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Attraction to conspecifcs in Rhinella icterica and R. ornata tadpoles (Anura: Bufonidae)

Atração por coespecíficos em girinos de Rhinella icterica e R. ornata (Anura: Bufonidae)


Tadpoles are able to perceive and discriminate signals from environment and they may use this ability in behaviors and ecological processes. Recognition mechanisms may be involved in schooling by means of attraction among individuals, characterizing a social process. By means of laboratory experiments the present study investigated the presence or absence of attraction to conspecifics in tadpoles of Rhinella icterica and R. ornata, two sympatric species from the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. We collected eggs of these two species in the field and reared them in laboratory according to two different methods (isolated or in groups of siblings). Tadpoles were submitted to experiments of choice between conspecifics, heterospecifics, and an empty compartment. Rhinella icterica tadpoles preferred to associate with conspecifics rather than R. ornata tadpoles, and we verified this is an innate behavior. Rhinella ornata tadpoles failed to discriminate between conspecifics and R. icterica tadpoles. When submitted to choice between a group of tadpoles of the other species and an empty compartment, R. icterica tadpoles presented random distribution, while R. ornata tadpoles preferred to associate with heterospecifics. Our results indicate R. icterica tadpoles have preference to associate with conspecifics, while R. ornata tadpoles may school indiscriminately. This study contributes for a better understanding of larval anuran social behavior.

anuran larvae; behavior; communication; sympatric species; Atlantic Forest; schooling; southeastern Brazil


Os girinos são capazes de perceber e discriminar sinais do ambiente e podem usar essa capacidade em comportamentos e processos ecológicos. Mecanismos de reconhecimento podem estar envolvidos na agregação por meio da atração entre indivíduos, caracterizando um processo social. O presente estudo investigou, por meio de experimentos de laboratório, a presença ou ausência de atração por coespecíficos em girinos de Rhinella icterica e R. ornata, duas espécies simpátricas, da Mata Atlântica do sudeste do Brasil. Coletamos ovos dessas duas espécies no campo e os cultivamos em laboratório de acordo com dois métodos diferentes (isolados ou em grupo de irmãos). Os girinos foram submetidos a experimentos de escolha entre coespecíficos, heteroespecíficos e compartimento vazio. Girinos de Rhinella icterica preferiram associar-se a coespecíficos do que com girinos de R. ornata, e verificamos que este é um comportamento inato. Os girinos de Rhinella ornata não conseguiram discriminar entre coespecíficos e girinos de R. icterica. Quando submetidos à escolha entre um grupo de girinos da outra espécie e um compartimento vazio, os girinos de R. icterica apresentaram distribuição aleatória, enquanto os girinos de R. ornata preferiram associar-se a girinos heteroespecíficos. Nossos resultados indicam que girinos de R. icterica preferem associar-se a coespecíficos, enquanto girinos de R. ornata podem agregar-se indiscriminadamente. Este estudo contribui para uma melhor compreensão do comportamento social de larvas de anuros.

larvas de anuros; comportamento; comunicação; espécies simpátricas; Mata Atlântica; agregação; Sudeste do Brasil


Recognition mechanisms (of relatives, conspecifics, mates, neighbours, rivals, prey or predators) are essential for survival, reproduction and social interactions between organisms (Sherman et al. 1997SHERMAN, P.W., REEVE, H.K. & PFENNIG, D.W. 1997. Recognition systems. In Behavioral ecology: an evolutionary approach, 4th ed. (J.R. Krebs & N.B. Davies, eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Oxford, UK, p. 69-96.). Among anuran larvae, chemical communication plays a key role in several behaviors, such as communication between a female and its offspring (Kam & Yang 2002KAM, Y.C. & YANG, H.W. 2002. Female-offspring communication in a Taiwanese tree frog, Chirixalus eiffingeri (Anura: Rhacophoridae). Anim. Behav. 64(6):881-886.; Stynoski & Noble 2012STYNOSKI, J.L. & NOBLE, V.R. 2012. To beg or to freeze: Multimodal sensory integration directs behavior in a tadpole. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 66(2):191-199.), detection of alarm cues in prey-predator contexts (Hews 1988HEWS, D.K. 1988. Alarm response in larval western toads, Bufo boreas: release of larval chemicals by a natural predator and its effect on predator capture efficiency. Anim. Behav. 36(1):125-133.; Hokit & Blaustein 1995HOKIT, D.G. & BLAUSTEIN, A.R. 1995. Predator avoidance and alarm‐response behaviour in kin‐discriminating tadpoles (Rana cascadae). Ethology 101(4):280-290.; Summey & Mathis 1998SUMMEY, M.R. & MATHIS, A. 1998. Alarm responses to chemical stimuli from damaged conspecifics by larval anurans: tests of three neotropical species. Herpetologica 54(3):402-408.; Kiesecker et al. 1996KIESECKER, J.M., CHIVERS, D.P. & BLAUSTEIN, A.R. 1996. The use of chemical cues in predator recognition by western toad tadpoles. Anim. Behav. 52(6):1237-1245., 1999KIESECKER, J.M., CHIVERS, D.P., MARCO, A., QUILCHANO, C., ANDERSON, M.T. & BLAUSTEIN, A.R. 1999. Identification of a disturbance signal in larval red-legged frogs, Rana aurora. Anim. Behav. 57(6):1295-1300.), intraspecific competition (Glennemeier & Denver 2002GLENNEMEIER, K.A. & DENVER, R.J. 2002. Role for corticoids in mediating the response of Rana pipiens tadpoles to intraspecific competition. J. Exp. Zool. 292(1):32-40.), microhabitat and food discrimination (Pfening 1990PFENNIG, D.W. 1990. “Kin recognition” among spadefoot toad tadpoles: a side-effect of habitat selection? Evolution 44(4):785-798.; Gamboa et al. 1991GAMBOA, G.J., BERVEN, K.A., SCHEMIDT, R.A., FISHWILD, T.G. & JANKENS, K.M. 1991. Kin recognition by larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica): effects of diet and prior exposure to conspecifics. Oecologia 86(3):319-324.; Hall et al.1995HALL, J.A., LARSEN JR., J.H., DON, E.M. & FITZNER, R.E. 1995. Discrimination of kin-and diet-based cues by larval spadefoot toads, Scaphiopus intermontanus (Anura: Pelobatidae), under laboratory conditions. J. Herpetol. 29(2):233-243.; Sontag et al. 2006SONTAG, C., WILSON, D.S. & WILCOX, R.S. 2006. Social foraging in Bufo americanus tadpoles. Anim. Behav. 72(6):1451-1456.), and recognition of predators (Petranka et al. 1987PETRANKA, J.W., KATS, L.B. & SIH, A. 1987. Predator-prey interactions among fish and larval amphibians: use of chemical cues to detect predatory fish. Anim. Behav. 35(2):420-425.; Lawler 1989LAWLER, S.P. 1989. Behavioural responses to predators and predation risk in four species of larval anurans. Anim. Behav. 38(6):1039-1047.; Kiesecker et al. 1996KIESECKER, J.M., CHIVERS, D.P. & BLAUSTEIN, A.R. 1996. The use of chemical cues in predator recognition by western toad tadpoles. Anim. Behav. 52(6):1237-1245.), conspecifics (Leu et al. 2013LEU, S.T., WHITING, M.J. & MAHONY, M.J. 2013. Making friends: social attraction in larval green and golden bell frogs, Litoria aurea. PLoS One 8(2): e56460.; Chapman et al. 2015CHAPMAN, T.L., HOLCOMB, M.P., SPIVEY, K.L., SEHR, E.K. & GALL, B.G. 2015. A test of local enhancement in amphibians. Ethology 121(3):308-314.; Raven et al. 2017RAVEN, C., SHINE, R., GREENLEES, M., SCHAERF, T.M. & WARD, A.J.W. 2017. The role of biotic and abiotic cues in stimulating aggregation by larval cane toads (Rhinella marina). Ethology 123(10):724-735.), and kin (Blaustein & O’Hara, 1982BLAUSTEIN, A.R. & O’HARA, R.K. 1982. Kin recognition in Rana cascadae tadpoles: maternal and paternal effects. Anim. Behav. 30(4):1151-1157.; Waldman 1986WALDMAN, B. 1986. Preference for unfamiliar siblings over familiar non-siblings in American toad (Bufo americanus) tadpoles. Anim. Behav. 34(1):48-53.; Rajput et al. 2014RAJPUT, A.P., SAIDAPUR, S.K. & SHANBHAG, B.A. 2014. Kin discrimination in tadpoles of Hylarana temporalis (Anura: Ranidae) and Sphaerotheca breviceps (Anura: Dicroglossidae): Influence of hydroperiod and social habits. Phyllomedusa 13(2):119-131.; Pizzatto et al. 2016PIZZATTO, L., STOCKWELL, M., CLULOW, S., CLULOW, J. & MAHONY, M. 2016. How to form a group: Effects of heterospecifics, kinship and familiarity in the grouping preference of green and golden bell frog tadpoles. Herpetol. J. 26(2):157-164.; Raven et al. 2017RAVEN, C., SHINE, R., GREENLEES, M., SCHAERF, T.M. & WARD, A.J.W. 2017. The role of biotic and abiotic cues in stimulating aggregation by larval cane toads (Rhinella marina). Ethology 123(10):724-735.).

In tadpoles, recognition abilities based on chemical signals are developed during the embryonic phase or shortly after hatching (Waldman 1981WALDMAN, B. 1981. Sibling recognition in toad tadpoles: the role of experience. Z. Tierpsychol. 56(4):341-358., 1882WALDMAN, B. 1982. Sibling association among schooling toad tadpoles: field evidence and implications. Anim. Behav. 30(3).; Blaustein & O’Hara 1982BLAUSTEIN, A.R. & O’HARA, R.K. 1982. Kin recognition in Rana cascadae tadpoles: maternal and paternal effects. Anim. Behav. 30(4):1151-1157.; Hepper & Waldman 1992HEPPER, P.G. & WALDMAN, B. 1992. Recognizing kin: ontogeny and classification. In Kin recognition (P.G. Hepper, ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, p. 259-288.) and may persist after metamorphosis (Blaustein et al.1984BLAUSTEIN, A.R., O’HARA, R.K. & OLSON, D.H. 1984. Kin preference behaviour is present after metamorphosis in Rana cascadae frogs. Anim. Behav. 32(2):445-450.; Waldman 1989WALDMAN, B. 1989. Do anuran larvae retain kin recognition abilities following metamorphosis? Anim. Behav. 37(6):1055-1058.; Graves et al. 1993GRAVES, B.M., SUMMERS, C.H. & OLMSTEAD, K.L. 1993. Sensory mediation of aggregation among postmetamorphic Bufo cognatus. J. Herpetol. 27(3):315-319.; Flowers and Graves 1997FLOWERS, M.A. & GRAVES, B.M. 1997. Juvenile toads avoid chemical cues from snake predators. Anim. Behav. 53(3):641-646.). Due to vulnerability to predators at this stage, some species have developed strategies such as metamorphosis synchronization and aggregation (Pulliam & Caraco 1984PULLIAM, H.R. & CARACO, T. 1984. Living in groups: is there an optimal group size? In Behavioral Ecology: An evolutionary approach (J.R. Krebs & N.R. Davis, eds). John Wiley & Sons, Oxford, UK, p. 122-127.; Hews, 1988HEWS, D.K. 1988. Alarm response in larval western toads, Bufo boreas: release of larval chemicals by a natural predator and its effect on predator capture efficiency. Anim. Behav. 36(1):125-133.). In this case, spatial aggregation may be based primarily on conspecific attraction rather than mediated by environmental factors (Graves et al. 1993GRAVES, B.M., SUMMERS, C.H. & OLMSTEAD, K.L. 1993. Sensory mediation of aggregation among postmetamorphic Bufo cognatus. J. Herpetol. 27(3):315-319.). Non-social groups are formed in response to attractive environmental characteristics (e.g., feeding microhabitats and temperature gradients), while social groups are formed from attraction between individuals (Wassersug 1973WASSERSUG, R.J. 1973. Aspects of social behaviour in anuran larvae. In Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans (J. L. Vial, ed.) University of Missouri, Columbia, p. 273-297. ; Hoff et al.1999HOFF, K.S., BLAUSTEIN, A.R., MCDIARMID, R.W. & ALTIG. R. 1999. Behavior: interactions and their consequences. In Tadpoles: the biology of anuran larvae (R.W. McDiarmid & R. Altig, eds.). University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA, p. 215-239.). Thus, communication characterizes social behavior (Townsend et al. 2003TOWNSEND, C.R., BEGON, M. & HARPER, J.L. 2003. Fundamentos em Ecologia. Artmed, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.).

In this context, the present study sought to analyse, through laboratory experiments, the presence or absence of attraction to conspecifics in tadpoles of two congeneric species (Rhinella icterica and R. ornata) that occur in sympatry and show a wide distribution in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. These species are able to school during larval phase (Eterovick 2000ETEROVICK, P.C. 2000. Effects of aggregation on feeding of Bufo crucifer tadpoles (Anura, Bufonidae). Copeia 2000(1):210-215.; Simon 2010SIMON, M.N. 2010. Plasticidade fenotípica em relação à temperatura de larvas de Rhinella (Anura: Bufonidae) da caatinga e da floresta atlântica. Dissertação de mestrado. São Paulo: Instituto de biociências, Universidade de São Paulo.).

These species belong to the family Bufonidae, which is composed by 53 genera and 629 species (Frost 2020FROST, D. R. 2020. Amphibian species of the world: an online reference. Version 6.1. Eletronic database accessible at American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA.
). In the genus Rhinella Fitzinger, 1826, there are 92 species distributed from southern United States to southern South America (Frost 2019). Rhinella icterica is included in Rhinella marina Group (Maciel et al. 2010MACIEL, N.M., COLLEVATTI, R.G., COLLI, G.R. & SCHWARTZ, E.F. 2010. Late Miocene diversification and phylogenetic relationships of the huge toads in the Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758) species group (Anura: Bufonidae). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 57(2):787-797.), while R. ornata belongs to the Rhinella crucifer Group (Baldissera Jr. et al. 2004BALDISSERA JR, F.E.A., CARAMASCHI, U & HADDAD, C.F.B. 2004. Review of the Bufo crucifer species group, with descriptions of two new related species (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae). Arq. do Mus. Nac. RJ 1:255-282.).

Reproductive isolation between R. icterica and R. ornata may not be effective, due to sympatric occurrence, overlapping of reproductive sites and seasons of reproduction and close relationship between them (Bertoluci 1998BERTOLUCI, J. 1998. Annual patterns of breeding activity in Atlantic Rainforest anurans. J. Herpetol. 32(4):607-611.; Bertoluci & Rodrigues 2002BERTOLUCI, J. & RODRIGUES, M.T. 2002. Seasonal patterns of breeding activity of Atlantic Rainforest anurans at Boracéia, Southeastern Brazil. Amphib. Reptil. 23(2):161-167.; Abrunhosa et al. 2006ABRUNHOSA, P.A., WOGEL, H. & POMBAL, J.P. 2006. Anuran temporal occupancy in a temporary pond from the Atlantic rain forest, south-eastern Brazil. Herpetol. J. 16(2):115-122.), enabling interspecific amplexes and the occurrence of non-viable hybrids (Haddad & Cardoso 1990HADDAD, C.F.B. & CARDOSO, A.J. 1990. Hibridação natural entre Bufo ictericus e Bufo crucifer (Amphibia: Anura). Rev. Bras. Biol. 50(3):739-744.). The same habitat is shared by these two tadpole species of different kinship degrees and development stages, thus, an intra and interspecific communication system would has an important adaptive value for them.

Until now, only one study has sought to analyze attraction to conspecifcs in Brazilian tadpoles (Rhinella marina; Raven et al. 2017RAVEN, C., SHINE, R., GREENLEES, M., SCHAERF, T.M. & WARD, A.J.W. 2017. The role of biotic and abiotic cues in stimulating aggregation by larval cane toads (Rhinella marina). Ethology 123(10):724-735.), but this was done with invasive populations in the Australian territory. Thus, the present study contributes to an important knowledge gap of Brazilian tadpoles’ behavior.

Therefore, we aimed to answer, for each species, the following questions: (1) do tadpoles prefer to associate with conspecifics rather than heterospecifics? (2) Does prior social experience (isolation or group rearing) influence recognition mechanism?

Material and Methods

1. Egg collection

We collected eggs from two spawns of R. icterica and two spawns of R. ornata, between 24 July and 14 August 2017, encompassing the reproductive season of the target species (Bertoluci & Rodrigues 2002BERTOLUCI, J. & RODRIGUES, M.T. 2002. Seasonal patterns of breeding activity of Atlantic Rainforest anurans at Boracéia, Southeastern Brazil. Amphib. Reptil. 23(2):161-167.). We identified spawns based on size and arrangement of eggs within the gelatinous strings: smaller eggs arranged in a single string in Rhinella ornata, larger eggs arranged in a double string in R. icterica (Simon 2010SIMON, M.N. 2010. Plasticidade fenotípica em relação à temperatura de larvas de Rhinella (Anura: Bufonidae) da caatinga e da floresta atlântica. Dissertação de mestrado. São Paulo: Instituto de biociências, Universidade de São Paulo.). We transported eggs to laboratory in plastic pots containing local water.

We collected eggs in the Estação Biológica de Boracéia (EBB), a well-preserved Atlantic Forest reserve of Serra do Mar in São Paulo state (23˚38’ S, 45˚52’ W). EBB has an area of 16,450 ha and is located at altitudes around 900 m a.s.l. The area is covered by Dense Ombrophylous Forest, where the presence of palm trees, ferns and giant bamboos is common (Travassos & Camargo 1958TRAVASSOS, L. & CAMARGO, H.F.A. 1958. A Estação Biológica de Boracéia. Arquivos de Zoologia 11:1-21.; Heyer et al.1990HEYER, W.R., RAND, A.S., CRUZ, C.A.G., PEIXOTO, O.L. & NELSON, C.E. 1990. Frogs of Boracéia. Arq. Zool. 31(4):231-410.; Bertoluci & Rodrigues 2002BERTOLUCI, J. & RODRIGUES, M.T. 2002. Seasonal patterns of breeding activity of Atlantic Rainforest anurans at Boracéia, Southeastern Brazil. Amphib. Reptil. 23(2):161-167.). Rainy season runs from September to March, and temperature can reach 24˚C in the hottest months (September to March) and 5˚C in the colder months (April to August) (Bertoluci & Rodrigues 2002BERTOLUCI, J. & RODRIGUES, M.T. 2002. Seasonal patterns of breeding activity of Atlantic Rainforest anurans at Boracéia, Southeastern Brazil. Amphib. Reptil. 23(2):161-167.).

2. Rearing methods

We conditioned eggs of two spawns (spawn A and spawn B) of each species, in laboratory, according to two different methods. They were separated from the rest of the embryos in the spawn between stages 16 and 18 (Gosner 1960GOSNER, K. 1960. A simplified table for staging anuran embryos and larvae with notes on identification. Herpetologica 16(3):183-190.).

At the 1st rearing method (group of siblings), we placed 300 eggs of each spawn of R. icterica in two different 50L opaque containers and we did the same with eggs of R. ornata. At the 2nd method (isolation rearing), we placed 50 eggs from spawn A, of each species, each egg in a 0.5L opaque container, in 50 different containers.

We maintained eggs and tadpoles at room temperature and natural photoperiod. Tadpoles were fed once daily with ornamental fish food in large quantities so that food was always available. Aeration pumps for aquariums provided oxygenation. We changed the water in each container twice a week to keep the environment clean. After the metamorphosis, we released juveniles at the egg collection sites.

3. Experiments

Tests were carried out in four plastic containers (100 × 15 × 10 cm), filled with spring water (Fig. 1). At each end of a container we adapted a plastic net with a mesh of 0.5 mm, delimiting the stimulus groups areas (20 tadpoles in each group). The central part of each container was marked with a permanent pen, dividing it into three equal-sized compartments.

Figure 1
Test arena. Stimulus groups (20 tadpoles in each group) are represented in the right and left extremities, and test tadpole is represented in central area. Dashed line represents a net, which delimits stimulus groups areas, but allows chemical and visual stimuli flow to central region. Vertical gray lines represent demarcation of areas close to each stimulus group. Each division is 20 cm long, totalling 100 cm of arena total length.

We performed the tests between 25 August and 27 September 2017, during daytime, between 08:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Tested tadpoles were between stages 25 and 38 (Gosner 1960GOSNER, K. 1960. A simplified table for staging anuran embryos and larvae with notes on identification. Herpetologica 16(3):183-190.).

We placed test tadpoles in the center of each container and submitted to choice tests between two groups (Fig. 1) (as in Blaustein & O’Hara 1982BLAUSTEIN, A.R. & O’HARA, R.K. 1982. Kin recognition in Rana cascadae tadpoles: maternal and paternal effects. Anim. Behav. 30(4):1151-1157.; Cornell et al. 1989CORNELL, T.J., BERVEN, K.A. & GAMBOA, G.J. 1989. Kin recognition by tadpoles and froglets of the wood frog Rana sylvatica. Oecologia 78(3):312-316.; Leu et al. 2013LEU, S.T., WHITING, M.J. & MAHONY, M.J. 2013. Making friends: social attraction in larval green and golden bell frogs, Litoria aurea. PLoS One 8(2): e56460.; Rajput et al. 2014RAJPUT, A.P., SAIDAPUR, S.K. & SHANBHAG, B.A. 2014. Kin discrimination in tadpoles of Hylarana temporalis (Anura: Ranidae) and Sphaerotheca breviceps (Anura: Dicroglossidae): Influence of hydroperiod and social habits. Phyllomedusa 13(2):119-131.; Pizzatto et al. 2016PIZZATTO, L., STOCKWELL, M., CLULOW, S., CLULOW, J. & MAHONY, M. 2016. How to form a group: Effects of heterospecifics, kinship and familiarity in the grouping preference of green and golden bell frog tadpoles. Herpetol. J. 26(2):157-164.). We filmed the experiments (Kodak z990 camera), so researcher presence did not influence tadpole behavior. After 10 minutes of test tadpole acclimation, we filmed each experiment for 29 minutes (1740 s), and then we measured the time each tadpole remained in the compartment next to each stimulus group. Each tadpole was tested only once and, after each test, containers were cleaned and the water changed. At each test we turned the containers to 90° and inverted the side of each stimulus group. Each experiment was replicated 32 times. Four replicates were filmed at a time. All procedures were repeated for both species.

We organized the experiments as follows:

Control: all tadpoles (test tadpoles and stimulus groups) from the same spawn and reared together in one container. With this experiment we were able to analyse if there were errors in experimental design. The expected was that test tadpoles had no preference for association with one of the two groups.

Experiment 1: test tadpole from spawn B reared according to 1st rearing method. Stimulus group 1 formed by tadpoles of spawn A (conspecifics tadpoles, but not siblings of test tadpole). Stimulus group 2 formed by tadpoles of the other studied species (heterospecifics). With this, we sought to analyse if there was preference of association with conspecifics by the species tested.

Experiment 2: test tadpoles from spawn A reared according to the 2nd rearing method (in isolation). Stimulus group 1 formed by tadpoles of spawn B, reared according to 1st rearing method. Stimulus group 2 formed by heterospecific tadpoles. With this, we sought to analyse if the rearing method in total isolation would influence association choice by tested tadpoles with one of the stimulus groups.

Experiment 3: test tadpole from spawn A, reared according to the 1st rearing method. Stimulus group 1 formed by heterospecific tadpoles. Stimulus group 2 empty (tadpoles absence). With this experiment we sought to analyse sociability of tested tadpoles (preference for grouping or isolation), and attraction or repulsion by tested tadpoles to heterospecific tadpoles.

4. Data analyses

We performed statistical analyses with R platform (R Core Team 2017R CORE TEAM. 2017. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R foundation for statistical computing, Viena, Austria.
). We consider level of significance α = 0.05. Tests were two-tailed. Confidence level used was 95%. For each experiment, data considered in the statistical tests were the differences between the time spent by the test tadpole in the compartments located near stimulus groups 1 and 2 (T1- T2). We verified if data of each experiment corresponded to normal distribution by Shapiro-Wilk test (Hₒ = data correspond to normal distribution). To data that reached the normal distribution we applied paired t-test, due to dependence of samples, since two measurements were made for the same individual in each experiment (paired data). Non-parametric alternative to t-paired test is Wilcoxon signed-rank test, which was applied to data that did not reach normal distribution. With the tests, we were able to analyse whether the difference between time spent by test tadpoles near each of two stimulus groups was statistically significant. The null hypothesis was that mean (or median) of the differences is null (Hₒ: Δ = 0), while the alternative hypothesis was that mean (or median) of the differences is not null (H1: Δ ≠ 0). When the null hypothesis was rejected, we used binomial test to verify whether the number of tadpoles that spent the most time near a stimulus group was statistically significant in relation to total number of replicates.

Data obtained in experiments Control, 1 and 3 with Rhinella icterica tadpoles and in experiments Control, 1 and 3 with R. ornata tadpoles corresponded to normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk test; Table 2 and 3); in these cases, we used paired t-test to detect differences between time spent by test tadpoles next to each stimulus group. However, in experiments 2 with R. icterica data did not correspond to normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk test; Tables 1 and 2), so we used Wilcoxon test.

Table 1
Synthesis of experiments and control. In the first rearing method, tadpoles were reared with its siblings, and in the second method each tadpole was reared in isolation. The test tadpoles were submitted to choice between two stimulus groups of conspecifcs, heterospecifics or empty compartment.
Table 2
Statistical tests results for each experiment with Rhinella icterica tadpoles. When P < 0,05, there is statistically significant difference between time spent by tadpoles next to each stimulus group. df = degrees of freedom; CI = confidence interval.
Table 3
Statistical tests results for each experiment with Rhinella ornata tadpoles. When P < 0,05 there is statistically significant difference between time spent by tadpoles next to each stimulus group. df = degrees of freedom; CI = confidence interval.


The differences between time spent by test tadpoles close to each stimulus group, as well as the mean of the differences (value used in the Paired t-test) and pseudomedian differences (value used in the Wilcoxon test), when negative, indicate a longer permanence time of test tadpoles close to stimulus group 2, whereas, when positive, they indicate a longer permanence time of the tadpoles test near to stimulus group 1 (Tables 2 and 3, Figs. 2 and 3). In general, data obtained with experiments varied more for R. ornata than for R. icterica (Figs. 2 and 3).

Figure 2
Boxplot of data resulting from the experiments with Rhinella icterica tadpoles. Each point represents the difference between time spent by tested tadpole, in each trial, close to stimulus groups 1 and 2.

Figure 3
Boxplot of data resulting from the experiments with Rhinella ornata tadpoles. Each point represents the difference between time spent by tested tadpole, in each trial, close to stimulus groups 1 and 2.

In experiments Control and 3 with R. icterica and in experiments Control and 1 with R. ornata, the mean differences did not differ statistically from hypothetical mean obtained by paired t-test (Tables 2 and 3). Therefore, for these experiments, we did not reject the null hypothesis and concluded that there was no statistically significant difference between time spent by tadpoles next to each stimulus group (Hₒ: Δ = 0).

In experiment 1 with R. icterica and in experiment 3 with R. ornata, the mean differences differed statistically from hypothetical mean obtained by paired t-test (Tables 2 and 3). Similarly, in Experiment 2 with R. icterica, the pseudomedian differences differed statistically from the hypothetical median by Wilcoxon test (Tables 2 and 3). Therefore, for these experiments, we rejected the null hypothesis and concluded that there was a statistically significant difference between time spent by tadpoles next to each stimulus group (H1: Δ ≠ 0). In these experiments, we confirmed, with the binomial test, that the number of tadpoles that showed preference for group 1 was significant in relation to the total number of replicates (Tables 2 and 3).

Unfortunately, we made a mistake when choosing test tadpole in Experiment 2 for Rhinella ornata, and we realized in time to not use these data, but was not possible to repeat the experiment. Therefore, we were unable to determine whether isolation rearing would influence attraction to conspecifcs in tadpoles of R. ornata.


Rhinella icterica tadpoles demonstrated a strong attraction to conspecifics. This result suggests that these tadpoles possess the ability to discriminate between conspecifics and heterospecifics. We could conclude that this attraction behavior is innate, since tadpoles reared in isolation, from the embryonic stage, also demonstrated preference to associate with conspecific tadpoles. The preference to conspecifics is a result of attraction to conspecifics rather than repulsion to heterospecifics, because tadpoles of R. icterica have been randomly allocated when submitted to a choice between heterospecifics and an empty compartment.

Rhinella marina tadpoles, that belong to the same phylogenetic group as R. icterica (Rhinella marina Group; Maciel et al. 2010MACIEL, N.M., COLLEVATTI, R.G., COLLI, G.R. & SCHWARTZ, E.F. 2010. Late Miocene diversification and phylogenetic relationships of the huge toads in the Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758) species group (Anura: Bufonidae). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 57(2):787-797.), when submitted to choice tests between a non-siblings group and an empty compartment, showed no attraction for conspecific when these were non-siblings (Raven et al. 2017RAVEN, C., SHINE, R., GREENLEES, M., SCHAERF, T.M. & WARD, A.J.W. 2017. The role of biotic and abiotic cues in stimulating aggregation by larval cane toads (Rhinella marina). Ethology 123(10):724-735.). However, R. marina tadpoles diminish activity and avoid chemical cues of injured conspecifics, characterizing a recognition and discrimination process, but this does not lead to aggregation, which is formed in response to environmental factors such as light, temperature and habitat structural complexity (Hagman & Shine 2008HAGMAN, M. & SHINE, R. 2008. Understanding the toad code: Behavioural responses of cane toad (Chaunus marinus) larvae and metamorphs to chemical cues. Austral Ecol. 33(1):37-44.; Raven et al. 2017RAVEN, C., SHINE, R., GREENLEES, M., SCHAERF, T.M. & WARD, A.J.W. 2017. The role of biotic and abiotic cues in stimulating aggregation by larval cane toads (Rhinella marina). Ethology 123(10):724-735.). There are different reactions of another bufonid tadpoles to injured conspecifics cues: Anaxyrus boreas also exhibit repulsion to these signals, but with increased activity (Hews & Blaustein 1985HEWS, D.K. & BLAUSTEIN, A.R. 1985. An investigation of the alarm response in Bufo boreas and Rana cascadae tadpoles. Behav. Neural Biol. 43(1):47-57.), while Sclerophrys danielae answer to these cues aggregating (Spieler & Linsenmair 1997SPIELER, M. & LINSENMAIR, K.E. 1997. Choice of optimal oviposition sites by Hoplobatrachus occipitalis (Anura: Ranidae) in an unpredictable and patchy environment. Oecologia 109(2):184-199.).

Sontag et al. (2006SONTAG, C., WILSON, D.S. & WILCOX, R.S. 2006. Social foraging in Bufo americanus tadpoles. Anim. Behav. 72(6):1451-1456.) demonstrated that tadpoles of Anaxyrus americanus recognize conspecifics signals to find food sources and even to discriminate food quality. Similarly, tadpoles of R. marina have a stronger attraction to conspecific cues feeding than to cues directly from food (Raven et al. 2017RAVEN, C., SHINE, R., GREENLEES, M., SCHAERF, T.M. & WARD, A.J.W. 2017. The role of biotic and abiotic cues in stimulating aggregation by larval cane toads (Rhinella marina). Ethology 123(10):724-735.).

Conspecific recognition mechanisms can be used in cannibalism context. Crossland & Shine (2011CROSSLAND, M.R. & SHINE, R. 2011. Cues for cannibalism: Cane toad tadpoles use chemical signals to locate and consume conspecific eggs. Oikos 120(3):327-332.) found that R. marina tadpoles are attracted by chemical cues from conspecific eggs and they eat them. This behavior is not a result of indiscriminate foraging, as these tadpoles rarely eat eggs of other species present in the same habitat (Crossland & Shine 2010CROSSLAND, M.R. & SHINE, R. 2010. Vulnerability of an Australian anuran tadpole assemblage to the toxic eggs of the invasive cane toad (Bufo marinus). Austral Ecol. 35(2):197-203.). This type of cannibalism can provide an important nutrition source for tadpoles and reduce future intraspecific competition (Crossland et al. 2011CROSSLAND, M.R., HEARNDEN, M.N., PIZZATTO, L., ALFORD, R.A. & SHINE, R. 2011. Why be a cannibal? The benefits to cane toad, Rhinella marina [=Bufo marinus], tadpoles of consuming conspecific eggs. Anim. Behav. 82(4):775-782.). In addition, by finding conspecific eggs, R. marina tadpoles can release chemicals that suppress the development of embryos (Crossland & Shine 2012CROSSLAND, M.R. & SHINE, R. 2012. Embryonic exposure to conspecific chemicals suppresses cane toad growth and survival. Biol. Lett. 8(2):226-229., Clarke et al. 2015CLARKE, G.S., CROSSLAND, M.R., SHILTON, C. & SHINE, R. 2015. Chemical suppression of embryonic cane toads Rhinella marina by larval conspecifics. J. Appl. Ecol. 52(6):1547-1557.).

Crossland et al. (2011CROSSLAND, M.R., HEARNDEN, M.N., PIZZATTO, L., ALFORD, R.A. & SHINE, R. 2011. Why be a cannibal? The benefits to cane toad, Rhinella marina [=Bufo marinus], tadpoles of consuming conspecific eggs. Anim. Behav. 82(4):775-782.) have demonstrated that the substances involved in attraction process of R. marina tadpoles by conspecific eggs are toxins used in defence against predators, known as bufadienolids. Thus, it is possible that these substances are involved in attraction to conspecifics in tadpoles of R. icterica and other bufonids. These examples of behaviors based on attraction to conspecific cues in species genetically related to R. icterica suggest that attraction to conspecifics in this species may be related to similar behaviors. However, further studies are needed to verify if this attraction to conspecific is related with some recognition mechanism.

We found a notable difference between R. icterica and R. ornata tadpoles in relation to attraction to conspecifics. Rhinella ornata tadpoles did not prefer any of the groups, formed by either conspecifics or heterospecifics, indicating that attraction to conspecifics in this species may not occur. Rhinella ornata tadpoles spent more time near heterospecifics than the empty compartment, which suggests that R. ornata tadpoles prefer to associate with tadpoles of another species than to be isolated.

Some species of tadpoles exhibit schooling behavior (e.g., Beiswenger 1975BEISWENGER, R.E. 1975. Structure and function in aggregations of tadpoles of the American Toad, Bufo americanus. Herpetologica 31(2):222-233., 1977BEISWENGER, R.E. 1977. Diel patterns of aggregative behavior in tadpoles of Bufo americanus, in relation to light and temperature. Ecology 58(1):98-108.; Wassersug et al. 1981 WASSERSUG, R.J., LUM, A.M. & POTEL, M.J. 1981. An analysis of school structure for tadpoles (Anura: Amphibia). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 9(1):15-22.; Eterovick 2000ETEROVICK, P.C. 2000. Effects of aggregation on feeding of Bufo crucifer tadpoles (Anura, Bufonidae). Copeia 2000(1):210-215.; Heursel & Haddad 2002D’HEURSEL, A. & HADDAD, C.F.B. 2002. Schooling and swimming behaviors of Hyla semilineata tadpoles (Anura, Hylidae). Iheringia, Série Zool. 92(1):99-104.). Functions and benefits attributed to this behavior include predation rate decrease-due to predator confusion and aposematism enhancement-, foraging rate increase, and greater efficiency in thermoregulation (Watt et al.1997WATT, P.J., NOTTINGHAM, S.F. & YOUNG, S. 1997. Toad tadpole aggregation behaviour: Evidence for a predator avoidance function. Anim. Behav. 54(4):865-872.; Hoff et al. 1999HOFF, K.S., BLAUSTEIN, A.R., MCDIARMID, R.W. & ALTIG. R. 1999. Behavior: interactions and their consequences. In Tadpoles: the biology of anuran larvae (R.W. McDiarmid & R. Altig, eds.). University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA, p. 215-239.; Eterovick 2000ETEROVICK, P.C. 2000. Effects of aggregation on feeding of Bufo crucifer tadpoles (Anura, Bufonidae). Copeia 2000(1):210-215.; Hero et al. 2001HERO, J.M., MAGNUSSON, W.E., ROCHA, C.F.D. & CATTERALL, C.P. 2001. Antipredator defenses influence the distribution of amphibian prey species in the central Amazon rain forest. Biotropica 33(1):131-141.). However, when resources are limited, some costs of group formation may be evident, such as increasing competition, cannibalism and predation, as well as increasing disease and inbreeding susceptibility (Hamilton and May 1977HAMILTON, W.D. & MAY, R.M. 1977. Dispersal in stable habitats. Nature 269578.; Bateson 1983; Shykoff & Schmid-Hempel 1991SHYKOFF, J.A. & SCHMID-HEMPEL, P. 1991. Genetic relatedness and eusociality: parasite-mediated selection on the genetic composition of groups. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 28(5):371-376.; Pfening et al.1993PFENNIG, D.W., REEVE, H.K. & SHERMAN, P.W. 1993. Kin recognition and cannibalism in spadefoot toad tadpoles. Anim. Behav. 46(1):87-94.; Goater 1994GOATER, C.P. 1994. Growth and survival of postmetamorphic toads: Interactions among larval history, density, and parasitism. Ecology 75(8):2264-2274.). Spatial attraction of tadpoles of R. ornata by tadpoles groups of R. icterica, as well as the non-repulsion of tadpoles of R. icterica to tadpoles groups of R. ornata tadpole, suggests that spatial interaction between these tadpoles in the natural environment does not involve large competition costs.

Some authors have attempted to explain the absence of discrimination among siblings by tadpoles under laboratory conditions as a consequence of lack of stimuli to reproduce the aggregation behavior (Blaustein & Waldman 1992BLAUSTEIN, A.R. & WALDMAN, B. 1992. Kin recognition in anuran amphibians. Anim. Behav. 44:207-221.). The aggregation formation, with relatives or not, may be dependent on the balance between the costs and benefits of this behavior (Hamilton 1964HAMILTON, W.D. 1964. The genetical evolution of social behaviour. I. J. Theor. Biol. 7(1):1-16.). Both, recognition processes and aggregation can vary within the same species depending on some factors, such as presence and density of predators (Wrona & Dixon 1991WRONA, F.J & DIXON, R. 1991. Group size and predation risk: a field analysis of encounter and dilution effects. Am. Nat. 137(2):186-201.; Fitzgeral 1992FITZGERALD, G.J. & MORRISSETTE, J. 1992. Kin recognition and choice of shoal mates by threespine sticklebacks. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 4(3):273-283.; Watt et al. 1997WATT, P.J., NOTTINGHAM, S.F. & YOUNG, S. 1997. Toad tadpole aggregation behaviour: Evidence for a predator avoidance function. Anim. Behav. 54(4):865-872.) differences in tadpole diet (Gamboa et al. 1991GAMBOA, G.J., BERVEN, K.A., SCHEMIDT, R.A., FISHWILD, T.G. & JANKENS, K.M. 1991. Kin recognition by larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica): effects of diet and prior exposure to conspecifics. Oecologia 86(3):319-324.; Pfenning 1990PFENNIG, D.W. 1990. “Kin recognition” among spadefoot toad tadpoles: a side-effect of habitat selection? Evolution 44(4):785-798.), development stage (Rautio et al. 1991RAUTIO, S.A., BURA, E.A., BERVEN, K.A. & GAMBOA, G.J. 1991. Kin recognition in wood frog tadpoles (Rana sylvatica): factors affecting spatial proximity to siblings. Can. J. Zool. 69(10):2569-2571.; Blaustein & Waldman 1992BLAUSTEIN, A.R. & WALDMAN, B. 1992. Kin recognition in anuran amphibians. Anim. Behav. 44:207-221.; Nicieza 1999NICIEZA, A.G. 1999. Context-dependent aggregation in common frog Rana temporaria tadpoles: Influence of developmental stage, predation risk and social environment. Funct. Ecol. 13(6):852-858.), and resource distribution and temperature variation (Hokit & Blaustein 1997HOKIT, D.G. & BLAUSTEIN, A.R. 1997. The effects of kinship on interactions between tadpoles of Rana cascadae. Ecology 78(6):1722-1735.). Lithobates sylvaticus tadpoles, for example, demonstrated kin recognition and attraction in laboratory experiments, but in natural environments they demonstrated both attraction and repulsion to kin in different ponds (Waldman 1984WALDMAN, B. 1984. Kin recognition and sibling association among wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 14(3):171-180.; Halverson et al. 2006HALVERSON, M.A., SKELLY, D.K. & CACCONE, A. 2006. Kin distribution of amphibian larvae in the wild. Mol. Ecol. 15(4):1139-1145.). We were not able to consider the variable stage of development in our study, because of the rapid development and the great variation of development of tadpoles from the same spawn. This research opens a pathway for further studies analyse each variable that may be related to attraction to conspecifics in tadpoles of these two bufonids.

In this study, when opting for laboratory tests, we sought to avoid much of these variables, which could influence the results. Thus, our results suggest that attraction to conspecific may be a important factor for aggregation or association with other tadpoles in R. icterica, while tadpoles of R. ornata may aggregate indiscriminately or due to other variables than attraction to conspecifics. The behavior differences between two ecologically and genetically closely related species indicate that there may be no generalizations in anuran larvae behavior.


We thank CAPES for a grant to APN, ICMBio for collection and rearing permits (number 55886-3), MZUSP for the permission to access the study site, Denise Rossa Feres, Alexandre Percequillo, Fernando Rodrigues da Silva and Karl Mokroos for criticize parts of this work, and several colleagues that have helped in the fieldwork, including Denise M. Petroni, Gerson O. Romão, and Larissa C. Pedrozo. JB was a researcher of CNPq during this project (process number 309017/2016-5).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 Jan 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    27 July 2020
  • Reviewed
    16 Nov 2020
  • Accepted
    24 Nov 2020
Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade | BIOTA - FAPESP Departamento de Biologia Vegetal - Instituto de Biologia, UNICAMP CP 6109, 13083-970 - Campinas/SP, Tel.: (+55 19) 3521-6166, Fax: (+55 19) 3521-6168 - Campinas - SP - Brazil