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WHAT MAKES AN ISSUE RELEVANT TO NEWSPAPER EDITORIALS? An empirical approach to criteria of editorial-worthiness

O QUE TORNA UM ASSUNTO RELEVANTE PARA EDITORIAIS JORNALÍSTICOS? Uma abordagem empírica sobre os critérios de editorialidade

QUÉ DEBE TENER UN ASUNTO PARA QUE SEA DISCUTIDO EN EDITORIALES? Un enfoque empírico para los criterios de editorialidad


Although journalism studies rely on a well-grounded debate about news values, there are fewer investigations about the values used to select a topic in newspaper editorials. By tackling the concept of editorial-worthiness, this article aims to empirically examine which editorial values influence how news organizations build their institutional opinions. Methodologically, we use content analysis to find out what makes a topic worth being addressed in 840 editorials published by Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo (two Brazilian mainstream newspapers) in 2007 and 2017. Our results reveal that “topicality,” “the power elite,” and “conflict” are the most frequent editorial values in both organizations, showing some parallel with news values, although not a complete overlap. Lastly, our framework provides a key contribution to disclosing the similarities and singularities typical of different cultures concerning editorial journalism, offering the opportunity to think about journalism research and practice more broadly.

Key words
Journalism studies; News values; Criteria of editorial-worthiness; Editorial journalism; Editorial values


Embora os estudos sobre jornalismo partam de um debate consolidado sobre valores notícia, existem menos investigações a respeito dos valores utilizados para selecionar um assunto em editoriais. Partindo do conceito de editorialidade, este artigo procura examinar empiricamente quais valores editoriais influenciam em como as organizações noticiosas constroem suas opiniões institucionais. Metodologicamente, usamos Análise de Conteúdo para descobrir o que faz um assunto ser abordado em 840 editoriais publicados por Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo em 2007 e 2017. Os resultados mostram que “topicalidade”, “elites” e “conflito” são os valores editoriais mais frequentes nas duas publicações, mostrando algum paralelo com os valores notícia, embora não haja uma sobreposição completa. Nosso trabalho oferece uma contribuição crucial para revelar similaridades e singularidades típicas de diferentes culturas editoriais, oferecendo a oportunidade de refletir sobre pesquisa e prática jornalística de forma mais ampla.

Estudos de jornalismo; Valores notícia; Critérios de editorialidade; Jornalismo editorial; Valores editoriais


Aún que los estudios sobre periodismo estén consolidados acerca de los valores noticia, hay menos investigaciones acerca de los valores que se usan para seleccionar un asunto en editoriales. Este artículo parte del concepto de editorialidad para analizar empíricamente que valores editoriales afectan como los media crean sus opiniones institucionales. Nosotros usamos análisis de contenido para averiguar lo que hace que un asunto sea tratado en 840 editoriales publicados por Folha de S.Paulo y O Estado de S. Paulo, dos de los principales periódicos de Brasil. Los resultados muestran que “topicalidad”, “élites”, y “conflicto” son los valores editoriales más frecuentes en los dos periódicos, revelando semejanza con valores noticia, aún que no haya superposición total. Nuestro trabajo ofrece una importante contribución para revelar semejanza y singularidad de distintas culturas editoriales, con la oportunidad de reflexionar acerca de la investigación y practica periodística de forma más amplia.

Palabras clave
Estudios sobre periodismo; Valores noticia; Critérios de editorialidad; Periodismo editorial; Valores editoriales

1 Introduction

Around 2:30 AM on January 27, 2013, there was a fire at the Kiss Nightclub, located in the Brazilian city of Santa Maria, during a party organized by college students. After one of the bands performing that night let off fireworks inside the club, the flare then ignited flammable acoustic foam in the ceiling. The number of people inside the club exceeded the maximum capacity, and there were not enough emergency exits, which led to 242 deaths and 680 people injured. This was the second deadliest fire in Brazil and the third largest tragedy in nightclubs in the world.

As expected, the event dominated news coverage in the following days, being the headline of Brazil’s leading newspapers and TV news shows. However, when we look at the editorial pages of the mainstream publications in the country, the fire was not so frequently addressed. What explains that an event that receives high newsworthiness does not draw the same attention when newspapers present their opinions? To answer this question, we need to go beyond the debate on news values and explore what values explain the selection of news media’s editorials.

The discussion concerning news values is well-grounded in journalism studies. A large array of theoretical and methodological tools has been developed to understand which requisites an event must fulfill to be newsworthy (Gans, 1979Gans, H. J. (1979). Deciding What’s News: A Study of CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, Newsweek, and Times. Northwestern University Press.; Harcup & O’Neill, 2001Harcup, T., & O’Neill, D. (2001). What Is News? Galtung and Ruge revisited. Journalism Studies, 2(2), 261–280. DOI: 10.1080/14616700118449
; Traquina, 2005Traquina, N. (2005). Teorias do Jornalismo - Por que as notícias são como são (Vol. 1). Insular.). Indeed, the news values proposed after the seminal study by Galtung and Ruge (1965)Galtung, J., & Ruge, M. (1965). The Structure of Foreign News: The Presentation of the Congo, Cuba and Cyprus Crises in Four Norwegian Newspapers. Journal of Peace Research, (2), 64–90. DOI: 10.1177/002234336500200104
have been tested in different contexts (Bednarek & Caple, 2017Bednarek, M., & Caple, H. (2017). The Discourse of News Values: How News Organizations Create Newsworthiness. Oxford University Press.; Brighton & Foy, 2007Brighton, P., & Foy, D. (2007). News Values. SAGE Publications.; Dalpiaz, 2011Dalpiaz, J. G. (2011). Rotinas e critérios de noticiabilidade: um estudo sobre a produção jornalística da BBC Brasil. Estudos Em Jornalismo e Mídia, 8(1). DOI: 10.5007/1984-6924.2011v8n1p213
; Fontcuberta, 1993Fontcuberta, M. de. (1993). La noticia: Pistas para percibir el mundo. Paidós.; Harcup & O’Neill, 2001Harcup, T., & O’Neill, D. (2001). What Is News? Galtung and Ruge revisited. Journalism Studies, 2(2), 261–280. DOI: 10.1080/14616700118449
, 2016; Preston, 2015Preston, P. (2015). News Values. In G. Mazzoleni (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication (pp. 1–6). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; Silva et al., 2014Silva, G., Silva, M. P., & Fernandes, M. L. (2014). Critérios de noticiabilidade: problemas conceituais e aplicações. Insular.). Nevertheless, informing is not the single role journalism plays, and opinion texts still suggest agendas and frames to the public, playing a significant role in helping people forge their positions (Eilders, 1999Eilders, C. (1999). Synchronization of Issue Agendas in News and Editorials of the Prestige Press in Germany. The International Journal of Communications Research, 24(3), 301–328. DOI: 10.1515/comm.1999.24.3.301
; Espinosa, 2003Espinosa, P. M. (2003). Géneros para la persuasión en prensa: los editoriales del diario El País. Ámbitos, 10, 225–238.; Firmstone, 2019aFirmstone, J. (2019a). Editorial Journalism and Newspapers’ Editorial Opinions. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, 1–24. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.803

This is the case of newspaper editorials, aimed to present an organization’s opinion on issues of public concern. Editorials are relevant because they dialogue directly with elites, intervene in political debates, and call on political actors to act in a particular way (Hallock, 2007Hallock, S. (2007). Editorial and Opinion. ABC-CLIO.; Izadi & Saghaye-Biria, 2007Izadi, F., & Saghaye-Biria, H. (2007). A Discourse Analysis of Elite American Newspaper Editorials: The Case of Iran’s nuclear program. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 31(2), 140–165. DOI: 10.1177/0196859906298073
; Melo, 2003Melo, J. M. de. (2003). Jornalismo Opinativo: gêneros opinativos no Jornalismo brasileiro. Editora Mantiqueira.; Mont’Alverne et al., 2018Mont’Alverne, C., Athanásio, E., & Marques, F. P. J. (2018). The Journalist Between the Profession and the Newspaper’s Interests: Values and TRoutines in the Production of Folha de S.Paulo’s Editorials. Brazilian Journalism Research, 14(2), 384–411. DOI: 10.25200/BJR.v14n2.2018.1088
). However, literature has shown that such pieces address a more limited selection of topics when compared to news (Billeaudeaux et al., 2003Billeaudeaux, A., Domke, D., Hutcheson, J. S., & Garland, P. (2003). Newspaper Editorials Follow Lead of Bush Administration. Newspaper Research Journal, 24(1), 166–184. DOI: 10.1177/073953290302400119
; Firmstone, 2019aFirmstone, J. (2019a). Editorial Journalism and Newspapers’ Editorial Opinions. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, 1–24. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.803
; Fogoaga, 1982Fogoaga, C. (1982). Periodismo interpretativo. Mitre.; Lule, 2002Lule, J. (2002). Myth and Terror on the Editorial Page: The New York Times Responds to September 11, 2001. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 79(2), 275–293. DOI: 10.1177/107769900207900202
; Meltzer, 2007Meltzer, K. (2007). Newspaper editorial boards and the practice of endorsing candidates for political office in the United States. Journalism, 8(1), 83–103. DOI: 10.1177/1464884907072422
; Ryan, 2004). Still, the requisites an event requires to be addressed in editorials are not evident in journalism scholarship. I.e., research has yet to comprehensively assess how news organizations build their positions and which aspects are relevant in editorials’ production (Eilders, 1999Eilders, C. (1999). Synchronization of Issue Agendas in News and Editorials of the Prestige Press in Germany. The International Journal of Communications Research, 24(3), 301–328. DOI: 10.1515/comm.1999.24.3.301
; Firmstone, 2008Firmstone, J. (2008). The Editorial Production Process and Editorial Values As Influences on the Opinions of the British Press Towards Europe. Journalism Practice, 2(2), 212–229. DOI: 10.1080/17512780801999378
; Marques & Mont’Alverne, 2021Marques, F. P. J., Mont’Alverne, C., & Mitozo, I. (2021). Editorial Journalism and Political Interests: Comparing the Coverage of Dilma Rousseff’s Impeachment in Brazilian Newspapers. Journalism, 22(11), 2816–2835. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919894126

This article sets out to analyze the criteria aimed to drive editorials’ writing and publishing in newspapers. More specifically, departing from a model for carving out editorial values, we test such a model against empirical analysis. According to Marques and Mont’Alverne (2021)Marques, F. P. J., & Mont’Alverne, C. (2021). What are Newspaper Editorials Interested In? Understanding the Idea of Criteria of Editorial-Worthiness. Journalism, 22(7), 1812–1830. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919828503
, the concept of criteria of editorial-worthiness consists of (a) editorial values and (b) editorial factors, further divided into 25 items assigned to examining the elements influencing how news organizations build their opinions. However, notwithstanding the theoretical innovation, the authors and other scholars propose, the values and factors at stake still need empirical validation.

To overcome the little empirical research to date on the issue, we analyze 840 editorials published over two years (2007 and 2017) by two of the leading Brazilian quality papers: Folha de S.Paulo (FSP) and O Estado de S. Paulo (OESP). We argue that analyzing different periods may highlight some particularities regarding editorial characteristics throughout time (for example, to gather evidence for the stability of some editorial values).

This study contributes to the international community by helping to de-westernize journalism research, as strongly suggested over the last years (Cushion, 2008Cushion, S. (2008). Truly International? A Content Analysis of Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism and Journalism Studies. Journalism Practice, 2(2), 280–293. DOI: 10.1080/17512780801999477
; Hallin & Mancini, 2012Hallin, D. C., & Mancini, P. (2012). Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western world. Cambridge University Press.; Hanusch & Vos, 2019Hanusch, F., & Vos, T. P. (2019). Charting the development of a field: A systematic review of comparative studies of journalism. International Communication Gazette, 82(4), 319–341. DOI: 10.1177/1748048518822606
; Pfetsch & Berlin, 2015Pfetsch, B., & Berlin, F. U. (2015). Political Communication Culture. In G. Mazzoleni (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication (pp. 1–6). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; Waisbord & Mellado, 2014Waisbord, S., & Mellado, C. (2014). De-westernizing Communication Studies: A Reassessment. Communication Theory, 24(4), 361–372. DOI: 10.1111/comt.12044
). Journalism in Brazil combines elements from different media systems, such as separating news from opinion, strong ties between media elites and politicians or businesspeople, and high ownership concentration (Guerrero & Márquez-Ramírez, 2014Guerrero, M. A., & Márquez-Ramírez, M. (2014). Media Systems and Communication Policies in Latin America. Palgrave Macmillan.). Such traits allow us to test the empirical validity of the criteria of editorial-worthiness in a context that mixes an authoritarian tradition in politics and news (Albuquerque, 2010Albuquerque, A. (2010). A modernização autoritária do jornalismo brasileiro. Alceu, 10(20), 100–115. Retrieved from
) with attempts to replicate the mainstream American practice of journalism. There is another reason why this investigation is timely: our framework allows us to acknowledge the characteristics of published editorials even if we take into account news organizations from different countries and professional cultures (Wahl-Jorgensen, 2009Wahl-Jorgensen, K. (2009). News Production, Ethnography, and Power: On the Challenges of Newsroom-Centricity. In E. Bird (Ed.), The Anthropology of News & Journalism (pp. 21–34). Indiana University Press.; Willig, 2012Willig, I. (2012). Newsroom Ethnography in a Field Perspective. Journalism, 14(3), 372–387. DOI: 10.1177/1464884912442638

The remainder of this article is structured as follows. The next section discusses the concept of editorial-worthiness, departing from a parallel between editorial and news values. Then, we detail the research design, presenting our research question, data collection, and the operationalization of variables. After presenting the results, we review the research findings, as well as the theoretical and practical implications of our study to the research agenda.

2 Literature review

Newspaper editorials are unsigned texts intended to express institutional opinions about relevant public matters (Armañanzas & Nocí, 1996Armañanzas, E., & Nocí, J. D. (1996). Periodismo y argumentación. Géneros de opinión. Universidad del País Vasco.; Firmstone, 2019aFirmstone, J. (2019a). Editorial Journalism and Newspapers’ Editorial Opinions. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, 1–24. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.803
; Hallock, 2007Hallock, S. (2007). Editorial and Opinion. ABC-CLIO.; Melo, 1985Melo, J. M. de. (1985). A opinião no jornalismo brasileiro. Vozes.). Accordingly, editorials play a double role: they both guide readers (offering them an interpretation concerning the significant issues at stake in a given moment) and are responsible for building the public image associated with a media brand (Arbex Júnior, 1987Arbex Júnior, J. (1987). Editorial. In J. M. de. Melo (Ed.), Gêneros jornalísticos na Folha de S.Paulo (pp. 91–99). FTD.; Artemas et al., 2018Artemas, K., Vos, T. P., & Duffy, M. (2018). Journalism Hits a Wall: Rhetorical Construction of Newspapers’ Editorial and Advertising Relationship. Journalism Studies, 19(7), 1004–1020. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2016.1249006
; Eilders, 1999Eilders, C. (1999). Synchronization of Issue Agendas in News and Editorials of the Prestige Press in Germany. The International Journal of Communications Research, 24(3), 301–328. DOI: 10.1515/comm.1999.24.3.301
; Firmstone, 2019aFirmstone, J. (2019a). Editorial Journalism and Newspapers’ Editorial Opinions. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, 1–24. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.803
; Guerreiro Neto, 2016).

Besides summarizing the opinions a news organization holds, editorial texts emphasize actors and perspectives worthy of being addressed according to the perspectives of a newspaper’s editorial board (Firmstone, 2008Firmstone, J. (2008). The Editorial Production Process and Editorial Values As Influences on the Opinions of the British Press Towards Europe. Journalism Practice, 2(2), 212–229. DOI: 10.1080/17512780801999378
; Gronemeyer & Porath, 2015Gronemeyer, M. E., & Porath, W. (2015). A Study on Homogeneity between Editorials and News Sources Opinions in the Chilean Reference Press. Cuadernos.Info, (36), 139–153. DOI: 10.7764/cdi.36.567
; Marques & Mont’Alverne, 2021Marques, F. P. J., Mont’Alverne, C., & Mitozo, I. (2021). Editorial Journalism and Political Interests: Comparing the Coverage of Dilma Rousseff’s Impeachment in Brazilian Newspapers. Journalism, 22(11), 2816–2835. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919894126
). Accordingly, editorials are directly linked to the social status and credibility the public attributes to a media organization (Firmstone, 2008Firmstone, J. (2008). The Editorial Production Process and Editorial Values As Influences on the Opinions of the British Press Towards Europe. Journalism Practice, 2(2), 212–229. DOI: 10.1080/17512780801999378
; Lule, 2002Lule, J. (2002). Myth and Terror on the Editorial Page: The New York Times Responds to September 11, 2001. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 79(2), 275–293. DOI: 10.1177/107769900207900202

Usually, only trusted professionals are assigned to write editorials since this kind of content requires familiarity with the positions organizations historically adopt (Firmstone, 2008Firmstone, J. (2008). The Editorial Production Process and Editorial Values As Influences on the Opinions of the British Press Towards Europe. Journalism Practice, 2(2), 212–229. DOI: 10.1080/17512780801999378
; Mont’Alverne et al., 2018Mont’Alverne, C., Athanásio, E., & Marques, F. P. J. (2018). The Journalist Between the Profession and the Newspaper’s Interests: Values and TRoutines in the Production of Folha de S.Paulo’s Editorials. Brazilian Journalism Research, 14(2), 384–411. DOI: 10.25200/BJR.v14n2.2018.1088
; Oakes, 1964Oakes, J. B. (1964). Interview with John B [Interview]. Oral History Research Office. Retrieved from
). Since the opinions expressed in editorials do not necessarily belong to the individual who writes them, one expects their production to be driven by principles aimed to ensure some coherence even if the editorial board changes over time. Therefore, newsroom managers assume that editorialists are aware of the differences between private opinions and the opinions an organization sustains through editorials (Meltzer, 2007Meltzer, K. (2007). Newspaper editorial boards and the practice of endorsing candidates for political office in the United States. Journalism, 8(1), 83–103. DOI: 10.1177/1464884907072422
; Oakes, 1964Oakes, J. B. (1964). Interview with John B [Interview]. Oral History Research Office. Retrieved from
; Wilhoit & Drew, 1991Wilhoit, G. C., & Drew, D. G. (1991). Editorial Writers on American Daily Newspapers: a 20-Year portrait. Journalism and Communication Monographs, 129. Retrieved from:

To discuss the principles and rules guiding the construction of institutional opinions, we depart from a parallel between editorial and news production values. Thus, we deem it appropriate to discuss editorial-worthiness based on a brief recognition of newsworthiness.

When explaining why some events become news, Gans (1979)Gans, H. J. (1979). Deciding What’s News: A Study of CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, Newsweek, and Times. Northwestern University Press. stresses that news stories must be relevant (involving public issues, especially the government performance) or interesting (e.g., people stories). De Vreese (2005)de Vreese, C. H. (2005). News Framing: Theory and Typology. Information Design Journal + Document Design, 13(1), 51–62. DOI: 10.1075/idjdd.13.1.06vre
suggests internal and external factors influencing news production routines, such as the role of editors’ preferences for some political leanings, the pressure politicians and other interest groups exert over news organizations, and the grammar of journalism as a professional activity (which requires reporters to be attentive to elements like the number of people affected by an event). To summarize, a newsworthy event is generally relevant or interesting enough to have the potential of becoming news (Albæk et al., 2019Albæk, E., Hopmann, D., & Skovsgaard, M. (2019). Political Coverage. In T. P. Vos & F. Hanusch (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pp. 1–11). John Wiley & Sons.; Harcup, 2019Harcup, T. (2019). News Judgment, News Values, and Newsworthiness. In T. P. Vos & F. Hanusch (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pp. 1–8). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.).

Considering this idea, we ask if and to what extent the making of editorials is affected by the same values influencing news making. From a theoretical and practical point of view, there are noticeable differences between editorial and news – for example, editorials comment on a narrower scope of topics than the news section, focusing more on politics or the economy, while news cover a broader range of aspects, including sports or entertainment (Marques et al., 2020Marques, F. P. J., Miola, E., Mitozo, I., & Mont’Alverne, C. (2020). Similar, but not the Same: Comparing Editorial and News Agendas in Brazilian Newspapers. Journalism Practice, 14(9), 1066–1086. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1684833
; Orosa et al., 2013Orosa, B. G., García, X. L., & Santorum, S. G. (2013). Análisis de la adaptación a la red en los editoriales on line de cinco países europeos. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (68), 408–501. Retrieved from
). This is also a sign of how selective editorials need to be, considering that only a few of them are published daily. Meanwhile, news organizations produce hundreds of stories in the same period. The issues discussed in editorials may reveal how news organizations express their priorities (Eilders, 1997Eilders, C. (1997). The Impact of Editorial Content on the Political Agenda in Germany: Theoretical Assumptions and Open Questions Regarding a Neglected Subject in Mass Communication Research. WZB Discussion Papers. Retrieved from
). Accordingly, it is common for news organizations to use editorials to reinforce their principles and interests on some issues (Eilders, 1999Eilders, C. (1999). Synchronization of Issue Agendas in News and Editorials of the Prestige Press in Germany. The International Journal of Communications Research, 24(3), 301–328. DOI: 10.1515/comm.1999.24.3.301
; Firmstone, 2008Firmstone, J. (2008). The Editorial Production Process and Editorial Values As Influences on the Opinions of the British Press Towards Europe. Journalism Practice, 2(2), 212–229. DOI: 10.1080/17512780801999378
), as well as to build their identity before the public (Baym, 2000Baym, G. (2000). Constructing Moral Authority: We in the Discourse of Television News. Western Journal of Communication, 64(1), 92–111. DOI: 10.1080/10570310009374665
; Golan, 2010Golan, G. J. (2010). Editorials, Op-ed Columns Frame Medical Marijuana Debate. Newspaper Research Journal, 31(3), 50–61. DOI: 10.1177/073953291003100305

2.1 What does editorial-worthiness mean?

The literature explaining editorials’ production routines is relatively scarce. A clear systematization concerning why an issue is discussed in newspaper editorials has only emerged over the last decades. Firmstone (2008)Firmstone, J. (2008). The Editorial Production Process and Editorial Values As Influences on the Opinions of the British Press Towards Europe. Journalism Practice, 2(2), 212–229. DOI: 10.1080/17512780801999378
lists four central values accounting for the selection of issues in institutional opinions: the news values themselves; the importance the editorial board assigns to a topic; the presumed interest of the audience; the broader media debate (i.e., the extent to which a topic is being reported or commented on in other news outlets). Another contribution comes from Marques and Mont’Alverne (2021)Marques, F. P. J., & Mont’Alverne, C. (2021). What are Newspaper Editorials Interested In? Understanding the Idea of Criteria of Editorial-Worthiness. Journalism, 22(7), 1812–1830. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919828503
. The authors developed the idea of criteria of editorial-worthiness, aimed to encompass a set of requisites an event must achieve to be discussed in editorials. By considering Firmstone and other authors (Bednarek & Caple, 2017Bednarek, M., & Caple, H. (2017). The Discourse of News Values: How News Organizations Create Newsworthiness. Oxford University Press.; Harcup & O’Neill, 2001Harcup, T., & O’Neill, D. (2001). What Is News? Galtung and Ruge revisited. Journalism Studies, 2(2), 261–280. DOI: 10.1080/14616700118449
, 2016; Meltzer, 2007Meltzer, K. (2007). Newspaper editorial boards and the practice of endorsing candidates for political office in the United States. Journalism, 8(1), 83–103. DOI: 10.1177/1464884907072422
; Oakes, 1964Oakes, J. B. (1964). Interview with John B [Interview]. Oral History Research Office. Retrieved from
; Wiggins, 1942Wiggins, J. R. (1942). The Function of the Press in a modern democracy. Journalism Quarterly, 19(2), 159–171. DOI: 10.1177/107769904201900203
), Marques and Mont’Alverne (2021)Marques, F. P. J., Mont’Alverne, C., & Mitozo, I. (2021). Editorial Journalism and Political Interests: Comparing the Coverage of Dilma Rousseff’s Impeachment in Brazilian Newspapers. Journalism, 22(11), 2816–2835. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919894126
employed a deductive method to sketch the categories Figure 1 displays.

Figure 1
Criteria of editorial-worthiness.

Marques and Mont’Alverne (2021)Marques, F. P. J., & Mont’Alverne, C. (2021). What are Newspaper Editorials Interested In? Understanding the Idea of Criteria of Editorial-Worthiness. Journalism, 22(7), 1812–1830. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919828503
divide the criteria of editorial-worthiness into two dimensions: (a) editorial values – elements empirically identifiable by studying the texts themselves through their content – and (b) editorial factors – contextual and institutional aspects that cannot be verified by directly analyzing the opinionated pieces because they are linked to organizational idiosyncrasies or interests external to the journalistic field. Nevertheless, the authors do not discuss the challenges of empirically applying such values and factors.

We argue that the empirical distinction between editorial values and editorial factors asks for different research methods to test the concept of editorial-worthiness. I.e., editorial factors can only be observed by carrying out in loco analyses in newsrooms, using ethnographic approaches or interviews. Editorial values, in turn, are identifiable by investigating the texts using content analysis, for example. Therefore, this article empirically examines the editorial values proposed in the theoretical model presented above. Chart 1 describes the meaning of each editorial value shown in Figure 1.

Chart 1
Editorial values

At this point, it is relevant to highlight the similarities that editorial values share with news values. Indeed, Firmstone (2008)Firmstone, J. (2008). The Editorial Production Process and Editorial Values As Influences on the Opinions of the British Press Towards Europe. Journalism Practice, 2(2), 212–229. DOI: 10.1080/17512780801999378
and Marques and Mont’Alverne (2021)Marques, F. P. J., & Mont’Alverne, C. (2021). What are Newspaper Editorials Interested In? Understanding the Idea of Criteria of Editorial-Worthiness. Journalism, 22(7), 1812–1830. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919828503
suggest that some news values may also work as editorial values. This means that news and editorial values are somewhat linked to general rules driving journalism practices. To illustrate, the values listed in figure 1 concerning news values are: “The power elite,” “Magnitude and relevance,” “Conflict,” “Topicality,” “Meaningfulness,” “Reach,” and “Follow-up.”

Accordingly, previous studies focused on the work of editorialists who served mainstream newspapers (Guerreiro Neto, 2016Guerreiro Neto, G. (2016). Da opinião à identidade: características do editorial em dois jornais brasileiros. Sobre Jornalismo, 5(2), 92–105. Retrieved from
; Meltzer, 2007Meltzer, K. (2007). Newspaper editorial boards and the practice of endorsing candidates for political office in the United States. Journalism, 8(1), 83–103. DOI: 10.1177/1464884907072422
; Mont’Alverne et al., 2018Mont’Alverne, C., Athanásio, E., & Marques, F. P. J. (2018). The Journalist Between the Profession and the Newspaper’s Interests: Values and TRoutines in the Production of Folha de S.Paulo’s Editorials. Brazilian Journalism Research, 14(2), 384–411. DOI: 10.25200/BJR.v14n2.2018.1088
) revealed their mechanisms to decide if a topic should be tackled in editorials are similar to news values. However, such professionals also stated that sometimes not all newsworthy events are necessarily editorial-worthy – mainly because opinionated pieces might require a more prominent element of conflict. Plus, some editorial values are uniquely tied to a newspaper’s opinions and interests. This is the case for: “Newspaper agenda,” “Jurisprudence,” “Zeitgeist,” “Parallelism,” “Quarrels between a newspaper and an agent or institution,” and “Momentary mood of the newspaper.”

To the best of our knowledge, no work to date has proposed empirically approaching the idea of criteria of editorial-worthiness with the detailed framework that this manuscript presents. We then underline the importance of this article as a first approach to this vital question concerning journalism studies, exploring the opportunity to grasp how editorial values have been applied in the real world. Since this is an exploratory article, we pose the following research question:

RQ: Which editorial values are present in editorial texts published by two Brazilian mainstream quality papers?

3 Methods

To test the prominence of the editorial values empirically, we use content analysis to assess 840 editorials published in 2007 and 2017 in two leading news organizations in Brazil: Folha de S.Paulo (FSP, n=333) and O Estado de S. Paulo (OESP, n=507). The time-lapse of ten years allows for a more profitable comparison regarding the newspapers’ emphasis over time and the stability of the editorial values in different periods.

There are some reasons for selecting these two publications and the sample this research encompasses. First, both news outlets prize the separation between news and opinion, inspired by the American model of journalism (Lage et al., 2004Lage, N., Faria, T., & Rodrigues, S. (2004). Diário Carioca: o primeiro degrau para a modernidade. Estudos Em Jornalismo e Mídia, 1(1), 132–144.; Silva, 1990Silva, C. E. L. da. (1990). O adiantado da hora: a influência americana sobre o jornalismo brasileiro. Summus Editorial.). Second, FSP and OESP have national reach and address political and economic elites (Azevedo, 2016Azevedo, F. (2016). A grande imprensa brasileira: Paralelismo Político e Antipetismo (1989-2014) [doctoral dissertation, Universidade Federal de São Carlos]. Repositório Institucional UFSCar.; Lattman-Weltman & Chagas, 2016Lattman-Weltman, F., & Chagas, V. (2016). Mercado futuro: a Economia Política da (re)partidarização da imprensa no Brasil. Dados, 59(2), 323–356. DOI: 10.1590/00115258201679
). Another characteristic of FSP and OESP is their role as agenda-setters for other Brazilian newsrooms – a phenomenon the literature has called intermedia agenda-setting (Azevedo, 2018Azevedo, F. (2018). PT, eleições e editoriais da grande imprensa (1989-2014). Opinião Pública, 24(2), 270–290. DOI: 10.1590/1807-01912018242270
). Moreover, previous findings advocated that both newspapers follow specific procedures to build their institutional opinions (Guerreiro Neto, 2016Guerreiro Neto, G. (2016). Da opinião à identidade: características do editorial em dois jornais brasileiros. Sobre Jornalismo, 5(2), 92–105. Retrieved from
; Mont’Alverne et al., 2018Mont’Alverne, C., Athanásio, E., & Marques, F. P. J. (2018). The Journalist Between the Profession and the Newspaper’s Interests: Values and TRoutines in the Production of Folha de S.Paulo’s Editorials. Brazilian Journalism Research, 14(2), 384–411. DOI: 10.25200/BJR.v14n2.2018.1088
), which helps to explain the disparity regarding the number of editorials published by each newspaper: OESP usually publishes three editorials per day, while FSP publishes two pieces.

Folha de S.Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo present a fair amount of trust by Brazilians – more than 55% of them declare they trust these organizations (Newman et al., 2021Newman, N., Fletcher, R., Schulz, A., Andi, S., Robertson, C. T., & Nielsen, R. K. (2021). Digital News Report 2021 (10th ed.). Reuter Institute/University of Oxford.). Furthermore, they have historically taken a relevant place in the Brazilian landscape (Lattman-Weltman & Chagas, 2016Lattman-Weltman, F., & Chagas, V. (2016). Mercado futuro: a Economia Política da (re)partidarização da imprensa no Brasil. Dados, 59(2), 323–356. DOI: 10.1590/00115258201679
), influencing significant events in the country’s democracy in the last 30 years, such as elections and presidential impeachments (Albuquerque, 2019Albuquerque, A. (2019). Protecting Democracy or Conspiring against it ? Media and Politics in Latin America: A Glimpse from Brazil. Journalism, 20(7), 906–923. DOI: 10.1177/1464884917738376
; Marques et al., 2021Marques, F. P. J., & Mont’Alverne, C. (2021). What are Newspaper Editorials Interested In? Understanding the Idea of Criteria of Editorial-Worthiness. Journalism, 22(7), 1812–1830. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919828503
; Matos, 2008Matos, C. O. (2008). Journalism and Political Democracy in Brazil (1984-2002). Lexington Books.; Mourão, 2019Mourão, R. R. (2019). From Mass to Elite Protests: News Coverage and the Evolution of Antigovernment Demonstrations in Brazil. Mass Communication and Society, 22(1), 49–71. DOI: 10.1080/15205436.2018.1498899
; Nava & Marques, 2019Nava, M., & Marques, F. P. J. (2019). From “Leftist” To “President”: Journalism and Editorial Coverage of Brazil’s Lula in Five Elections. Journalism Practice, 13(10), 1–22. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1587640
). OESP has had a history of clearly stating its political opinions since its founding. After the military dictatorship, OESP usually endorsed presidential candidates from the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB)1 1 Political party that ruled Brazil from 1995 to 2003 and was the main opponent of the Worker’s Party in Presidential elections until 2018. (Mont’Alverne, 2020Mont’Alverne, C. (2020). A imprensa como agente interessado na reforma política: um estudo sobre a cobertura noticiosa e editorial de Folha de S.Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo e O Globo (1989-2017) [doctoral dissertation, Universidade Federal do Paraná]. Acervo digital da UFPR.). FSP has a different approach when it comes to supporting candidates. It avoids doing so because it claims to be a nonpartisan organization (Azevedo, 2016Azevedo, F. (2016). A grande imprensa brasileira: Paralelismo Político e Antipetismo (1989-2014) [doctoral dissertation, Universidade Federal de São Carlos]. Repositório Institucional UFSCar.; Mont’Alverne et al., 2018Mont’Alverne, C., Athanásio, E., & Marques, F. P. J. (2018). The Journalist Between the Profession and the Newspaper’s Interests: Values and TRoutines in the Production of Folha de S.Paulo’s Editorials. Brazilian Journalism Research, 14(2), 384–411. DOI: 10.25200/BJR.v14n2.2018.1088
), even though the newspaper chose Marta Suplicy as the best option in the 2000 Mayoral elections in São Paulo2 2 For more details, see <,20-anos-de-decisao-no-segundo-turno-em-sao-paulo,7192,0.htm>. . At the same time, FSP defended former President Collor’s resignation in 19923 3 For more details, see <> . Some years later, in 2016, FSP claimed for Rousseff’s resignation4 4 For more details, see <>. , but the then-president stayed in charge until being impeached by Congress. Her vice-president, Michel Temer, took her place and, after a series of corruption scandals, was also asked to be ousted by the newspaper’s editorials in 2017 (Matos, 2008Matos, C. O. (2008). Journalism and Political Democracy in Brazil (1984-2002). Lexington Books.; Marques et al., 2020Marques, F. P. J., Santos, D. H. de F., Mont’Alverne, C., & Ferracioli, P. (2020). A atuação do jornalismo editorial no escândalo JBS: uma análise comparativa sobre os jornais Folha de S.Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política, (33), 1–39. DOI: 10.1590/0103-3352.2020.33.226562
; Mont’Alverne, 2020Mont’Alverne, C. (2020). A imprensa como agente interessado na reforma política: um estudo sobre a cobertura noticiosa e editorial de Folha de S.Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo e O Globo (1989-2017) [doctoral dissertation, Universidade Federal do Paraná]. Acervo digital da UFPR.).

Last, we acknowledge that investigating two newspapers is not enough to generalize our findings to other contexts. Notwithstanding, our option for two elite-oriented publications is a starting point to test the empirical validity of the editorial-worthiness criteria proposed by the theoretical literature. Due to their similarities, including how they share the main topics discussed in editorials, as previous works indicate (Marques et al., 2020Marques, F. P. J., Miola, E., Mitozo, I., & Mont’Alverne, C. (2020). Similar, but not the Same: Comparing Editorial and News Agendas in Brazilian Newspapers. Journalism Practice, 14(9), 1066–1086. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1684833
), we could expect FSP and OESP to share the editorial-worthiness criteria. On the other side, editorials are a space that organizations can use to reinforce differences compared to competitors, resulting in different criteria to produce these pieces.

The corpus encompasses a week of each month of 2007 and 2017. I.e., we considered editorials published in 24 weeks. This procedure offers a more representative sample since it is not limited to periods taken over by a specific issue, allowing us to evaluate ordinary coverage. We chose these two years because 2017 was the last non-electoral year completed at the time when our classification was carried out, and 2007 since it marks ten years before 2017. Chart 2 presents the weeks we examine in both publications. All editorials published on these dates were analyzed.

Chart 2
Weeks considered for empirical analysis

We built a codebook to identify editorial values in the texts comprising our sample. The editorial values listed in chart 1 were transformed into variables to verify their presence or absence. We decided to merge some of them into the same variable to make possible our article’s empirical operationalization (namely, when the differences among the editorial values were more theoretical than empirical). This is the case for “Magnitude and Relevance,” which encompasses two other variables: “Meaningfulness” and “Reach.” “Political parallelism” also combines “Historic of quarrels” and “Momentary mood” since they are all values associated with organizations’ assessment of political actors that rely on endorsement or rejection toward them or their ideas. In other words, we combined editorial values when we identified some overlap regarding their attributes. Also, two editorial values previously presented in Chart 1 – “Newspaper agenda” and “Zeitgeist” – could not be evaluated directly from the texts, given they are contextual elements that cannot be directly assessed (which led us to exclude them). This is one of the shortcomings we found regarding the editorial values proposed by Marques and Mont’Alverne (2021)Marques, F. P. J., & Mont’Alverne, C. (2021). What are Newspaper Editorials Interested In? Understanding the Idea of Criteria of Editorial-Worthiness. Journalism, 22(7), 1812–1830. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919828503
, suggesting that their model needs adaptations to be operationalized empirically.

The classification procedure was carried out by four coders specifically trained for this study – all of them are familiar with the literature on editorial journalism. Chart 3 displays which variables they coded, which editorial values the variables encompass, and the results of the reliability tests we run.

Chart 3
Variables and reliability level

Some of the variables presented a low rate of confidence, such as “Topicality,” “Conflict,” and “Political parallelism.” This can be explained due to the number of texts we used for the reliability test. Since we considered about 3% of our sample in Krippendorff’s alpha test (Lacy et al., 2015Lacy, S., Watson, B. R., Riffe, D., & Lovejoy, J. (2015). Issues and Best Practices in Content Analysis. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 92(4), 791–811. DOI: 10.1177/1077699015607338
), few disagreements between the coders had a significant impact on the results. Since we present an exploratory analysis with a newly developed theoretical framework, we argue that our results are still relevant to journalism studies. Specifically about “Topicality,” coders struggled to reach an agreement on whether or not there was an event triggering the editorial. We believe this happened due to the nature of journalistic content. That is, different events or issues are often mentioned in texts, even if they are not necessarily the main reason for publishing the editorial.

Furthermore, to find out whether the editorial values at stake could eventually be generalized to more than a single news organization, we applied the chi-square test to investigate if and to what extent there is an association between an editorial value and a specific newspaper. After that, we calculated the standardized residuals (to measure how strong is the difference between observed and expected values in a chi-square test) to assess if their frequency is significantly different in each news outlet. Finally, when we found a strong association between an editorial value and a publication, we also ran the Cramer’s V test to gauge how strong such an association is (Field, 2005Field, A. (2005). Discovering Statistics with SPSS. SAGE Publications.).

About our variables, it is worth mentioning that “Theme,” “Specific theme,” and “Magnitude and relevance” are categorical ones, while “Follow-up,” “Topicality,” “The power elite,” “Conflict,” “Jurisprudence,” and “Political parallelism” are dichotomous. The unit of analysis is the editorial, meaning that each variable can be coded once in each text. Furthermore, the variables were coded for all editorials in the corpus, and there is no hierarchy concerning the main editorial values in a piece. We present the details of each variable in the codebook in our supplementary material, which is available to the reader. Moreover, we understand that an issue does not necessarily meet all the criteria of editorial-worthiness to be addressed in editorials. In addition, some of them may be more relevant than others, depending on a newspaper’s interests and ideologies, for example.

The following section starts by detailing the main themes of the editorials in our sample. We also categorized their specific themes regarding “Politics” since quality papers focus on political coverage over other issues (Eilders, 1999Eilders, C. (1999). Synchronization of Issue Agendas in News and Editorials of the Prestige Press in Germany. The International Journal of Communications Research, 24(3), 301–328. DOI: 10.1515/comm.1999.24.3.301
; Hallin & Mancini, 2004Hallin, D. C., & Mancini, P. (2004). Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics. Cambridge University Press.). Coding the theme and subtheme of each text allows us to identify when the editorial value “Follow-up” is present since it underlines if the same topic continues to be addressed over time.

4 Results

When it comes to the themes editorial pieces discuss, both newspapers clearly emphasize “Politics,” which accounts for more than 85% of the texts. The results show that “Economy” comes in second place in the publications under analysis. “Social Issues” is the third topic more frequently discussed by FSP. However, in OESP’s case, more editorials debated “Other topics” instead of “Social Issues.” The chi-square test pointed to no significant association between a theme addressed in editorials and a specific newspaper, suggesting that both FSP and OESP follow similar patterns regarding the issues their editorials deal with.

Chart 4

The results displayed in Chart 5 reveal a statistically significant association between a newspaper and the specific themes regarding “Politics” it discusses. However, the diversity among the specific themes addressed by both publications is not prominent since there are no topics intensely overrepresented or underrepresented in the sample, as can be seen by observing the standardized residuals. To illustrate how similar both publications have been concerning the specific issues in “Politics” they address, consider that the two most frequent subthemes are “Economic policies” and “Other public policies” – e.g., environmental or educational policies.

Chart 5
Specific theme5 5 Caption: p<0,05; Cramer’s V = 0,174

Chart 6 presents the frequency of the editorial values and their association with each publication. Only the dichotomous values are shown in C hart 6. The percentages are relative to the number of editorials analyzed in each newspaper. Chart 6 does not include all editorials values studied because those coded as dichotomous variables are not comparable with categorical variables. According to the results, “Topicality” and “The power elite” are among the most important elements to explain the requisites an event must fulfill to be commented on in editorials. Furthermore, the recurrence of “Topicality,” “The Power Elite,” and “Jurisprudence” is not associated with a specific newspaper, meaning that such values are routinely employed independently from the news outlet under analysis.

Chart 6
Editorial values6 6 Caption: *p<0,05 **p<0,001

“Jurisprudence” is an editorial value present in only a few texts. However, every time FSP and OESP mentioned an opinion defended by the newspaper in previous editorials, they reinforced it.

Furthermore, the association between “Follow-up” and each newspaper is statistically significant; the same happens to the association between “Parallelism” and each publication. Notwithstanding, the standardized residuals point out that these editorial values are not overrepresented or underrepresented in the sample7 7 If the standardized residual is less than -1,96, the observed frequency in each cell is less than the expected frequency, while if it is more than 1,96, the observed frequency is higher than the expected frequency. . This does not mean that FSP and OESP are aligned with the same parties or political actors, but that they express agreements or criticism towards them following a similar frequency.

Also, according to the standardized residuals displayed in Chart 6, the single editorial value suggesting a more significant association with a specific newspaper is “Conflict.” The data for FSP indicate that this news organization addressed fewer conflicts than expected in its editorials. This result might be linked with the newspaper editorial board itself. Accordingly, FSP’s opinion editors recently acknowledged that the editorials the newspaper publishes tend to have a more informative tone (Mont’Alverne et al., 2018Mont’Alverne, C., Athanásio, E., & Marques, F. P. J. (2018). The Journalist Between the Profession and the Newspaper’s Interests: Values and TRoutines in the Production of Folha de S.Paulo’s Editorials. Brazilian Journalism Research, 14(2), 384–411. DOI: 10.25200/BJR.v14n2.2018.1088
), while OESP’s editors consider such opinion pieces as opportunities to present a strong statement about the issues under analysis (Guerreiro Neto, 2016).

Nevertheless, “Conflict” is quite a common feature in both newspapers’ editorials if we consider specifically its frequency. This is aligned with interviews and ethnographies that previous works conducted with editorialists. Such professionals said that a newspaper would not present its opinion on an issue when there is no controversy about it (Firmstone, 2008Firmstone, J. (2008). The Editorial Production Process and Editorial Values As Influences on the Opinions of the British Press Towards Europe. Journalism Practice, 2(2), 212–229. DOI: 10.1080/17512780801999378
; Guerreiro Neto, 2016; Mont’Alverne et al., 2018Mont’Alverne, C., Athanásio, E., & Marques, F. P. J. (2018). The Journalist Between the Profession and the Newspaper’s Interests: Values and TRoutines in the Production of Folha de S.Paulo’s Editorials. Brazilian Journalism Research, 14(2), 384–411. DOI: 10.25200/BJR.v14n2.2018.1088
). I.e. generally, newspapers do not use editorial texts to present their opinions on undisputed topics.

Regarding the editorial value “Magnitude and relevance” (Chart 7), the chi-square test revealed a significant association between the scope of an issue under debate in editorial texts and the newspaper. However, the value for Cramer’s V is meager, suggesting that the differences among the publications are not significant. The standardized residuals reinforce this finding: according to them, only FSP published more editorials with an international reach than expected. Nevertheless, when looking at the overall results, one can observe that FSP and OESP prioritize topics of national scope. In other words, editorials from both newspapers emphasize topics with national reach, not being restricted to the state where their newsrooms are located. This variable was coded in all editorials.

Chart 7
Magnitude8 8 Caption: p<0,05; Cramer’s V = 0,12

Besides comparing the frequency of editorial values appearing in each newspaper, we have also checked if there were significant differences in the year when the editorials were published (chart 8). We present the data aggregating both newspapers since our previous tests did not show that their behavior changed over time when we examined them separately. Considering FSP and OESP together, the single editorial value presenting a significant association with the year was “Political parallelism” (specifically, the support for a political actor or a party). None of the other values presented evidence of changes according to the period when the editorials were published.

Chart 8
Political parallelism x year9 9 Caption: p<0,05

The standardized residuals also revealed that, in 2007, both FSP and OESP editorials supported fewer political actors or parties than expected, but the opposite happened in 2017. Since “Political parallelism” is directly connected to both newspapers’ relationships with political actors, this change might be related to the parties or representatives in office at a given moment. For example, in 2007, Brazil had a leftist government, and literature has shown that the Workers’ Party (PT) has regularly received negative coverage in the press (Azevedo, 2018Azevedo, F. (2018). PT, eleições e editoriais da grande imprensa (1989-2014). Opinião Pública, 24(2), 270–290. DOI: 10.1590/1807-01912018242270
; Nava & Marques, 2019Nava, M., & Marques, F. P. J. (2019). From “Leftist” To “President”: Journalism and Editorial Coverage of Brazil’s Lula in Five Elections. Journalism Practice, 13(10), 1–22. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1587640
). At that time, the country had just found out about a political scandal involving the government – the so-called “Mensalão,” a votes-for-cash scandal that sent several political leaderships to prison and that has been weaponized by the adversaries of the Workers’ Party since then. The scandal galvanized an editorial coverage more critical toward the then-leading authorities at the time. In 2017, however, PT was no longer in power, and Michel Temer led some elite agreement around the center-right government after the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff (the former President from PT) (Albuquerque, 2019Albuquerque, A. (2019). Protecting Democracy or Conspiring against it ? Media and Politics in Latin America: A Glimpse from Brazil. Journalism, 20(7), 906–923. DOI: 10.1177/1464884917738376
; Marques et al., 2021Marques, F. P. J., & Mont’Alverne, C. (2021). What are Newspaper Editorials Interested In? Understanding the Idea of Criteria of Editorial-Worthiness. Journalism, 22(7), 1812–1830. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919828503
). Once more, our results show that FSP and OESP were in sync. After Rousseff’s impeachment, Temer was seen as someone capable of ending the political crisis and approving reforms defended by the organizations. However, this does not mean that both organizations necessarily share the same opinions when Brazil faces a crisis (Marques et al., 2020Marques, F. P. J., Santos, D. H. de F., Mont’Alverne, C., & Ferracioli, P. (2020). A atuação do jornalismo editorial no escândalo JBS: uma análise comparativa sobre os jornais Folha de S.Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política, (33), 1–39. DOI: 10.1590/0103-3352.2020.33.226562

Last, the fact that there is no association between most of the editorial values and the year when the texts were published indicates that they have been stable in FSP and OESP over the years we consider. Therefore, the editorial values we investigate are relevant to explaining news organizations’ editorial choices.

5 Discussion and conclusions

The article aimed to empirically test the idea of editorial-worthiness criteria by examining the editorial values in texts published in two Brazilian quality papers, FSP and OESP. A significant part of the editorial values theoretically proposed in the literature was observed in our sample. In most cases, the recurrence of the values at stake was not associated with a specific newspaper, suggesting that editorial values are not necessarily dependent on the idiosyncrasies of a particular news organization. At the same time, we also found limitations in Marques and Mont’Alverne’s (2021)Marques, F. P. J., & Mont’Alverne, C. (2021). What are Newspaper Editorials Interested In? Understanding the Idea of Criteria of Editorial-Worthiness. Journalism, 22(7), 1812–1830. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919828503
model, especially concerning the empirical operationalization of the editorial values. Some editorial values are very similar, leading us to collapse them into some categories when possible, requiring further organization.

Our results also revealed the stability of editorial values over time since most of them are not significantly associated with the year when the editorial pieces were published. This means that FSP and OESP tend to employ the same editorial values for different periods, coherent with the conclusions of previous works on editorial journalism about the prominence of long-term editorial values (Firmstone, 2008Firmstone, J. (2008). The Editorial Production Process and Editorial Values As Influences on the Opinions of the British Press Towards Europe. Journalism Practice, 2(2), 212–229. DOI: 10.1080/17512780801999378
; Mont’Alverne et al., 2018Mont’Alverne, C., Athanásio, E., & Marques, F. P. J. (2018). The Journalist Between the Profession and the Newspaper’s Interests: Values and TRoutines in the Production of Folha de S.Paulo’s Editorials. Brazilian Journalism Research, 14(2), 384–411. DOI: 10.25200/BJR.v14n2.2018.1088

At the same time, we acknowledge the importance of considering the particularities of each newspaper. This can justify why only the variable “Political parallelism” presented a significant association with the year when the texts were published. This value is directly linked with opinions a news organization holds in a particular political or economic context – and there were significant changes in the Brazilian political scenario between the years our sample comprises (Azevedo, 2016Azevedo, F. (2016). A grande imprensa brasileira: Paralelismo Político e Antipetismo (1989-2014) [doctoral dissertation, Universidade Federal de São Carlos]. Repositório Institucional UFSCar.; Mourão, 2019Mourão, R. R. (2019). From Mass to Elite Protests: News Coverage and the Evolution of Antigovernment Demonstrations in Brazil. Mass Communication and Society, 22(1), 49–71. DOI: 10.1080/15205436.2018.1498899
; Pimentel & Marques, 2021Pimentel, P. S., & Marques, F. P. J. (2021). De-Westernizing Media Parallelism: How Editorial Interests Unfold During Impeachment Crises. Journalism Studies, 22(3), 282–304. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2020.1867000

Our results also show a meaningful overlap between editorial and news values – another original implication of this study. If the steps to produce an editorial do not necessarily follow the same rules as the news-making process, some values are shared by both opinionated and informative sections. Nevertheless, there is a limitation to how broad the overlap is since we have not tested all news values (for a review of news values, see Harcup & O’Neill, 2017Harcup, T., & O’Neill, D. (2017). What is News? News Values Revisited (again). Journalism Studies, 18(12), 1470–1488. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2016.1150193
). In other words, the results of our investigation allow us to question the premise that newspaper editorials adopt a different approach from news sections. Scholars such as Eilders (1999)Eilders, C. (1999). Synchronization of Issue Agendas in News and Editorials of the Prestige Press in Germany. The International Journal of Communications Research, 24(3), 301–328. DOI: 10.1515/comm.1999.24.3.301
emphasize the principle that editorials would be granted thematic autonomy if compared with the news. I.e., the author contends that since editorials are strictly opinionated pieces, media organizations are free to address any matter they want to, despite the news agenda. Notwithstanding a “de jure” autonomy, the overlap between editorial and news values suggests that things are different “de facto.”

One question arises from our results: why do news organizations not take advantage of editorials’ freedom to tackle issues different from those driving news coverage? Is this behavior due to economic or political pressure? Or is it just due to organizing journalistic work in the context of each newsroom? Future research devoted to investigating the topic through in-depth interviews with editors could disclose the motivations for thematic alignment between news and editorials. In any case, we want to speculate on what may be causing this approximation.

A relevant body of work on Journalism studies argues that transformations in the communication markets have forced media companies to mirror editorial opinions and what the audience wants. Metaphors featuring journalistic activity for several decades (such as the idea of a “wall”) have been associated with a logic linked to the past since the claimed separation between commercial and newsroom functions would now be featured by a shorter wall, a wall with holes, a line, a blurred line, and so on (Artemas et al., 2018Artemas, K., Vos, T. P., & Duffy, M. (2018). Journalism Hits a Wall: Rhetorical Construction of Newspapers’ Editorial and Advertising Relationship. Journalism Studies, 19(7), 1004–1020. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2016.1249006
). Thus, one cannot dismiss the argument that the criteria of editorial-worthiness take into account the ideological and political leanings reflecting the primary audience of each news outlet. Consequently, if editorials used to be a format in which a newspaper displayed its independence from the government (Firmstone, 2019bFirmstone, J. (2019b). Editorials. In T. P. Vos & F. Hanusch (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (pp. 1–7). John Wiley & Sons.), perhaps this independence from governments is becoming a kind of dependence on what readers want.

In fact, the alignment between editorial opinions and the readers’ expectations has already been diagnosed in the Brazilian landscape. Lattman-Weltman and Chagas (2016)Lattman-Weltman, F., & Chagas, V. (2016). Mercado futuro: a Economia Política da (re)partidarização da imprensa no Brasil. Dados, 59(2), 323–356. DOI: 10.1590/00115258201679
argue that some national quality papers have become more partisan (associating themselves with right-wing political ideologies) over the recent years, seeking to foster a more loyal readership. This topic is worth addressing, especially considering that such political leanings grew during center-left governments in the Brazilian case.

In a landscape where the audience distrusts institutions such as the media (Kim & Ahmad, 2013Kim, Y. A., & Ahmad, M. A. (2013). Trust, Distrust and Lack of Confidence of Users in Online Social Media-Sharing Communities. Knowledge-Based Systems, (37), 438–450. DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2012.09.002
; Mourão et al., 2018Mourão, R. R., Thorson, E., Chen, W., & Tham, S. M. (2018). Media Repertoires and News Trust During the Early Trump Administration. Journalism Studies, 19(13), 1945–1956. DOI: 10.1080/1461670x.2018.1500492
; Toff et al., 2020Toff, B., Badrinathan, S., Mont’Alverne, C., Arguedas, A. R., Fletcher, R., & Nielsen, R. K. (2020). What We Think We Know and What We Want to Know: Perspectives on Trust in News in a Changing World. Reuter Institute/University of Oxford.), opinions might be what distinguishes media organizations among themselves, and newspaper editorial texts might gain new relevance. Therefore, future works investigating this aspect might reveal the impacts of changes the journalism industry has faced. They might also examine if those challenges are incorporated in opinionated sections. Accordingly, interviews with editors would help us understand how some editorial values – such as “Jurisprudence” – are deduced by journalists (or even imposed on them, depending on the news organization).

We also need to underline some limitations of our article. First, the article was challenged by the results of intercoder reliability for some variables, which requires part of the findings to be cautiously analyzed. Moreover, we do not intend to generalize our findings, given that the results we found might not be the same if we had selected other news organizations. We contend, however, that our study points out that both newspapers share similar editorial values and that these have remained stable over time. Further studies could refine the empirical categories and coding process. In addition, new investigations could take into account to what extent the editorial values change depending on the hierarchy of each editorial (whether it is the main one or the secondary ones).

Lastly, we must remember that other aspects may also influence practices in editorial journalism, such as the market (concentration of media ownership), the journalists’ professional or educational background, as well as their corporate codes of conduct. In fact, the many ways news outlets and their professionals understand journalistic roles (Hanitzsch & Vos, 2017Hanitzsch, T., & Vos, T. P. (2017). Journalistic Roles and the Struggle Over Institutional Identity: The Discursive Constitution of Journalism. Communication Theory, 27(2), 115–135. DOI: 10.1111/comt.12112
) may suggest adopting different editorial behaviors. A comparative approach using the categorization we suggested could underline the similarities and singularities typical of journalistic cultures, indicating what kinds of adaptations the idea of criteria of editorial-worthiness must undergo to be fostered. I.e., comparing news outlets from different media systems (Dobek-Ostrowska, 2012Dobek-Ostrowska, B. (2012). Italianization (or Mediterranization) of the Polish Media System? Reality and Perspective. In D. C. Hallin & P. Mancini (Eds.), Comparing media systems beyond the western world (pp. 26–50). Cambridge University Press.; Hallin & Mancini, 2004Hallin, D. C., & Mancini, P. (2004). Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics. Cambridge University Press.) would allow us to find out how suitable editorial values are to different cases, as well as to illustrate how a specific value has been more emphasized than others.


  • One review used in the evaluation of this article can be accessed at: | Following BJR’s open science policy, the reviewers authorized this publication and the disclosure of his/her names.


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Edited by

Desk Review Editor: Lia Seixas

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    17 June 2022
  • Date of issue
    Jan-Apr 2022


  • Received
    06 Sept 2021
  • Reviewed
    16 Sept 2021
  • Accepted
    10 Dec 2021
Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Jornalismo (SBPJor) Secretaria da SBPJor, Faculdade de Comunicação, Universidade de Brasília(UnB)., ICC Norte, Subsolo, Sala ASS 633 - cep: 70910-900, Brasília - DF / Brasil - Brasília - DF - Brazil