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Spatio-temporal variation of Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) populations in Brazil according to meteorological factors

Variações espaço-temporais das popupações de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) no Brasil de acordo com fatores meteorológicos


Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) has been recognized as a major owlet caterpillar associated to the herbivory of gramineaceous plants across the American continent. During outbreaks, the caterpillars are capable of completely consuming preferred hosts (grasses) and, when these hosts are destroyed, they can move to adjacent non-grass plants and cause similar damage. Meteorological variable such as temperature and humidity are described as factors that affect the development and abundance of M. latipes. This paper aimed to describe and compare the spatial and temporal distribution of M. latipes in different locations in Brazil and to evaluate the influence of meteorological variables on the temporal range. A total of 12 locations were evaluated, in each collection point light traps were installed near cultivated areas. In order to understand the influence of meteorological variables on the abundance of M. latipes, the data were analyzed using a Generalized Linear Model according to Poisson regression. A linear regression was also used to verify the relation between the abundance and the latitude. A total of 1,985 moths were collected. The highest collections were in Amazon and Cerrado biomes. Results show that abundance was inversely related to increasing latitude and Poisson regression analysis indicated that the main meteorological variables were significantly related to abundance at each site. This study shows that due to the high preference for gramineas and the high temperature requirements (30°C), M. latipes is an important species in hot regions and regions with hight humidity. Furthurmore, even in higher latitudes, in subtropical areas, during summer months, populations can Rapidly growth being able to cause economic damages.

light trap; owlet moth pest; populational variations; striped grassworm


Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) tem sido reconhecida como uma das principais espécies consumidoras de gramíneas em todo o continente americano. Durante os surtos, as lagartas são capazes de consumir completamente os hospedeiros preferenciais (gramíneas) e, quando os hospedeiros preferenciais são destruídos, podem mover-se para plantas adjacentes não gramíneas e causar danos semelhantes. Variáveis meteorológicas, como temperatura e umidade, são conhecidas por afetar o desenvolvimento e a abundância de suas populações. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever e comparar a distribuição espaço-temporal de M. latipes em diferentes localidades do Brasil e avaliar a influência de variáveis meteorológicas sobre suas variações temporais. Foram avaliados 12 locais, em cada ponto de coleta foram instaladas armadilhas luminosas próximas às áreas de cultivo. Para entender a influência das variáveis meteorológicas na abundância de M. latipes, os dados foram analisados pelo Modelo Linear Generalizado, empregando a regressão de Poisson. Uma regressão linear também foi utilizada para verificar a relação entre a abundância e a latitude. Um total de 1.985 mariposas foram coletadas. Os maiores números de indivíduos foram coletados nos biomas Amazônia e Cerrado. Os resultados mostram que a abundância de mariposas está inversamente relacionada ao aumento da latitude. A análise de regressão de Poisson indicou que as principais variáveis meteorológicas foram significativamente relacionadas à abundância em cada local. Este estudo mostra que devido à preferência por gramíneas em estado vegetativo e às altas exigências de temperatura (30°C), M. latipes é uma espécie importante em regiões quentes, especialmente nas épocas de maior umidade. Além disso, mesmo em latitudes elevadas, durante os meses de verão, as populações podem aumentar rapidamente, podendo causar danos econômicos.

armadilha luminosa; noctuoides-praga; variações populacionais; curuquerê-dos-capinzais


Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) is an important grass pest that occurs throughout the Americas, from Canada to Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (Bethune 1869BETHUNE, C.J.S. 1869. Notes on Canadian Lepidoptera, part III. Can. Entomol., 1: 85-89., Biezanko et al. 1957BIEZANKO, C.M., RUFFINELLI, A. & CARBONELL, C.S. 1957. Lepidoptera del Uruguay, lista anotada de especies. Rev. Fac. Agron., 46: 3-152., Barth 1958BARTH, R. 1958. Observações biológicas e meteorológicas feitas na Ilha de Trindade. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 56(1): 261-279., Angulo & Jana-Sáenz 1983ANGULO, A.O. & JANA-SÁENZ, C. 1983. Catalogo crítico, ilustrado y claves de Catocalinae y Ophiderinae para Chile (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Gayana Zool. 45: 3-26., Pastrana 2004PASTRANA, J.A. 2004. Los Lepidópteros Argentinos: sus plantas hospedadoras y otros substratos alimenticios. Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, Buenos Aires. , Wagner et al. 2011WAGNER, D.L., SCHWEITZER, D.F., SULLIVAN, J.B. & REARDON, R.C. 2011. Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, Alves et al. 2019ALVES, R.J.V., COSTA, L.A.A., SOARES, A., SILVA, N.G. & PINTO, Â.P. 2019. Open ocean nocturnal insect migration in the Brazilian South Atlantic with comments on flight endurance. PeerJ, 7: e7583.). Due to the fact that M. latipes is widely distributed, it is common for it to receive different names across its range of distribution. For example, in North America it is called as “striped grassworm” and “striped grass looper” (Genung & Allen Jr. 1974GENUNG, W.G. & ALLEN Jr., R.J. 1974. Bionomics and control of the striped grass looper Mocis latipes in the Everglades and adjacent areas (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Belle Glade Agricultural and Research and Education Center, Belle Glade [Research Report EV-1974]., Reinert 1975REINERT, J.A. 1975. Life history of the striped grassworm, Mocis latipes (Guenee). An. Entomol. Soc. Am., 68(2): 201-204., Koehler et al. 1977KOEHLER, P.G., GOUGER, R.J. & SHORT, D.E. 1977. Control of striped grass loopers and armyworms in pasture: 1976. Fla. Entomol., 60(2): 102-104.); in Central America, “falso medidor de los pastos” and “Guinea-grass moth ” (Fennah 1947FENNAH, R.G. 1947. Mocis repanda, the Guinea-grass moth. The Insect Pests of Food Crops in the Lesser Antilles. (Ed. FENNAH R.G.), pp. 85-86. Dep. Agr. Windward and Leeward Islands, Grenada and Antigua., Calderón et al. 1981CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F. & QUINTERO, E. 1981. Falso medidor de los pastos Mocis latipes Guenée (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), plaga esporádica em Carimagua. Pastos Tropicales - Boletín CIAT, 4: 8-12.); in Brazil “curuquerê-dos capinzais” and “lagarta-dos-capinzais” (Pigatti & Mello 1960PIGATTI, A. & MELLO, E.J.R. 1960. Sensibilidade da lagarta dos capinzais Mocis repanda (F.) aos inseticidas modernos. Arq. Inst. Biol., 27: 31-34., Cavalcante 1977CAVALCANTE, R.D. 1977. Combate ao curuquere dos capinzais [Mocis latipes]. Bol. Fitossanitário - Bayer do Brasil S.A., 238: 1-3., Silva et al. 1991SILVA, R.A., CARVALHO, C.F. & MATIOLI, J.C. 1991. Efeitos de diferentes dietas na biologia da fase adulta de Mocis latipes (Guenné, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Pesq. Agropec. Bras., 26(1): 45-50., Correia et al. 1999CORREIA, J.S., FERRAZ, M.C.V.D. & SANTOS, Z.F.A.F. 1999. A lagarta-dos-capinzais, Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852), importante praga das pastagens no estado da Bahia. EBDA - Circular Técnica, 8: 1-21.), in Colombia “gusano agrimensor” (Alvarez-R & Sanchez-G 1981ALVAREZ-R., A. & SANCHEZ-G., G. 1981. Ciclo de vida y descripcion del gusano agrimensor, Mocis latipes. Rev. ICA, 16: 57-63.) and in Argentina “gusano cuarteador” (Costilla et al. 1973COSTILLA, M.A., BASCO, H.J., LEVI, C.A. & OSORES, V.M. 1973. La oruga cuarteadora Mocis latipes (Guen) y su importancia como plaga de la caña de azúcar: biología, daño y control. Bol. Estac. Exp. Agríc. Tucumán 112: 1-7., Hayward 1960HAYWARD, K.J. 1960. Insectos Tucumanos Perjudiciales. Rev. Ind. Agríc. Tucumán, 42: 1-101, Salvatore & Willink 2004SALVATORE, A.R. & WILLINK, E. 2004. La oruga cuarteadora, Mocis latipes (Guen.) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 25: 14-16., Acosta et al. 2005ACOSTA, M., WILLINK, E., SAAVEDRA, J. & SALVATORE, A.R. 2005. Pérdidas en el rendimiento cultural y fabril causadas por el gusano cuarteador, Mocis latipes (Guen) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 26: 12-14.).

Although some authors consider M. latipes as a polyphagous pest (e.g. Fonseca & Autuori 1932FONSECA, J.P. & AUTUORI, M. 1932. Principaes pragas do café no estado de São Paulo. Instituto Biológico de Defesa Agrícola e Animal, Divisão Vegetal, Seção de Entomologia e Parasitologia Agrícolas, São Paulo., Bissell 1940BISSELL, T.L. 1940. Insects damaging forage crops. Ga. Exp. Sta. - Ann. Rep., 52: 63., Biezanko et al. 1957BIEZANKO, C.M., RUFFINELLI, A. & CARBONELL, C.S. 1957. Lepidoptera del Uruguay, lista anotada de especies. Rev. Fac. Agron., 46: 3-152., 1974BIEZANKO, C.M., RUFFINELLI, A. & LINK, D. 1974. Plantas y otras sustancias alimenticias de las orugas de los lepidópteros uruguayos. Rev. Centro de Ciências Rurais, 4(2): 107-148., Hayward 1960HAYWARD, K.J. 1960. Insectos Tucumanos Perjudiciales. Rev. Ind. Agríc. Tucumán, 42: 1-101, Labrador 1964LABRADOR, S.J.R. 1964. Estudios de biologia y combate del gusano medidor de los pastes Mocis repanda F. en el estado Zulia. Univ. Zulia. Rev. Univ. Zulia, 8: 111-144., Kimball 1965KIMBALL, C.P. 1965. Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas. Lepidoptera of Florida. Florida Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry, 1: 1-125., Silva et al. 1968SILVA, A.G.A., GONÇALVES, C.R., GALVÃO, D.M., GONÇALVES, A.J.L., GOMES, J., SILVA, M.M. & SIMONI, L. 1968. Quarto Catálogo dos insetos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil: seus parasitos e predadores. Parte II, 1º tomo, Insetos, hospedeiros e inimigos naturais. Ministério da Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro., Costilla et al. 1973COSTILLA, M.A., BASCO, H.J., LEVI, C.A. & OSORES, V.M. 1973. La oruga cuarteadora Mocis latipes (Guen) y su importancia como plaga de la caña de azúcar: biología, daño y control. Bol. Estac. Exp. Agríc. Tucumán 112: 1-7., Ware 1973WARE, F.L. 1973. Insect pests on ornamentals. Tri-ology Technical Report, 12(10): 2., Bertels 1975BERTELS, A.M. 1975. Insetos-pragas da soja e seu combate. Embrapa - Bol. Técnico, 100: 1-33., Kleyla et al. 1979KLEYLA, P.C., MINNICK, D.R. & RUELKE, O.C. 1979. Alfalfa plant resistance to insects in Florida. Soil & Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc., 38: 16-17., Pastrana 2004PASTRANA, J.A. 2004. Los Lepidópteros Argentinos: sus plantas hospedadoras y otros substratos alimenticios. Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, Buenos Aires. , Formentini et al. 2015FORMENTINI, A.C., SOSA-GÓMEZ, D.R., PAULA-MORAES, S.V., BARROS, N.M. & SPECHT, A. 2015. Lepidoptera (Insecta) associated with soybean in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. Ciênc. Rural, 45(12): 2113-2120.), the main host plants of M. latipes are grasses. Ogunwolu & Habeck (1975)OGUNWOLU, E.G. & HABECK, D.H. 1975. Comparative life histories of three Mocis spp. in Florida (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Fla. Entomol., 58(2): 97-103. has shown that the first to fourth instar larvae are unable to complete their life cycle in non-grassy plants. Despite that, M. latipes can be considered a polyphagous species because it has also been collected from non-grassy plants (Ogunwolu & Habeck 1975OGUNWOLU, E.G. & HABECK, D.H. 1975. Comparative life histories of three Mocis spp. in Florida (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Fla. Entomol., 58(2): 97-103.) or, after caterpillars completely consume grasses or when selective herbicides are used, they are able to migrate and defoliate other crops (Capinera 2005CAPINERA, J.L. 2005. Symposium - Relationships between insect pests and weeds: an evolutionary perspective. Weed Sci., 53(6): 892-901.).

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Puerto Rico, 5: 5-46., Holloway 1933HOLLOWAY, T.E. 1933 Insect pests of sugarcane. Facts about sugar, 28: 216-219., Reiniger 1946REINIGER, C.H. 1946. Dominada uma lagarta que atacava os canaviais de Campos. Bol. Minist. Agric., 34: 125., Queiroz 1965QUEIROZ, G.F. 1965. Lagartas das folhas da cana-de-açúcar. Bras. Açucar., 65: 81., Mendonça Filho 1972,MENDONÇA FILHO, A.F. 1972. Insetos observados nos canaviais do Estado de Alagoas - Brasil, durante o ano de 1971. An. Soc. Entomol. Bras., 1: 25-41. Costilla et al. 1973COSTILLA, M.A., BASCO, H.J., LEVI, C.A. & OSORES, V.M. 1973. La oruga cuarteadora Mocis latipes (Guen) y su importancia como plaga de la caña de azúcar: biología, daño y control. Bol. Estac. Exp. Agríc. Tucumán 112: 1-7., Guagliumi 1973GUAGLIUMI, P. 1973. Pragas da cana-de-açúcar: nordeste do Brasil. Instituto do Açúcar e do Álcool, Rio de Janeiro. , Mahadeo 1977MAHADEO, C.R. 1977. Trinidad - Mocis latipes and Spodoptera frugiperda on sugarcane. FAO Plant Prot. Bull., 25(4): 211-212., Planalsucar 1982PLANALSUCAR. 1982. Guia das principais pragas da cana de açúcar no Brasil. Planalsucar, Brasil., Salvatore & Willink 2004SALVATORE, A.R. & WILLINK, E. 2004. La oruga cuarteadora, Mocis latipes (Guen.) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 25: 14-16., Acosta et al. 2005ACOSTA, M., WILLINK, E., SAAVEDRA, J. & SALVATORE, A.R. 2005. Pérdidas en el rendimiento cultural y fabril causadas por el gusano cuarteador, Mocis latipes (Guen) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 26: 12-14., Salvatore et al. 2009BISSELL, T.L. 1940. Insects damaging forage crops. Ga. Exp. Sta. - Ann. Rep., 52: 63., Marquez 2013MARQUEZ, M.J. 2013. Defoliadores en caña de azúcar: falso medidor. Boletin Cañamip 11: 1-4.).

Usually, M. latipes is reported as a cyclic pest (e.g. Calderón et al. 1981CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F. & QUINTERO, E. 1981. Falso medidor de los pastos Mocis latipes Guenée (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), plaga esporádica em Carimagua. Pastos Tropicales - Boletín CIAT, 4: 8-12., Saunders et al. 1998SAUNDERS, J.L., COTO, D. & KING, A.B.S. 1998. Plagas invertebradas de cultivos anuales alimenticios en America Central. CIAT, Turrialba.) whose abundance is influenced by environmental factors such as humidity, precipitation and temperature (Calderón et al. 1982CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F.A. & VALENCIA-G, C.A. 1982. Descripción de las plagas que atacan los pastos tropicales y características de sus daños. CIAT, Cali. , Ferreira & Parra 1985FERREIRA, M.J.M. & PARRA, J.R.P. 1985. Biologia de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em diferentes temperaturas, para determinação das exigências térmicas. An. Soc. Entomol. Bras., 14(1): 75-88., Gibbs 1990GIBBS, I.H. 1990. The guinea grass moth- an occasional pest of pasture grasses in Barbados. Proceedings - Barbados Society of Technologists in Agriculture. Eighth Annual Conference 67-69.). Therefore, under favorable weather conditions and food availability, their populations increase rapidly.

Temperature and humidity are the main environmental factors that influence occurrence, distribution and complete development of M. latipes biological cycle. Therefore, the imbalance of these conditions directly interferes in population size (Bertels 1970BERTELS, A. 1970. Estudo da influência da umidade sobre a dinâmica de populações de lepidópteros, pragas do milho. Pesq. Agropec. Bras., 5(1): 67-79., Bernardi et al. 2011BERNARDI, O., GARCIA, M.S., SILVA, E.J.E., ZAZYCHI, L.C.F., BERNARDI, D. & FINKENAUER, E. 2011. Levantamento populacional e análise faunística de Lepidoptera em Eucalyptus spp. no município de Pinheiro Machado, RS. Ci. Fl., 21(4): 735-744.). Understanding spatial and temporal distribution of pest species is important to reduce risks of Outbreaks and to develop sustainable management control (Pedigo & Rice 2009PEDIGO, L.P. & RICE, M.E. 2009. Entomology and pest management. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.). There is a lack of studies on population dynamics of M. latipes in different regions in Brazil. Population outbreaks are known to occur early in the rainy season, especially in the Amazon (Teixeira & Townsend 1997TEIXEIRA, C.A.D. & TOWNSEND, C.R. 1997. Ocorrência e indicações de controle do Curuquerê dos capinzais (Mocis latipes Guen.) no capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) em Porto Velho-RO. Embrapa CPAF, Porto Velho [Comunicado técnico n°. 135]., Fazolin et al. 2009FAZOLIN, M., COSTA, C.R., ESTRELA, J.L.V., HESSEL, C.E. & ANDRADE, C.M.S. 2009. Levantamento de insetos-praga associados aos capins Tanner-Grass, Tangola e Estrela-Africana no Acre. Amazônia: Ci. & Desenv., 4(8): 161-173.). However, the factors that cause these occurrences are still unknown. Thus, this paper reports the influence of meteorological variables and latitude on spatio-temporal abundance of M. latipes in different regions in Brazil.

Material and Methods

1. Moth sampling

Mocis latipes moths were captured in systematized collections at 12 regions in Brazil (Table 1), being those regions representatives of the main Brazilian biomes and on a latitudinal range (2° North to 31° South). At each collection point, a light trap (Light Trap - Bio Controle®), adapted to Pennsylvania model (Frost 1957FROST, S.W. 1957. The Pennsylvania insect light trap. J. Econ. Entomol., 50(3): 287-292. ), was placed on a pole 3 meters from the ground. Collections were made once a month, from July 2015 to June 2016, during each novilunium repeated for five nights (repetitions). Collection methodology followed Specht et al. (2005)SPECHT, A., TESTON, J.A., DI MARE, R.A. & CORSEUIL, E. 2005. Noctuídeos (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) coletados em quatro áreas estaduais de conservação do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Entomol., 49(1): 130-140. and Piovesan et al. (2018)PIOVESAN, M., CARNEIRO, E., SPECHT, A. & CASAGRANDE, M.M. 2018. Where and when? How phenological patterns of armyworm moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) change along a latidudinal gradient in Brazil. Bull. Entomol. Res., 109(4): 490-499.. Traps were placed in areas surrounded by several agricultural crops, especially cotton, soybean, corn and pastures (Table 1). Corn was the only crop presented in all regions.

Table 1
Geographic location, municipality, state, biome, climate (Köppen-Geiger according Beck et al., 2018BECK, H., ZIMMERMANN, N., MCVICAR, T., VERGOPOLAN1, N., BERG, A. & WOOD, E.F. 2018. Present and future Köppen-Geiger climate classification maps at 1-km resolution. Sci Data 5: 180214. ) and main annual cultures, C - cotton, M - maize, S - Soybean, and P - pastures, of each light trap collecting point.

2. Mocis latipes identification

Moths were identified by comparing collected specimens against reference material from the Coleção Entomológica da Embrapa Cerrados (CPAC) and bibliographic resources (Brou Jr., 2004BROU Jr., V.A. 2004. The Noctuidae genus Mocis Hübner in Louisiana. Southern Lepidopterists’ News, 26: 35-37.). After identification, the specimens were stored in glass containers with 92.8GL ethyl alcohol, labeled with date and collecting location. Specimens were kept as voucher material in the CPAC collection and the specific abundance data were tabulated in a spreadsheet for analysis.

3. Meteorological data

The meteorological variables considered were the monthly average of the maximum and minimum temperatures (°C), relative humidity (%) and cumulative precipitation (mm3/m2/month). The data were obtained from Embrapa Cerrados, Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril, Capixaba Institute for Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension - Incaper and National Institute of Meteorology - INMET. Except for data obtained from INMET, all other data were collected at meteorological stations near the sample units.

4. Statistical analysis

To evaluate the relationship between the abundance of M. latipes and the latitude (Decimal Degrees - DD) used the generalized linear model (GLM) according to Poisson regression with eleven collections points established in the Southern Hemisphere (Table 1). In the same way, as abundance data considers moth count, a GLM Poisson regression was used in order to determine the conjunct influence of meteorological variables on the expected abundance of M. latipes at each collecting points. The analysis includes the estimates and respective significance, and the standard errors of the estimate for each collecting point and a general estimate with all points, except for Londrina, Passo Fundo and Bagé, due to the non-significance of the coefficients of the variables when studied individually. The analysis was performed on R version 3.4.0 (R Development Core Team 2017R DEVELOPMENT CORE TEAM. 2017. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna. (last access at 09/Dec/2017).


In total, 1,985 moths of M. latipes were collected with greater abundance concentrated in the lower latitudes, in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes. Almost half of the insects (42.11%) were collected in Alto Alegre-RR, followed by Rio Branco-AC (13.55%) and Mojuí dos Campos-PA (11.33%) (Table 2; Figure 1). Moths were found in all sampled locations, most of the year and in 92 collections (63.88%) from the 144 collected. Disregarding the southernmost locations (Bagé, Passo Fundo and Londrina), where it is cold during the winter time, M. latipes were collected in 84 out of 108 events, which corresponds to more than – (77.78%) of the collections.

Table 2
Monthly abundancy of Mocis latipes moths collected with light traps, during five nights per novilune.

Figure 1
Variation in number (red circles) of Mocis latipes sampled in 12 localities of Brazil (July 2015 - June 2016). For a complete description of localities and dates, see Tables 1-2.

The inverse relationship between latitude and abundance of M. latipes shown in Figure 1 is statistically confirmed by Poisson regression analysis (Figure 2) whose coefficients were Akaike Information Criterion - AIC 321.780; Intercept: estimate 6.194, SD 0.055, z value 113.100 (p> 0.001) and Latitude: estimate 0.115, SD 0.004, z value 25.930 (p> 0.001).

Figure 2
Representation of the observed (circles) and estimated by Poisson regression analysis (triangles) abundance of Mocis latipes in each collection point, according South Latitude.

The monthly occurrence data (Table 2) indicated that, despite occurring in practically the whole year, M. latipes populations varied differently in each location.

Poisson regression analysis indicated for most locations that the conjunct of accumulated monthly precipitation, the monthly averages of minimum and maximum temperature and the monthly average of relative humidity positively influenced abundance (Table 3). As observed between monthly abundance (Table 2), the relations between the number of moths and meteorological variables varied between locations (Table 3).

Table 3
Results (AIC - Akaike Information Criterion, Intercept values - Estimate (with significance) and Standard Error -SE) obtained by the Poisson regression analysis between the monthly abundance of Mocis latipes moths collected in each location and the main meteorological variables (Precipitation accumulated in the month; Max. Temp - Average of monthly maximum temperature; Min. Temp - Average monthly minimum temperature and RH - average monthly relative humidity).


The occurrence of M. latipes throughout Brazil (Figure 1) was expected due to the wide distribution previously mentioned in the bibliography (ex. Reinert 1975REINERT, J.A. 1975. Life history of the striped grassworm, Mocis latipes (Guenee). An. Entomol. Soc. Am., 68(2): 201-204., Carvalho 1976CARVALHO, R. 1976. Lagarta dos capinzais (Mocis latipes, Guenée 1852) no Espírito Santo: primeira abordagem do problema. EMCAPA, Vitória., Saunders et al. 1998SAUNDERS, J.L., COTO, D. & KING, A.B.S. 1998. Plagas invertebradas de cultivos anuales alimenticios en America Central. CIAT, Turrialba., Bentancourt & Scatoni 2006BENTANCOURT, C.M. & SCATONI, I.B. 2006. Lepidópteros de importancia económica en el Uruguay: Reconocimiento, biologia y daños de las plagas agrícolas y forestales. Editorial Hemisferio Sur, Montevideo., Wagner et al. 2011WAGNER, D.L., SCHWEITZER, D.F., SULLIVAN, J.B. & REARDON, R.C. 2011. Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton). The simultaneous occurrence of this species in such a wide and diverse territory is correlated with several biological aspects attributed to insects presenting great geographic distribution that includes: great capacity for dispersion and migration (Ferguson et al. 1991FERGUSON, D.C., HILBURN, D.J. & WRIGHT, B. 1991. The Lepidoptera of Bermuda: Their food plants, biogeography, and means of dispersal. Mem. Entomol. Soc. Can., 123: 1-105., Brou Jr. 2004BROU Jr., V.A. 2004. The Noctuidae genus Mocis Hübner in Louisiana. Southern Lepidopterists’ News, 26: 35-37., Krauel et al. 2018KRAUEL, J.J., BROWN, V.A., WESTBROOK, J.K. & MCCRACKEN, G.F. 2018. Predator-prey interaction reveals local effects of high altitude insect migration. Oecologia, 186(1): 49-58. , Alves et al. 2019ALVES, R.J.V., COSTA, L.A.A., SOARES, A., SILVA, N.G. & PINTO, Â.P. 2019. Open ocean nocturnal insect migration in the Brazilian South Atlantic with comments on flight endurance. PeerJ, 7: e7583.), short life cycle with multivoltinism associated with high fertility (ex. Labrador 1964LABRADOR, S.J.R. 1964. Estudios de biologia y combate del gusano medidor de los pastes Mocis repanda F. en el estado Zulia. Univ. Zulia. Rev. Univ. Zulia, 8: 111-144., Reinert 1975REINERT, J.A. 1975. Life history of the striped grassworm, Mocis latipes (Guenee). An. Entomol. Soc. Am., 68(2): 201-204., Cruz & Santos 1983CRUZ, I. & SANTOS, J.P. 1983. Estudo comparativo de biologia de Mocis latipes em dieta artificial e folhas de milho e sorgo. Pesq. Agropec. Bras., 18(2): 85-90., Ferreira & Parra 1985FERREIRA, M.J.M. & PARRA, J.R.P. 1985. Biologia de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em diferentes temperaturas, para determinação das exigências térmicas. An. Soc. Entomol. Bras., 14(1): 75-88., Silva & Carvalho 1986SILVA, R.A. & CARVALHO, C.F. 1986. Aspectos biológicos de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em folhas de milho e arroz em condições de laboratório. Ciênc. Prát., 10: 94-101., Silva et al. 1991SILVA, R.A., CARVALHO, C.F. & MATIOLI, J.C. 1991. Efeitos de diferentes dietas na biologia da fase adulta de Mocis latipes (Guenné, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Pesq. Agropec. Bras., 26(1): 45-50., Piedra & Carrilo 1999PIEDRA, F. & CARRILLO, E.L. 1999. Biología y consumo de alimento de Mocis latipes Guenée en diferentes temperaturas con pasto estrella (Cynodon niemfuensis). Fitossanidad, 3: 11-15., Wagner et al. 2011WAGNER, D.L., SCHWEITZER, D.F., SULLIVAN, J.B. & REARDON, R.C. 2011. Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton), and polyphagy, which allows food to be obtained anywhere and at any time. In this last aspect, M. latipes is better classified as an oligophytophage because it develops preferentially in grasses (Ogunwolu & Habeck 1975OGUNWOLU, E.G. & HABECK, D.H. 1975. Comparative life histories of three Mocis spp. in Florida (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Fla. Entomol., 58(2): 97-103.) despite consuming other vegetables especially at the end of larval development (Hayward 1960HAYWARD, K.J. 1960. Insectos Tucumanos Perjudiciales. Rev. Ind. Agríc. Tucumán, 42: 1-101, Labrador 1964LABRADOR, S.J.R. 1964. Estudios de biologia y combate del gusano medidor de los pastes Mocis repanda F. en el estado Zulia. Univ. Zulia. Rev. Univ. Zulia, 8: 111-144., Kimball 1965KIMBALL, C.P. 1965. Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas. Lepidoptera of Florida. Florida Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry, 1: 1-125., Silva et al. 1968SILVA, A.G.A., GONÇALVES, C.R., GALVÃO, D.M., GONÇALVES, A.J.L., GOMES, J., SILVA, M.M. & SIMONI, L. 1968. Quarto Catálogo dos insetos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil: seus parasitos e predadores. Parte II, 1º tomo, Insetos, hospedeiros e inimigos naturais. Ministério da Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro., Costilla et al. 1973COSTILLA, M.A., BASCO, H.J., LEVI, C.A. & OSORES, V.M. 1973. La oruga cuarteadora Mocis latipes (Guen) y su importancia como plaga de la caña de azúcar: biología, daño y control. Bol. Estac. Exp. Agríc. Tucumán 112: 1-7., Biezanko et al. 1974BIEZANKO, C.M., RUFFINELLI, A. & LINK, D. 1974. Plantas y otras sustancias alimenticias de las orugas de los lepidópteros uruguayos. Rev. Centro de Ciências Rurais, 4(2): 107-148., Kleyla et al. 1979KLEYLA, P.C., MINNICK, D.R. & RUELKE, O.C. 1979. Alfalfa plant resistance to insects in Florida. Soil & Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc., 38: 16-17., Pastrana 2004PASTRANA, J.A. 2004. Los Lepidópteros Argentinos: sus plantas hospedadoras y otros substratos alimenticios. Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, Buenos Aires. , Formentini et al. 2015FORMENTINI, A.C., SOSA-GÓMEZ, D.R., PAULA-MORAES, S.V., BARROS, N.M. & SPECHT, A. 2015. Lepidoptera (Insecta) associated with soybean in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. Ciênc. Rural, 45(12): 2113-2120.). Despite being an oligophagous, M. latipes has in its favor that grasses are vegetables that have a relatively preserved physical and chemical structure throughout evolutionary history (Kellogg 2001KELLOGG, E.A. 2001. Evolutionary history of the grasses. Plant Physiol. 125: 1198-1205.). Thus, this determines that M. latipes, like most insects associated with grasses can develop satisfactorily in most species (Tscharntke & Greiler 1995TSCHARNTKE, T. & GREILER, H.J. 1995. Insect communities, grasses, and grasslands. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 40: 535-558.). Moreover, both annual and perennial grasses are found in almost all environments throughout the year, except for closed forest areas, deserts or very cold regions (Strömberg 2011STRÖMBERG, C.A.E. 2011. Evolution of grasses and grassland ecosystems. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 39: 517-544., Dixon et al. 2014DIXON, A.P., FABER-LANGENDOEN, D., JOSSE, C., MORRISON, J. & LOUCKS, C.J. 2014. Distribution mapping of world grassland types. J. Biogeogr., 41: 2003-2019.). In addition, cultivated grasses often become invasive, having additional amounts of nutrients in their tissues and less physical or chemical defense structures (Tamiru et al. 2015TAMIRU, A., KHAN, Z.R. & BRUCE, T.J.A. 2015. New directions for improving crop resistance to insects by breeding for egg induced defence. Curr. Opin. Insect Sci., 9, 51-55.).

The large number of specimens collected in five nights of a single month (531) in Alto Alegre - RR (Table 2) refers to the large population numbers of the species that, if under favorable environmental conditions and food availability, will determine the occurrence of outbreaks (Bodkin 1914BODKIN, G.E. 1914. The grass moth (Remigia repanda), a pest of sugar cane, rice, and paragrass in British Guiana. J. Bd. Agric. Brit. Guiana, 7: 171-177., Watson 1933WATSON, J.R. 1933. An outbreak of Mocis repanda Fabr. Fla. Entomol., 17(1): 15., Fennah 1947FENNAH, R.G. 1947. Mocis repanda, the Guinea-grass moth. The Insect Pests of Food Crops in the Lesser Antilles. (Ed. FENNAH R.G.), pp. 85-86. Dep. Agr. Windward and Leeward Islands, Grenada and Antigua., Labrador 1964LABRADOR, S.J.R. 1964. Estudios de biologia y combate del gusano medidor de los pastes Mocis repanda F. en el estado Zulia. Univ. Zulia. Rev. Univ. Zulia, 8: 111-144., Capriles & Ferrer 1973CAPRILES, J.M. & FERRER, M.A.C. 1973. Severe attack on sugarcane and grasses by Mocis latipes (Guenée), (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in southwest Puerto Rico. J. Agr. U. Puerto Rico, 57(4): 348-349., Costilla et al. 1973COSTILLA, M.A., BASCO, H.J., LEVI, C.A. & OSORES, V.M. 1973. La oruga cuarteadora Mocis latipes (Guen) y su importancia como plaga de la caña de azúcar: biología, daño y control. Bol. Estac. Exp. Agríc. Tucumán 112: 1-7., Hseih 1979HSEIH, C.Y. 1979. Major insect pests of irrigated rice in the lower Amazon Basin. IRRN, 4: 16., Calderón et al. 1981CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F. & QUINTERO, E. 1981. Falso medidor de los pastos Mocis latipes Guenée (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), plaga esporádica em Carimagua. Pastos Tropicales - Boletín CIAT, 4: 8-12., Silvain 1984SILVAIN, J.-F. 1984. Premières observations sur ecologie de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) et Mocis latipes (Guenée), noctuelles deprédétrices des graminées fourragères en Guyane Française. Prairies guyanaises et elevage bovin. Les Colloques de I’INRA, 24: 243-272., Silvain & Dauthuille 1985SILVAIN, J.-F. & DAUTHUILLE, D. 1985. Le controle des insectes depredateurs des graminees fourrageres en Guyane francaise. 1. La mise en place d’un reseau d’avertissement des attaques de chenilles de noctuelles. Systèmes d’élevage herbager en milieu equatorial. (Hentgen, A. and Girault, N. Eds.), pp. 161-186. Séminaire organisé par le Département de Recherches sur les Systèmes Agraires et le Développement de l’INRA, Cayenne., Gibbs 1990GIBBS, I.H. 1990. The guinea grass moth- an occasional pest of pasture grasses in Barbados. Proceedings - Barbados Society of Technologists in Agriculture. Eighth Annual Conference 67-69., Jiménez et al. 1997JIMÉNEZ, S., CORTIÑAS, J., SUÁREZ, M., ALMAGUEL, L. & GÓMEZ, G. 1997. Regionalización de Mocis latipes (Guénée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) en las zonas productoras de pastos de la provincia de La Habana. Agrotecnia de Cuba, 27: 80-85., Correia et al. 1999CORREIA, J.S., FERRAZ, M.C.V.D. & SANTOS, Z.F.A.F. 1999. A lagarta-dos-capinzais, Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852), importante praga das pastagens no estado da Bahia. EBDA - Circular Técnica, 8: 1-21., Sánchez Soto & Ortiz Garcia 1999SÁNCHEZ SOTO, S. & ORTIZ GARCÍA, C.F. 1999. Dos lepidópteros plaga de los pastos en Tabasco, México. Agrociencia (Mexico), 33(1): 51-52., Minno & Snyder 2008MINNO, M.C. & SNYDER, K. 2008. Defoliation of the invasive weed paragrass (Urochloa mutica) (Poaceae: Panicoideae) by Mocis latipes (Noctuidae: Catocalinae) in East - Central, Florida. Southern Lepidopterist’s News, 30(4): 145-146.) but mainly due to its relation with higher temperatures in tropical and equatorial areas, since the optimal development temperature is 30°C (Ferreira & Parra 1985FERREIRA, M.J.M. & PARRA, J.R.P. 1985. Biologia de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em diferentes temperaturas, para determinação das exigências térmicas. An. Soc. Entomol. Bras., 14(1): 75-88.).

This relation between greater abundance and higher temperature is in line with the significance of the negative regression between latitude and abundance found in this study (Figure 2). Indeed, despite the wide range of occurrences in the American continent, the largest number of studies that emphasize the importance of M. latipes as a pest refers to areas located in lower latitudes or that have climates characterized by high temperatures, especially in Central American countries and the Caribbean (e.g. Bodkin 1914BODKIN, G.E. 1914. The grass moth (Remigia repanda), a pest of sugar cane, rice, and paragrass in British Guiana. J. Bd. Agric. Brit. Guiana, 7: 171-177., Fennah 1947FENNAH, R.G. 1947. Mocis repanda, the Guinea-grass moth. The Insect Pests of Food Crops in the Lesser Antilles. (Ed. FENNAH R.G.), pp. 85-86. Dep. Agr. Windward and Leeward Islands, Grenada and Antigua., Labrador 1964LABRADOR, S.J.R. 1964. Estudios de biologia y combate del gusano medidor de los pastes Mocis repanda F. en el estado Zulia. Univ. Zulia. Rev. Univ. Zulia, 8: 111-144., Capriles & Ferrer 1973CAPRILES, J.M. & FERRER, M.A.C. 1973. Severe attack on sugarcane and grasses by Mocis latipes (Guenée), (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in southwest Puerto Rico. J. Agr. U. Puerto Rico, 57(4): 348-349., Hseih 1979HSEIH, C.Y. 1979. Major insect pests of irrigated rice in the lower Amazon Basin. IRRN, 4: 16., Calderón et al. 1981CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F. & QUINTERO, E. 1981. Falso medidor de los pastos Mocis latipes Guenée (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), plaga esporádica em Carimagua. Pastos Tropicales - Boletín CIAT, 4: 8-12., 1982CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F.A. & VALENCIA-G, C.A. 1982. Descripción de las plagas que atacan los pastos tropicales y características de sus daños. CIAT, Cali. , Silvain 1984SILVAIN, J.-F. 1984. Premières observations sur ecologie de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) et Mocis latipes (Guenée), noctuelles deprédétrices des graminées fourragères en Guyane Française. Prairies guyanaises et elevage bovin. Les Colloques de I’INRA, 24: 243-272., Silvain & Dauthuille 1985SILVAIN, J.-F. & DAUTHUILLE, D. 1985. Le controle des insectes depredateurs des graminees fourrageres en Guyane francaise. 1. La mise en place d’un reseau d’avertissement des attaques de chenilles de noctuelles. Systèmes d’élevage herbager en milieu equatorial. (Hentgen, A. and Girault, N. Eds.), pp. 161-186. Séminaire organisé par le Département de Recherches sur les Systèmes Agraires et le Développement de l’INRA, Cayenne., Gibbs 1990GIBBS, I.H. 1990. The guinea grass moth- an occasional pest of pasture grasses in Barbados. Proceedings - Barbados Society of Technologists in Agriculture. Eighth Annual Conference 67-69., Jiménez et al. 1997JIMÉNEZ, S., CORTIÑAS, J., SUÁREZ, M., ALMAGUEL, L. & GÓMEZ, G. 1997. Regionalización de Mocis latipes (Guénée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) en las zonas productoras de pastos de la provincia de La Habana. Agrotecnia de Cuba, 27: 80-85., Teixeira & Townsend 1997TEIXEIRA, C.A.D. & TOWNSEND, C.R. 1997. Ocorrência e indicações de controle do Curuquerê dos capinzais (Mocis latipes Guen.) no capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) em Porto Velho-RO. Embrapa CPAF, Porto Velho [Comunicado técnico n°. 135]., Correia et al. 1999CORREIA, J.S., FERRAZ, M.C.V.D. & SANTOS, Z.F.A.F. 1999. A lagarta-dos-capinzais, Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852), importante praga das pastagens no estado da Bahia. EBDA - Circular Técnica, 8: 1-21., Sánchez Soto & Ortiz Garcia 1999SÁNCHEZ SOTO, S. & ORTIZ GARCÍA, C.F. 1999. Dos lepidópteros plaga de los pastos en Tabasco, México. Agrociencia (Mexico), 33(1): 51-52., Minno & Snyder 2008MINNO, M.C. & SNYDER, K. 2008. Defoliation of the invasive weed paragrass (Urochloa mutica) (Poaceae: Panicoideae) by Mocis latipes (Noctuidae: Catocalinae) in East - Central, Florida. Southern Lepidopterist’s News, 30(4): 145-146.). Considering the specific area of this study the greatest importance of M. latipes as a pest is highlighted by several studies in hot and humid regions, especially the Amazon (Silva et al. 1994SILVA, A.B., SOUZA, L.A. & CELESTINO FILHO, P. 1994. Resistência de gramíneas forrageiras ao ataque de Mocis Iatipes (Guen., 1852). Embrapa-CPATU, Belém., Teixeira & Townsend 1997TEIXEIRA, C.A.D. & TOWNSEND, C.R. 1997. Ocorrência e indicações de controle do Curuquerê dos capinzais (Mocis latipes Guen.) no capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) em Porto Velho-RO. Embrapa CPAF, Porto Velho [Comunicado técnico n°. 135]., Fazolin et al. 2009FAZOLIN, M., COSTA, C.R., ESTRELA, J.L.V., HESSEL, C.E. & ANDRADE, C.M.S. 2009. Levantamento de insetos-praga associados aos capins Tanner-Grass, Tangola e Estrela-Africana no Acre. Amazônia: Ci. & Desenv., 4(8): 161-173.), northeastern coast (Mendonça Filho 1972MENDONÇA FILHO, A.F. 1972. Insetos observados nos canaviais do Estado de Alagoas - Brasil, durante o ano de 1971. An. Soc. Entomol. Bras., 1: 25-41., Costa et al. 1983COSTA, J.M., CORREIA, J.S., SANTOS, Z.F.D’A.F. & FERRAZ, M.C.V.D. 1983. Pragas das pastagens no Estado da Bahia e meios de controle. EPABA, Salvador., Correia et al. 1999CORREIA, J.S., FERRAZ, M.C.V.D. & SANTOS, Z.F.A.F. 1999. A lagarta-dos-capinzais, Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852), importante praga das pastagens no estado da Bahia. EBDA - Circular Técnica, 8: 1-21.) and Southeast of Brazil (Hempel 1914HEMPEL, A. 1914. A lagarta do milharal. Bol. Agric., 15(2): 168-170., 1920aHEMPEL, A. 1920a. As pragas e moléstias do arroz no Estado de São Paulo. Rev. Mus. Paul., 12(2): 145-150., 1920bHEMPEL, A. 1920b. As pragas importantes do milho no Estado de São Paulo. Rev. Mus. Paul., 12(2): 379-387., Fonseca 1944FONSECA, J.P. 1944. Lagartas dos milharais e outras culturas. Revta. Soc. Rural Bras., 4: 41-42., Lopes 1955LOPES, N.F.C. 1955. Lagartas das pastagens, Mocis repanda (Fabr. 1794) e Laphygma frugiperda (Smith & Abbott, 1797). Agric. Pec., 27: 20-21., 1961LOPES, N.F.C. 1961. Combate as lagartas das pastagens. Seleções Agrícolas, 10: 43-45., Cavalcante 1977CAVALCANTE, R.D. 1977. Combate ao curuquere dos capinzais [Mocis latipes]. Bol. Fitossanitário - Bayer do Brasil S.A., 238: 1-3., Ferreira 1984FERREIRA, S. 1984. Milho: como combater as pragas da cultura. Corr. Agríc., 1984: 625-627., Cruz 1991CRUZ, I. 1991. Quantificação dos danos provocados pela lagarta militar Mocis latipes, em milho. Embrapa-CNPMS, Sete Lagoas, [Relatório Técnico Anual 1985-1987]. ).

Considering the higher latitudes sampled in this study (Table 2, Figure 1) it is important to note that even in places below the tropical line there are outbreaks with significant production losses, both in the Northern hemisphere (Vickery 1924VICKERY, R.A. 1924. The striped grass looper, Mocis repanda F. in Texas. J. Econ. Entomol., 17(3): 401-405., Watson 1933WATSON, J.R. 1933. An outbreak of Mocis repanda Fabr. Fla. Entomol., 17(1): 15., Genung & Allen Jr. 1974GENUNG, W.G. & ALLEN Jr., R.J. 1974. Bionomics and control of the striped grass looper Mocis latipes in the Everglades and adjacent areas (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Belle Glade Agricultural and Research and Education Center, Belle Glade [Research Report EV-1974]., Ogunwolu & Habeck 1975OGUNWOLU, E.G. & HABECK, D.H. 1975. Comparative life histories of three Mocis spp. in Florida (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Fla. Entomol., 58(2): 97-103., Reinert 1975REINERT, J.A. 1975. Life history of the striped grassworm, Mocis latipes (Guenee). An. Entomol. Soc. Am., 68(2): 201-204., Koehler et al. 1977KOEHLER, P.G., GOUGER, R.J. & SHORT, D.E. 1977. Control of striped grass loopers and armyworms in pasture: 1976. Fla. Entomol., 60(2): 102-104., Minno & Snyder 2008MINNO, M.C. & SNYDER, K. 2008. Defoliation of the invasive weed paragrass (Urochloa mutica) (Poaceae: Panicoideae) by Mocis latipes (Noctuidae: Catocalinae) in East - Central, Florida. Southern Lepidopterist’s News, 30(4): 145-146.), and in the southern hemisphere, in Argentina (Costilla et al. 1973COSTILLA, M.A., BASCO, H.J., LEVI, C.A. & OSORES, V.M. 1973. La oruga cuarteadora Mocis latipes (Guen) y su importancia como plaga de la caña de azúcar: biología, daño y control. Bol. Estac. Exp. Agríc. Tucumán 112: 1-7., Salvatore & Willink 2004SALVATORE, A.R. & WILLINK, E. 2004. La oruga cuarteadora, Mocis latipes (Guen.) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 25: 14-16., Acosta et al. 2005ACOSTA, M., WILLINK, E., SAAVEDRA, J. & SALVATORE, A.R. 2005. Pérdidas en el rendimiento cultural y fabril causadas por el gusano cuarteador, Mocis latipes (Guen) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 26: 12-14., Salvatore et al. 2009SALVATORE, A.R., LÓPEZ, G. & WILLINK, E. 2009. Capítulo 11 - Plagas em el cultivo de caña de azúcar. Manual del Cañero (ROMERO, E.R., DIGONZELLI, P.A. AND SCANDALIARIS, J. Eds.), pp.143-150. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Columbres, Las Talitas. ) and in Uruguay (Bentancourt & Scatoni 1996). However, the greater occurrence of M. latipes and outbreaks are conditioned to the hottest times of the year. This is due to the fact that, even in high latitudes, in the subtropic, during summer solstice temperatures can be high, conditioning a favorable environment to increasing the development of population, which may cause outbreaks in specific years (Cavalcanti et al. 2009CAVALCANTI, I.F.A., FERREIRA, N.J., SILVA, M.G.A.J. & DIAS, M.A.F.S. 2009. Tempo e clima no Brasil. Editora Oficina de Textos, São Paulo.). On the other hand, it should be considered, in addition to the photoperiod, that winter temperatures are close to or below the base development temperature of 13.7°C (Ferreira & Parra 1985FERREIRA, M.J.M. & PARRA, J.R.P. 1985. Biologia de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em diferentes temperaturas, para determinação das exigências térmicas. An. Soc. Entomol. Bras., 14(1): 75-88.). This determines that in addition to prolonging the life cycle, as reported in the Northern Hemisphere, to survive against adverse weather conditions, instars need to develop pupal diapause (to be confirmed in Brazil) or adults must migrate to regions where temperatures are higher, and return when local conditions become favorable to their development (ex. Ferguson et al. 1991FERGUSON, D.C., HILBURN, D.J. & WRIGHT, B. 1991. The Lepidoptera of Bermuda: Their food plants, biogeography, and means of dispersal. Mem. Entomol. Soc. Can., 123: 1-105., Brou Jr. 2004BROU Jr., V.A. 2004. The Noctuidae genus Mocis Hübner in Louisiana. Southern Lepidopterists’ News, 26: 35-37., Wagner et al. 2011WAGNER, D.L., SCHWEITZER, D.F., SULLIVAN, J.B. & REARDON, R.C. 2011. Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton).

The numbers presented in this study consist of a small sample represented by the moths caught in the range of the traps covers (estimated at 400m to Spodoptera frugiperda - Vilarinho et al. 2011VILARINHO, E.C., FERNANDES, O.A., HUNT, T.E. AND CAIXETA, D.F. 2011. Movement of Spodoptera frugiperda adults (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in maize in Brazil. Fla. Entomol., 94(3): 480-488.) at just twelve points in Brazil. These samples represent only adults that survived the weather conditions and all natural enemies present during all stages and collection time. It is also not possible to associate adults with the host plants on which the caterpillars fed and developed. Despite all these limitations, the high number of adults of M. latipes collected in all locations (Figure 1, Table 2) highlights its importance as a key specimes in grass-insect interactions in most of Brazil (e.g. Costa 1944aCOSTA, R.G. 1944a. Pragas das plantas cultivadas do Rio Grande do Sul. Secretaria de Estado dos Negócios da Agricultura, Indústria e Comércio, Porto Alegre., 1944bCOSTA, R.G. 1944b. Principais pragas do trigo. Bol. Agron. 8(1): 7-9. , Fonseca 1944FONSECA, J.P. 1944. Lagartas dos milharais e outras culturas. Revta. Soc. Rural Bras., 4: 41-42., Pugliese 1954PUGLIESE, A. 1954. As lagartas da folha do arroz. Lav. Arroz., 8: 15-16., Lopes 1955LOPES, N.F.C. 1955. Lagartas das pastagens, Mocis repanda (Fabr. 1794) e Laphygma frugiperda (Smith & Abbott, 1797). Agric. Pec., 27: 20-21., 1961LOPES, N.F.C. 1961. Combate as lagartas das pastagens. Seleções Agrícolas, 10: 43-45., Queiroz 1965QUEIROZ, G.F. 1965. Lagartas das folhas da cana-de-açúcar. Bras. Açucar., 65: 81., Mendonça Filho 1972MENDONÇA FILHO, A.F. 1972. Insetos observados nos canaviais do Estado de Alagoas - Brasil, durante o ano de 1971. An. Soc. Entomol. Bras., 1: 25-41., Cavalcante 1977CAVALCANTE, R.D. 1977. Combate ao curuquere dos capinzais [Mocis latipes]. Bol. Fitossanitário - Bayer do Brasil S.A., 238: 1-3., Planalsucar 1982PLANALSUCAR. 1982. Guia das principais pragas da cana de açúcar no Brasil. Planalsucar, Brasil., Costa et al. 1983COSTA, J.M., CORREIA, J.S., SANTOS, Z.F.D’A.F. & FERRAZ, M.C.V.D. 1983. Pragas das pastagens no Estado da Bahia e meios de controle. EPABA, Salvador., Ferreira 1984FERREIRA, S. 1984. Milho: como combater as pragas da cultura. Corr. Agríc., 1984: 625-627., Ferreira & Parra 1985FERREIRA, M.J.M. & PARRA, J.R.P. 1985. Biologia de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em diferentes temperaturas, para determinação das exigências térmicas. An. Soc. Entomol. Bras., 14(1): 75-88., Cruz 1991CRUZ, I. 1991. Quantificação dos danos provocados pela lagarta militar Mocis latipes, em milho. Embrapa-CNPMS, Sete Lagoas, [Relatório Técnico Anual 1985-1987]. , Silva et al. 1994SILVA, A.B., SOUZA, L.A. & CELESTINO FILHO, P. 1994. Resistência de gramíneas forrageiras ao ataque de Mocis Iatipes (Guen., 1852). Embrapa-CPATU, Belém., Teixeira & Townsend 1997TEIXEIRA, C.A.D. & TOWNSEND, C.R. 1997. Ocorrência e indicações de controle do Curuquerê dos capinzais (Mocis latipes Guen.) no capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) em Porto Velho-RO. Embrapa CPAF, Porto Velho [Comunicado técnico n°. 135]., Correia et al. 1999CORREIA, J.S., FERRAZ, M.C.V.D. & SANTOS, Z.F.A.F. 1999. A lagarta-dos-capinzais, Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852), importante praga das pastagens no estado da Bahia. EBDA - Circular Técnica, 8: 1-21., Fazolin et al. 2009FAZOLIN, M., COSTA, C.R., ESTRELA, J.L.V., HESSEL, C.E. & ANDRADE, C.M.S. 2009. Levantamento de insetos-praga associados aos capins Tanner-Grass, Tangola e Estrela-Africana no Acre. Amazônia: Ci. & Desenv., 4(8): 161-173.), as well as in most countries of the American continent (e.g. Dine 1913DINE, D.L. 1913. The insects affecting sugarcane in Porto Rico. J. Econ. Entomol., 6(2): 251-257., Bodkin 1914BODKIN, G.E. 1914. The grass moth (Remigia repanda), a pest of sugar cane, rice, and paragrass in British Guiana. J. Bd. Agric. Brit. Guiana, 7: 171-177., Holloway 1933HOLLOWAY, T.E. 1933 Insect pests of sugarcane. Facts about sugar, 28: 216-219., Watson 1933WATSON, J.R. 1933. An outbreak of Mocis repanda Fabr. Fla. Entomol., 17(1): 15., Fennah 1947FENNAH, R.G. 1947. Mocis repanda, the Guinea-grass moth. The Insect Pests of Food Crops in the Lesser Antilles. (Ed. FENNAH R.G.), pp. 85-86. Dep. Agr. Windward and Leeward Islands, Grenada and Antigua., Dinther 1960DINTHER, J.B.M. 1960. Insect pests of cultivated plants in Surinam. Bull. Agric. Exp. Stn. Suriname, 76: 1-159., Guagliumi 1962GUAGLIUMI, P. 1962. Las plagas de la caña de azúcar en Venezuela. Centro de Investigaciones Agronomicas, Maracay., Labrador 1964LABRADOR, S.J.R. 1964. Estudios de biologia y combate del gusano medidor de los pastes Mocis repanda F. en el estado Zulia. Univ. Zulia. Rev. Univ. Zulia, 8: 111-144., Capriles & Ferrer 1973CAPRILES, J.M. & FERRER, M.A.C. 1973. Severe attack on sugarcane and grasses by Mocis latipes (Guenée), (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in southwest Puerto Rico. J. Agr. U. Puerto Rico, 57(4): 348-349., Costilla et al. 1973COSTILLA, M.A., BASCO, H.J., LEVI, C.A. & OSORES, V.M. 1973. La oruga cuarteadora Mocis latipes (Guen) y su importancia como plaga de la caña de azúcar: biología, daño y control. Bol. Estac. Exp. Agríc. Tucumán 112: 1-7., Genung & Allen Jr. 1974GENUNG, W.G. & ALLEN Jr., R.J. 1974. Bionomics and control of the striped grass looper Mocis latipes in the Everglades and adjacent areas (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Belle Glade Agricultural and Research and Education Center, Belle Glade [Research Report EV-1974]., Ogunwolu & Habek 1975OGUNWOLU, E.G. & HABECK, D.H. 1975. Comparative life histories of three Mocis spp. in Florida (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Fla. Entomol., 58(2): 97-103., Koehler et al. 1977KOEHLER, P.G., GOUGER, R.J. & SHORT, D.E. 1977. Control of striped grass loopers and armyworms in pasture: 1976. Fla. Entomol., 60(2): 102-104., Mahadeo 1977MAHADEO, C.R. 1977. Trinidad - Mocis latipes and Spodoptera frugiperda on sugarcane. FAO Plant Prot. Bull., 25(4): 211-212., Hseih 1979HSEIH, C.Y. 1979. Major insect pests of irrigated rice in the lower Amazon Basin. IRRN, 4: 16., Calderón et al. 1981CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F. & QUINTERO, E. 1981. Falso medidor de los pastos Mocis latipes Guenée (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), plaga esporádica em Carimagua. Pastos Tropicales - Boletín CIAT, 4: 8-12., 1982, Silvain 1984SILVAIN, J.-F. 1984. Premières observations sur ecologie de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) et Mocis latipes (Guenée), noctuelles deprédétrices des graminées fourragères en Guyane Française. Prairies guyanaises et elevage bovin. Les Colloques de I’INRA, 24: 243-272., Silvain & Dauthuille 1985SILVAIN, J.-F. & DAUTHUILLE, D. 1985. Le controle des insectes depredateurs des graminees fourrageres en Guyane francaise. 1. La mise en place d’un reseau d’avertissement des attaques de chenilles de noctuelles. Systèmes d’élevage herbager en milieu equatorial. (Hentgen, A. and Girault, N. Eds.), pp. 161-186. Séminaire organisé par le Département de Recherches sur les Systèmes Agraires et le Développement de l’INRA, Cayenne., Miret 1986MIRET, R. 1986. Grado de preferencia de Mocis latipes (Guenée) en cultivares de Bermuda y pasto estrela. Pastos y Forrajes, 9: 37-42., Jiménez et al. 1997JIMÉNEZ, S., CORTIÑAS, J., SUÁREZ, M., ALMAGUEL, L. & GÓMEZ, G. 1997. Regionalización de Mocis latipes (Guénée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) en las zonas productoras de pastos de la provincia de La Habana. Agrotecnia de Cuba, 27: 80-85., Milán et al. 1990MILÁN, O., LUJÁN, M. & MATOS, N. 1990. Determinación de los estadios larvales de Mocis latipes como plaga de los pastos. Ciencia y Técnica en la Agricultura - Protección de plantas, 13: 71-78., Portillo et al. 1991PORTILLO, H.E., PITRE, H.N., MECKENSTOCK, D. H. & ANDREWS, K.L. 1991. Langosta: A lepidopterous pest complex on sorghum and maize in Honduras. The Florida Entomologist, 74, 287-296., Saunders et al. 1998SAUNDERS, J.L., COTO, D. & KING, A.B.S. 1998. Plagas invertebradas de cultivos anuales alimenticios en America Central. CIAT, Turrialba., Piedra & Carrilo 1999PIEDRA, F. & CARRILLO, E.L. 1999. Biología y consumo de alimento de Mocis latipes Guenée en diferentes temperaturas con pasto estrella (Cynodon niemfuensis). Fitossanidad, 3: 11-15., Páliz-Sánchez & Mendoza-Mora 1999PÁLIZ-SÁNCHEZ, V. & MENDOZA-MORA, J. 1999. Plagas del maíz (Zea mays). En el litoral ecuatoriano, sus características y su control. INIAP, Quito., Sánchez Soto & Ortiz García 1999SÁNCHEZ SOTO, S. & ORTIZ GARCÍA, C.F. 1999. Dos lepidópteros plaga de los pastos en Tabasco, México. Agrociencia (Mexico), 33(1): 51-52., Pitre et al. 1999PITRE, H.N., PORTILLO, H.E., MECKENSTOCK, D., CASTRO, M., TRABANINO, R. & CAVE, R. 1999. La langosta del sorgo y el maíz. Zamorano: Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, Zamorano., Vergara et al. 2001VERGARA, O., PITRE, H. & PARVIN, D. 2001. Economic evaluation of lepidopterous pests in intercropped sorghum and maize in southern Honduras. Trop. Agric., 78(3): 190-199., Brou Jr. 2004BROU Jr., V.A. 2004. The Noctuidae genus Mocis Hübner in Louisiana. Southern Lepidopterists’ News, 26: 35-37., Salvatore & Willink 2004SALVATORE, A.R. & WILLINK, E. 2004. La oruga cuarteadora, Mocis latipes (Guen.) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 25: 14-16., Acosta et al. 2005ACOSTA, M., WILLINK, E., SAAVEDRA, J. & SALVATORE, A.R. 2005. Pérdidas en el rendimiento cultural y fabril causadas por el gusano cuarteador, Mocis latipes (Guen) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 26: 12-14., Marquez 2013MARQUEZ, M.J. 2013. Defoliadores en caña de azúcar: falso medidor. Boletin Cañamip 11: 1-4.). Regarding the fact that it is one of the most predominant specimes, it is important to consider its role in natural ecosystems, especially in agroecosystems where there is a greater proportion or intensification of grass planting, including grains, forages, pastures and sugar cane (e.g. Labrador 1964LABRADOR, S.J.R. 1964. Estudios de biologia y combate del gusano medidor de los pastes Mocis repanda F. en el estado Zulia. Univ. Zulia. Rev. Univ. Zulia, 8: 111-144., Koehler et al. 1977KOEHLER, P.G., GOUGER, R.J. & SHORT, D.E. 1977. Control of striped grass loopers and armyworms in pasture: 1976. Fla. Entomol., 60(2): 102-104., Calderón et al. 1981CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F. & QUINTERO, E. 1981. Falso medidor de los pastos Mocis latipes Guenée (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), plaga esporádica em Carimagua. Pastos Tropicales - Boletín CIAT, 4: 8-12., 1982CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F.A. & VALENCIA-G, C.A. 1982. Descripción de las plagas que atacan los pastos tropicales y características de sus daños. CIAT, Cali. , Costa et al. 1983COSTA, J.M., CORREIA, J.S., SANTOS, Z.F.D’A.F. & FERRAZ, M.C.V.D. 1983. Pragas das pastagens no Estado da Bahia e meios de controle. EPABA, Salvador., Cruz & Santos 1983CRUZ, I. & SANTOS, J.P. 1983. Estudo comparativo de biologia de Mocis latipes em dieta artificial e folhas de milho e sorgo. Pesq. Agropec. Bras., 18(2): 85-90., Ferreira 1984FERREIRA, S. 1984. Milho: como combater as pragas da cultura. Corr. Agríc., 1984: 625-627., Silvain 1984SILVAIN, J.-F. 1984. Premières observations sur ecologie de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) et Mocis latipes (Guenée), noctuelles deprédétrices des graminées fourragères en Guyane Française. Prairies guyanaises et elevage bovin. Les Colloques de I’INRA, 24: 243-272., Silvain & Dauthuille 1985SILVAIN, J.-F. & DAUTHUILLE, D. 1985. Le controle des insectes depredateurs des graminees fourrageres en Guyane francaise. 1. La mise en place d’un reseau d’avertissement des attaques de chenilles de noctuelles. Systèmes d’élevage herbager en milieu equatorial. (Hentgen, A. and Girault, N. Eds.), pp. 161-186. Séminaire organisé par le Département de Recherches sur les Systèmes Agraires et le Développement de l’INRA, Cayenne., Miret 1986MIRET, R. 1986. Grado de preferencia de Mocis latipes (Guenée) en cultivares de Bermuda y pasto estrela. Pastos y Forrajes, 9: 37-42., Silva & Carvalho 1986SILVA, R.A. & CARVALHO, C.F. 1986. Aspectos biológicos de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em folhas de milho e arroz em condições de laboratório. Ciênc. Prát., 10: 94-101., Gibbs 1990GIBBS, I.H. 1990. The guinea grass moth- an occasional pest of pasture grasses in Barbados. Proceedings - Barbados Society of Technologists in Agriculture. Eighth Annual Conference 67-69., Milán et al. 1990MILÁN, O., LUJÁN, M. & MATOS, N. 1990. Determinación de los estadios larvales de Mocis latipes como plaga de los pastos. Ciencia y Técnica en la Agricultura - Protección de plantas, 13: 71-78., Cruz 1991CRUZ, I. 1991. Quantificação dos danos provocados pela lagarta militar Mocis latipes, em milho. Embrapa-CNPMS, Sete Lagoas, [Relatório Técnico Anual 1985-1987]. , Jiménez et al. 1997JIMÉNEZ, S., CORTIÑAS, J., SUÁREZ, M., ALMAGUEL, L. & GÓMEZ, G. 1997. Regionalización de Mocis latipes (Guénée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) en las zonas productoras de pastos de la provincia de La Habana. Agrotecnia de Cuba, 27: 80-85., Teixeira & Townsend 1997TEIXEIRA, C.A.D. & TOWNSEND, C.R. 1997. Ocorrência e indicações de controle do Curuquerê dos capinzais (Mocis latipes Guen.) no capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) em Porto Velho-RO. Embrapa CPAF, Porto Velho [Comunicado técnico n°. 135]., Páliz-Sánchez & Mendonza-Mora 1999PÁLIZ-SÁNCHEZ, V. & MENDOZA-MORA, J. 1999. Plagas del maíz (Zea mays). En el litoral ecuatoriano, sus características y su control. INIAP, Quito., Pitre et al. 1999PITRE, H.N., PORTILLO, H.E., MECKENSTOCK, D., CASTRO, M., TRABANINO, R. & CAVE, R. 1999. La langosta del sorgo y el maíz. Zamorano: Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, Zamorano., Vergara et al. 2001VERGARA, O., PITRE, H. & PARVIN, D. 2001. Economic evaluation of lepidopterous pests in intercropped sorghum and maize in southern Honduras. Trop. Agric., 78(3): 190-199., Acosta et al. 2005,ACOSTA, M., WILLINK, E., SAAVEDRA, J. & SALVATORE, A.R. 2005. Pérdidas en el rendimiento cultural y fabril causadas por el gusano cuarteador, Mocis latipes (Guen) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 26: 12-14. Salvatore et al. 2009SALVATORE, A.R., LÓPEZ, G. & WILLINK, E. 2009. Capítulo 11 - Plagas em el cultivo de caña de azúcar. Manual del Cañero (ROMERO, E.R., DIGONZELLI, P.A. AND SCANDALIARIS, J. Eds.), pp.143-150. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Columbres, Las Talitas. , Marquez 2013MARQUEZ, M.J. 2013. Defoliadores en caña de azúcar: falso medidor. Boletin Cañamip 11: 1-4., Hickel et al. 2018HICKEL, E.R., PRANDO, H.F. & EBERHARDT, D.S. 2018. Lagartas nas lavouras catarinenses de arroz irrigado: ocorrência, monitoramento e manejo integrado. Bol. Técn. Epagri, 182: 1-48.). Among the roles to be considered for this species, it is also considered a primary consumer, nutrient cycling promoter, food source for pests (including insects, birds and mammals), parasitoids and pathogens (Wagner et al. 2011WAGNER, D.L., SCHWEITZER, D.F., SULLIVAN, J.B. & REARDON, R.C. 2011. Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton).

In relation to the natural enemy organisms of M. latipes, there are studies about the relationship of a countless number of species associated with their natural biological control (predators, parasitoids and pathogens), in different stages of development, in different countries of the American Continent (e.g. Sauer 1946SAUER, H.F.G. 1946. Constatação de himenópteros e dípteros entomófagos no Estado de São Paulo. Bol. Fitossanitário, 3: 7-23., Silva et al. 1968SILVA, A.G.A., GONÇALVES, C.R., GALVÃO, D.M., GONÇALVES, A.J.L., GOMES, J., SILVA, M.M. & SIMONI, L. 1968. Quarto Catálogo dos insetos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil: seus parasitos e predadores. Parte II, 1º tomo, Insetos, hospedeiros e inimigos naturais. Ministério da Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro., Lopes 1969LOPES, H.S. 1969. 103 - Family Sarcophagidae. A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. (ed. PAPAVERO, N.), Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria de Agricultura, São Paulo. pp. 01-88. , Gonçalves & Gonçalves 1974aGONÇALVES, C.R. & GONÇALVES, A.J.L. 1974a. Novas observações sobre moscas da família Tachinidae parasitando lepidópteros. Ciên. Cult., 26(7-supl.): 337., 1974b, Genung et al. 1976GENUNG, W.G., JANES, M.J. AND GREEN JR., V.E. 1976. Insects and other dietary items of Maynard’s red-wing blackbird in relation to agriculture. Fla. Entomol., 59(3): 309-316., Guimarães 1977GUIMARÃES, J.H. 1977. Host-parasite and parasite-host catalogue of South American Tachinidae (Diptera). Arq. Zool., 28: 1-131., De Santis 1979,DE SANTIS, L. 1979. Catálogo de los Himenópteros Calcidoideos de América al Sur de Los Estados Unidos. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas, La Plata. 1989DE SANTIS, L. 1989 Catálogo de los Himenopteros Calcidoideos (Hymenoptera) al sur de los Estados Unidos. Segundo suplemento. Acta Entomol. Chilena, 15: 9-90., Lourenção et al. 1982LOURENÇÃO, A.L., BERTI FILHO, E. & FERRAZ, C.V.D. 1982. Inimigos naturais de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852). Bragantia, 41(1): 237-240., Collins & Watson 1983COLLINS, C.T. & WATSON, A. 1983. Field observations of bird predation on Neotropical moths. Biotropica, 15(1): 53-60., King & Saunders 1984KING, A.B.S. & SAUNDERS, J.L. 1984. Las plagas invertebradas de cultivos anuales alimenticios en América Central. 2nd ed. CATIE, Turrialba , Hall 1985HALL, D.G. 1985. Parasitoids of grasslooper prepupae and pupae in South Florida sugarcane. Fla. Entomol., 68(3): 486-487., Santos 1989SANTOS, B.B. 1989. Parasitóides de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Arq. Biol. Tecnol., 32(3): 491-494., Rogers et al. 1990aROGERS, C.E., MARTI, O.G., SIMMONS, A.M. & SILVAIN, J.F. 1990a. Host range of Noctuidonema guyanense (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae): An ectoparasite of moths in French Guiana. Environm. Entomol., 19(3): 795-798. , 1990bROGERS, C.E., SIMMONS, A.M. & MARTI, O.G. 1990b. Parasitism of Lepidoptera adults by Noctuidonema guyanense Remillet and Silvain (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) in southeastern United States. J. Agric. Entomol., 7(3): 241-245., Galán & Rodríguez 1991GALÁN, M. & RODRÍGUEZ, J. 1991. Registro de Trichogramma rojasi Nagaraja y Nagarkatti (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) para Cuba. Revta. Biol., 5: 177-181., Cave 1992CAVE, R.D. 1992. Inventory of parasitic organisms of the striped grass looper, (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in Honduras. Fla. Entomol., 75(4): 592-598., Rogers & Marti Jr. 1993ROGERS, C.E. & MARTI Jr., O.G. 1993. Infestation dynamics and distribution of Noctuidonema guyanense (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) on adults of Spodoptera frugiperda and Mocis latipes (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Fla. Entomol., 76(2): 326-333., Whitaker Jr. et al. 2007WHITAKER Jr., J.O., BROOKS, M., SCOTT, L., FINN, L.S. & SMITH, C.L. 2007. Food habits of rafinesque’s big-eared bat from Florida. Fla. Sci., 70(3): 202-206., Rolfe et al. 2014ROLFE, A.K., KURTA, A. & CLEMANS, D.L. 2014. Species-level analysis of diets of two mormoopid bats from Puerto Rico. J. Mammal., 95(3): 587-596.). These studies mention that the action of several natural enemies is important when analyzing the abundance data of M. latipes in any area of its distribution. As shown for other owlet moths (Pereira et al. 2018PEREIRA, R.R., NEVES, D.V.C., CAMPOS, J.N., SANTANA JR., P.A., HUNT, T.E. & PICANÇO, M.C. 2018. Natural biological control of Chrysodeixis includens. Bull. Entomol. Res., 108(6): 831-842.), their population levels are maintained, at least most of the time, by the action of natural enemies. This might be related to the different population levels, between locations and in different months presented in this study (Table 2).

In relation to ecological balance promoted by the association and the presence of natural enemies, it is important to note that throughout the American continent M. latipes occurs in conjunction with other owlet moths associated with grasses, including congeneric species (Babayan et al. 1975BABAYAN, L., CABRERA, R.A. & AZCUY, A.F. 1975. Algunos datos sobre ei género Mocis (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) como plaga de la caña de azúcar em Cuba. Rev. Agric. (La Habana), 8: 36-46., Ogunwolu & Habek 1975OGUNWOLU, E.G. & HABECK, D.H. 1975. Comparative life histories of three Mocis spp. in Florida (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Fla. Entomol., 58(2): 97-103., Koehler et al. 1977KOEHLER, P.G., GOUGER, R.J. & SHORT, D.E. 1977. Control of striped grass loopers and armyworms in pasture: 1976. Fla. Entomol., 60(2): 102-104., Brou Jr. 2004BROU Jr., V.A. 2004. The Noctuidae genus Mocis Hübner in Louisiana. Southern Lepidopterists’ News, 26: 35-37.) and, specially, S. frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (e.g. Fonseca 1944FONSECA, J.P. 1944. Lagartas dos milharais e outras culturas. Revta. Soc. Rural Bras., 4: 41-42., Pugliese 1954PUGLIESE, A. 1954. As lagartas da folha do arroz. Lav. Arroz., 8: 15-16., Lopes 1955LOPES, N.F.C. 1955. Lagartas das pastagens, Mocis repanda (Fabr. 1794) e Laphygma frugiperda (Smith & Abbott, 1797). Agric. Pec., 27: 20-21., 1961, Guagliumi 1962GUAGLIUMI, P. 1962. Las plagas de la caña de azúcar en Venezuela. Centro de Investigaciones Agronomicas, Maracay., Queiroz 1965QUEIROZ, G.F. 1965. Lagartas das folhas da cana-de-açúcar. Bras. Açucar., 65: 81., Mahadeo 1977MAHADEO, C.R. 1977. Trinidad - Mocis latipes and Spodoptera frugiperda on sugarcane. FAO Plant Prot. Bull., 25(4): 211-212., Hseih 1979HSEIH, C.Y. 1979. Major insect pests of irrigated rice in the lower Amazon Basin. IRRN, 4: 16., Calderón et al. 1981CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F. & QUINTERO, E. 1981. Falso medidor de los pastos Mocis latipes Guenée (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), plaga esporádica em Carimagua. Pastos Tropicales - Boletín CIAT, 4: 8-12., Costa et al. 1983COSTA, J.M., CORREIA, J.S., SANTOS, Z.F.D’A.F. & FERRAZ, M.C.V.D. 1983. Pragas das pastagens no Estado da Bahia e meios de controle. EPABA, Salvador., Silvain 1984SILVAIN, J.-F. 1984. Premières observations sur ecologie de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) et Mocis latipes (Guenée), noctuelles deprédétrices des graminées fourragères en Guyane Française. Prairies guyanaises et elevage bovin. Les Colloques de I’INRA, 24: 243-272., Silvain & Dauthuille 1985SILVAIN, J.-F. & DAUTHUILLE, D. 1985. Le controle des insectes depredateurs des graminees fourrageres en Guyane francaise. 1. La mise en place d’un reseau d’avertissement des attaques de chenilles de noctuelles. Systèmes d’élevage herbager en milieu equatorial. (Hentgen, A. and Girault, N. Eds.), pp. 161-186. Séminaire organisé par le Département de Recherches sur les Systèmes Agraires et le Développement de l’INRA, Cayenne., Portillo et al. 1991PORTILLO, H.E., PITRE, H.N., MECKENSTOCK, D. H. & ANDREWS, K.L. 1991. Langosta: A lepidopterous pest complex on sorghum and maize in Honduras. The Florida Entomologist, 74, 287-296., Páliz-Sánchez & Mendoza-Mora 1999,PÁLIZ-SÁNCHEZ, V. & MENDOZA-MORA, J. 1999. Plagas del maíz (Zea mays). En el litoral ecuatoriano, sus características y su control. INIAP, Quito. Pitre et al. 1999PITRE, H.N., PORTILLO, H.E., MECKENSTOCK, D., CASTRO, M., TRABANINO, R. & CAVE, R. 1999. La langosta del sorgo y el maíz. Zamorano: Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, Zamorano., Sánchez Soto & Ortiz Garcia 1999SÁNCHEZ SOTO, S. & ORTIZ GARCÍA, C.F. 1999. Dos lepidópteros plaga de los pastos en Tabasco, México. Agrociencia (Mexico), 33(1): 51-52., Fazolin et al. 2009FAZOLIN, M., COSTA, C.R., ESTRELA, J.L.V., HESSEL, C.E. & ANDRADE, C.M.S. 2009. Levantamento de insetos-praga associados aos capins Tanner-Grass, Tangola e Estrela-Africana no Acre. Amazônia: Ci. & Desenv., 4(8): 161-173. ) forming species complexes. Spodoptera frugiperda is a polyphagous species (Montezano et al. 2018MONTEZANO, D.G., SPECHT, A., SOSA-GOMEZ, D.R., ROQUE-SPECHT, V.F., SOUSA-SILVA, J.C., PAULA-MORAES, S.V., PETERSON, J.A. & HUNT, T.E. 2018. Host plants of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Americas. Afr. Entomol., 26(2): 286-300. ) with high biotic potential (Montezano et al. 2019aMONTEZANO, D.G., SPECHT, A., SOSA-GÓMEZ, D.R., ROQUE-SPECHT, V.F., PAULA-MORAES, S.V., PETERSON, J.A. & HUNT, T.E. 2019a. Developmental parameters of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) immature stages under controlled and standardized conditions. J. Agric. Sci., 11(8): 76-89., 2019bMONTEZANO, D.G., SPECHT, A., SOSA-GÓMEZ, D.R., ROQUE-SPECHT, V.F., MALAQUIAS, J.V., PAULA-MORAES, S.V., PETERSON, J.A. & HUNT, T.E. 2019b. Biotic potential and reproductive parameters of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). J. Agric. Sci., 11(13): 240-252. ) and, as in this study (Table 2, fig. 1) it was collected in all the locations presented here (Piovesan et al. 2018PIOVESAN, M., CARNEIRO, E., SPECHT, A. & CASAGRANDE, M.M. 2018. Where and when? How phenological patterns of armyworm moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) change along a latidudinal gradient in Brazil. Bull. Entomol. Res., 109(4): 490-499.). It is important that M. latipes and other owlet moths, including S. frugiperda share the same predators, pathogens, also egg, larvae and pupae parasitoids (Silva et al. 1968SILVA, A.G.A., GONÇALVES, C.R., GALVÃO, D.M., GONÇALVES, A.J.L., GOMES, J., SILVA, M.M. & SIMONI, L. 1968. Quarto Catálogo dos insetos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil: seus parasitos e predadores. Parte II, 1º tomo, Insetos, hospedeiros e inimigos naturais. Ministério da Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro., Rogers & Marti Jr. 1993ROGERS, C.E. & MARTI Jr., O.G. 1993. Infestation dynamics and distribution of Noctuidonema guyanense (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) on adults of Spodoptera frugiperda and Mocis latipes (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Fla. Entomol., 76(2): 326-333., Camera et al. 2010CAMERA, C., DEQUECH, S.T.B., RIBEIRO, L.P. & QUERINO, R.B. 2010. Primeiro relato de Trichogramma rojasi parasitando ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda. Ciênc. Rural, 40(8): 1828-1830.). This determines that the presence of M. latipes, even in low populations, allows the maintenance of populations of different groups of natural enemies in natural ecosystems and agroecosystems. Thus, the occurrence of immature M. latipes allows the maintenance of a wide range of natural enemies, it is essential for the maintenance of natural biological control over time, for the entire species complex.

The significant relationship between the abundance of M. latipes with at least one of the meteorological variables (Table 3), in practically all Brazilian territory except in the three most southern locations (Figure 1) reinforces the strong association between population variations and climatic conditions mentioned in several studies (e.g. Bertels 1970BERTELS, A. 1970. Estudo da influência da umidade sobre a dinâmica de populações de lepidópteros, pragas do milho. Pesq. Agropec. Bras., 5(1): 67-79., Genung & Allen Jr. 1974GENUNG, W.G. & ALLEN Jr., R.J. 1974. Bionomics and control of the striped grass looper Mocis latipes in the Everglades and adjacent areas (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Belle Glade Agricultural and Research and Education Center, Belle Glade [Research Report EV-1974]., Babayan et al. 1975BABAYAN, L., CABRERA, R.A. & AZCUY, A.F. 1975. Algunos datos sobre ei género Mocis (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) como plaga de la caña de azúcar em Cuba. Rev. Agric. (La Habana), 8: 36-46., Calderón et al. 1981CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F. & QUINTERO, E. 1981. Falso medidor de los pastos Mocis latipes Guenée (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), plaga esporádica em Carimagua. Pastos Tropicales - Boletín CIAT, 4: 8-12., Gibbs 1990GIBBS, I.H. 1990. The guinea grass moth- an occasional pest of pasture grasses in Barbados. Proceedings - Barbados Society of Technologists in Agriculture. Eighth Annual Conference 67-69., Jiménez et al. 1997JIMÉNEZ, S., CORTIÑAS, J., SUÁREZ, M., ALMAGUEL, L. & GÓMEZ, G. 1997. Regionalización de Mocis latipes (Guénée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) en las zonas productoras de pastos de la provincia de La Habana. Agrotecnia de Cuba, 27: 80-85., Pitre et al. 1999PITRE, H.N., PORTILLO, H.E., MECKENSTOCK, D., CASTRO, M., TRABANINO, R. & CAVE, R. 1999. La langosta del sorgo y el maíz. Zamorano: Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, Zamorano., Salvatore & Willink 2004SALVATORE, A.R. & WILLINK, E. 2004. La oruga cuarteadora, Mocis latipes (Guen.) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 25: 14-16., Fazolin et al. 2009FAZOLIN, M., COSTA, C.R., ESTRELA, J.L.V., HESSEL, C.E. & ANDRADE, C.M.S. 2009. Levantamento de insetos-praga associados aos capins Tanner-Grass, Tangola e Estrela-Africana no Acre. Amazônia: Ci. & Desenv., 4(8): 161-173., Hickel et al. 2018HICKEL, E.R., PRANDO, H.F. & EBERHARDT, D.S. 2018. Lagartas nas lavouras catarinenses de arroz irrigado: ocorrência, monitoramento e manejo integrado. Bol. Técn. Epagri, 182: 1-48.). The relationship between population variations and climatic conditions, is evidenced by the large number of moths collected in rainy months (July, August and September), in Alto Alegre, RR, located in the Northern Hemisphere (Table 2) while all the other places are located in the Southern Hemisphere, these same months correspond to winter time (dry or cold), with very low population levels. Indeed, studies always relate the highest population levels with warm months, preferably during the rainy season in the Northern Hemisphere (Bodkin 1914BODKIN, G.E. 1914. The grass moth (Remigia repanda), a pest of sugar cane, rice, and paragrass in British Guiana. J. Bd. Agric. Brit. Guiana, 7: 171-177., Vickery 1924VICKERY, R.A. 1924. The striped grass looper, Mocis repanda F. in Texas. J. Econ. Entomol., 17(3): 401-405., Watson 1933WATSON, J.R. 1933. An outbreak of Mocis repanda Fabr. Fla. Entomol., 17(1): 15., Fennah 1947FENNAH, R.G. 1947. Mocis repanda, the Guinea-grass moth. The Insect Pests of Food Crops in the Lesser Antilles. (Ed. FENNAH R.G.), pp. 85-86. Dep. Agr. Windward and Leeward Islands, Grenada and Antigua., Capriles & Ferrer 1973CAPRILES, J.M. & FERRER, M.A.C. 1973. Severe attack on sugarcane and grasses by Mocis latipes (Guenée), (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in southwest Puerto Rico. J. Agr. U. Puerto Rico, 57(4): 348-349., Calderón et al. 1981CALDERÓN, M., VARELA, F. & QUINTERO, E. 1981. Falso medidor de los pastos Mocis latipes Guenée (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), plaga esporádica em Carimagua. Pastos Tropicales - Boletín CIAT, 4: 8-12., Gibbs 1990GIBBS, I.H. 1990. The guinea grass moth- an occasional pest of pasture grasses in Barbados. Proceedings - Barbados Society of Technologists in Agriculture. Eighth Annual Conference 67-69., Minno & Snyder 2008MINNO, M.C. & SNYDER, K. 2008. Defoliation of the invasive weed paragrass (Urochloa mutica) (Poaceae: Panicoideae) by Mocis latipes (Noctuidae: Catocalinae) in East - Central, Florida. Southern Lepidopterist’s News, 30(4): 145-146.) as in the Southern Hemisphere (Lopes 1955LOPES, N.F.C. 1955. Lagartas das pastagens, Mocis repanda (Fabr. 1794) e Laphygma frugiperda (Smith & Abbott, 1797). Agric. Pec., 27: 20-21., Costilla et al. 1973COSTILLA, M.A., BASCO, H.J., LEVI, C.A. & OSORES, V.M. 1973. La oruga cuarteadora Mocis latipes (Guen) y su importancia como plaga de la caña de azúcar: biología, daño y control. Bol. Estac. Exp. Agríc. Tucumán 112: 1-7., Carvalho 1976CARVALHO, R. 1976. Lagarta dos capinzais (Mocis latipes, Guenée 1852) no Espírito Santo: primeira abordagem do problema. EMCAPA, Vitória., Lourenção et al. 1982LOURENÇÃO, A.L., BERTI FILHO, E. & FERRAZ, C.V.D. 1982. Inimigos naturais de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852). Bragantia, 41(1): 237-240., Teixeira & Townsend 1997TEIXEIRA, C.A.D. & TOWNSEND, C.R. 1997. Ocorrência e indicações de controle do Curuquerê dos capinzais (Mocis latipes Guen.) no capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) em Porto Velho-RO. Embrapa CPAF, Porto Velho [Comunicado técnico n°. 135]., Correia et al. 1999CORREIA, J.S., FERRAZ, M.C.V.D. & SANTOS, Z.F.A.F. 1999. A lagarta-dos-capinzais, Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852), importante praga das pastagens no estado da Bahia. EBDA - Circular Técnica, 8: 1-21., Salvatore & Willink 2004SALVATORE, A.R. & WILLINK, E. 2004. La oruga cuarteadora, Mocis latipes (Guen.) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 25: 14-16., Acosta et al. 2005ACOSTA, M., WILLINK, E., SAAVEDRA, J. & SALVATORE, A.R. 2005. Pérdidas en el rendimiento cultural y fabril causadas por el gusano cuarteador, Mocis latipes (Guen) en caña de azúcar. Av. Agroind., 26: 12-14.).

Regarding the different numbers of moths collected each month, in each location (Table 2) besides the climatic characteristics (Cavalcanti et al. 2009CAVALCANTI, I.F.A., FERREIRA, N.J., SILVA, M.G.A.J. & DIAS, M.A.F.S. 2009. Tempo e clima no Brasil. Editora Oficina de Textos, São Paulo.), biogeographic and phytophysiognomic variations should also be considered (Heppner 1991HEPPNER, J.B. 1991. Faunal regional and the diversity of Lepidoptera. Trop. Lep., 2(suppl. 1): 1-85. ). Although M. latipes is an oligophytophagous species with a preference for grasses (ex. Ogunwolu & Habeck 1975OGUNWOLU, E.G. & HABECK, D.H. 1975. Comparative life histories of three Mocis spp. in Florida (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Fla. Entomol., 58(2): 97-103., Wagner et al. 2011WAGNER, D.L., SCHWEITZER, D.F., SULLIVAN, J.B. & REARDON, R.C. 2011. Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton), in each location the moths were able to choose to lay eggs on plants arranged as a space-time mosaic containing different native and/or cultivated species that served as food for their larvae.

The M. latipes abundance spatial variations described in this study, combined with the knowledge of its great dispersion capacity, including migration (ex. Barth 1958BARTH, R. 1958. Observações biológicas e meteorológicas feitas na Ilha de Trindade. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 56(1): 261-279., Ferguson et al. 1991FERGUSON, D.C., HILBURN, D.J. & WRIGHT, B. 1991. The Lepidoptera of Bermuda: Their food plants, biogeography, and means of dispersal. Mem. Entomol. Soc. Can., 123: 1-105., Wagner et al. 2011WAGNER, D.L., SCHWEITZER, D.F., SULLIVAN, J.B. & REARDON, R.C. 2011. Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, Alves et al. 2019ALVES, R.J.V., COSTA, L.A.A., SOARES, A., SILVA, N.G. & PINTO, Â.P. 2019. Open ocean nocturnal insect migration in the Brazilian South Atlantic with comments on flight endurance. PeerJ, 7: e7583.) point to the need for studies related to the molecular characterization of populations in order to allow assessments of local populations, migration routes and/or gene flow as done for other owlet moths (e.g. Palma et al. 2015PALMA, J., MAEBE, K., GUEDES, J.V.C. & SMAGGHE, G. 2015. Molecular variability and genetic structure of Chrysodeixis includens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), an important soybean defoliator in Brazil. PLoS One, 10(3): e0121260, Nagoshi et al. 2017NAGOSHI, R.N., FLEISCHER, S., MEAGHER, R.L., HAY-ROE, M., KHAN, A., MURÚA, M.G., SILVIE, P., VERGARA, C. & WESTBROOK, J. 2017. Fall Armyworm migration across the Lesser Antilles and the potential for genetic exchanges between North and South American populations. PLoS One 12(2): e0171743.). This information is extremely important to assess whether the occurrence of population outbreaks of this species is related only to the fast reproduction of local populations or whether it involves dispersion or migration events. Thus, it should be noted that even in Southmost areas, where the abundance of M. latipes was extremely low, there are several registers of its occurrence (ex. Tarragó et al. 1975TARRAGÓ, M.F.S., CARVALHO, S. & LINK, D. 1975 Levantamento da família Noctuidae, através de armadilha luminosa, em Santa Maria, RS. Rev. Centro de Ciências Rurais, 5(2): 125-130., Link 1977LINK, D. 1977. Abundância relativa de alguns Noctuidae, em armadilha luminosa, em Santa Maria, RS. Rev. Centro de Ciências Rurais, 7(4): 331-351., Specht & Corseuil 2002SPECHT, A. & CORSEUIL, E. 2002. Diversidade dos noctuídeos (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) em Salvador do Sul, RS, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Zool., 19(supl.1): 281-298. , Specht et al. 2004SPECHT, A., SILVA, E.J.E. & LINK, D. 2004. Noctuídeos (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) do Museu Entomológico Ceslau Biezanko, Departamento de Fitossanidade, Faculdade de Agronomia “Eliseu Maciel”, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, RS. R. Bras. Agrociência, 10(4): 389-409., 2005SPECHT, A., TESTON, J.A., DI MARE, R.A. & CORSEUIL, E. 2005. Noctuídeos (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) coletados em quatro áreas estaduais de conservação do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Entomol., 49(1): 130-140., Zenker et al. 2010ZENKER, M.M., BOTTON, M., TESTON, J.A. & SPECHT, A. 2010. Noctuidae moths occurring in grape orchards in Serra Gaúcha, Brazil and their relation to fruit-piercing. Rev. Bras. Entomol., 54(2): 288-297.) indicating that the species was present in more than 50% of weekly collections between July 1994 and June 1995 (Specht & Corseuil, 2002SPECHT, A. & CORSEUIL, E. 2002. Diversidade dos noctuídeos (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) em Salvador do Sul, RS, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Zool., 19(supl.1): 281-298. ). Furthermore, further to the South, Bentancourt & Scatoni (2006)BENTANCOURT, C.M. & SCATONI, I.B. 2006. Lepidópteros de importancia económica en el Uruguay: Reconocimiento, biologia y daños de las plagas agrícolas y forestales. Editorial Hemisferio Sur, Montevideo. relate sporadic population outbreaks of this species in Uruguay, noting that, even at greater latitudes, the occurence of this species is relatively constant with increases in population linked to favorable conditions to its development. Especially in these places it is questioned whether the presence of the species is due to a local population or as a result of migration as described for the Northern Hemisphere (Brou Jr. 2004BROU Jr., V.A. 2004. The Noctuidae genus Mocis Hübner in Louisiana. Southern Lepidopterists’ News, 26: 35-37., Wagner et al. 2011WAGNER, D.L., SCHWEITZER, D.F., SULLIVAN, J.B. & REARDON, R.C. 2011. Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton).

The results of this study as well as most previous publications (ex. Carvalho 1976CARVALHO, R. 1976. Lagarta dos capinzais (Mocis latipes, Guenée 1852) no Espírito Santo: primeira abordagem do problema. EMCAPA, Vitória., Lourenção et al. 1982LOURENÇÃO, A.L., BERTI FILHO, E. & FERRAZ, C.V.D. 1982. Inimigos naturais de Mocis latipes (Guenée, 1852). Bragantia, 41(1): 237-240., Fazolin et al. 2009FAZOLIN, M., COSTA, C.R., ESTRELA, J.L.V., HESSEL, C.E. & ANDRADE, C.M.S. 2009. Levantamento de insetos-praga associados aos capins Tanner-Grass, Tangola e Estrela-Africana no Acre. Amazônia: Ci. & Desenv., 4(8): 161-173., Bentancourt & Scatoni 1996, Saunders et al. 1998SAUNDERS, J.L., COTO, D. & KING, A.B.S. 1998. Plagas invertebradas de cultivos anuales alimenticios en America Central. CIAT, Turrialba., Wagner et al. 2011WAGNER, D.L., SCHWEITZER, D.F., SULLIVAN, J.B. & REARDON, R.C. 2011. Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton) indicates that M. latipes, besides having a wide distribution, it has low population levels during most of the year, with sporadic population outbreaks during favorable weather conditions, food availability and inadequate cultural management. Therefore, it must be considered that agricultural occupation has modified most of the ecosystems where the effect of seasonal variations on native host plants is minimized by cultivating grasses that serve as alternative hosts more resistant to drought in the savanna and to the cold in greater latitudes. These plants can serve as a green bridge between the most favorable seasons to the development of M. latipes and other insects (Favetti et al. 2017FAVETTI, B.M., BRAGA-SANTOS, T.L., MASSAROLLI, A., SPECHT, A. & BUTNARIU, A.R. 2017. Pearl millet: A green bridge for lepidopteran pests. J. Agric. Sci., 9(6): 92-97.). Considering grasses as host plants, it must be taken into consideration that M. latipes has food available both in open native environments and in the most diverse combinations of forage, grain and sugar production. In addition to these plants directly related to production, other crops should be considered for soil protection and biomass production to be incorporated in crop rotation systems (Dias et al. 2016DIAS, A.S., MARUCCI, R.C., MENDES, S.M., MOREIRA, S.G., ARAÚJO, O.G., SANTOS, C.A. & BARBOSA, T.A. 2016. Bioecology of Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1757) in different cover crops. Biosci. J., 32(2): 337-345., Favetti et al. 2017FAVETTI, B.M., BRAGA-SANTOS, T.L., MASSAROLLI, A., SPECHT, A. & BUTNARIU, A.R. 2017. Pearl millet: A green bridge for lepidopteran pests. J. Agric. Sci., 9(6): 92-97.), integrated crop-livestock systems (Vilela et al. 2011VILELA, L., MARTHA JR., G.B., MACEDO, M.C.M., MARCHÃO, R.L., GUIMARÃES JR., R., PULROLNIK, K. & MACIEL, G.A. 2011. Sistemas de integração lavourapecuária na região do Cerrado. Pesq. Agropec. Bras., 46(10): 1127-1138.) and even when introduced grasses become pests occupying most ecosystems for most of the year (Minno & Snyder 2008MINNO, M.C. & SNYDER, K. 2008. Defoliation of the invasive weed paragrass (Urochloa mutica) (Poaceae: Panicoideae) by Mocis latipes (Noctuidae: Catocalinae) in East - Central, Florida. Southern Lepidopterist’s News, 30(4): 145-146.).

Even though this study shows an inverse relationship between latitude and M. latipes abundance along with other meteorological variables, it should be considered that abiotic factors are conditional to species development, and not necessarily associated with the decrease of abundance. Therefore, additional hypotheses need to be tested considering specific abundance and environmental factors. One example is the high abundance of M. latipes in tropical areas, it can be related to favorable conditions, while that in subtropical regions only summer months present favorable conditions. On the other hand, areas presenting favorable conditions all year long also provide a high number of natural enemies. Thus, due to the large number of variables related to M. latipes itself (which includes developmental biology in different conditions, the ability to diapause, migrate, defend against natural enemies) and biotic factors associated with each location (availability of different host plants native or cultivated, presence and abundance of natural enemies, interspecific competition) cause the associations established between population levels, latitude and environmental factors to be explored continuously. A better understanding of these associations will allow a more accurate understanding of the effects of local environmental variations and global climate changes on insect populations, pests or not.


To FAP-DF for the Master’s scholarship of the first author, to CNPq (403376/2013-0 and 306601/2016-8) and Embrapa (SEG n° and To ICMBio, MMA for authorizing the Scientific Activities SISBIO nº 48218-3). To people involved in collections: Adriano Q. Mesquita, Américo I. Ciociola Júnior, André L. Filipiake, Antônio Carlos S. Araújo, Balbino A. Evangelista, Brenda M. Moreira, Daniel B. Fragoso, Daniel R. Sosa-Gómez, Denivaldo C. Castro, Dirceu Pratissoli, Erivaldo A. Santos, Felipe O. Mateus, Harry Ebert, João B.G. Santos Filho, Jorge U.P. Corrêa, José A. Teston, José R. Carvalho, José S. Zanúncio Júnior, Leonardo Mardgan, Maicon Coradini, Marco A.P. Silva, Marcos R.O. Serpa, Murilo Fazolin, Naylor B. Perez, Oriverto Tonon, Paulo R.V.S. Pereira, Rafael M. Pitta, Rodison N. Sisti, Sandra M.M. Rodrigues, Tiago C.C. Lima and Wilson Pozenato. We also would like to thank the three annonimous reviwers who contributed to the improvement of this manuscript.


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    12 Feb 2021
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    27 Aug 2020
  • Reviewed
    23 Dec 2020
  • Accepted
    04 Jan 2021
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