Interference of weeds is a major factor influencing the establishment of pastures and rangeland in the white clover is an important Fabaceae used in animal feed. The objective of this study was to determine the periods of weed interference on the white clover, which was subjected to periods living and weed control. Phytosociological surveys were conducted in each period of coexistence of culture with weeds and 119 days for the control periods of conviviality. Data on dry matter production of white clover were adjusted to model nonlinear regression sigmoidal Boltzmann, adopting a tolerance level of yield reduction of 5%. The results revealed that the period before interference was 20 days after emergence (DAE), the total period of interference prevention was 82DAE and the critical period of interference prevention were 62 days. Productivity losses by weed competition can reach 96%, requiring weed control at 20DAE, extending up to 62DAE.
Trifolium repens L.; competition; productivity; PBI