DARRIGRAN, G.; DAMBORENEA, C. Bio-invasion del mejillón dourado en el continente americano. La Plata: Edulp, 2006. p. 93-110.
  • DARRIGRAN, G. Limnoperna fortunei: ¿Um problema para los sistemas naturales de água dulce del Mercosur? Museo, v. 1, n. 5, p. 85-87, 1995.
  • ENDO, N.; SATO, K.; NOGATA, Y. Molecular based method for the detection and quantification of larvae of the golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei using real-time PCR. Plankton and Benthos Research, v. 4, n. 3, p. 125-128, 2009.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Proposal for a regulation of the European parliament and of the council on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species. 2013. Available:
  • GARLAND, E. D.; ZIMMER C. A. Techniques for the identification of bivalve larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series, v. 225, p. 299-310, 2002.
  • HAKENKAMP, C. C.; PALMER, A. M. Introduced bivalves in freshwater ecosystems: the impact of Corbicula on organic matter dynamics in a sandy stream. Oecologia. v. 119, n. 3, p. 445-451, 1999.
  • ITUARTE, C. F. Primeira notícia acerca de la presencia de pelecípodos asiáticos en el área rioplatense. Neotrópica, v. 27, p. 79-82, 1981.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    25 Aug 2017
  • Accepted
    26 Mar 2018
Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais em Bacias Hidrográficas Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais em Bacias Hidrográficas (IPABHi), Estrada Mun. Dr. José Luis Cembranelli, 5000, Taubaté, SP, Brasil, CEP 12081-010 - Taubaté - SP - Brazil