Basic information
Objective: Articles submitted to Ensaio should necessarily follow the journal's editorial line and meet the standards set for publication. Periodicity: Quarterly Areas of interest: Humanities, sub-area: education |
Indexing sources
Data base
Scientific Literature Searchers OPEN ACCESS
Intellectual property
All content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons license of type BY. |
The journal is maintained by Cesgranrio Fundation and receives support from Scientific Publications Program (AED, by its portuguese acronym) of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (MCTI, by its portuguese acronym), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ, by its portuguese acronym), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, by its portuguese acronym) and Ministry of Education (MEC, by its portuguese acronym) and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes, by its portuguese acronym).
Associate editors
Editorial assistent
Editorial committee
Editorial board
Editorial Production
Editorial Production
Responsible Journalist
General Review
Graphic Project
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Instructions for authors
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação aims to publish articles related to education, with thematic issues on evaluation and public policies in education, priorizing those resulting from research, theoretical studies and essays. Articles submitted to Ensaio should necessarily follow the journal's editorial line and meet the standards set for publication. Ensaio does not charge as article processing fee (APC), there is no cost for authors who register their articles on the journal's platform. As 2023, Ensaio becomes a continuous publication, however, it will continue to be published in numbers and not in a single volume. 1. General Provisions Ensaio only accepts unpublished collaborations, in Portuguese, English or Spanish. An article is considered as unpublished when it has not been published in any national or foreign journals, conference/seminar proceedings, or Internet virtual spaces aiming at disseminating scientific papers. 2. Submission of articles Ensaio accepts articles with up to four authors. Preferably one of the authors must be part of a Postgraduate Program in Education. Except for foreign affiliated authors.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal through the Cesgranrio Foundation Journals website. Note: For system-related-reasons, some fields do not have the asterisk symbol '*', but are essential and, therefore, mandatory. These fields are: ORCID; Abstract; Keywords; Biographical abstract; and Institutional Affiliation. The ORCID record can be done free of charge by accessing at It is also necessary for the authors to include in the article registration, in a complementary document, in Word, information about the research data used in the preparation of the article (DOI or URL of the open data repository or explanation of the data used), declaration of conflicts of interest, explanation of the financing of the research, if any development agency or private institution financed the research, if any author received a research grant and, finally, what was the contribution of each author to the article. In the following points, the authors will find explanations about each of these items. 3. Article Formatting
Note: The author is responsible for the translation of the title, abstract and keywords in foreign language.
3.1 Open Data All articles resulting from original research must be submitted with a footnote on the home page about "Data Availability", stating whether or not the dataset will be publicly available after the article is approved. In accordance with Ciência Aberta, it is important that research data be available for possible consultation by other researchers, after approval of the article, observing the restrictions on public access imposed by the characteristics of the data. After approval of the article, it is necessary to indicate in the note the level of access defined for the use of data, among the following possible wordings:
We recommend that authors use, respectively, one of the open data repositories mentioned below: If you use Scielo Data, we recommend reading the following guides: Research data preparation guide and the deposit guide. It is recommended that the data, methodological instruments and/or analysis materials underlying the article and used in designing and carrying out the research are properly cited in the text and listed in the references section, referring to their location in the repository and with an identifier persistent as the DOI. 4. Funded research In the case of funded research, the field Agências de fomento must be filled in the typing page of the article information (metadata), and it should also appear at the end of the article, after its approval, along with the link to the data in an open data repository, the contribution of authorship and the declaration of conflicts. 5. References
Below are examples of references:
COSTA JÚNIOR, P. J. Title: subtitle. Location: Publisher, date. (Series) 5.1 Self-citations
5.2 Tables, charts, graphs, maps and images
6. About ethical research conduct and Anti-plagiarism policy When submitting the article, the author or authors must inform that the article is unpublished and has not been submitted, concomitantly, to another publication. It is necessary to inform that the interviews and experiments involving human beings followed the ethical procedures established for scientific research. Anonymity must be guaranteed to research subjects and, if necessary, to institutions, unless there is permission for identification; the authorization or restriction to identification must be informed, in a note, in the body of the article. The same principle applies to the dissemination of images of people and/or institutions. Each and every project related to human beings, including projects with secondary data, sociological and anthropological research, must be submitted to the Ethics Committee for Research in Human Beings. After approval of the article, the process number of the Research Ethics Committee, author's institution or authors must be informed in a footnote, when the research requires the need for a committee. 6. 1. Ethical research conduct Ensaio agrees with the guidelines of the COPE (Committee for Ethics in Publications) which aim to encourage the identification of plagiarism, bad practices, fraud and possible violations of ethics. Authors should visit the COPE website to learn about the guidelines on research ethics. Prior to article submission, authors must explicitly reference data or interpretation of data from other publications. When writing articles that contain a critical review of the intellectual content of other authors, they should be careful to cite them properly. In addition, all those registered as authors of the article must be inserted in at least one of two points: 1. Have substantially contributed to the design and planning, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2. Have contributed to the writing and preparation of the article or critical intellectual review thereof; Ensaio will not accept the inclusion of authors after the first evaluation of the text is sent to the author or authors registered in the article submission. 6. 2. and Anti-plagiarism policy Ensaio reserves the right, before submitting the article for peer review, to check for plagiarism using PlagScan and CopySpider. Ensaio reserves the right not to accept for evaluation, manuscripts with a high level of self-plagiarism. Authors must ensure the originality of the manuscript, and in case of use of parts of other articles, must make the necessary quotes. Ensaio condemns plagiarism, in its various forms, and shall not publish an article whose percentage of similarity with other texts reaches high levels. In case plagiarism is proved, Ensaio will not accept the text in question and will no longer accept any work coming from the authors involved. 7. Evaluation of Article As we still do not accept preprints, articles submitted are evaluated in a double-blind system, in which two reviewers, Board members or ad hoc staff, from different institutions, analyze the relevance of the contribution for the existing knowledge in the area. The journal selects independent reviewers of the authors, not affiliated with the same institution. If there is disparity in opinions the journal will choose a third reviewer, expert on the subject, to untie the evaluation of the article. Items will be sent to reviewers, after compliance with the requirements described above, through the Journals website of Cesgranrio Foundation/Ensaio, without identifying the author. Similarly, it will not be revealed reviewer’s names to the authors. 7. 1. Revisions requests After evaluation, the author receives the reviews, which may request revisions or adjustments, always seeking to improve the text. The article should be redrafted and resubmitted to the journal (through the website) in a maximum of 30 days from the date of the revisions request. The text should include the changes highlighted in yellow. The editor shall reserve the right to refuse an article for which revisions were asked and were not made, or delivered out of time. With regard to publication, the editor has the last word. After revisions, and the article not being approved for publication, the journal will notify the author of the editorial process through the website, and archive the article, with no obligation to return the original versions. Note: The editorial process can be followed through the Journals website of Cesgranrio Foundation. After logging in and clicking on the active article, visit the tab avaliação. 7. 2. If approved Article status will change from "Em avaliação" to "Em edição". The next steps will be publishing, XML markup, and paper and online publication on a volume to be set by the publisher. The author must register at the beginning of the article, below the title, the name of the authors and the names of the institutions, programs or departments. These must be presented in full and in the original language of the institution or in the English version, when the script is not Latin. For example: Universidade de São Paulo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones em Educación, Ciudad de México, Mexico; Washington State University, College of Education, Pullman, WA, USA; The author must also enter the ORCID. The author should record in the final text, already approved, the name of the author and co-authors, if any, data on the highest title of each one. Finally you must enter the email address. In the approved text, after the information about the author, it is necessary that they are experienced about:
The full address and contact numbers should also be provided in a supplementary document. Articles by the same author will only be published in different volumes. 7. 3 Authorship criteria We request that the author identify and include all co-authors who effectively collaborated in the preparation of the article. All authors must accept responsibility for the content of the work, in addition to registering their respective contributions at the end of the manuscript, in case of acceptance for publication. Some terms that may help register the authors' contribution: data analysis, data collection, design, discussion of results, manuscript preparation, methodology, research, writing and review. Authors are those who fall into at least two of the categories below: a) contributed substantially to the conception, elaboration and writing of the article; b) in data collection, manuscript preparation, writing, literature review; c) contributed substantially to the analysis, interpretation of data, analysis and discussion of results and conclusions. d) contributed substantially to revision of versions, critical review of content and writing of the final version; Authors can also use the taxonomy of contributor roles - Credit - to represent their contributions to the text: Making it clear to the editors which categories the authors fall into. Below are examples of contribution registration. Author contribution Author name: Conception of the article, data collection, preparation of the manuscript, writing of the literature review, analysis and discussion of results and conclusions. Author name: Collection of main data and interviews, writing of the methodology and contributions in the analysis and discussion of the results. Author contribution Author names: Elaboration of the article and collective writing. 8. Open Page Texts that provide a broad overview of a subject may be published in the Open Page section. In this case, they should comply with the requirements set out in items 1 to 7. 9. Conflict of interest Conflict of interest is the situation in which the authors, editors and reviewers have interests capable of influencing the process of preparing the manuscripts. These are conflicts of a different nature - personal, commercial, political, academic or financial - to which anyone can be subject, which is why the authors must recognize and reveal at the end of the article, in a brief statement, whether or not there is a conflict of interest. Editors and reviewers indicate on the journal's platform if there is any conflict of interest when invited to review the article. The act of submission implies the absence of financial, commercial, political, academic and personal conflict of interests. Authors need to declare this at the end of the article. If there are potential conflicts of interest related to the research or publication of the manuscript, the authors must inform, in a footnote, the nature of the conflict. Ensaio is not responsible for the concepts expressed or the content of the ideas of published articles. The content of the manuscript is the responsibility of the author or authors. Authors are therefore responsible for recognizing and revealing conflicts of interest of any nature (personal, commercial, financial, academic or political). Ensaio reserves also the right not to publish conflicting-nature articles or articles that can cause any damage to its image or others’, and will warn the authors involved. 10. Right of reply The right of reply policy encourages comments to articles published by Ensaio. Comments and replies to be published by Ensaio, on the website, will always be moderated. 11. Copyright All journal content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution BY License. Ensaio magazine adopts the CC BY 4.0 license, which allows sharing, distributing, displaying and making derivative works of its content, as long as the due credits are attributed. Available at: Accessed on: November 30, 2022. Copyright for articles published in Ensaio magazine belongs to the author, with first publication rights for the magazine. With regard to the journal, Ensaio is Open Access, does not charge fees, and articles published on its platform are free to use, with their own attributions, in educational and non-commercial applications. In the Privacy Policy, the names and e-mail addresses on this site will be used exclusively for the purposes of the magazine, not being available for other purposes. When the text is published, if the author requests it, he will receive a printed copy of the issue in which his article appears. Published articles reflect the views of the authors and not those of the Publisher, the Editorial Board, or the Cesgranrio Foundation. The work will be published in online and paper versions. 12. Open Science In compliance with the guidelines of Ciência Aberta, the journal Ensaio will publish the name of the evaluators of each issue in the acknowledgments section. And, in the last issue of the year, the name of its entire ad hoc Council. |