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Ciência & Saúde Coletiva

volume 28, número 11 - 2023

In the article “Mapping digital dating abuse in Brasil and Australia: a review on victimisation experiences from the Global-South”, DOI 10.1590/1413-812320232811.20492022

p. 3267

Where it reads:

They were also more likely to experience IBSA by a current or former partner (30%)84.

Reads up:

Thirty per cent of them had experienced IBSA from a current or former partner84.

p. 3270-3272

Where it reads:

27. Brasil. Lei nº 14.132, de 31 março de 2021.

28. Acrescenta o art. 147-A ao Decreto-Lei nº 2.848, de 7 de dezembro de 1940 (Código Penal), para prever o crime de perseguição; e revoga o art. 65 do Decreto-Lei nº 3.688, de 3 de outubro de 1941 (Lei das Contravenções Penais). Diário Oficial da União 2021; 31 mar.

29. Campeiz AB, Aragão ADS, Carlos DM, Campeiz AF, Ferriani MDGC. Redes sociais digitais: exposição à violência na intimidade entre adolescentes à luz da complexidade. Texto Contexto Enferm 2020; 29:e20190040.

30. Mackenzie C, Mackay T. ‘I just wanted to keep my boyfriend happy’: young country women’s perceptions of intimate partner violence. Adelaide: The University of South Australia, The Australian Alliance for Social Enterprise; 2019.

31. Brown C, Flood M, Hegarty K. Digital dating abuse perpetration and impact: the importance of gender. J Youth Stud 2020; 25(2):193-208.

32. Henry N, Powell A. Technology-facilitated sexual violence: a literature review of empirical research. Trauma Violence Abuse 2018; 19(2):195-208.

33. Brown C, Hegarty K. Digital dating abuse measures: a critical review. Aggress Violent Behav 2018; 40:44-59.

34. Caridade S, Braga T, BorrajoE. Cyber dating abuse (CDA): evidence from a systematic review. Aggress Violent Behav 2019; 48:152-168.

35. Cavalcanti JG, Coutinho MDPDL, Nascimento AMD, Pinto AVDL. Psychometric properties of the cyber dating abuse questionnaire. Psico-USF 2020; 25(2):285-296.

36. Henry N, Flynn A, Powell A. Technology-facilitated domestic and sexual violence: a review. Violence Against Women 2020; 26(1-16):1828-1854.

37. Rocha-Silva T, Nogueira C, Rodrigues L. Intimate abuse through technology: a systematic review of scientific constructs and behavioural dimensions. Comput Human Behav 2021; 122:106861.

38. Kelly L. Surviving sexual violence. New York: Polity Press; 1988.

39. DeKeseredy WS, Dragiewicz M, Schwartz MD. New technologies and separation/divorce violence against women. In: DeKeseredy WS, Dragiewicz M, Schwartz MD, editors. Abusive endings. Oakland: University of California Press; 2017. p. 65-85.

40. Diniz D, Costa BS, Gumieri S. Nomear feminicídio: conhecer, simbolizar e punir. Rev Bras Cienc Crim 2015; 114:225-239.

41. Borrajo E, Gámez-Guadix M, Pereda N, Calvete E. The development and validation of the cyber dating abuse questionnaire among young couples. Comput Human Behav 2015; 48:358-365.

42. Branson M, March E. Dangerous dating in the digital age: jealousy, hostility, narcissism, and psychopathy as predictors of cyber dating abuse. Comput Human Behav 2021; 119:106711.

43. Lara L. Cyber dating abuse: assessment, prevalence, and relationship with offline violence in young Chileans. J Soc Pers Relat 2020; 37(5):1681-1699.

44. Caridade S, Braga T. Versão portuguesa do Cyber Dating Abuse Questionaire (CDAQ) - Questionário sobre Ciberabuso no Namoro (CibAN): adaptação e propriedades psicométricas. Analise Psicol 2019; 1(37):93-105.

45. Van Ouytsel J, Ponnet K, Walrave M. Cyber dating abuse: investigating digital monitoring behaviors among adolescents from a social learning perspective. J Inter Viol 2020; 35(23-24):5157-5178.

46. García-Sánchez PV, Guevara-Martínez C, Rojas-Solís JL, Peña-Cárdenas F, Cruz VGG. Apego y ciber-violencia en la pareja de adolescentes. J Educ Develop Psychol 2017; 2(1):541-549.

47. Stephenson VL, Wickham BM, Capezza NM. Psychological abuse in the context of social media. Violence Gend 2018; 5(3):129-134.

48. Reed LA, Conn K, Wachter K. Name-calling, jealousy, and break-ups: teen girls’ and boys’ worst experiences of digital dating. Child Youth Serv Rev 2020; 108:104607.

49. Cecchetto F, Oliveira Q, Njaine K, Minayo M. Violências percebidas por homens adolescentes na interação afetivo-sexual em dez cidades Brasileiras. Interface (Botucatu) 2016; 20(59):853-864.

50. Oliveira QBM, Assis SGd, Njaine K, Oliveira RC. Violências nas relações afetivo-sexuais. In: Minayo MCS, Assis SG, K Njaine K, editors. Amor e violência: um paradoxo das relações de namoro e do ‘ficar’ entre jovens brasileiros. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz; 2011.

51. Aghtaie N, Larkins C, Barter C, Stanley N, Wood M, Øverlien C. Interpersonal violence and abuse in young people’s relationships in five European countries: online and offline normalisation of heteronormativity. J Gend Based Violence 2018; 2(2):293-310.

52. Lucero JL, Weisz AN, Smith-Darden J, Lucero SM. Exploring gender differences: socially interactive technology use/abuse among dating teens. Affilia 2014; 29(4):478-491.

53. Hellevik PM. Teenagers’ personal accounts of experiences with digital intimate partner violence and abuse. Comput Human Behav 2019; 92:178-187.

54. Reed LA, Lawler SM, Cosgrove JM, Tolman RM, Ward LM. ‘It was a joke’: Patterns in girls’ and boys’ self-reported motivations for digital dating abuse behaviors. Child Youth Serv Rev 2021; 122:105883.

55. Stonard KE, Bowen E, Walker K, Price SA. ‘They’ll always find a way to get to you’: technology use in adolescent romantic relationships and its role in dating violence and abuse. J Interpers Violence 2017; 32(14):2083-2117.

56. Chung D. Violence, control, romance and gender equality: young women and heterosexual relationships. Women’s Studies International Forum 2005; 28(6):445-455.

57. Chung D. Making meaning of relationships: young women’s experiences and understandings of dating violence. Violence Against Women 2007; 13(12):1274-1295.

58. Hobbs C. Young, in love and in danger: teen domestic violence and abuse in Tasmania [research report]. Tasmania: Social Action and Research Centre, Anglicare Tasmania; 2022.

59. Campeiz AB, Carlos DM, Campeiz AF, Silva JL, Freitas LA, Ferriani MDGC. A violência na relação de intimidade sob a ótica de adolescentes: perspectivas do Paradigma da Complexidade. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2020; 54:e03575.

60. Campeiz AB. A violência nas relações de intimidade entre os adolescentes sob a perspectiva do Paradigma da Complexidade [tese]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo; 2018.

61. Instituto Avon/Data Popular. Violência contra a mulher: o jovem está ligado? [Internet]. 2014. [acessado 2022 dez 22]. Disponível em:

62. Nascimento FS, Cordeiro RLM. Violência no namoro para jovens moradores de Recife. Psicol Soc 2011; 23(2):516-525.

63. Ribeiro FML, Avanci JQ, Carvalho L, Gomes R, Pires TdO. Entre o ‘Ficar’ e o Namorar: relações afetivo-sexuais. In: Minayo MCS, Assis SG, Njaine K, organizadores. Amor e violência: um paradoxo das relações de namoro e do ‘ficar’ entre jovens brasileiros. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz; 2011.

64. Boen MT, Lopes FL. Vitimização por stalking: um estudo sobre a prevalência em estudantes universitários. Estud Fem 2019; 27(2):e50031.

65. Taylor A, Lauro G, Murphy-Graham E, Pacheco T, Pacheco Montoya D, Araújo D. Adolescent relationship violence in Brazil and Honduras [Internet]. 2017. [cited 2022 dez 22]. Available from:

66. Carvalhaes RDS, Cárdenas CMM. “Namorar é só sofrência”: violências na relação afetivo-sexual de adolescentes de uma escola na região Costa Verde, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Cien Saude Colet 2019; 26(7):2719-2728.

67. Jaffe P, Fairbairn J, Sapardanis K. Youth dating violence and homicide. In: Wolfe DA, Temple JR, editors. Adolescent dating violence: theory, research, and prevention. Cambridge: Academic Press; 2018. p. 191-214.

68. Hinduja S, Patchin JW. Digital dating abuse: a brief guide for educators and parents [Internet]. 2020. [cited 2022 dez 22]. Available from:

69. Zweig JM, Dank M, Yahner J, Lachman P. The rate of cyber dating abuse among teens and how it relates to other forms of teen dating violence. J Youth Adolesc 2013; 42(7):1063-1077.

70. Barter C, Stanley N, Wood M, Aghtaie N, Larkins C, Øverlien C, Lesta S, Apostolov G, Shahbazyan L, Pavlou S, De Luca N, Cappello G, Hellevik P, Lanau A. Safeguarding Teenage Intimate Relationships (STIR): connecting online and offline contexts and risks [Internet]. 2015. [cited 2022 dez 22]. Available from:

71. Ferriani MDGC, Campeiz AB, Martins J, Aragão ADS, Roque EMDST, Carlos DM. Understanding and contextualizing teen dating violence. Escola Anna Nery 2019; 23(3):e20180349.

72. Stonard KE, Bowen E, Lawrence TR, Price SA. The relevance of technology to the nature, prevalence and impact of adolescent dating violence and abuse: a research synthesis. Aggress Violent Behav 2014; 19(4):390-417.

73. Henry N, Flynn A, Powell A. Responding to ‘revenge pornography’: Prevalence, nature and impacts. Canberra: Criminology Research Advisory Council; 2019.

74. França LA, Quevedo JV, Fontes JA, Segatto AJS, Abreu CAF, Santos DR, Vieira LR. Projeto Vazou: pesquisa sobre o vazamento não consentido de imagens íntimas no Brasil. Rev Bras Cienc Crim 2020; 169(28):231-270.

75. França LA, Quevedo JV. Project Leaked: research on non-consensual sharing of intimate images in Brazil. Int J Cyber Criminol 2020; 14(1):1-28.

76. Flach RMD, Deslandes SF. Regras/rupturas do “contrato” amoroso entre adolescentes: o papel do abuso digital. Cien Saude Colet 2021; 26(Supl. 3):5033-5044.

77. Reed LA. Digital dating abuse: digital media as a gendered context for dating violence in the digital world [thesis]. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan; 2015.

78. Montenegro LMB, Alves LF, Silva AC, Silva LGM. Meninas na rede: percepções das meninas sobre violência de gênero online. In: Sousa J, Geraldes E, Reis LM, organizadores. Internet e Direitos Humanos no Brasil: cenários e perspectivas. Brasília: Universidade de Brasília; 2019. p. 159-180.

79. Dragiewicz M, Harris B, Woodlock D, Salter M. Digital media and domestic violence in Australia: essential contexts. J Gend Based Violence 2021; 5(3):377-393.

80. McLachlan F, Harris B. Intimate risks: examining online and offline abuse, homicide flags, and femicide. Vict Offender 2022; 17(5):623-646.

81. Fernet M, Lapierre A, Hebert M, Cousineau MM. A systematic review of literature on cyber intimate partner victimization in adolescent girls and women. Comput Human Behav 2019; 100:11-25.

82. Baker CK, Carreño PK. Understanding the role of technology in adolescent dating and dating violence. J Child Fam Stud 2016; 25(1):308-320.

83. Holt KM, Holt TJ, Cale J, Brewer R, Goldsmith A. Assessing the role of self-control and technology access on adolescent sexting and sext dissemination. Comput Human Behav 2021; 125:106952.

84. Martins APA. Violência no namoro e nas relações íntimas entre jovens: considerações preliminares sobre o problema no Brasil. Genero 2017; 2(1):9-28.

85. Henry N, Powell A, Flynn A. Not just ‘revenge pornography’: Australians’ experiences of image-based abuse: a summary report. Melbourne: RMIT University; 2017.

86. Albury K, Hasinoff AA, Senft T. From media abstinence to media production: sexting, young people and education. In: Allen L, Rasmussen M, editors. The Palgrave handbook of sexuality education. London: Palgrave Macmillan; 2017. p. 527-545.

87. Deslandes SF, Silva CVCD, Reeve JM, Flach RMD. Vazamento de nudes: da moralização e violência generificada ao empoderamento. Cien Saude Colet 2022; 27(10):3959-3968.

88. Henry N, McGlynn C, Flynn A, Johnston K, Powell A, Scott AJ. Image-based sexual abuse: a study on the causes and consequences of non-consensual nude or sexual imagery. London: Routledge; 2020.

89. Sousa J, Geraldes E, Scheidweiler G, Montenegro L, Teles N. Escola App: programando uma nova vida. In: Sousa J, Geraldes E, Reis LM, editors. Internet e direitos humanos no Brasil: cenários e perspectivas. Brasília: Universidade de Brasília; 2019. p. 197-213.

Reads up:

27. Brasil. Lei nº 14.132, de 31 março de 2021. Acrescenta o art. 147-A ao Decreto-Lei nº 2.848, de 7 de dezembro de 1940 (Código Penal), para prever o crime de perseguição; e revoga o art. 65 do Decreto-Lei nº 3.688, de 3 de outubro de 1941 (Lei das Contravenções Penais). Diário Oficial da União 2021; 31 mar.

28. Campeiz AB, Aragão ADS, Carlos DM, Campeiz AF, Ferriani MDGC. Redes sociais digitais: exposição à violência na intimidade entre adolescentes à luz da complexidade. Texto Contexto Enferm 2020; 29:e20190040.

29. Mackenzie C, Mackay T. ‘I just wanted to keep my boyfriend happy’: young country women’s perceptions of intimate partner violence. Adelaide: The University of South Australia, The Australian Alliance for Social Enterprise; 2019.

30. Brown C, Flood M, Hegarty K. Digital dating abuse perpetration and impact: the importance of gender. J Youth Stud 2020; 25(2):193-208.

31. Henry N, Powell A. Technology-facilitated sexual violence: a literature review of empirical research. Trauma Violence Abuse 2018; 19(2):195-208.

32. Brown C, Hegarty K. Digital dating abuse measures: a critical review. Aggress Violent Behav 2018; 40:44-59.

33. Caridade S, Braga T, BorrajoE. Cyber dating abuse (CDA): evidence from a systematic review. Aggress Violent Behav 2019; 48:152-168.

34. Cavalcanti JG, Coutinho MDPDL, Nascimento AMD, Pinto AVDL. Psychometric properties of the cyber dating abuse questionnaire. Psico-USF 2020; 25(2):285-296.

35. Henry N, Flynn A, Powell A. Technology-facilitated domestic and sexual violence: a review. Violence Against Women 2020; 26(1-16):1828-1854.

36. Rocha-Silva T, Nogueira C, Rodrigues L. Intimate abuse through technology: a systematic review of scientific constructs and behavioural dimensions. Comput Human Behav 2021; 122:106861.

37. Kelly L. Surviving sexual violence. New York: Polity Press; 1988.

38. DeKeseredy WS, Dragiewicz M, Schwartz MD. New technologies and separation/divorce violence against women. In: DeKeseredy WS, Dragiewicz M, Schwartz MD, editors. Abusive endings. Oakland: University of California Press; 2017. p. 65-85.

39. Diniz D, Costa BS, Gumieri S. Nomear feminicídio: conhecer, simbolizar e punir. Rev Bras Cienc Crim 2015; 114:225-239.

40. Borrajo E, Gámez-Guadix M, Pereda N, Calvete E. The development and validation of the cyber dating abuse questionnaire among young couples. Comput Human Behav 2015; 48:358-365.

41. Branson M, March E. Dangerous dating in the digital age: jealousy, hostility, narcissism, and psychopathy as predictors of cyber dating abuse. Comput Human Behav 2021; 119:106711.

42. Lara L. Cyber dating abuse: assessment, prevalence, and relationship with offline violence in young Chileans. J Soc Pers Relat 2020; 37(5):1681-1699.

43. Caridade S, Braga T. Versão portuguesa do Cyber Dating Abuse Questionaire (CDAQ) - Questionário sobre Ciberabuso no Namoro (CibAN): adaptação e propriedades psicométricas. Analise Psicol 2019; 1(37):93-105.

44. Van Ouytsel J, Ponnet K, Walrave M. Cyber dating abuse: investigating digital monitoring behaviors among adolescents from a social learning perspective. J Inter Viol 2020; 35(23-24):5157-5178.

45. García-Sánchez PV, Guevara-Martínez C, Rojas-Solís JL, Peña-Cárdenas F, Cruz VGG. Apego y ciber-violencia en la pareja de adolescentes. J Educ Develop Psychol 2017; 2(1):541-549.

46. Stephenson VL, Wickham BM, Capezza NM. Psychological abuse in the context of social media. Violence Gend 2018; 5(3):129-134.

47. Reed LA, Conn K, Wachter K. Name-calling, jealousy, and break-ups: teen girls’ and boys’ worst experiences of digital dating. Child Youth Serv Rev 2020; 108:104607.

48. Cecchetto F, Oliveira Q, Njaine K, Minayo M. Violências percebidas por homens adolescentes na interação afetivo-sexual em dez cidades Brasileiras. Interface (Botucatu) 2016; 20(59):853-864.

49. Oliveira QBM, Assis SGd, Njaine K, Oliveira RC. Violências nas relações afetivo-sexuais. In: Minayo MCS, Assis SG, K Njaine K, editors. Amor e violência: um paradoxo das relações de namoro e do ‘ficar’ entre jovens brasileiros. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz; 2011.

50. Aghtaie N, Larkins C, Barter C, Stanley N, Wood M, Øverlien C. Interpersonal violence and abuse in young people’s relationships in five European countries: online and offline normalisation of heteronormativity. J Gend Based Violence 2018; 2(2):293-310.

51. Lucero JL, Weisz AN, Smith-Darden J, Lucero SM. Exploring gender differences: socially interactive technology use/abuse among dating teens. Affilia 2014; 29(4):478-491.

52. Hellevik PM. Teenagers’ personal accounts of experiences with digital intimate partner violence and abuse. Comput Human Behav 2019; 92:178-187.

53. Reed LA, Lawler SM, Cosgrove JM, Tolman RM, Ward LM. ‘It was a joke’: Patterns in girls’ and boys’ self-reported motivations for digital dating abuse behaviors. Child Youth Serv Rev 2021; 122:105883.

54. Stonard KE, Bowen E, Walker K, Price SA. ‘They’ll always find a way to get to you’: technology use in adolescent romantic relationships and its role in dating violence and abuse. J Interpers Violence 2017; 32(14):2083-2117.

55. Chung D. Violence, control, romance and gender equality: young women and heterosexual relationships. Women’s Studies International Forum 2005; 28(6):445-455.

56. Chung D. Making meaning of relationships: young women’s experiences and understandings of dating violence. Violence Against Women 2007; 13(12):1274-1295.

57. Hobbs C. Young, in love and in danger: teen domestic violence and abuse in Tasmania [research report]. Tasmania: Social Action and Research Centre, Anglicare Tasmania; 2022.

58. Campeiz AB, Carlos DM, Campeiz AF, Silva JL, Freitas LA, Ferriani MDGC. A violência na relação de intimidade sob a ótica de adolescentes: perspectivas do Paradigma da Complexidade. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2020; 54:e03575.

59. Campeiz AB. A violência nas relações de intimidade entre os adolescentes sob a perspectiva do Paradigma da Complexidade [tese]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo; 2018.

60. Instituto Avon/Data Popular. Violência contra a mulher: o jovem está ligado? [Internet]. 2014. [acessado 2022 dez 22]. Disponível em:

61. Nascimento FS, Cordeiro RLM. Violência no namoro para jovens moradores de Recife. Psicol Soc 2011; 23(2):516-525.

62. Ribeiro FML, Avanci JQ, Carvalho L, Gomes R, Pires TdO. Entre o ‘Ficar’ e o Namorar: relações afetivo-sexuais. In: Minayo MCS, Assis SG, Njaine K, organizadores. Amor e violência: um paradoxo das relações de namoro e do ‘ficar’ entre jovens brasileiros. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz; 2011.

63. Boen MT, Lopes FL. Vitimização por stalking: um estudo sobre a prevalência em estudantes universitários. Estud Fem 2019; 27(2):e50031.

64. Taylor A, Lauro G, Murphy-Graham E, Pacheco T, Pacheco Montoya D, Araújo D. Adolescent relationship violence in Brazil and Honduras [Internet]. 2017. [cited 2022 dez 22]. Available from:

65. Carvalhaes RDS, Cárdenas CMM. “Namorar é só sofrência”: violências na relação afetivo-sexual de adolescentes de uma escola na região Costa Verde, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Cien Saude Colet 2019; 26(7):2719-2728.

66. Jaffe P, Fairbairn J, Sapardanis K. Youth dating violence and homicide. In: Wolfe DA, Temple JR, editors. Adolescent dating violence: theory, research, and prevention. Cambridge: Academic Press; 2018. p. 191-214.

67. Hinduja S, Patchin JW. Digital dating abuse: a brief guide for educators and parents [Internet]. 2020. [cited 2022 dez 22]. Available from:

68. Zweig JM, Dank M, Yahner J, Lachman P. The rate of cyber dating abuse among teens and how it relates to other forms of teen dating violence. J Youth Adolesc 2013; 42(7):1063-1077.

69. Barter C, Stanley N, Wood M, Aghtaie N, Larkins C, Øverlien C, Lesta S, Apostolov G, Shahbazyan L, Pavlou S, De Luca N, Cappello G, Hellevik P, Lanau A. Safeguarding Teenage Intimate Relationships (STIR): connecting online and offline contexts and risks [Internet]. 2015. [cited 2022 dez 22]. Available from:

70. Ferriani MDGC, Campeiz AB, Martins J, Aragão ADS, Roque EMDST, Carlos DM. Understanding and contextualizing teen dating violence. Escola Anna Nery 2019; 23(3):e20180349.

71. Stonard KE, Bowen E, Lawrence TR, Price SA. The relevance of technology to the nature, prevalence and impact of adolescent dating violence and abuse: a research synthesis. Aggress Violent Behav 2014; 19(4):390-417.

72. Henry N, Flynn A, Powell A. Responding to ‘revenge pornography’: Prevalence, nature and impacts. Canberra: Criminology Research Advisory Council; 2019.

73. França LA, Quevedo JV, Fontes JA, Segatto AJS, Abreu CAF, Santos DR, Vieira LR. Projeto Vazou: pesquisa sobre o vazamento não consentido de imagens íntimas no Brasil. Rev Bras Cienc Crim 2020; 169(28):231-270.

74. França LA, Quevedo JV. Project Leaked: research on non-consensual sharing of intimate images in Brazil. Int J Cyber Criminol 2020; 14(1):1-28.

75. Flach RMD, Deslandes SF. Regras/rupturas do “contrato” amoroso entre adolescentes: o papel do abuso digital. Cien Saude Colet 2021; 26(Supl. 3):5033-5044.

76. Reed LA. Digital dating abuse: digital media as a gendered context for dating violence in the digital world [thesis]. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan; 2015.

77. Montenegro LMB, Alves LF, Silva AC, Silva LGM. Meninas na rede: percepções das meninas sobre violência de gênero online. In: Sousa J, Geraldes E, Reis LM, organizadores. Internet e Direitos Humanos no Brasil: cenários e perspectivas. Brasília: Universidade de Brasília; 2019. p. 159-180.

78. Dragiewicz M, Harris B, Woodlock D, Salter M. Digital media and domestic violence in Australia: essential contexts. J Gend Based Violence 2021; 5(3):377-393.

79. McLachlan F, Harris B. Intimate risks: examining online and offline abuse, homicide flags, and femicide. Vict Offender 2022; 17(5):623-646.

80. Fernet M, Lapierre A, Hebert M, Cousineau MM. A systematic review of literature on cyber intimate partner victimization in adolescent girls and women. Comput Human Behav 2019; 100:11-25.

81. Baker CK, Carreño PK. Understanding the role of technology in adolescent dating and dating violence. J Child Fam Stud 2016; 25(1):308-320.

82. Holt KM, Holt TJ, Cale J, Brewer R, Goldsmith A. Assessing the role of self-control and technology access on adolescent sexting and sext dissemination. Comput Human Behav 2021; 125:106952.

83. Martins APA. Violência no namoro e nas relações íntimas entre jovens: considerações preliminares sobre o problema no Brasil. Genero 2017; 2(1):9-28.

84. Henry N, Powell A, Flynn A. Not just ‘revenge pornography’: Australians’ experiences of image-based abuse: a summary report. Melbourne: RMIT University; 2017.

85. Albury K, Hasinoff AA, Senft T. From media abstinence to media production: sexting, young people and education. In: Allen L, Rasmussen M, editors. The Palgrave handbook of sexuality education. London: Palgrave Macmillan; 2017. p. 527-545.

86. Deslandes SF, Silva CVCD, Reeve JM, Flach RMD. Vazamento de nudes: da moralização e violência generificada ao empoderamento. Cien Saude Colet 2022; 27(10):3959-3968.

87. Henry N, McGlynn C, Flynn A, Johnston K, Powell A, Scott AJ. Image-based sexual abuse: a study on the causes and consequences of non-consensual nude or sexual imagery. London: Routledge; 2020.

88. Sousa J, Geraldes E, Scheidweiler G, Montenegro L, Teles N. Escola App: programando uma nova vida. In: Sousa J, Geraldes E, Reis LM, editors. Internet e direitos humanos no Brasil: cenários e perspectivas. Brasília: Universidade de Brasília; 2019. p. 197-213.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 Jan 2024
  • Date of issue
    Jan 2024
ABRASCO - Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva Av. Brasil, 4036 - sala 700 Manguinhos, 21040-361 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil, Tel.: +55 21 3882-9153 / 3882-9151 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil