

Context and development process of the integration teaching-service permanent committees: a perspective of social subjects based on Freire's dialogical conception

Keywords: Education continuing. Health human resource training. Health policy. Unified Health System. Financing Health.

In 2004, there was established the National Policy on Permanent Education in Health (NPPEH) in Brazil. After its evaluation and review, was approved in 2007 the Ordinance n. 1.996/07, which established the conduct of the NPPEH by the Regional Management Collegiate (RMC), with support of the Permanent Integration Committees of Service and Learning (ICLS), formed by representatives from management, care, education and social control. Currently, in Santa Catarina (SC), the conduction of NPPEH at a regional level is performed by 16 RMC and 16 ICLS, and the Directorate of Continuing Education in Health is the public agency responsible for the NPPEH in the State.

The study aimed to examine how the NPPEH development strategy is established - Permanent Integration Committees of Service and Learning - from the perspective of those involved in two committees that carry out actions, producing or not, changes that come with the policy; to stimulate the action-reflection-action in the ICLS work process, from generating themes that emerge through the Paulo Freire's dialogical conception.

A qualitative study, participant research like, was developed through the adaptation of the Thematic Research (TR), by Freire. The TR happened from May to December 2009 and involved 56 members from two ICSLs in SC. After the formation of two research groups, members of each ICSLs involved, attended the survey of the generators themes, encoding, decoding, and critical disclosure of reality. Participant observation and dialogue were the main techniques for gathering information. The qualitative data analysis occurred concurrently with data collection and information that emerged from the circles was grouped into four themes that made up the results. The investigation was approved by the Ethics Committee of SES/SC.

The first theme of the results was "organizational, structural and relational context of ICSLs" and highlighted the proposed revision of the regional plan of continuing education in health and ICSLs bylaws, the need to improve the structure and disclosure of ICSLs and overcoming the oppressive relations through empowerment. In "Knowledge of the social subjects in ICSLs about NPPEH" emerged from the perception of most participants about their limited knowledge about NPPEH; also they reflected the absence of structures in the cities that are responsible for the coordination and dissemination of knowledge about NPPEH and the lack of information tools of ICSLs and politics. The theme "participation and involvement of social subjects on ICSLs" emerged from the reflective process about the manager, education and social control segments difficulty of involvement at ICSLs. The last theme "Managing financial resources from NPPEH allocated to the ICSLs" presented as challenges to be overcome the bureaucracy, the blurring of forms of financial management and slow progress that permeates the regional public structures responsible for management of resources. The TR allowed the ICSLs members to leave the position of submissive to assume the position of social subjects inside the committees involved with the challenge of seeking knowledge and make the necessary changes in the reality of services and communities through understanding that EPS can and should be a management tool for this purpose.

Fabiane Ferraz

Tese (Doutorado), 2011.

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem,

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Recebido em 24/01/12.

Aprovado em 11/03/12.

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Images of diversity

Keywords: Diversity. Photographic composition. Gender. Sexuality. Education.

Let us consider two points: a) Education, b) Gay Pride Parades. Question: is there a connection between them? By playing with spectrum imagery, photographic composition, news, events and experiences, this thesis aims to consider the images which inhabit the educational field. By breaking with a monologicwritting to deliberately establish a dialogue between both parts, this paper wants to aim for the (un) known and listen to the incommunicable. To do this, issues related to body, gender, sexuality and diversity are (re) visited. Here we seek to delve deeper into the secret field of education - a field of silence - where the differences are, in fact, silenced, ignored and even denied. How do these images cross over each other and cross through us? In what way are the changing games of different discourses built upon the war of languages? What do the image compositions communicate beyond what is visible to us? The spoken, the unspoken and the impossible are all present in the same frame. This research asks whether from non-conventional images of an event (Gay Pride Parade) differences can be produced and recognize, by displacement, the diverse by educating 'making gender'.

Amanda Maurício Pereira Leite

Dissertação (Mestrado), 2010.

Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação,

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Recebido em 23/01/12.

Aprovado em 22/02/12.

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Action-research with undergraduate Nursing course students in the identification of stress, fatigue and physical discomfort to promote the physical and mental health in the academic routine

Keywords: Students nursing. Health promotion. Health education. Mental health. Qualitative research.

Nowadays several nursing courses have been undergoing adaptations in order to adopt a critical-social curriculum, requiring students growing commitment to attend the education demands, researches and extensions. This excess of requirements and activities have been causing physical, mental and emotional wear and may lead in serious harms to the students' health.

Objective: Identify and problematize the necessities of the researched students concerning stress, fatigue and physical discomfort faced in the academic routine in view of its signs and symptoms; Elaborate a primer with educational proposal searching for reflection, awareness and instrumentalization to prevention and promotion of physical and mental health and the Burnout Syndrome.

Methodology: We have developed a qualitative research mediated by the action research. We have investigated the students of the graduation course (Bachelor and Graduation in Nursing) enrolled in the 8th semester of a public nursing school in São Paulo state. The data collection was throughout participants' observation (field diary) and questionnaire applied in the classroom. The instrument had 43 questions (17 about socio-demographic data and 26 about the theme) and it was delivered with the Free and Informed Consent (IC) after approval of the Ethics Committee in November 2009.

Results: The majority of the participants is women between 20 and 30 years old, single, without children, catholic and live with their families. For them, professors, students and the course are positive. The students presented difficulties as: overload of activities causing lack of time for leisure and rest, leading most of the time to health harm caused by the sedentary, fatigue and poor diet. However, they revealed that the course promotes satisfaction which contributes to the personal and professional growth and that may operate changes, the recognition and practice application of knowledge in the trainee programs and the relationship with colleagues, professors and clients. Social support with leisure practices, physical activities, rest and healthy diet contribute for the promotion of health. They feel pain and physical discomfort mainly in the lumbar spine, cervical and some in shoulders, legs and feet related to the situation lived in the university. They don't know the Burnout Syndrome but fit at least 6 symptoms. Concerning the educational process, they have evaluated it positively according to the theme. Before the relaxing activities, they felt tired, worn, agitated and stressed. These symptoms have improved in the end of the workshops providing rest and welfare sensation. Final Considerations: This investigation showed significant data about the researched theme revealing evidence of signs and symptoms about the disease in sample of students of the nursing graduation, proposing alternative activities to relief the tensions resulting the academic routine besides the build of an educational primer about the subject in order to meet their personal necessities and posteriorly their professional needs. The experience was positive in order to accomplish a health promotional work with the students in view of awareness, self-knowledge and the possibility of finding alternatives to this problem.

Sabrina Corral-Mulato

Tese (Doutorado), 2011.

Departamento de Enfermagem Psiquiátrica e Ciências Humanas,

Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo.

Bolsa Capes.

Recebido em 16/02/12.

Aprovado em 16/02/12.

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The deconstruction of (in)visible chevrons around the access to health in the region of the MERCOSUR frontier municipalities

Keywords: Health. Frontier. Fundamental Rights. Citizenship.

The analysis undertaken in this thesis begins with the understanding of the access to health care as an expression of a fundamental human right, regardless of territory and nationality that should be guaranteed to all people. Aiming to contemplate the general objective of the study, the access to health in border municipalities in the national and international level is discussed in order to provide subsidies for a wider analysis of public health in the Mercosul ambit. Health is a fundamental human right, but for the access to this right to be guaranteed it is necessary a solid social investment. The Governments must invest resources in healthy public policies and in health promotion, providing improvements in the citizen's life standard; and at the same time, increasing the society productivity in both, social and economic terms. In order to understand how it is the comprehension of health policy by the managers and health professionals, in particular, the managers and professionals of border municipalities, prioritizing the context of border municipalities of Latin American countries, in particular, Argentina and Brazil, MERCOSUL member States as research locus. Covering up conceptual dimensions through a political and socio-anthropological look, considered primordial to the understanding of how the process/access to health care has constituted/expressed itself through the times. The study was guided by qualitative research, to collect data it was used oral and documentary sources, primary and secondary with the use of techniques such as semi-structured interviews with State and Municipal Managers, health professionals, and the observation in locus in health units in the municipalities of Dionísio Cerqueira (SC) and Barracão (PR) in Brazil and Bernardo de Irigöeyn (Misiones) in Argentina. The trajectory of the research brings that in the Mercosul framework it becomes crucial that the integration process be exceeded in order to constitute a deepening in ensuring access to health in the border municipalities region and consequently the exercise of citizenship linked to the guarantee of human rights, incorporating new historical subjects to this process. In the aspect of ensuring human rights, absence and/or presence of public policies may be opposed to the "wicked" effects presented in contemporary times, specially effects emerging from the State dismantling, mainly in primary areas for human survival, such as health; above all, these sectors affect more vulnerable countries emphasizing even more the increasing social inequalities. It is also important to obtain further information on the volume, nature, motivations, mechanisms and results obtained in relation to access to health "beyond borders", claiming that the Brazilian and Argentine health organization systems attract territorial mobility that search for access to health, imposing public policy propositions that address the several dimensions involved in the health-disease process regardless of nationality and territory.

Sirlei Favero Cetolin

Tese (Doutorado), 2006

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social,

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul.

Recebido em 19/12/11.

Aprovado em 22/02/12.

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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 Oct 2012
  • Date of issue
    Sept 2012
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