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Social criticism and political participation on the internet

Brazilian, Argentine and Spanish researches examine the new modes of political participation brought about by digital communications platforms. The pre-election debate in blogs, the use of Facebook by people in government, the social collectives and observatories and the revolutions credited to social network sites are some of the topics discussed in the book. Coordinated around the concept of mediatization, all the texts propose a contextual approach to technology and its appropriations.

mediatization; discourse; political participation; digital convergence; internet; social network sites

Programa de Estudos Pós-graduados em Comunicação e Semiótica - PUC-SP Rua Ministro Godoi, 969, 4º andar, sala 4A8, 05015-000 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3670 8146 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil