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to analyze the production of knowledge in the scientific literature on the constitution of professional identity in nurses working in the field of mental health.


integrative literature review through the Virtual Health Library portal in four databases: Lilacs, Scielo, PubMed and BDENF. The eligibility criteria were full original articles published from 2017-2022 in English, Portuguese, or Spanish.


the sample was composed of 18 studies grouped into two thematic categories. The results are about the (in)definitions of the work process of nurses working in the mental health field, and about the fragmentation of care and its implications for the constitution of this professional identity.


nurses play diversified roles in their daily work, which contributes to an insufficient understanding of their scope of attributions and directly impacts the perception of their professional identity.

Psychiatric Nursing; Nurse’s Role; Mental Health Assistance



analisar a produção do conhecimento na literatura científica sobre a constituição da identidade profissional em enfermeiras que atuam no campo da saúde mental.


revisão integrativa da literatura por meio do portal da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde em quatro bases de dados: Lilacs, Scielo, PubMed e BDENF. Elencaram-se como critérios de elegibilidade artigos originais completos publicados no período de 2017-2022, nos idiomas inglês, português ou espanhol.


a amostra foi composta por 18 estudos agrupados em duas categorias temáticas. Os resultados versam sobre as (in)definições do processo de trabalho das enfermeiras que atuam no campo da saúde mental e a respeito da fragmentação do cuidado e de suas implicações na constituição desta identidade profissional.


as enfermeiras desempenham papéis diversificados no cotidiano de trabalho, o que contribui para uma compreensão insuficiente acerca de seu escopo de atribuições e impacta diretamente na percepção de sua identidade profissional.

Enfermagem Psiquiátrica; Papel do Profissional de Enfermagem; Assistência à Saúde Mental



analizar la producción de conocimiento en la literatura científica sobre la constitución de la identidad profesional en enfermeros que trabajan en el campo de la salud mental.


revisión integradora de la literatura a través del portal Biblioteca Virtual en Salud en cuatro bases de datos: Lilacs, Scielo, PubMed y BDENF. Se eligieron como criterios de elegibilidad los artículos originales completos publicados en el período 2017-2022, en inglés, portugués o español.


La muestra se compuso de 18 estudios agrupados en dos categorías temáticas. Los resultados versan sobre las (in)definiciones del proceso de trabajo de las enfermeras que trabajan en el ámbito de la salud mental y sobre la fragmentación de los cuidados y sus implicaciones para la constitución de esta identidad profesional.


las enfermeras desempeñan funciones diversificadas en su trabajo diario, lo que contribuye a una comprensión insuficiente de su ámbito de atribuciones y repercute directamente en la percepción de su identidad profesional.

Enfermería Psiquiátrica; Rol de la Enfermera; Atención a la Salud Mental


  1. Nurses have a fragile understanding of their scope of work.

  2. Nurses present a fragmented perception between physical and psychic care.

  3. We found fragile identity demarcations among mental health nurses.

  4. Work processes anchored in nursing theories were discussed.


  1. Nurses have a fragile understanding of their scope of work.

  2. Nurses present a fragmented perception between physical and psychic care.

  3. We found fragile identity demarcations among mental health nurses.

  4. Work processes anchored in nursing theories were discussed.


Identity brings in its concept a polysemic and complex meaning, being an object of investigation in different areas of knowledge, often used to understand the insertion of the subject in the world and its relationship with itself and with the other11 Coutinho MC, Krawulski S, Penna EDH. Identidade e trabalho na contemporaneidade: repensando articulações possíveis. Psicol. Soc. [Internet]. 2007 [cited in2022 Oct. 28]; 19(spe). Available in:
. It is subjectively constituted as a locus of constructs organized by individuals that conform to a concept of self, mediated by socialization processes throughout their lives. Therefore, it is produced dynamically, following the historical-social transformations of the reference groups to which the subjects are linked22 Santos CA. Construção social do conceito de identidade profissional. Interacções. [Internet]. 2005 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 5(8). Available in:

The discussion of the concept of professional identity is based on this psycho-sociological conception of the construction of the self, with special emphasis on the professional-social context. It can be understood, in the range of multiple conceptualizations and theoretical references about professional identity, as a complex phenomenon, a product of socialization mechanisms, in which the biographical characteristics of the individual, the organizational context, and their formative paths play a key role in its constitution33 Dubar C. A socialização: a construção das identidades sociais e profissionais. São Paulo: Martins Fontes; 2005..

Blin44 Blin JF. Représentations, pratiques et identitésprofessionnelles. Paris: L’Harmattan; 1997. highlights the social context, the environment in which a certain profession is performed, as one of the fundamental elements for the constitution of the worker’s professional identity. This context includes organizational characteristics, practices, and specific knowledge agreed upon by a group, which constitute common references in the professional field and guide the subject to acquire and share his/her own attributes in this field.

Particularly regarding the identity constitution of the nursing profession, one must consider that their work, as a social practice, is inserted in each structured historical context, which influences their professional trajectory and the organization of their work processes, in a continuous movement of (re)conformation of their identity55 Souza EA, Teixeira CFS, Souza MKB, Silva HS, Araújo TS, Ramos JLC. A (re)construção da identidade própria no trabalho das enfermeiras: estudo exploratório. RevBrasEnferm. [Internet]. 2020 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 73(6):e20180928. Available in:
. In this sense, the professional identity of nurses can be understood as a historical, complex, and collective process, which involves elements from their biographical trajectory and educational process, as well as from their professional and social relationships, transmuting throughout the daily experience of their work practice66 Teodósio SSS, Enders BC, Lira ALBC, Padilha MI, Breda KL. Análise do conceito de identidade profissional do enfermeiro. Atas - Investigação Qualitativa em Saúde. [Internet]. 2017 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 2. Available in:

Studies on the professional identity of nurses point to the historical influence of religious and military elements, gender inequality, and marks of submission and obedience, especially to the medical figure. Additionally, the lack of clarity about their work processes for managers, users, health teams and the nurses themselves contributes to weakening the professional identity of these workers77 Santos SC, Almeida DB, Silva GTR, Santana GC, Silva HS, Santana LS. Identidade profissional da enfermeira: uma revisão integrativa. Rev baiana enferm. [Internet]. 2019 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 33:e29003. Available in:

Considering the relationship between identity and historical-social aspects, it is important to highlight the transformations that have occurred throughout the trajectory of Nursing in the field of Mental Health. Facing the context of paradigmatic transition inaugurated by the Psychiatric Reform process, in which the mental health model was redirected to assumptions anchored in care in the territory and with a focus on integrality and singularities of the users, weakening the asylum isolation, nurses, as essential professionals to the structuring of the health system, have been challenged to revisit their object of work, to expand the instruments and technologies of action and to re-signify the purpose of assistance88 Kantorsky LP, Mielke FB, Júnior ST. O trabalho do enfermeiro nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial. Trab. educ. saúde. [Internet]. 2008 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 6(1). Available in:

In addition to the historical-political aspects mentioned above, a more profound understanding of the professional identity of these nurses working in the mental health field is relevant because it indicates possibilities and paths for improving the quality of care, the satisfaction of users, and the degree of job satisfaction of the professionals9. Although the literature expresses the understanding about the role of these professionals in the mental health field (organization of functions), it is considered necessary to characterize the elements of identity (re)configuration (organization of meanings) of the professionals in this field1010 Calgaro A, Souza EN. Percepção do enfermeiro acerca da prática assistencial nos serviços públicos extra-hospitalares de saúde mental. Rev. gaúch. enferm. [Internet]. 2009 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 30(3). Available in:
11 Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM. Revisão integrativa: método de pesquisa para a incorporação de evidências na saúde e na enfermagem. Texto&contextoenferm. [Internet]. 2008 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 17(4). Available in:

Considering the above, this study aimed to analyze the main findings in the scientific literature about the constitution of the professional identity of nurses working in the mental health field.


This is an integrative literature review. The acronym P.I.Co (P = Population, I = Phenomenon of Interest, Co = Context of Study)1212 Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG. The PRISMA group. preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA state- ment. PLoS Med. [Internet]. 2009 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 6(7):e1000097. Available in:
was used to develop the guiding question, with the population represented by nurses; the phenomenon of interest, by their professional identity; and the context referred to work in the mental health field. In attention to the objective of this research, the following research question was defined: “How does the scientific literature present the constitution of professional identity of nurses working in the mental health field?”

The search was conducted in January 2022, through the Virtual Health Library (VHL) portal, in the following databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE); and the Nursing Database (BDENF). For the selection of descriptors, we considered the classification of Descriptors in Health Sciences (DECS) and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Thus, the following associated descriptors and their equivalents were used in English and Spanish: “Psychiatric Nursing” AND “Nurse’s Role” AND “Mental Health Assistance”; “Psychiatric Nursing” AND “Nurse’s Role” AND “Mental Health Assistance”; “Enfermería Psiquiátrica” AND “Rol de la Enfermera” AND “Atención a la Salud Mental”.

As eligibility criteria, we adopted articles from original research, available online, in full and published in Portuguese, English or Spanish, during the period 2011-2021. The choice of this time frame is favorable to the expansion of the results found and is justified by the implementation of the Psychosocial Care Network through Ordinance No. 3088 of 2011. Duplicate studies were counted only once, and those that did not answer the research question were excluded.

A total of 4,460 publications were found in the databases. After applying the inclusion criteria and eliminating six duplicate studies, the titles, and abstracts of 272 studies were read. Subsequently, 39 studies selected after applying the exclusion criteria were read in their entirety, resulting in a final sample of 18 publications. We adopted an adaptation of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)1212 Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG. The PRISMA group. preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA state- ment. PLoS Med. [Internet]. 2009 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 6(7):e1000097. Available in:
developed through the flowchart in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Flowchart with representation of eligibility and inclusion of studies. Salvador, BA, Brazil, 2022.

For the first evaluation, the titles and abstracts were read to assess their suitability to the guiding question and objective. Regarding the risk of bias among the studies, to ensure greater reliability of the information, the selection was carried out independently by two authors of this article, and disagreements were resolved by consensus with a third reviewer. At this stage, there was disagreement between two reviewers in three articles, requiring the collaboration of a third author for the final decision, totaling a final sample of 18 articles included in the review1313 Pasquali, L. (2010). Instrumentação psicológica: fundamentos e práticas. Porto Alegre, RS: Artmed..

The articles selected for the final review were read in full and their contents were submitted to a thematic analysis1414 Minayo MCS. O desafio do conhecimento: pesquisa qualitativa em Saúde. 12. ed. São Paulo: HUCITEC; 2014. for ordering, classification, and categorization of the results. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the articles selected for this review and the reflections that emerged during the exploration of the texts, aligned with the objective of this study, the results could be grouped into two (02) thematic units, containing elements of characterization of the professional identity of nurses working in the mental health field: Professional identity and (in)definitions of attributions, and Professional identity and fragmentation of care.


Chart 1 shows the characterization of the 18 articles selected. Of these, Brazil stood out as concentrating most of the productions (nine, 50%), followed by studies from the United Kingdom (four, 22.2%), Australia (two, 11.1%); Canada (one, 5.5%) and Turkey (one, 5.5%). Little variation was observed regarding the number of publications per year, with the highest number of articles published in 2020 (five, 27.7%), followed by 2011 (one, 5.5%); 2012 (two, 11.1%); 2014 (one, 5.5%); 2016 (two, 11.1%); 2017 (two, 11.1%); 2019 (three, 16.6%); and 2021 (one, 5.5%). There was no difference in the number of studies published in Portuguese (nine, 50%) and English (nine, 50%), with no articles published in Spanish.

Regarding the methodological approach, qualitative studies were found mostly (n=15), followed by mixed methods (n=3). Regarding the practice setting where the studies were developed, eight chose the hospital setting, four were carried out in community-based mental health devices, two chose to research in both settings and 04 did not specify the study settings.

Chart 1
Characterization of the studies according to title, year, country, objective, type of study and main findings. Salvador, BA, Brazil, 2022


The studies in the sample bring elements of identity conformation perceived by nurses, users and other professionals in mental health services, represented by the perception of beliefs, values, motivations and attitudes before the daily work experiences of these professionals in this context. Considering that the sample was composed of studies from multiple nationalities, it is worth pointing out the differences found in the characterization of national studies in relation to those developed in other countries.

Part of the studies developed in Brazil revealed the privilege for the development of professional practices based on the premises of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform and skills for work performance linked to the establishment of the therapeutic relationship, such as availability for qualified listening; integrality of care with respect for the uniqueness of the experiences of the subjects; posture of empathy; relational skills to offer continuity to psychic crises, conflict mediation and equal insertion in interdisciplinary work teams1818 Cortez EA, Tavares CMM, Muniz MP. Cuidado no hospital psiquiátrico sob a ótica da equipe de enfermagem. Rev Rene. [Internet]. 2014 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 15(2). Available in:
,1919 Alves MM, Gonçalves AS, Borba LO, Brusamarello T, Czarnobay J. Mudanças ocorridas na prática profissional na área da saúde mental frente à reforma psiquiátrica brasileira na visão da equipe de enfermagem. Rev. Pesqui. [Internet]. 2017 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 9(2). Available in:
,2222 Lima RVM, Pedrão LJJ, Miasso AI, Costa Junior ML. Papéis, conflitos e gratificações de enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem psiquiátrica e saúde mental. Rev. Eletr. Enferm. [Internet]. 2012 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 14(1). Available in:
. On the other hand, some Brazilian studies mentioned ambiguities and conflicts regarding professional attributions, as well as lack of training to act in the field1717 Vargas D, Soares J, Ponce TD, Oliveira BB. Enfermeiros de serviços de urgência e emergência psiquiátrica: análise de perfil profissional e educacional. CogitareEnferm. [Internet]. 2017 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 22(4). Available in:
,2020 Almeida JCP, Barbosa CA, Almeida LY, Oliveira JL, Souza J. Ações de saúde mental e o trabalho do enfermeiro. RevBrasEnferm. [Internet]. 2020 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 73(Suppl 1):e20190376. Available in:
,2121 Morais ASE, Cordeiro GFT, Peters AA, Santos TM, Ferreira RGS, Peres MAA. Condições de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem em dispositivo de saúde mental. RevBrasEnferm. [Internet]. 2021 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 74 (suppl 3); e20200407. Available in:
,2323 Lopes PF, Garcia APRF, Toledo VP. Processo de enfermagem no cotidiano do enfermeiro nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial. Rev. Rene. [Internet]. 2014 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 15(5). Available in:

The studies from other countries, however, had as their predominant theme the nurses’ responsibility towards the clinical needs of mental health service users. For the most part, nurses were identified as a professional group with responsibilities focused on collecting and monitoring clinical data, performing administrative and coordination activities, with conflicting identity delineation marked by the perception of fragmented care practices in the body/mind duality.

Such differences found between the Brazilian reality and the international context may be related to the different historical-political processes and models of assistance to Mental Health, which guide assistance guidelines, organization of the services network and curricular matrices for professional formation. Additionally, the diversity of the scenarios of the nurse who works in the mental health field, involving hospitals and extra-hospital services, demands adaptation to different organizational characteristics, institutional policies, and contexts, which, consequently, influence the perceptions about his/her professional identity in the different spaces of work.

The organization of work processes based on the logic of interdisciplinarity is essential to work in mental health and provides an opportunity to expand the repertoire of skills and competencies of nurses in the multidisciplinary team. Consequently, there is an opening for the flexibilization of professional roles traditionally based on the medical-centered model3333 Menezes Júnior GEC. Complexidades do trabalho em Saúde Mental e inserções do núcleo da enfermagem no campo psicossocial. Grupo de Trabalho em Saúde Mental. Conselho Regional de Enfermagem da Bahia. [Internet].2018 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]. Available in:
. On the other hand, it challenges nurses to recognize new identity demarcations with their peers and the interdisciplinary team. The attenuation of occupational boundaries tends to result in the demand for a field of specificity for these professionals, and the complexification of their work processes emerges accompanied by uncertainties about their contribution in their specific core of knowledge2424 Terry J. ‘In the middle’: a qualitative study of talk about mental health nursing roles and work. Int J Ment Health Nurs. [Internet]. 2020 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 29(3). Available in:

The fragile understanding about the nurse’s own scope of work is an obstacle to the strengthening of her professional identity before her peers and the multi-professional team, which leads to feelings of insecurity, job dissatisfaction, and compromising her autonomy to act in her workspace. Thus, these professionals may feel invisible and underestimated in their professional attributions, which tends to impair the quality of care provided and their insertion among the nursing and interdisciplinary teams, besides compromising their degree of job satisfaction2222 Lima RVM, Pedrão LJJ, Miasso AI, Costa Junior ML. Papéis, conflitos e gratificações de enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem psiquiátrica e saúde mental. Rev. Eletr. Enferm. [Internet]. 2012 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 14(1). Available in:

It is noteworthy that the interdisciplinary, as a work organization strategy, does not correspond to a situation in which all professionals perform the same actions because the distinct and diverse contribution of each professional core is the element that confirms the nature of this logic of work3434 Anjos Filho NC, Souza AMP. A percepção sobre o trabalho em equipe multiprofissional dos trabalhadores de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Interface. [Internet]. 2017 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 21(60). Available in:
. This highlights the importance of nurses seeking greater clarity about the competencies of their specific core and, especially, questioning the aspects inherent to their private role, as an essential exercise for the operationalization of mental health care processes and for their identity constitution in this scenario.

Considering that two of the studies in the sample were about the Nursing Process1616 Silva TG, Santana RF, Dutra VFD, Souza PA.Implantação do processo de enfermagem na saúde mental: pesquisa convergente-assistencial. RevBrasEnferm. [Internet]. 2020 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 73(Suppl 1):e20190579. Available in:
,2323 Lopes PF, Garcia APRF, Toledo VP. Processo de enfermagem no cotidiano do enfermeiro nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial. Rev. Rene. [Internet]. 2014 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 15(5). Available in:
, it is noteworthy that, in the national literature, one of the proposals discussed equating the conflicts of the nurse’s performance in the mental health field is based on the use of the Nursing Process (NP), managed by nurses, as a contribution to the development of the Singular Therapeutic Project (STP) planned to be carried out by the multi-professional team in mental health services3535 Tavares CM, Mesquita LM. Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem e clínica ampliada: desafios para o ensino de saúde mental. Enferm. foco. [Internet].2019 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 10(7):121-126. Available in:
-3636 Lopes PF, Garcia APRF, Toledo VP. Processo de enfermagem no cotidiano do enfermeiro nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial. Rev. Rene. [Internet]. 2014 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 15(5). Available in:

Studies suggest that this communication between NP and STP has the power to open a path to overcome the asylum model in nursing actions re-signified and operationalized under the aegis of psychosocial care, also meeting the responsibility of nursing in the multidisciplinary team in a scientific, systematized, and humanized way1616 Silva TG, Santana RF, Dutra VFD, Souza PA.Implantação do processo de enfermagem na saúde mental: pesquisa convergente-assistencial. RevBrasEnferm. [Internet]. 2020 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 73(Suppl 1):e20190579. Available in:
,2020 Almeida JCP, Barbosa CA, Almeida LY, Oliveira JL, Souza J. Ações de saúde mental e o trabalho do enfermeiro. RevBrasEnferm. [Internet]. 2020 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 73(Suppl 1):e20190376. Available in:
,2323 Lopes PF, Garcia APRF, Toledo VP. Processo de enfermagem no cotidiano do enfermeiro nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial. Rev. Rene. [Internet]. 2014 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 15(5). Available in:
,3737 Almeida PA, Mazzaia MC. Nursing appointment in mental health: experience of nurses of the network. Rev bras. enferm. [Internet]. 2018 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 71(suppl 5). Available in:
. Alves, Servo and Almeida3838 Alves LM, Servo MLS, Almeida DB. Implicações do processo de enfermagem na construção da identidade profissional da enfermeira. In: Carvalho RC de, Souza SL de, Fontoura EG, Oliveira MAN. A pesquisa no mestrado profissional em enfermagem nos diferentes cenários de saúde. Salvador: EDUFBA; 2020. p. 151-166. reinforce the debate between the relation between NP and professional identity, pointing out that the non-implication of this important instrument in the construction of professional identity expresses the lack of understanding of the nurse about his/her identity and the conflicts that demarcate the search for this identity process.

It is also worth mentioning that in three studies of the sample it was identified that mental health is not the first choice of professional field for nurses, besides the lack of specialization of professionals in the area. It is known that the mental health field is historically not recognized as attractive among health professionals because it still holds stigmas associated with people with mental disorders, reinforced by a deficient education during graduation3939 Ferreira MS, Carvalho MCA. Contribuições da educação profissional na enfermagem para o enfrentamento da estigmatização associada aos transtornos mentais. Barbari. [Internet]. 2020 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 56. Available in:

40 Fernandes JD, Sadigursky D, Silva RMO, Amorim AB, Teixeira GAS, Araújo MCF. Ensino da enfermagem psiquiátrica/saúde mental: sua interface com a reforma psiquiátrica e diretrizes curriculares nacionais. Rev. esc. enferm. USP. [Internet]. 2009 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 43(4).Available in:⟨=pt.
-4141 Waddell C, Graham JM, Pachkowski K, Friesen H. Battling Associative Stigma in Psychiatric Nursing. Issues Ment Health Nurs[Internet]. 2020 cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 41(8).Available in:
. The low qualification for the job, in turn, tends to contribute to the lack of clarification as to its occupational scope and, consequently, to the demarcation of an identity in this field of work.

The relationship between professional identity and the fragmentation of care in mental health emerged as a category in face of the diversity of studies on this theme that pointed out the privilege of care to psychic demands in detriment of care to clinical comorbidities2020 Almeida JCP, Barbosa CA, Almeida LY, Oliveira JL, Souza J. Ações de saúde mental e o trabalho do enfermeiro. RevBrasEnferm. [Internet]. 2020 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 73(Suppl 1):e20190376. Available in:
,2626 Mwebe H. Physical health monitoring in mental health settings: a study exploring mental health nurses’ views of their role. J ClinNurs. [Internet]. 2017 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 26(19-20). Available in:

27 Yalçın SU, Bilgin H, Özaslan Z. Physical healthcare of people with serious mental Illness: across-sectional study of nurses’ involvement, views, and current practices. Issues Ment Health Nurs. [Internet]. 2019 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 40(10). Available in:

28 Happell B, Scott D, Platania-Phung C, Nankivell J. Should we or shouldn’t we? Mental health nurses’ views on physical health care of mental health consumers. Int J Ment Health Nurs. [Internet]. 2012 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 21(3). Available in:

29 Howard L, Gamble C. Supporting mental health nurses to address the physical health needs of people with serious mental illness in acute inpatient care settings. J PsychiatrMent Health Nurs. [Internet]. 2011 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 18(2). Available in:

30 Wynaden D, Heslop B, Heslop K, Barr L, Lim E, Chee GL, et al. The chasm of care: where does the mental health nursing responsibility lie for the physical health care of people with severe mental illness? Int J Ment Health Nurs. [Internet]. 2016 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 25(6). Available in:

31 Gray R, Brown E. What does mental health nursing contribute to improving the physical health of service users with severe mental illness? A thematic analysis. Int J Ment Health Nurs. [Internet]. 2017 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 26(1). Available in:
-3232 Blythe J, White J. Role of the mental health nurse towards physical health care in serious mental illness: an integrative review of 10 years of UK literature. Int J Ment Health Nurs. [Internet]. 2012 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 21(3). Available in:
. Difficulties in differentiating clinical and psychological symptoms and the persistence of a dualistic perspective and care for body and mind were pointed out. It is noteworthy that these differences point to the fragmentation of care practices, which compromises the perspective of a comprehensive approach to the care of individuals who experience mental disorders.

The perspective of these studies about the attributes and attributions of the nurse is related to the functionalist and biologist view of care, and the professional is recognized for performing managerial and care activities such as clinical triages and administration of medications and issues related to prescriptions. These findings suggest an identification of nurses with work focused on psychiatric symptoms, based on the biomedical model. The persistence of the overvaluation of medical knowledge in detriment of other knowledge, besides collaborating with the maintenance of the asylum model, imprisons the nurse in their historical identity demarcation linked to their affiliation with the medical figure, thus compromising the development of autonomous practices and the strengthening of the social value of their work4242 Collière MF. Promover a vida: da prática da mulher de virtude aos cuidados de enfermagem. 4. ed. Coimbra: Ledil; 1999.. The nurse’s work process is marked by care management, as well as focused on the production of health care itself, being, however, often tangential to the scope of administrative and low complexity actions. In this sense, it lacks the nursing theories that underpin its practice and, consequently, the Nursing Process itself. Even in the field of mental health, it is possible to verify an inconsistent appropriation of theoretical references proper to nursing and, consequently, a not very cohesive association with its practice4343 Lima DWC, Silveira LC, Vieira AN, Cunha BMC, Almeida ANS, Guerreiro EM. Referenciais teóricos que norteiam a prática de enfermagem em saúde mental. Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm. [Internet]. 2014 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 18(2). Available in:

I’m still regarding the fragmentation of care, the literature has pointed to the following reasons: nurses’ lack of knowledge and preparation to meet the clinical demands of users; poor communication between health systems, especially in primary care; and the complexity of the health needs presented, usually crossed by socioeconomic precariousness and stigmatization4444 Hurley J, Lakeman R. Becoming a psychiatric/mental health nurse in the UK: aqualitativestudy exploring processes of identity formation. Issues Ment Health Nurs. [Internet]. 2011 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 32(12). Available in:

It can also be noted that this fragmentation of care, related to studies in Brazil, also has interfaces with the fact that the Psychiatric Reform is still being consolidated. Although more than a decade has passed since the institution of the Psychosocial Care Network (PCN), which aimed to integrate the Unified Health System and articulate the points of primary care and hospital care, to ensure care for people with mental disorders, in addition to having as a priority the consolidation of the open and territorial care model, mental health devices that go through the asylum logic and psychiatric reform still persist4545 Ministério da Saúde (BR). Portaria n. 3.088 de 23 de dezembro de 2011. Institui a Rede de Atenção Psicossocial para pessoas com sofrimento ou transtorno mental e com necessidades decorrentes do uso de crack, álcool e outras drogas, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). DiárioOficial da União, Brasília, DF, 2011 dez 26..

In this sense, a study that identified management models in mental health alerted to the existence of traditional and normative models and innovative managerial styles, participatory and people-centered, as well as to the coexistence of different management models in the same mental health service. However, he highlighted the potentiality of the transformations driven by the Psychiatric Reform in Brazil and in the world and of the policies of humanization of care in the transition of these models4646 Silva INC, Silva GTR, Santana MS, Almeida DB, Amestoy SC, Souza VRS, et al. Modelos de gestãoemenfermagemnasaúde mental: scoppingreview. Rev. min. enferm. [Internet]. 2021 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28];25:e-1402. Available in:
. The debate about the important communication between services of different levels of complexity, especially primary care, to better guarantee care for people with mental disorders has been stimulated worldwide.

Studies mention the difficulty of multi-professional teams in primary health care to effectively intervene on the health needs of people with mental disorders, as well as the insufficient qualification, insecurity, and stigmatization among professionals still present in the care of this clientele4747 Lester H, Tritter JQ, Sorohan H. Patients’ and health professionals’ views on primary care for people with serious mental illness: focus group study. BMJ. [Internet]. 2005 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 330(7500). Available in:

48 Fernandes ADSA, Matsukura TS, Lourenço MSG. Mental health care practices in Primary health care: identifying researches in the brazilian context. Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup. [Internet]. 2018 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 26(4). Available in:
-4949 Nunes VV, Feitosa LGGC, Fernandes MA, Almeida CAPL, Ramos CV. Primary care mental health: nurses’ activities in the psychosocial care network. Rev. bras. enferm. [Internet]. 2020 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]; 73(Suppl 1):e20190104. Available in:
. In Brazil, matrixing has proven to be the strategy of choice to overcome these barriers and build shared care among the various health care devices5050 Gonçalves DA, Ballester D, Chiaverini DH, Tófoli LF, Chazan LF, Almeida N, et al. Guia prático de matriciamento em saúde mental [Internet]. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, Centro de Estudo e Pesquisa em Saúde Coletiva; 2011 [cited in 2022 Oct. 28]. 236 p. Available in:

Thus, strengthening the Psychosocial Care Network, from all the devices that compose it, based on the principles and guidelines of the Unified Health System, in the logic of the National Mental Health Policy and in the assumptions of the Psychiatric Reform, as well as situating the scope of work of the nurse within this network and care, are configured as important strategies for the consolidation of the constitution of the professional identity of nurses working in the mental health field.


The analysis of the publications indicated that nurses working in the field of mental health have diversified attributions in their daily work, with a fragile understanding of these professionals about their scope of action, inserted in the multidisciplinary work context of the various care devices. The lack of clarity about their work processes reflects directly on the understanding of the professional role played by them in this scenario and compromises the construction of professional identity demarcations important for the recognition of a distinctive place of action in this scenario of practices.

The studies analyzed also pointed to a fragmented perspective of care in its psychic and clinical dimensions, which suggests the persistence of the historical affiliation of the nursing field to the medical figure as an element still present in its identity constitution, which strengthens the relationship of professional subordination to the medical category and confers social devaluation to nurses, offering obstacles to the professional emancipation of their category.

In summary, a key element for the deepening of the discussion about the constitution of a professional identity for nurses in the field of mental health is the construction and recognition of their own know-how, based on theoretical references and systematized management and care practices. This discussion should also be based on the critical reflection about its performance as an agent of defense and consolidation of the Psychiatric Reform, contributing a method and managing and practicing care based on the therapeutic relationship, in detriment of the standardization of diagnoses, and reproduction of hygienic and biomedical practices.

Thus, the findings of this study can support pedagogical strategies for teaching-learning in the training processes of nurses, to approximate and articulate the theoretical productions of the field of nursing and the psychosocial clinic with the practical reality of these professionals in their daily work in Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS- in Portuguese). It is also suggested that further research be conducted to investigate the potential contribution of a nurse’s scope of action, which includes the fulfillment of their private activities, in congruence with the modes of interdisciplinary work and the production of care of the psychosocial clinic.


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Edited by

Associate editor:

Dra. Virginia Souza

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    25 Sept 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    01 Nov 2022
  • Accepted
    12 Apr 2023
Universidade Federal do Paraná Av. Prefeito Lothário Meissner, 632, Cep: 80210-170, Brasil - Paraná / Curitiba, Tel: +55 (41) 3361-3755 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil