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School (self)evaluation: " virtues" and "collateral efects"

Throughout the two last decades, in diverse social political contexts, firstly in central countries, later in the peripheral and the semi-peripherals countries, the assessment agenda, in its different configurations and domains of incidence, has come to assume an enormous centrality. In the case of Portugal, the recent alterations in the educational legislation that fits our schools and its professionals, with prominence for the new statute of the teaching career and for the " indexation" of the contracts of autonomy to the previous existence of internal and external evaluation processes, had raised this problematic on the first pages of the public agenda. The reasons of this interest for the questions of the educational evaluation in general, and the institutional evaluation in particular, organize around a plurality of structuring axles originated in logics and rationalities in tension, some more tied with the concerns with the control, others more syntonized with an emancipatory agenda. In this text we intend to discuss some of those logics and rationalities in tension, articulating them with the diversity of agents and agendas that the evaluation can serve. In a more specific way, we essay to put in evidence some of the " collateral effects" emerging from assessment conceptions and practices that ignore, or disdain, the assumption of the school as a " complex educational organization".

Institutional evaluation; Self-evaluation; External-evaluation; Quality

Fundação CESGRANRIO Revista Ensaio, Rua Santa Alexandrina 1011, Rio Comprido, 20261-903 , Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: + 55 21 2103 9600 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil