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Combating violence against children and adolescents: a challenge for Brazilian society

The idea of childhood has varied over the centuries and between cultures. According to Narodowski, childhood is a historical phenomenon and not merely a natural one, and in the West its primary characteristics can be classified as heteronomy, dependence and obedience to an adult in exchange for protection11. Narodowski M. Infância e poder: a conformação da pedagogia moderna [tese] [Internet]. São Paulo: Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação; 1993 [acesso 1º mar 2018]. p. 23-58. Disponível:
. This perspective is in line with Philippe Ariès’s proposition, which suggests that we must accept that childhood, as it is understood today, did not exist before the sixteenth century22. Ariès P. História social da criança e da família. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar; 1973. p. 10..

Ariès’s statement allows us to understand that throughout history, and even in prehistory, the idea of a child or the concept of childhood did not exist. Even if there is no evidence, since there are no pictorial records or artefacts that prove this, this situation is attributed to high infant mortality. Extremely harsh living conditions for all – adults and children – are also a likely cause of life expectancy to have been only 20 or 30 years, according to studies of hunter-gatherer human fossils that existed thousands of years ago 33. Deaton A. A grande saída: saúde, riqueza e as origens da desigualdade. Rio de Janeiro: Intrínseca; 2017..

In Imperial Rome birth was not a biological fact and newborns only came into the world, or rather, they were only received into society by virtue of a decision by the head of the family; contraception, abortion, the abandonment of free-born children, and the infanticide of children of slaves were therefore customary and perfectly legal practices44. Veyne P. Do ventre materno ao testamento. In: Veyne P, organizador. História da vida privada 1: do império romano ao ano mil. São Paulo: Companhia da Letras; 1994. p. 23-43. p. 23.. In this society the father exercised the right to give a child his or her social life by raising it from the ground, where he or she was placed by the midwife, to state that the father grants him/her the right to life. Unrecognized babies were abandoned on the street or thrown in the dumps where very few survived 44. Veyne P. Do ventre materno ao testamento. In: Veyne P, organizador. História da vida privada 1: do império romano ao ano mil. São Paulo: Companhia da Letras; 1994. p. 23-43. p. 23..

In the Middle Ages, the situation of the unborn changed somewhat; their right to survive at birth was no longer a paternal prerogative, but stemmed directly from their mothers’ circumstances. Babies younger than 2 years in particular suffered from frightening disregard, with parents considering it unwise to invest much time or effort in a ‘poor sighing animal’ who was so likely to die at a young age55. Heywood C. Uma história da infância: da idade média à época contemporânea no Ocidente. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2004. p. 87..

As Ariès records, in the Middle Ages, before the children’s schooling, children shared the same places and situations of social interaction with adults, both in the domestic sphere, at work and at festivities. In medieval society there was no territorial and activity division depending on the age of individuals, there was no sense of childhood or an elaborate representation of this phase of life44. Veyne P. Do ventre materno ao testamento. In: Veyne P, organizador. História da vida privada 1: do império romano ao ano mil. São Paulo: Companhia da Letras; 1994. p. 23-43. p. 23..

But even though children shared the daily life of their elders, especially after being considered fit for work (usually around seven years of age) or marriage (between nine or ten years of age), the funerary sculptures of the period recall the precariousness of children’s lives. Babies, placed in narrow cribs, under poor hygienic conditions and precariously breastfeeding, died in large numbers:

In common or peasant environments, infant mortality was considerable at the time of the plagues (1348-1430). From that moment, and even more from the fifteenth century onwards, infanticide (by suffocation) was no longer an exceptional phenomenon, and abandonment had become sufficiently numerous (...) Babies, especially females, were very fragile and at times unwanted, so that attachment to them had to withstand the severe duress of poverty 66. Roncière C. A vida privada dos notáveis toscanos no limiar da Renascença. In: Duby G, organizador. História da vida privada 2: da Europa feudal à Renascença. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras; 1994. p. 163-309. p. 223-4..

Sexual violence also loomed over childhood, especially over girls who were victims of rape, although sodomy crimes against boys also appeared in court records .77. Vigarello G. A história do estupro: violência sexual nos séculos XVI-XX. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar; 1998. p. 40. Associated with seduction, loss of virginity and harm to the honour of the father or husband, in a period in which crime against property was considered more distressing than crimes against the person, the laws and punishment varied according to the social class of the accusers and of the victim, due to the fact that there was a third party register of reaction to the act (cries and tears) and of other physical marks, such as bruises and cuts. Rape was intimately associated with sin and tainted the victim as well: The victim of sexual violence belongs, albeit confusingly, to the same record of rejection88. Vigarello G. A história do estupro: violência sexual nos séculos XVI-XX. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar; 1998. p. 37..

In the period between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the family ties between the parents and the newborn remained tenuous. It was customary for the bourgeoisie to make use of the service of wet nurses, and the baby’s stay with the family was rare. It is estimated that in Tuscany only 23% of the wet nurses lived in the homes of their employers 66. Roncière C. A vida privada dos notáveis toscanos no limiar da Renascença. In: Duby G, organizador. História da vida privada 2: da Europa feudal à Renascença. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras; 1994. p. 163-309. p. 223-4.. Most of the time the newborns were taken to the wet nurses’ homes, competing with the wet nurses’ children themselves and with other children the wet nurses received for breastfeeding. When the newborns did not die, they were returned to the families at around the age of two, but there were cases of children who stayed with the wet nurses until they were much older 66. Roncière C. A vida privada dos notáveis toscanos no limiar da Renascença. In: Duby G, organizador. História da vida privada 2: da Europa feudal à Renascença. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras; 1994. p. 163-309. p. 223-4., demonstrating their secondary role in the family structure.

Forna emphasizes that until the eighteenth century, childhood was brief and harsh. The mother-child relationship so exalted in modern times barely existed99. Forna A. Mãe de todos os mitos: uma breve história da maternidade. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro; 1999. p. 36.. Among the peasantry, the needs of the child were superseded by all other activities related to the house, the work in the field and the well-being of the other members of the family. Thus, housework, cooking, planting, caring for animals and the sick had priority over parental care:

The child was born and, if he or she survived (which was a big “if”), received only the sustenance that was deemed necessary and very little attention. At a certain age, the child entered into adult life, which for the most part meant being put to work (...) Childhood was not, as we believe today, a distinct state of growth, of vulnerability and innocence, which requires special attention. Children were not just “small people”, but much worse. It was believed that man was born in sin and it was the duty of parents to instil their moral sense (usually by the force of beatings) 99. Forna A. Mãe de todos os mitos: uma breve história da maternidade. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro; 1999. p. 36..

But the difficulties children went through were not restricted to the old world. Accounts of the Guayaki people, hunter-gatherers previously known also as Aché, who inhabited the jungles of Paraguay, say that when an important member of the group died, they used to sacrifice a female child and bury her with the dead, probably believing that action would make life after death easier. Another of the many reports capable of shocking contemporary sensibility is that babies born with no hair were considered undeveloped and killed immediately 1010. Clastres P. Crônica dos índios Guayaki: o que sabem os Aché, caçadores nômades do Paraguai. São Paulo: Editora 34; 1995..

In Brazil, the perception and treatment of children during the colonial period was not very different, since the slave society greatly reinforced violence in relationships. Del Priore reports that in the nineteenth century, 4% of slaves brought to trade in the market of Cais do Valongo, in the then capital of the country, Rio de Janeiro, were children, of whom only one-third survived to 10 years of age 1111. Del Priore M. História das crianças no Brasil. São Paulo: Contexto; 2006. p. 10.. Many of them were forced to work from the age of four. In fact, child labour continued to be seen by some segments as “the best school”1111. Del Priore M. História das crianças no Brasil. São Paulo: Contexto; 2006. p. 10. until the end of the nineteenth century.

Nowadays, our perspective on childhood has altered radically. In the twentieth century this notion was consolidated universally, supported even in international documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which in its article 25, paragraph 2, states: Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection1212. Organização das Nações Unidas. Declaração universal dos direitos humanos [Internet]. Brasília: Unesco; 1998 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. art. 25. Disponível:
. Throughout the 1960s and subsequent decades, different international documents also noted the need to meet the educational, health, physical, intellectual and emotional needs of children and young people 1313. Brasil. Presidência da República, Casa Civil, Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Decreto nº 591, de 6 de julho de 1992. Atos internacionais. Pacto internacional sobre direitos econômicos, sociais e culturais. Promulgação [Internet]. Diário Oficial da União. Brasília; 7 jul 1992 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. Disponível:

14. Organização das Nações Unidas. Relatório da Conferência Internacional sobre População e Desenvolvimento. Plataforma de Cairo [Internet]. 5-13 set 1994 [acesso 16 fev 2018]; Cairo, Egito. Disponível:

15. Organização das Nações Unidas. Declaração e plataforma de ação da IV Conferência Mundial sobre a Mulher [Internet]. Pequim; 1995 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. Disponível:
-1616. Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância. A convenção sobre os direitos da criança [Internet]. New York: ONU; 1989 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. Disponível:

By ratifying these documents, and even enacting the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) [Child and Adolescent Statute] 1717. Brasil. Estatuto da criança e do adolescente. Lei nº 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990 [Internet]. Rio de Janeiro: Centro de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente; 2017 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. Disponível:
, Brazil expresses its intention to protect children, protecting the most vulnerable from maltreatment and violence that had hitherto been trivialized and gone unpunished. The ECA amendment, informally called the “Slap Law”, further emphasized the banishment of physical punishment or cruel or degrading treatment to raise children 1818. Brasil. Presidência da República, Casa Civil, Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei nº 13.010, de 26 de junho de 2014. Altera a Lei nº 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990 (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente), para estabelecer o direito da criança e do adolescente de serem educados e cuidados sem o uso de castigos físicos ou de tratamento cruel ou degradante, e altera a Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996 [Internet]. Diário Oficial da União. Brasília; 27 jun 2014 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. Disponível:
. But what is seen on the streets and recorded by the media is that violence against children persists in the country and worldwide.

If the three powers of the Republic, families and society were to comply with articles 3, 4 and 7 of the ECA, we would not have generations of children abandoned on the streets of our cities. In a 1953 publication, José Carlos Oliveira, a Jornal do Brasil columnist, already described the drama of abandoning these beings in the streets of Rio, he appealed to politicians to do whatever wrongs they want, steal, but do not stop looking after and taking care of children, thus predicting the impending violence 1919. Oliveira JC. O Rio é assim: a crônica de uma cidade (1953-1984). Rio de Janeiro: Agir; 2005. p. 71..

Material published by the Brazilian government reported in May 2017 that the “Dial 100” call centre received, in 2015 and 2016, 37 thousand reports of crime involving people up to 18 years of age. Most of the victims were girls. (...) Most of the reports related to crimes of sexual abuse (72%) and sexual exploitation (20%)2020. Brasil. Dia nacional contra abuso sexual de crianças e jovens é celebrado nesta quinta (18) [Internet]. Portal Brasil. 18 maio 2017 [acesso 15 fev 2018]; Cidadania e Justiça. Disponível:
. With respect to male adolescent children (10 to 19 years old), Brazil is also among the five worst among the nations that are experiencing the formal situation of armed conflicts 2121. Verdélio A. Unicef: violência mata uma criança ou um adolescente a cada 7 minutos [Internet]. Agência Brasil. 1º nov 2017 [acesso 15 fev 2018]; Direitos Humanos. Disponível:

The situation is not restricted only to Brazil. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef), 24,500 homicides of children and adolescents - unrelated to armed conflicts - occurred in Latin America and the Caribbean, which have the highest rates of homicide in a state of peace 1919. Oliveira JC. O Rio é assim: a crônica de uma cidade (1953-1984). Rio de Janeiro: Agir; 2005. p. 71. 2121. Verdélio A. Unicef: violência mata uma criança ou um adolescente a cada 7 minutos [Internet]. Agência Brasil. 1º nov 2017 [acesso 15 fev 2018]; Direitos Humanos. Disponível:
. The homicide rate per 100,000 people in this age group is also high in Venezuela (97), Colombia (71), El Salvador (66) and Honduras (65) 2222. Caesar G. Brasil tem a 5ª pior taxa de homicídios de crianças e adolescentes, diz Unicef [Internet]. G1. 1º nov 2017 [acesso 15 fev 2018]; Mundo. Disponível:

If the region stands out in child maltreatment, the rest of the world is not far behind, as Unicef studies show that every 7 minutes a child or teenager, between 10 and 19 years old, dies somewhere in the world, a victim of homicide, or of some form of armed conflict or collective violence2121. Verdélio A. Unicef: violência mata uma criança ou um adolescente a cada 7 minutos [Internet]. Agência Brasil. 1º nov 2017 [acesso 15 fev 2018]; Direitos Humanos. Disponível:
. As Unicef acknowledges 2121. Verdélio A. Unicef: violência mata uma criança ou um adolescente a cada 7 minutos [Internet]. Agência Brasil. 1º nov 2017 [acesso 15 fev 2018]; Direitos Humanos. Disponível:
, homicide is often the last stage of a series of adverse circumstances to which children are subjected.

Corporal punishment in early childhood (which sometimes kills or leaves permanent aftereffects), violence in schools (widespread among students who usually harass one another and even their teachers), sexual violence (especially in the domestic sphere among all social classes) and armed conflicts (which, in the case of Brazil, refer mainly to groups engaged in the trafficking of drugs, arms and women) also affect the lives of children, damaging their physical and mental health.

A systematic review published in 2016 shows that in Brazil negligence was the most frequent form of violence, accounting for about two-thirds of all records, and was predominant in children younger than one year of age, with physical violence prevalent amongst older children. In two-thirds of the incidents, the likely perpetrator of violence was a relative of the child. Women were the most frequent aggressor of children under the age of one, and men of children between 6 and 9 years of age 2323. Nunes AJ, Sales MCV. Violência contra crianças no cenário brasileiro. Ciênc Saúde Coletiva [Internet]. 2016 [acesso 22 fev 2018];21(3):871-80. Disponível:

Even cellular technology, with the use of the internet and its apps, social media and other technological advances, which play a fundamental role in our lives and in the cognitive and intellectual development of children and adolescents, has often been used to harm, leading to bullying and sexual harassment, for example. In addition to addiction, the use of such equipment can cause physical and mental problems caused by overuse.

Several entities are struggling to reverse this situation, such as the Guardianship Council, the Civil Districts of Infancy and Adolescence, the Brazilian Society of Paediatrics and its 27 affiliates, the Brazilian Federal Council of Medicine, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and its Missing Persons Identification and Placement Program, the Institute for Migration and Human Rights, the UN Refugee Agency and others, try to protect them. Even so, data indicates that in Brazil children and adolescents correspond to 18% of refugees, which probably increases even more the violence to which this age group is exposed 2424. Instituto Migrações e Direitos Humanos. Refugiados e refugiadas: quem são? [Internet]. 6 jan 2014 [acesso 22 fev 2018]. Disponível:
,2525. Agência das Nações Unidas para os Refugiados. Declaração e plano de ação do Brasil [Internet]. 3 dez 2014 [acesso 22 fev 2018]. Disponível:
. Data from the Missing Persons Identification and Placement Program, drawn up by the São Paulo Public Prosecutor’s Office, show that in five years 8,802 children and 45,866 adolescents in São Paulo disappeared. 15% of them were never found 2626. Ferreira S. Tráfico de pessoas sob a forma de colheita de órgãos, adoção ilegal e prostituição [Internet]. In: II Encontro Hispânico-Brasileiro de Saúde e Direitos Humanos; 31 out-1º nov 2017 [acesso 28 fev 2018]; Brasília. Disponível:

These troubling numbers indicate that the fight against violence in our society is a task that we still need to face. Violence against children is the first manifestation of a widespread phenomenon, which affects teenagers, young people, the elderly, the disabled, women, indigenous people, the black population, migrants, and people who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestites and transgender (LGBTT), especially if they also belong to the poorest social segments. This intergenerational label that transports violence to the future must be eradicated as soon as possible so that we can aim for a truly autonomous and emancipated society. For this, it is never too much to remember, it is imperative to always promote wide, general and unrestricted education for all Brazilian citizens: an education based on ethics and citizenship. Only then can justice be achieved.


  • 1
    Narodowski M. Infância e poder: a conformação da pedagogia moderna [tese] [Internet]. São Paulo: Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação; 1993 [acesso 1º mar 2018]. p. 23-58. Disponível:
  • 2
    Ariès P. História social da criança e da família. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar; 1973. p. 10.
  • 3
    Deaton A. A grande saída: saúde, riqueza e as origens da desigualdade. Rio de Janeiro: Intrínseca; 2017.
  • 4
    Veyne P. Do ventre materno ao testamento. In: Veyne P, organizador. História da vida privada 1: do império romano ao ano mil. São Paulo: Companhia da Letras; 1994. p. 23-43. p. 23.
  • 5
    Heywood C. Uma história da infância: da idade média à época contemporânea no Ocidente. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2004. p. 87.
  • 6
    Roncière C. A vida privada dos notáveis toscanos no limiar da Renascença. In: Duby G, organizador. História da vida privada 2: da Europa feudal à Renascença. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras; 1994. p. 163-309. p. 223-4.
  • 7
    Vigarello G. A história do estupro: violência sexual nos séculos XVI-XX. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar; 1998. p. 40.
  • 8
    Vigarello G. A história do estupro: violência sexual nos séculos XVI-XX. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar; 1998. p. 37.
  • 9
    Forna A. Mãe de todos os mitos: uma breve história da maternidade. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro; 1999. p. 36.
  • 10
    Clastres P. Crônica dos índios Guayaki: o que sabem os Aché, caçadores nômades do Paraguai. São Paulo: Editora 34; 1995.
  • 11
    Del Priore M. História das crianças no Brasil. São Paulo: Contexto; 2006. p. 10.
  • 12
    Organização das Nações Unidas. Declaração universal dos direitos humanos [Internet]. Brasília: Unesco; 1998 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. art. 25. Disponível:
  • 13
    Brasil. Presidência da República, Casa Civil, Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Decreto nº 591, de 6 de julho de 1992. Atos internacionais. Pacto internacional sobre direitos econômicos, sociais e culturais. Promulgação [Internet]. Diário Oficial da União. Brasília; 7 jul 1992 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. Disponível:
  • 14
    Organização das Nações Unidas. Relatório da Conferência Internacional sobre População e Desenvolvimento. Plataforma de Cairo [Internet]. 5-13 set 1994 [acesso 16 fev 2018]; Cairo, Egito. Disponível:
  • 15
    Organização das Nações Unidas. Declaração e plataforma de ação da IV Conferência Mundial sobre a Mulher [Internet]. Pequim; 1995 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. Disponível:
  • 16
    Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância. A convenção sobre os direitos da criança [Internet]. New York: ONU; 1989 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. Disponível:
  • 17
    Brasil. Estatuto da criança e do adolescente. Lei nº 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990 [Internet]. Rio de Janeiro: Centro de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente; 2017 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. Disponível:
  • 18
    Brasil. Presidência da República, Casa Civil, Subchefia para Assuntos Jurídicos. Lei nº 13.010, de 26 de junho de 2014. Altera a Lei nº 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990 (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente), para estabelecer o direito da criança e do adolescente de serem educados e cuidados sem o uso de castigos físicos ou de tratamento cruel ou degradante, e altera a Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996 [Internet]. Diário Oficial da União. Brasília; 27 jun 2014 [acesso 16 fev 2018]. Disponível:
  • 19
    Oliveira JC. O Rio é assim: a crônica de uma cidade (1953-1984). Rio de Janeiro: Agir; 2005. p. 71.
  • 20
    Brasil. Dia nacional contra abuso sexual de crianças e jovens é celebrado nesta quinta (18) [Internet]. Portal Brasil. 18 maio 2017 [acesso 15 fev 2018]; Cidadania e Justiça. Disponível:
  • 21
    Verdélio A. Unicef: violência mata uma criança ou um adolescente a cada 7 minutos [Internet]. Agência Brasil. 1º nov 2017 [acesso 15 fev 2018]; Direitos Humanos. Disponível:
  • 22
    Caesar G. Brasil tem a 5ª pior taxa de homicídios de crianças e adolescentes, diz Unicef [Internet]. G1. 1º nov 2017 [acesso 15 fev 2018]; Mundo. Disponível:
  • 23
    Nunes AJ, Sales MCV. Violência contra crianças no cenário brasileiro. Ciênc Saúde Coletiva [Internet]. 2016 [acesso 22 fev 2018];21(3):871-80. Disponível:
  • 24
    Instituto Migrações e Direitos Humanos. Refugiados e refugiadas: quem são? [Internet]. 6 jan 2014 [acesso 22 fev 2018]. Disponível:
  • 25
    Agência das Nações Unidas para os Refugiados. Declaração e plano de ação do Brasil [Internet]. 3 dez 2014 [acesso 22 fev 2018]. Disponível:
  • 26
    Ferreira S. Tráfico de pessoas sob a forma de colheita de órgãos, adoção ilegal e prostituição [Internet]. In: II Encontro Hispânico-Brasileiro de Saúde e Direitos Humanos; 31 out-1º nov 2017 [acesso 28 fev 2018]; Brasília. Disponível:

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    Jan-Apr 2018
Conselho Federal de Medicina SGAS 915, lote 72, CEP 70390-150, Tel.: (55 61) 3445-5932, Fax: (55 61) 3346-7384 - Brasília - DF - Brazil