The laparoscopic lymphadenectomy is routinely performed in medicine, but not in veterinary medicine. This report describes a case of female canine with tumors in the left mammary chain (M4 and M5), which was subjected to intra-dermal application of sterile methylene blue, around the largest tumor (M5) which tried to demarcate the lymphatic vessels and regional lymph nodes. After 15 minutes, laparoscopic lymphadenectomy involving the abdominal in the left pelvic region started, followed by laparoscopic ovariohysterctomy (OVH) using three portals access. It was also performed an unilateral left total mastectomy. For histology, two abdominal lymph nodes were free of tumor cells. The patient had no recurrence in 60 days.
laparoscopic; metastasis; lymphatic drainage; sentinel node; dogs