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O CONCEITO DE "CENA" NA OBRA DE JACQUES RANCIÈRE: A PRÁTICA DO "MÉTODO DA IGUALDADE"* * Artigo relacionado ao projeto "conceito de "cena" em Jacques Rancière como ferramenta teórico-metodológica para a análise histórica da arte", financiado com recursos do Edital 01/2015 FAPEMIG..


This article intends to systematize the main elements of the concept of 'scene', a fundamental term for the connection between theory and method in the thought of the French philosopher Jacques Rancière. Rancière's 'method of equality' aims, among other things, to delineate the different moments of conflict between regimes of truth and acts of taking the word - regardless of classifications made a priori as data to investigate an object of study - through of the concept of 'literality', which demonstrates two distinct logics of word circulation: on the one hand, a 'police' logic; on the other, a 'political' logic. In this way, the concept of 'scene' is a central element in a significant change in the theory-methodology-object relation defended by a fair amount of the academic world, including in history field, nowadays, since it takes the very notion of historicity as discontinuous and broadly considers the rationality of words rather than the detailed articulation of facts.

Rancière; Jacques; Method of equality; Scenes of dissensus

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