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Geography and open science

This new issue of Geousp is published in the context of a debate on Open Science and the defense of Geography in the training of young people. The articles that compose it compete to affirm the need for geographic science in expanding experiences and readings of the world. They present different research methodologies and different themes in face of the urgencies posed by reality. The production of maps also appears in the published articles, as a communicative language and an instrument for storing data, encouraging future research and constant dialogue on the transformations of space. In addition, they add theoretical-methodological instruments that aim to favor expanded and totalizing readings.

Since 1997, Geousp has contributed to the development of research in Geography and Human Sciences, publishing studies by researchers from Brazil and other countries. For example, in 2022, it was the tenth most accessed (with 366,915 accesses) on the University of São Paulo journal portal and continues to maintain its Qualis/Capes A1 score. The social media Instagram and Facebook have been mechanisms for disseminating published works, as well as a channel for dialogue with the external community.

We are guided by Dorfman's statement (2022DORFMAN, A. Editorial: circuito superior e circuito inferior na publicação de periódicos científicos. Geousp, v. 26, n. 1, e-195555, 2022. doi:
, p. 3):

The recognition of editorial work as part of the activities developed in universities would allow to keep improving the journals, with less improvisation. As extension activities, as scientific dissemination, we have the means to increase the value of the editorial work developed in Brazilian and Latin American academia. We already have public science; it is up to us to build its continuity.

It should be remembered that the journal completed two years of indexing in the Scielo database and met other requirements for indexing in other databases. In addition to formal aspects of publishing, Geousp has sought to improve the principles of scientific impact, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (Ideia), presented at the last Scielo annual meeting, which allows it to move towards greater dissemination and its strengthening, critical analysis of editorial decisions and more diversity, an aspect that makes up Geography itself. Our most immediate goal is to increase gender and race diversity on the editorial board.

Gradually and carefully, the journal has been adopting practices in accordance with Open Science, such as disclosing the editors responsible for evaluating the articles and publishing the reviewers in the file. We are attentive to the elements that characterize Open Science as “open peer review”, which value reviewers and show the importance of reviews as a conscious practice of the whole process that a scientific article goes through until it reaches the reader. It is necessary to think about challenges and needs that allow expanding open scientific practices in the publishing context of human sciences, since there are already some that are more used or incorporated in publications in the field of exact or medical sciences.

I highly recommend the seven articles published here, as well as the Dossier “Dialogues on development and its approaches to teaching geography” and the essay “Primary geography as challenging, even dangerous”, by Professor Simon Catling.

I close this brief editorial by thanking Prof. Ricardo Mendes Antas Júnior, who preceded me as editor-in-chief of Geousp, for the transition period, when I was able to better understand the editorial process, to executive editor Thiago Muniz Garcia, who has been supporting the periodic, and to Fernando Nadal Junqueira Villela.

Enjoy your reading.


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 June 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    20 Apr 2023
  • Accepted
    24 Apr 2023
Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338 - Cidade Universitária, São Paulo , SP - Brasil. Cep: 05339-970, Tels: 3091-3769 / 3091-0297 / 3091-0296 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil