Mucopolysaccharidosis III (MPS III) is a rare inherited metabolic disease primarily affecting the central nervous system, leading to developmental and/or speech regression. Early diagnosis of the disease is important to introduce appropriate management measures and to optimize therapeutic outcomes. The diagnosis of MPS III is often significantly delayed due to the rarity of the disease, the more attenuated somatic presentation compared to other MPS types, and the symptom overlap with other developmental disorders. To shorten the time to diagnosis, a list of eight early signs and symptoms was identified through an expert system approach by a global, multidisciplinary working group of 13 specialists with expertise in various aspects of MPS and developmental disorders and three parents of MPS III patients. Coarse facial features and persistent hirsutism or prominent, thick eyebrows were identified as the most important MPS III early signs. The list of eight early MPS III signs and symptoms is the first step towards the development of a clinical algorithm aiming to identify neonates and infants with MPS III before the onset of neurocognitive damage, ultimately shortening the diagnostic journey of MPS III patients.
Keywords: Mucopolysaccharidosis III; Sanfilippo syndrome; signs; symptoms; diagnostic algorithm
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) are a group of rare, autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorders. Each MPS type is characterized by the absence or deficiency of a lysosomal enzyme involved in the catabolic pathway of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), resulting in multi-organ accumulation of different GAGs and subsequent cellular damage 1-3. MPS IV and VI manifest as purely somatic diseases with normal cognitive development 3. The somatic manifestations in MPS IV and VI are similar to those seen in MPS I, II, and VII. However, the severe forms of the latter MPS types have both somatic and cognitive involvement 3. Somatic features are relatively mild in MPS III or Sanfilippo syndrome, which is mainly characterized by cognitive and neurological impairment due to accumulation of the GAG heparan sulfate 2,4. MPS III comprises four different subtypes: MPS IIIA, B, C, and D, which are the result from a deficiency in N-sulfoglucosamine sulfohydrolase, alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase, heparan acetyl-CoA:alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase, and N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase, respectively 1. MPS III is one of the most common types of MPS with an estimated incidence ranging from 0.17 to 2.35 per 100,000 births for all four subtypes, with subtypes A and B being more frequently diagnosed than types C and D 5. Heparan sulfate mainly accumulates in the central nervous system, leading to early-onset neurodevelopmental and/or speech delay after an initial period of normal development 2. Natural history studies have demonstrated that the first phase generally presents as a delay in speech and cognitive development occurring between the ages of 1 and 3 years for rapidly progressing phenotypes and around the age of 4 years for more slowly progressing phenotypes 2,4. In rapidly progressing phenotypes, this first phase is immediately followed by a period of progressive neurocognitive decline, emergence of behavioral difficulties, and sleep disturbances. In slowly progressing phenotypes, especially in MPS IIIC and MPS IIID, the initial mild cognitive impairment may remain stable until the teenage years or even adulthood 6-8. Somatic features such as coarse facial features, hepatomegaly, and umbilical hernia might appear throughout the disease course but are usually less pronounced than in other types of MPS 2,4. During the third and final phase of the disease, motor function begins to decline and patients eventually progress to a vegetative state. MPS III patients have a poor prognosis, with life expectancy varying between the second and third decade of life 9. However, life expectancy can range between the fourth and fifth decade for the slowly progressing phenotype in MPS IIIB 2. Currently, no specific treatment option for MPS III exists, but several therapeutics are in clinical development 10,11. These therapeutics are expected to result in optimal patient outcomes when initiated before neurological damage has occurred. This is supported by findings in MPS I, where hematopoietic stem cell transplantation can preserve cognitive development when performed before the onset of severe developmental deterioration 12,13. Hence, it is becoming increasingly important to identify patients with MPS III as early as possible.
Diagnostic Delay of MPS III
Despite the importance of early diagnosis, diagnostic delays of more than 2 years are not uncommon in the MPS III population 4,14-16. Studies, mainly including MPS IIIA patients, have shown that in 40.0% to 67.7% of children, initial symptoms appear before the age of 12 months. Common initial signs were sleep disturbances, behavioral abnormalities, speech delay, dysmorphology, and hearing loss 14,17. Nevertheless, recent data from a study conducted in The Netherlands demonstrated that the median age at diagnosis remains 62 months (range 20-522 months). The diagnostic age was dependent on the disease phenotype, with rapidly progressing patients being diagnosed at a significantly younger age (mean age 54 months) than slowly progressing patients (mean age 71 months). In addition, the diagnostic delay, defined as the time between the first medical specialist visit and final diagnosis of MPS III, has not changed over the last 30 years (1988-2017). Although rapidly progressing patients were diagnosed earlier than slowly progressing patients, the median diagnostic delay was 33 months for both phenotypes 15. The diagnostic delay may be due to poor disease awareness caused by the rarity of the disease, the absence or mild presentation of somatic symptoms, and the symptoms of the neurological progression (e.g., speech delay and behavioral problems) being similar to commonly seen developmental problems in the general population 15. Furthermore, MPS III is not included in newborn screening programs and is often misdiagnosed as other developmental disorders such as idiopathic developmental delay, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or autism spectrum disorder 2,18,19.
Besides primary care physicians and pediatricians, metabolic geneticists, orthopedic surgeons, ear-nose-throat specialists, audiologists, pediatric neurologists, and developmental specialists may be involved in the diagnostic journey of MPS III patients 2. Although campaigns and initiatives to create more disease awareness among physicians and parents have been launched, reducing the diagnostic delay of MPS III remains a major challenge 20,21.
Workshop Objective and Approach
Here, we present the findings from a workshop held in December 2018 attended by an international multidisciplinary group of 13 specialists and three parents of MPS III patients. The group of specialists consisted of four specialists with extensive expertise in MPS, including three experts in (neurodevelopmental) pediatrics and one expert in clinical genetics and neurogenetics, two geneticists/lab directors, and seven specialists with expertise in clinical psychology, autism, speech pathology, clinical audiology, pediatric neurology, developmental pediatrics, and social sciences/bioethics. A panel discussion with the latter group of specialists aimed to identify signs and symptoms that could distinguish MPS III from other developmental disorders. In addition, the importance of including early parental concerns in the clinical setting was discussed. Following the discussions, an expert system approach 22 was applied to select the most important early signs and symptoms that should be tested in an MPS III early diagnosis algorithm aiming at reducing the average diagnostic age of MPS III patients to less than 2 years. For this purpose, the medical history, developmental milestones, and diagnostic pathways of different MPS III clinical cases were scored by the experts and parents on a 5-point scale according to the degree of suspicion for MPS III. The most important early signs and symptoms that should drive further testing for MPS III were defined by consensus generation and ranked according to importance based on the scoring of the clinical cases and clinical experience. Afterwards, the identified early signs and symptoms were supported by existing literature, if available.
Workshop Outcome
Inclusion of Parental Concerns Into the Development of an MPS III Diagnostic Algorithm
To accelerate diagnosis of MPS III, it is crucial to identify early concerns raised by parents and to establish which hurdles they might have in communicating these effectively to a healthcare provider. There is evidence that parental concerns about their child’s development are predictive of later developmental deficits in more than 80% of the cases 23. Studies in the autism field have demonstrated that parents often express concerns before receiving a diagnosis, emphasizing the need for healthcare providers to seriously elicit parental concerns 24,25.
A major challenge with parental concerns is that they are often diffuse and difficult for healthcare providers to pursue. An example of an initial concern of parents of children diagnosed with MPS III was “he has a lot of thick hair”, which in hindsight might have been related to hirsutism. How inclusion of parental concerns in the diagnostic pathway can be promoted is illustrated in the field of muscle weakness disorders, including Duchenne and Becker, congenital muscular dystrophies, and spinal muscular atrophy 26. To prompt early diagnosis of these diseases, pre-diagnostic experiences of parents presenting their earliest concerns to their healthcare providers are described on a website, ChildMuscleWeakness.org 26. Reliable patient websites can be extremely helpful for parents as an initial source of information and can facilitate early diagnosis by including the parental voice.
Another challenge with parent-reported data is retrospective bias due to incorrect recall of signs and symptoms. Electronic medical records may also not adequately document early signs and symptoms reported by parents, and therefore do not always allow a robust assessment of the early developmental trajectory. In addition, parents might not be willing to seek a diagnosis and may downplay initial (unspecific) signs because they are unable to cope with their child’s symptoms, particularly early in the disease course. Education of parents, caregivers, and physicians on early signs and symptoms of MPS III can help to distinguish “normal” from “clinically significant” parental concerns.
Furthermore, experience with the ChildMuscleWeakness.org program revealed that the broadest reasonable range of possible disorders should be included under a parent-reported assessment due to overlap of early signs with other conditions, the rarity of each diagnosis, and the increased ability to capture primary care provider attention with education about a related set of disorders with a much higher prevalence. More specifically, differential diagnosis of MPS III should be part of the diagnostic algorithms of other developmental disorders such as ADHD, hearing loss, and autism spectrum disorder. By implementing MPS III signs and symptoms into the differential diagnosis of other developmental disorders, providers are more likely to consider MPS III in their differential diagnoses.
Early MPS III Signs and Symptoms Before the Onset of Developmental Delay
In line with the goal of diagnosing neonates and infants before the onset of neurological damage, Table 1 summarizes a list of early signs and symptoms, identified during the workshop, that might become apparent before the age of 1 year. These signs and symptoms are believed to warrant referral in a timely manner and to shorten the diagnostic trajectory of MPS III patients.
Some of these early signs and symptoms, such as diarrhea, are rather nonspecific and do not facilitate differential diagnosis, while other symptoms such as coarse facial features, persistent hirsutism and synophrys, accelerated growth during the 1st year of life, and macrocephaly are more characteristic of MPS III 1,14,27. Part of the signs and symptoms that were identified, including behavioral problems, speech regression, coarse facial features, gastro-intestinal problems, mouthing, sensorineural hearing loss, hip dysplasia, and sleep disturbances, might only occur after the age of 1 year, especially in patients with a more slowly progressing disease.
Behavioral problems and speech regression often resemble ADHD-like behaviors or autism respectively, resulting in delayed diagnosis of MPS III due to misdiagnosis, which can be even more delayed when symptomatic treatment initially provides some relief of these symptoms 2,28. However, subtle behavioral differences supporting the differential diagnosis do exist and the autistic-like symptoms of MPS III patients differ from those seen in children with autism spectrum disorder in several ways. One subtle difference that might distinguish MPS III from autism spectrum disorder is the initial period of normal development followed by the acquisition of autism symptoms during first 3 to 4 years of life in patients with MPS III 28. This regression has also been reported in 16% to 50% of patients with autism spectrum disorder but appears to occur earlier, between the first and second birthday 29. Furthermore, MPS III children might preserve functional play skills while the play behavior of children with autism spectrum disorder can be more limited or non-functional and characterized by repetitive and restricted patterns. In addition, unlike many children with autism spectrum disorder, MPS III patients might initially develop robust joint attention skills, enjoy engaging in social interaction without anxiety, and easily adjust to changes in routine. The increase in anxiety seen in children with MPS III coincides with the speech regression and the inability to communicate and express themselves, which can lead to frustration and aggressive behavior. Although autistic-like behaviors do exist in some MPS III children, the most common and typical restrictive and repetitive behavior present in children with MPS III is mouthing or oral fixation. The absence of other restrictive and repetitive behaviors might differentiate MPS III from autism spectrum disorder 28. Early presentation of macrocephaly in children with MPS III, sometimes as early as birth, might further distinguish both disorders 14. Another MPS III-specific, albeit later sign, is the regression of speech, which usually precedes the deterioration of motor function 17. The trajectory of speech regression appears to be specific for MPS III and is characterized by a gradual loss of language. In addition, hearing loss is often observed early on in MPS III while being absent in autism spectrum disorder 14.
As most signs and symptoms summarized in Table 1 are not exclusively presenting before the age of 1 year, consensus was reached on a final list of eight early presenting signs and symptoms in neonates and infants dependent on the likelihood that the particular signs or symptoms are MPS III-specific (Table 2). Each sign or symptom was attributed a score ranging from 1 to 3. A score of 1 corresponds to a rather unspecific sign while a score of 3 is considered to be highly characteristic of MPS III. Coarse facial features and persistent hirsutism or prominent thick eyebrows, which have previously been reported as MPS III-specific signs, should prompt referral to a metabolic physician and/or developmental specialist. Presence of both facial coarsening and prominent thick eyebrows before the age of 2 is illustrated in Figure 1, showing the progression of MPS III patients in comparison with their unaffected siblings. Breathing problems within the first week of life, frontal bossing and macrocephaly (i.e. head circumference above the 99th percentile), and an increased need for nursing were classified as having only some specificity for MPS III. Lastly, colic-like episodes and gastrointestinal discomfort, umbilical or inguinal hernia, and upper respiratory congestion are considered to be prevalent among neonates and infants. Screening for this combination of unspecific and specific signs and symptoms is anticipated to raise suspicion for MPS III as early as possible and to shorten the diagnostic journey of MPS III patients.
Early facial coarsening and presence of synophrys in MPS IIIB patients. (A) Left: progression of an MPS IIIB patient (upper panel) in comparison with her unaffected sibling (lower panel) at comparable ages. Right: comparison of the MPS IIIB patient (left) with her unaffected sibling (right) at different ages. (B & C) Progression of two MPS IIIB patients (upper panels) in comparison with their age-matched unaffected siblings (lower panels).
Early Diagnosis Algorithm - Future Perspectives and Barriers to Overcome
In order to validate the observations, the incidence of the early signs and symptoms summarized in Table 2 will be retrospectively and prospectively reviewed in clinical cases of MPS III, cases of developmental delay, and healthy controls. Some of the signs and symptoms might be eliminated when they fail to distinguish neonates and infants with MPS III from the healthy control group. Other signs and symptoms might be up-/down-rated when they are found to be more/less prevalent in young MPS III patients than initially anticipated. The ultimate goal is to develop an easy-to-use early diagnostic algorithm to be used mainly by primary care physicians and pediatricians as they are most likely to be consulted first by parents. Dependent on the MPS III suspicion score, follow-up, testing, and referral to a clinical geneticist or developmental specialist is recommended. Diagnostic testing for MPS III can be performed using a variety of samples depending on the available resources. Testing can include screening methods such as analysis of urinary GAGs, enzymatic analysis in blood or cultured fibroblasts, or genetic analysis of MPS III genes. Depending on the testing ordered, results are typically available within several weeks or a month 30.
Further recommendations of the multidisciplinary group to increase disease awareness among physicians not familiar with MPS III were to increase awareness of facial dysmorphisms and MPS III-like behaviors through videos and pictures. In addition, physicians should try to elicit parental concerns about their child’s development. It is expected that interest in MPS III and possibly newborn screening will increase once treatment options are available. However, until then, an early diagnosis algorithm could already be implemented into the differential diagnosis of other neurodevelopmental or genetic disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder.
Besides challenges associated with creating disease awareness and implementation of an early diagnosis algorithm, shortening referral times in healthcare will be a major hurdle for improving early diagnosis of MPS III. Waiting times between the first medical visit and an appointment with a metabolic geneticist or neurodevelopmental specialist can be as long as 18 months as recently determined in a cohort of Dutch MPS III patients 15. Therefore, primary care physicians and pediatricians should consider an accelerated referral after profound suspicion of MPS III based on the early diagnosis algorithm. Ultimately, newborn screening will be needed to diagnose MPS III before symptoms, but until this is available, early diagnosis is necessary for optimal outcomes of novel therapies.
MPS III is a rare inherited metabolic disease with poor prognostic outcomes due to severe neurological deficits and the absence of curative treatment options. Although new treatment options for the disease are being developed, neurocognitive deterioration will likely only be prevented if treatment is initiated before the onset of developmental delay. The consensus list of early signs and symptoms presented here is a crucial step towards the development of an early diagnosis algorithm for patients with MPS III. This list was developed based on current evidence and experiences from a multidisciplinary group of MPS experts and MPS III parents. These observations can be retrospectively and prospectively validated with more in-depth analysis of the early development of MPS III patients. An early diagnostic algorithm developed based on these early signs and symptoms is expected to eventually shorten the diagnostic journey of MPS III patients until newborn screening is available for this disorder.
ABR: auditory brainstem response; ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ENT: ear-nose-throat; GAGs: glycosaminoglycans; MPS: mucopolysaccharidosis.
The authors are grateful to Ismar Healthcare NV who provided medical writing assistance, which was funded by BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.
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