Logomarca do periódico: Ciência Rural

Open-access Ciência Rural

Publication of: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Area: Agricultural Sciences ISSN printed version: 0103-8478
ISSN online version: 1678-4596
Previous title Revista do Centro de Ciências Rurais

About the journal


Basic information


Ciência Rural (CR) is an existing journal since 1971 (then as Revista do Centro de Ciências Rurais. The journal is published in continuous form. The papers are all in open access.

Its objective is publishing original articles, reviews and notes, prepared by national and international experts which contribute to the scientific area of Agronomy, Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine and Forestry Science.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Cienc. Rural, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.



Information sources

  The journal is indexed by:
  • CROSS REF, EMBiology
  • SciELO
  • WEB OF SCIENCE ( Thomson Reuters)


Intellectual Property


All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.

The Ciência Rural adopted until Oct/2015 the Creative Commons license attribution-type BY-NC. Actually, the license is the attribution-type BY.





The journal is supported by:

  • Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS)
  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
  • Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


Editorial Board



  • Rudi Weiblen – UFSM  -  Santa Maria, RS,  Brasil



  • Rudi Weiblen, UFSM, Brasil
  • Juliana Felipetto Cargnelutti, UFSM, Brasil
  • Leandro Souza da Silva, UFSM, Brasil


Section editors



Layout editors

  • Aline da Silva Aymay
  • Ana Paula Elsner
  • Ana Paula Regner
  • Cíntia Savian
  • Fabiana da Silva  Aymay
  • Francielle da Silva Aymay
  • Pâmela Fuzer


Text editors

  • Adriane Weiblen Cardoso
  • Ana Paula Elsner
  • Cristiane Braida Gelatti
  • Rudi Weiblen
  • Vagner Neujahr


Proof readers

  • Ana Paula Elsner
  • Cristiane Braida Gelatti
  • Vagner Neujahr


Instructions to authors


Aim and editorial policy


1. The scope of CIÊNCIA RURAL is to publish original articles (full papers), short notes and reviews. Manuscripts should be submitted exclusively to CIÊNCIA RURAL.



Preparation of originals


2. The number of pages suggested by Ciência Rural for full paper should not contain more than 15 typed pages, reviews 20 pages, short notes should contain at most 8 pages including Tables, Graphics, and Figures (each one as one portrait page at the end). Use double spacing throughout the text, including the Abstract and References. The pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning from the title page. The size of the print paper should be A4 210 x 297mm containing no more than 25 lines per page. The font Times New Roman 12 should be used.

In view of the electronic publication we will be considering manuscripts with additional pages beyond the above limits. However, the approved papers that have pages beyond the number stipulated will have an additional cost for publication (see fees).

3. Full papers should contain the following sections (Paper example): Title, Abstract and Key words in English and Portuguese; The journal will provide the portuguese abstract (resumo) for papers that do not involve portuguese speaking authors. Introduction (containing the respective Literature review); Materials and Methods; Results, Discussion or results/discussion (together) and Conclusions; Acknowledgements; Authors’ contributions; Paper presentation; Sources and Manufactures. The sections results and Discussion; or Results, Discussion and Conclusions may be combined, Declaration Of Conflicting Interests. Bioethics and Biossecurity Committee Approval are required when human or animals are involved. When genetically modified organisms are involved the approval is also needed (Model example 1Model example 2). Should be stated before the reference section.

4. Review Articles should contain the sections (Paper example): Title, Abstract and Key words in English and Portuguese; The journal will provide the portuguese abstract (resumo) for papers that do not involve portuguese speaking authors. Introduction; Text; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; Authors’ contributions; Sources and Manufactures when necessary, Declaration Of Conflicting Interests. Bioethics and Biossecurity Committee Approval are required when human or animals are involved. When genetically modified organisms are involved the approval is also needed (Model example 1Model example 2). Should be written before the reference section.

5. Short notes should contain (Paper example): Title, Abstract and Key words in English and Portuguese; The journal will provide the portuguese abstract (resumo) for papers that do not involve portuguese speaking authors. Text (without subdivision in sections, but ordered accordingly in introduction, methodology, results, discussion; conclusion) Acknowledgements; Authors’ contributions; Declaration Of Conflicting Interests; Sources and Manufactures when necessary. Bioethics and Biossecurity Committee Approval are required when human or animals are involved. When genetically modified organisms are involved the approval is also needed (Model example 1Model example 2). Should be writtten before the reference section. The text may also include tables and figures.

6. Cover letter should contain the following information

a) What is the major scientific accomplishment of your study?
b) The question your research answers?
c) Your major experimental results and overall findings?
d) The most important conclusions that can be drawn from your research?
e) Any other details that will encourage the editor to send your manuscript for review?

7. No reprints will be supplied to authors. The articles are free at www.scielo.br/cr.

8. Describe the title in english and portuguese. Only the first letter of the tittle should be in capital lettter except for official names. Do not use abreviations in the title. Scientific names should be used in the title only when strictly necessary.Please use them as key words and in the other sections of the paper. Full name(s) of the authors should be written below the title, side to side, followed by number (roman numbers in superscript). These numbers which will indicate, when repeated at the bottom of the page, the affiliation and corresponding address, etc. The corresponding author be indicated and should be accompanied by full address, including the e-mail, when available.

9. Within the text, the References should be cited as follows: a. MASON (1964) observed... b. The average cited by ZONTINI & UNO (1986) was similar... c. PRESNEL et al. (1973) indicated... d. ...the congenital malformation (MOULTON, 1978).

10. Ciência Rural provide the style file for use with the EndNote software (is a commercial reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles). It is also available at that link the style file for use with the software Mendeley.

The Reference List should be placed at the end of the manuscript; the references should be ordered alphabetically.
Please follow the following examples:

10.1. Book References:

BARHAM, J.N. Mechanical kinesiology. Saint Louis : Mosby, 1978. 509p.
MENGEL, K.; KIRBY, E.A. Principles of plant nutrition. 4 ed. Bern : International Potash Institut, 1987. 687p.

10.2. Chapter in a book:

GORBAMAN, A. A comparative pathology of thyroid. In: HAZARD, J.B.; SMITH, D.E. The thyroid. Baltimore : Willians & Wilkins, 1964. Chap. 2. p.32-48.

10.3. Chapter without authorship in a book:

COCHRAN, W.G. The stimulation of sample size. In: ______. Sampling techniques. 3.ed. New York : John Willey, 1977. Chap. 4, p.72-90.
TURNER, A.S.; McILWRAITH, C.W. Fluidoterapia. In: ______. Técnicas cirúrgicas em animais de grande porte. São Paulo: Roca, 1985. p.29-40.

10.4. Standard Journal Article

Author should add the URL to the reference and the number of identification DOI (Digital Object Identifier) as the example below:

MEWIS, I.; ULRICHS, CH. Action of amorphous diatomaceous earth against different stages of the stored product pests Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), Sitophilus granarius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Stored Product Research, Amsterdam (City optional), v.37, p.153-164, 2001. Available from: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-474X(00)00016-3>. Accessed: nov. 20, 2008. doi: 10.1016/S0022-474X(00)00016-3.

PINTO JUNIOR, A.R. et al (Two authors or more). Response of Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) and Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) to different concentrations of diatomaceous earth in bulk stored wheat. Ciência Rural, Santa Maria (City optional), v. 38, n. 8, p.2103-2108, nov. 2008 . Available from: <http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-84782008000800002&lng=pt&nrm=iso>. Accessed: nov 12, 2008. doi: 10.1590/S0103-84782008000800002.

SENA, D. A. et al. Vigor tests to evaluate the physiological quality of corn seeds cv. 'Sertanejo'. Ciência Rural, Santa Maria , v. 47, n. 3, e20150705, 2017 . Available from: <http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-84782017000300151&lng=pt&nrm=iso>. Accessed: Mar. 18, 2017. Epub 15-Dez-2016. doi: 10.1590/0103-8478cr20150705. (Electronic publication).

10.5. Theses, dissertations...

MOSCARDI, G. Control of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner on soybean with a baculovirus and selected inseticides and their effect on natural epizootics of the entomogenous fungus Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) samson. 1977. 68f. Dissertation/Thesis (Master/PhD in Biological control and integrated pest management) - Course of Entomology, University of Florida. (Avoid this citation).

10.6. Bulletins:

ROGIK, F.A. Indústria da lactose. São Paulo: Departamento de Produção Animal, 1942. 20p. Boletim Técnico, 20. (Avoid this citation).

10.7. Non-published paper (should be avoided when possible): Read after the text, e.g.: Comparative study about the effect of differents sutures in the trachea anastomosis of dogs. Sheila Canevese Rahal autorship (in preparation).

10.8. Personal Communication (should be avoided when possible): Information in the text is identified by (Personal Communication) after the statement: e.g. ...described by Johnston (1980) (Personal Communication).

10.9. Electronic documents:

MATERA, J.M. Afecções cirúrgicas da coluna vertebral: análise sobre as possibilidades do tratamento cirúrgico. São Paulo : Departamento de Cirurgia, FMVZ-USP, 1997. CD-Rom. (Avoid this citation).

GRIFON, D.M. Artroscopic diagnosis of elbow displasia. In: WORLD SMALL ANIMAL VETERINARY CONGRESS, 31., 2006, Prague, Czech Republic. Proceedings… Prague: WSAVA, 2006. p.630-636. Available from: <http://www.ivis.org/proceedings/wsava/2006/lecture22/Griffon1.pdf?LA=1>. Accessed: Mar. 18, 2007 (Avoid this citation).

UFRGS. Transgênicos. Zero Hora Digital, Porto Alegre, 23 mar. 2000. Especiais. Available from: <http://www.zh.com.br/especial/ index.htm>. Accessed: Mar. 18, 2001. (Avoid this citation).

ONGPHIPHADHANAKUL, B. Prevention of postmenopausal bone loss by low and conventional doses of calcitriol or conjugated equine estrogen. Maturitas, (Ireland), v.34, n.2, p.179-184, Feb 15, 2000. Obtido via base de dados MEDLINE. 1994-2000. Available from: <http://www. medscape.com/server-java/MedlineSearchForm>. Accessed: Mar. 18, 2007.

MARCHIONATTI, A.; PIPPI, N.L. Análise comparativa entre duas técnicas de recuperação de úlcera de córnea não infectada em nível de estroma médio. In: SEMINARIO LATINOAMERICANO DE CIRUGIA VETERINARIA, 3, 1997. Corrientes, Argentina. Anais... Corrientes : Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias - UNNE, 1997. Disquete. 1 disquete de 31/2. Para uso em PC.

11. Illustrations, graphs, photographs will be named Figures; identified by arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc...). Each figure will be considered as a full page. Graphs and illustration should measure 7.5 or 16cm width. The figures may also be sent digitized in .tiff with at least 300 dpi. Tables should be identified with the word Table, ordered by Roman numerals, and cannot exceed one page should appear after the reference section. However separated.

12. The authors are responsible for all the statement and concepts contained in the article.

13. Submission requires metadata for all authors. The papers will not proceed for evaluation before the data is not provided. Exceptionally other forms can be used. Please contact Ciência Rural for additional information.

14. Articles will be published according to the order of approval.

15. Articles that are not recommended for publication will be archived. However there will be sent a message for the authors explaining why the paper was not approved. Articles resubmitted (with a previous decision of Reject and Ressubmit) must pay the processing fee again. Articles filed due to expiration of the term will not have the processing fee refunded.

16. Doubts can be solved by examining a previous issue of the Ciência Rural before contacting the Editorial Committee.

17. All articles will undergo a plagiarism check process using the Cross Check Program.

18. Authors’ contributions
In order to qualify for authorship of the submitted manuscript, every listed authors should have made substantial intellectual contributions both to the research and to its preparation. Please try one of the bellow examples or make your one.

Example one
RW, RA and RCNO conceived and designed experiments. WC, LM and AA performed the experiments, BB carried out the lab analyses. BB supervised and coordinated the animal experiments and provided clinical data. BB performed statistical analyses of experimental data. WC, MB and NO prepared the draft of the manuscript. All authors critically revised the manuscript and approved of the final version.

Example two
All authors contributed equally for the conception and writing of the manuscript. All authors critically revised the manuscript and approved of the final version.

Example three
The authors contributed equally to the manuscript.

19. The ORCID (Open Research and Contributors Identification) allows the creation of unique digital identifiers (ORCID IDs) for researchers, facilitating the national and international identification of the researcher and its production.

In this way we recommend that all authors of each submission adopt the ORCiD record in their publications.


20. Ciência Rural has been aligned with the communication practices of Open Science, in compliance with that promoted by the SciELO Program. For this reason, after 01/01/2022, authors must make use of the Form on Compliance with Open Science, which must be submitted as a supplementary file to every manuscript submitted to Ciência Rural. The conformity informed by the authors will be verified in the initial revision of the manuscripts and later by the editors and reviewers. We inform the authors that the articles published in volume 52 (1) will contain the identification of the chief editor and associate editor responsible by manuscript evaluation process in the CR, as guided by the practices of Open Science.


21. Ciência Rural (CR) recommends all authors to post preprints to accelerate the circulation of data of papers before peer review process. If a research with a preprint is accepted for publication in CR, the preprint and published manuscript will link to each other at the publication online. All authors should link their ORCID to the preprint and also to the manuscript.

CR also recommends editors to consider available comments and information on the preprint to support the editorial process and, when relevant, editors may incorporate the information at editorial decision to authors.

CR fully supports the deposit of preprint such as BioRXivAgriRxiv and SciELO Preprints.


22. All the content of Ciência Rural and the articles published by the journal, except where stated otherwise, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license.
Authors of articles published by Ciência Rural maintain the copyright of their papers, licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.
Ciência Rural encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the full citation is always included.

Evaluation criteria

All submitted papers are initially examined by the CR team and editorial board area and then sent to two ad hoc reviewers at least. Revisions are usually subjected to three consultants ad hoc.




Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil
E-mail: cienciarural@mail.ufsm.br
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