Basic information
The project of the first scientific journal of the Postgraduate Program of Studies in Semiotics and Communication, called "Face: Journal of Semiotics and Communication" (ISSN 0103-1562), ended in 1995. Then, in 2000, the Program decided to consider the need to resume the idea of having a vehicle of scientific dissemination as a relevant part of its goal of consolidating its Lines of Research, to promote interchanges with other Programs and institutions and to contribute to the consolidation of the field of Communication. This decision led to the creation of the new journal, "Galáxia" in the following year. With a revamped editorial line and under the scientific direction of Irene Machado, the inaugural issue of Galáxia was published in the first half of that same year. The journal has been published online since 2010. Galáxia is nowadays a continuous publication. The journal adheres to the ethical guidelines proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), to the Code of Ethics American Educational Research Association, to FAPESP’s Code of Good Scientific Practices, and to the publishing guidelines laid out by the Council of Science Editors (CSE). Periodicity: Continuous publication. Objectives and areas of interest: the journal's editorial proposal encompasses disciplinary confluences and connections aimed at (1) understanding the production, circulation and reception of communication meanings/signs; (2) demonstrate the variety of research in communications, in terms of discourses, social practices and conditions of interaction, technological and otherwise; and (3) based on dialogue and the confrontation of different points of view, find methodological solutions in a field of knowledge whose theoretical and epistemological foundations are under dense discussion. Galáxia publishes articles dealing primarily with research in the area of communication, at the interface with other areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences Its abbreviated title is Galáxia (São Paulo), which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips. |
Indexed in
Intellectual property
The publication is funding by:
Chief editor
Deputy editors
Advisory editor
Executive editor
Scientific council
Text review
Text review in English
Text preparation
Scope and policy
The journal has a scientific council and a group of peer reviewers ad hoc composed of renowned experts in the thematic areas of Communication Science. The scientific council is composed of thematic and editorial members of the journal, who are also reviewers. However, when specific expertise is needed, depending on the topic of the article, the editor may summon reviewers ad hoc. The selection process involves the evaluation of articles by two or three experts. The selection of reviews and news will be made by members of the scientific council, but is open to suggestions from the entire scientific community. Each article is sent to two reviewers, in the blind peer review process (blind peer review). If one of the reviewers approves a manuscript and the other does not recommend its publication, the manuscript is submitted to a third opinion, after due review. This opinion breaks the tie. Any manuscript, Brazilian or foreign, is subjected to the same system of evaluation. |
Our mission
Galáxia intends: to bring to the public the results of research arising from the sciences of communication, culture and languages, in an indispensable dialogue with the sciences of life, and with the technological developments of the media, encouraging an ecological perspective on the objects of communication. This ecological vision assumes that every interaction, human or not, constitutes an environment of bonds, from those of a baby's first cry to those of a life's last breath. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
1. Authors should verify that they have followed all submission guidelines. If they are not followed, the text may be rejected. The Editorial Board of Galaxia journal accepts, in a continuous flow, original and unpublished works of doctors, in individual or collective authorship with doctoral students, masters and master’s students, in the form of scientific articles effectively linked to research in the field of communication, as well as reviews in the area of Communication. At the end of the page there is a table with the formatting rules. If the paper has been published before in conference proceedings, check if you have incorporated changes to it. Papers are submitted to an anti-plagiarism program, in which case there must be at least 40% changes. Such incorporations must be explicit in the text itself. Other types of self-plagiarism are not accepted. If you need to use previously published texts, quote them according to current rules. Never incorporate excerpts without citing, as this characterizes self-plagiarism. We do not accept translations of articles published in foreign journals. 2. The texts must be submitted in Word, in their final version (preliminary versions will not be accepted) in the journal's system, after the author establishes, as AUTHOR, a login and a password. If the author wishes to publish in a preprint, he must do so only in the Scielo system, pending the reviews. The file must be saved in doc or docx and must not exceed 2MB. 3. Collaborations can be submitted in five languages: Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian or English and should not be in the process of being evaluated for publication in another journal; specific cases must be justified in "Comments to the Editor". In the case of articles in languages other than English, abstracts must be sent in the original language, in English and in Portuguese. 4. When submitting your text, the author must include in the journal's system (never in the text) her/his ORCID and its maximum title and indicate the institution and city in which she/he works. Do not leave the Biography Summary item blank. If you are an independent researcher, you must indicate it. You must remove your name and possible references to yourself in the text, notes and bibliographic references, including the Word Properties item. Within the text in place of a reference to you, the expression AUTHOR should be used. If the text is approved, these indications will be added during the final revisions. If there is more than one author, the co-authors must all be nominated in the system, and at the end of the text mention specifically what was the contribution of each co-author. In this case, there is no main author. Everyone must have collaborated in specific ways to carry out the text. No name is accepted as an author without effective participation in the writing of the work, which would constitute fraud. The journal always puts the name of the doctors first. In the case of all doctors, alphabetical order follows. The contribution of co-authors can be: Supervision and Management of the Research Project, Theoretical Foundation and Conceptualization, Data Curation, Writing - First Writing, Writing - Review and Editing, Field Research, Methodology, Formal Corpus Analysis, Obtaining Funding, Resource Management, Software Management, Construction of figures and tables. 5. Text Standardization:
SURNAME, N. Book .... City: publisher, year.
6. All scientific articles will be pre-analyzed by the Scientific Editor or by the Associated Editors and may be rejected if it is found that the scope is not complied with or if the scientific content or writing are not suitable for the journal. After this phase, the pre-selected articles will be submitted to two ad hoc reviewers or the Scientific Council. In case of approval and non-recommendation, the text may be revised by the author and sent back to the Editor. Then, the text will go through a third reviewer. For more information about the peer review system adopted by the journal, consult the topic Peer Review Process. 7. The authors are responsible for the content of the articles, including from the ethical point of view and originality of the text and assign the copyright, in this first edition of the text, to Galáxia. After this first publication, the author may publish the work in repositories, or in books of his own, provided that he mentions the original publication in Galáxia. 8. If there is any type of conflict of interest involved or any issue involving ethics, this should be indicated in a note. Everything that involves people is related to ethical issues and should be explicitly mentioned and the responsibility assumed, in order to make it clear that the author took care of the ethical procedures related to the research and writing of the text. The author must also indicate whether there was any research funding involved in the preparation of the research. 9. Papers must be standardized according to NBRs 6023 (bibliographic reference) and 10520 (quote in the body of the text) of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). The Editorial Board will not accept formatted texts outside these rules. In case of doubt, check the final format in articles already published. 10. Obtaining permission to reproduce illustrations is the responsibility of the author. 11. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make in the texts all the formal modifications necessary to fit the journal’s graphic design. 12. All Internet page addresses (URLs), included in the text (Ex.: must be active and ready to click. 13. The author who has published texts will only be republished two years later, even if she/he is a co-author. |
Code of conduct and core practices
Galáxia is committed to the ethics and quality of publications. We endorse the ethical behavior of all parts involved in the publication: authors, editors and reviewers. Plagiarism or any other unethical types of behavior are not accepted. Galáxia supports the recommendations made by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), FAPESP’s Code of Good Scientific Practices, Scielo´s Guidelines on Best Practices and the Council of Science Editors (CSE) for ethical publishing practices. Responsibilities of Authors: Content: authors of manuscripts that refer to original research must present an accurate report of the developed work, as well as an objective discussion about its relevance. Fraudulent or intentionally inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable. Originality and plagiarism: the authors are responsible for the content of the articles, including from the ethical point of view and originality of the text and must assign the copyrights to the publication. The occurrence of plagiarism or self-plagiarism implies unethical editorial behavior and immediate exclusion from the evaluation system. Multiple, redundant and simultaneous publication: authors should not submit articles previously published in other publications or websites. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time and publishing the same article in more than one journal constitute unethical behavior. After publication in Galáxia, if the text is republished in the author's work, the author must include information that the text was previously published in the journal. References and sources: the work of other authors involved or cited in each article must be referenced. Authors should reference the publications used in the research and in the writing process of the article. Authorship: the authorship of the work should be restricted to authors who had a significant contribution in the concept, project, execution or interpretation of the developed study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. People who participated in specific aspects of the research project must be mentioned as collaborators. The main author is responsible for the inclusion of all appropriate co-authors in the manuscript, making sure that they have seen and approved the final version of the document and agreed with its submission for publication. Each contribution must be explicitly described when submitting the work if there is more than one author. Disclosure and conflicts of interest: The authors must mention in the manuscript any financial or other conflicts that may influence the results or the interpretation of the submitted manuscript. All sources of financial support for the research must be disclosed. Fundamental errors in published works: if the authors identify a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, it is their obligation to inform the publication's editor immediately and cooperate with the revision and adjustment of the material. Responsibilities of Editors: Decision of publication: the journal has a Scientific Council and a group of ad hoc reviewers. The members of the Scientific Council must provide advisory support in relation to editorial policies and act as reviewers and in specific cases of decision-making. The daily operation of the magazine and the sending of texts to ad hoc reviewers are carried out by the Editorial and Peer Review Committee. The manuscript selection process involves the evaluation of two or three referees. Members of the Editorial Board will carry out the review selection process, but it is open to nominations from the entire scientific community. Each manuscript is sent to two referees in the blind review process. If one of the referees approves and the other does not recommend publication, the article is submitted to a third opinion, after due review. This opinion is a tiebreaker. Any manuscript, national or foreign, is submitted to the same evaluation system. Quality of publications and improvement of texts: editors must continually seek to improve the journal and value the quality of published texts, committing themselves to take all necessary measures to guarantee the quality of the material to be published. They are responsible for publishing guidelines to reviewers about everything that will be expected from them, and will be receptive to any and all complaints or suggestions about the magazine's editorial process, thus encouraging constructive criticism. Academic integrity: editors seek to ensure that published research material complies with internationally accepted ethical guidelines, requesting, if and when relevant, opinions in order to ensure that the research material is qualified. The editors reserve the right to request, if necessary, guidance from the Scientific Committee of this journal. They must also prevent commercial interests from compromising the intellectual quality of the production. Transparency and respect: editors should evaluate the submitted materials in a way that does not publish material that is linked to or expresses prejudice of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, lack of ethics, or is linked to nationality issues. Likewise, opinions that announce any such prejudice will be disregarded. Confidentiality: editors should not disclose any information about a submitted material, except to the reviewers and editorial boards, also ensuring the protection of the identities of the reviewers, while guaranteeing the confidentiality of the submitted manuscript. Ethics: editors have a duty to act in case of suspected lack of ethics, considering both published and submitted work. The responsibility of editors for ethics prevention is not only to reject articles that raise concerns about a possible lack of ethics, but to contact authors and other stakeholders to seek explanations, taking the necessary measures when ethical complaints are made. regarding a submitted manuscript or published article. Disclosure and conflicts of interest: editors should not use unpublished materials disclosed in a manuscript submitted to their own research without the author's express and written consent, and should refuse to evaluate the manuscripts in cases of conflict of interest due to competitive, collaborative or other relationships with any of the authors, companies or institutions linked to the manuscripts. Corrections, clarifications and retractions: whenever the publication of imprecision, significant error or fraud, misleading statement or altered report becomes known, the error must be corrected and highlighted. If, after proper investigation, an item proves to be fraudulent, it should be excluded from the publication. The retraction must be clearly identifiable for readers and indexing systems. Responsibilities of Reviewers: Contribution to editorial decisions: the work of reviewers' assists editors in making editorial decisions and, through communications with the author, can also assist in improving the article. Punctuality: if the reviewer does not feel qualified to analyze the article or has conscience that its immediate reading will be impossible; the editor must be notified immediately. Objectivity: the judgments of the reviewers must be objective and indicate positive and negative points clearly and extensively, supported by arguments. Sources and references: reviewers must identify relevant published works that were not cited by the authors, drawing the editor's attention to any significant similarity or overlap between the manuscript in question and any other published article of which they are aware. Disclosure and conflict of interest: privileged information or ideas obtained by the referee by reading the manuscripts must be kept confidential and must not be used for personal gain. The referee must not evaluate works with which there might be conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative or other relationships with any of the authors, companies or institutions linked to the manuscripts. |
Instructions to reviewers
1. Access the site of the journal with your username and password. 2. Sign in to user’s page as REVIEWER. 3. On the page ACTIVE SUBMISSIONS, click on the submission’s title. 4. On the page REVIEW there will be information about the submission and the review deadline. 5. On the bottom of the same page, on REVIEW STEPS there will be displayed the 5 steps that should be followed in order to review the submission. 6. In step 3, click on file.doc in SUBMISSION and save it in your computer for later review. 7. The next steps are: 4, 5 e 6. In step 4, click on icon REVIEW FORM, which will appear in another window. Fill in the review form and click on save, by the end of the form. 8. In step 5, if there are comments on the text that is being reviewed, click on BROWSE to find the file and then click on TRANSFER in order to later editor’s/author’s access. 9. In step 6, select a recommendation: accept or decline, and click on SUBMIT THE REVIEW TO EDITOR. For the preparation of the review, we suggest you follow the criteria below: 1. The text’s formal presentation: grammatically correct writing, clear and intelligible exposition, understandably formulated argumentation; good title formulation, subtitles, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English, notes, references (pertinence of the use of references according to ABNT standards), figures and images (of sufficient quality for viewing and/or printing, objective subtitles); 2. The text must include research content; 3. The characterization of the theme should be meaningful to the field of communication and the object should be defined clearly in the text, with well elucidated research goals; 4. The methodology should be explicit and appropriate for the object of research; and 5. The references to the subject and the object of research should be adequate, sufficient and up-to-date. The text must not exceed 50.000 characters (with spaces). 6. When reviewing, please do not choose the option “For editor only”. Instead, use "For author and editor". 7. If the text needs revisions, there are two options: mandatory corrections or resubmission for evaluation. This second option should be indicated if the volume of revisions is large. If, however, the manuscript requires basically rewriting of the text, the reviewer should refuse it. 8. If the review has highlighted excerpts, it is because other reviewers who asked for revisions previously evaluated the text. 9. Don't approve low priority manuscripts. The journal seeks to publish high quality texts, according to the parameters indicated in items 1 to 5 above. |
Conditions for submission
1. Read the submission guidelines carefully. 2. The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, justify it in "Comments to the Editor". The author assumes responsibility for the content of the text, including in relation to ethical issues, when the research involves people. The author has read the submission guidelines and knows that we do not accept plagiarism or self-plagiarism. The occurrence of plagiarism or self-plagiarism implies immediate exclusion from the evaluation system. We suggest checking the magazine's Declaration of ethics and good practices. If the text was previously published in annals, it must incorporate at least 30% of changes, effectively verifiable. This fact should be reported in the metadata. If the text is later republished in the author's work, it must contain information that it was previously published in the journal Galáxia. The author who has published texts will only be republished again two years later, even if co-authored. All co-authors must have worked effectively in writing the text. In the space for comments to the editor, the specific contribution of each co-author must be informed, as indicated in the submission rules. 3. The files for submission are in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format (as long as they do not exceed 2MB). 4. All Internet page addresses (URLs), included in the text (Ex.: are active and ready to click. 5. The text is formatted according to the journal's rules and follows the formatting table presented there. The total file size does not exceed 50.000 characters with spaces; in the case of a review, it must not exceed six pages of the journal. A 12-point font was used; italics were used instead of bold or underlined; figures and tables were inserted in the text and not at the end. Check if the captions of figures and tables were correctly made and the source was cited, according to the submission rules. 6. The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the guidelines, explained above. 7. The authorship identification of this work has been removed from the file, including citations and references, and from the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the journal's secrecy criterion, if submitted for peer review (e.g. articles), according to instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Review. 8. The authorship of a document gives recognition and academic credit to the authors and implies responsibility for the published content. In case of co-authorship, all authors are responsible for the text. Authors should inform the editor, at the time of submission, how each co-author contributed to the research and the text, according to the following roles of authorship or contribution: supervision and management of the Research Project, theoretical foundation and conceptualization, data curation, writing - First Writing, writing - revision and editing, field research, methodology, formal corpus analysis, obtaining funding, resource management, software management, construction of figures and tables. 9. Authors should also inform if there are any conflicts of interest in conducting and communicating the research. |
Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right to first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License that allows the sharing of the work with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal. |
Send of the manuscripts
Originals can be sent at any time of year, remaining the platform always open to new submissions. The author must register and to obey the Rules for submission, indicated on the journal website. URL for online submissions: |