
This article analyzes relations between Physical Education curricula and teacher practice in Brazilian Primary Education. We conducted a systematic review of Brazilian Physical Education journals and selected 13 articles published between 2008 and 2017. We found that the National Curriculum Parameters, state and municipal curricula, and political-pedagogical projects inform educational planning and practice without interfering with teachers’ autonomy. The studies point to content systematization as a predominant element to legitimize Physical Education. The design and analysis of teaching proposals highlighted the hegemony of sports as teaching content, but attempts were found to broaden the view of sports as a cultural phenomenon. We suggest conducting joint research between schools and universities on educational school practice that informs curriculum review and production in teacher’s degrees and continuing education.

Keywords: Systematic Review; Curriculum; Physical Education; Elementary School


Nuestro objetivo fue analizar relaciones entre plan de estudios y la educación física cotidiana en la Educación Primaria Brasileña. Así, realizamos una revisión sistemática en periódicos del campo de la educación físicabrasileña, resultando em una selección de 13 artículos publicados entre 2008 y 2017. Concluimos que los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales, los currículos en los estados y ciudades, y los proyectos político-pedagógicos contribuyen con el plano y la práctica pedagógica, sin herir la autonomía del profesor. Los estudios presentados indican la organización de los contenidos como preponderante para legitimación de la educación física. Las publicaciones sobre las propuestas de enseñanza muestran la hegemonía del deporte, pero percibimos la tentativa de una ampliación de su comprensión como fenómeno cultural. Sugerimos investigaciones que problematizan la practica pedagógica cotidiana, que contribuyan con las reformulaciones y producciones curriculares en la formación inicial y continuada de maestros, en colaboración entre la escuela y la universidad.

Palabras clave: Revisión Sistemática; Currículo; Educación Física; Educación Primaria


No presente artigo analisamos as articulações entre currículo e prática pedagógica da Educação Física no cotidiano escolar do Ensino Fundamental. Para tanto, realizamos um estudo de revisão sistemática em periódicos do campo da Educação Física brasileira, resultando numa seleção de 13 artigos entre 2008 e 2017. Concluímos que os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, os currículos dos estados e municípios e os projetos político-pedagógicos subsidiam o planejamento e a prática pedagógica, sem interferir na autonomia do professor. Os estudos apresentados indicam a sistematização dos conteúdos como elemento preponderante para a legitimação da Educação Física. As elaborações e análises de propostas de ensino repercutiram a hegemonia do esporte como conteúdo, porém percebemos a tentativa de ampliação do seu entendimento como fenômeno cultural. Sugerimos pesquisas que problematizem a prática pedagógica no cotidiano escolar, que subsidiem reformulações e produções curriculares na formação inicial e continuada, em colaboração entre escola e universidade.

Palavras-chave: Revisão sistemática; Currículo; Educação Física; Ensino Fundamental


Nowadays, scientific articles are used as primary sources for academic research in order to develop syntheses based on data interpretation. Therefore, systematic review studies on a given topic go beyond organizing and summarizing research findings: they create new categories of analysis and even other conceptual models and theories that become the basis for future work (RAPLEY; REES, 2018).

Consequently, this study focuses on interconnections between Physical Education’s curriculum and pedagogical practice in school routine. There is no single, agreed upon concept of curriculum among researchers in the educational field, but we see it as the educational guidelines for teachers’ work at school. Thus, we agree with Sacristán (2000, p. 202) in that “the curriculum is expressed in practical uses, which also have other determinants and a history.” For the author, the curriculum has several levels, among which we underscore the curriculum-in-action. As for pedagogical practice, Libâneo (2013) shows its connections to the didactic aspects that mediate the relation between school goals and contents. Therefore, this article focuses on the curriculum’s interconnections with teachers’ pedagogical practices.

Studies adopting systematic review as a method in the field of school Physical Education stress the need for research focused on the curriculum. Among them, Bracht et al. (2011) mapped production of knowledge about school Physical Education in Brazil between 1980 and 2010. The authors showed that 43 - or 6.6 percent - of the 647 articles analyzed between 1980 and 2010 mentioned the topic ‘currículo e organização’ (curriculum and organization).’ Likewise, Wiggers et al. (2015) discussed academic-scientific production in Brazilian Physical Education between 2006 and 2012 and showed that research in the field increased during the period. However, 24 - or 5.61% - of the 438 articles found refer to ‘curriculum and organization.’

These studies corroborate the results of research conducted abroad. Kulinna et al. (2009) looked into topics of research conducted in English in the field of Physical Education for a decade and concluded that 19.24 percent of the 1,819 articles focused on curriculum. Similarly, Kirk (2010) analyzed Physical Education research trends in Europe and stressed the need for studies on ‘curriculum and knowledge.’ The author concluded that “we still have some way to go in developing concepts and theories that enable us to look into the relationships between curriculum, teaching and learning” (KIRK, 2010, p. 32) in the field of Physical Education. This finding suggests the need to investigate the relationship between curriculum theory and pedagogical practice.

In their review study specifically focused on the topic of ‘school curriculum and Physical Education,’ Boscatto and Darido (2017) point out that 0.93 percent of the articles published in 2015 addressed the curriculum. In addition, Tavares, Wittizorecki and Molina Neto (2018) examined Physical Education’s space in the curricula of the final grades of Primary Education and point to a plethora of views about PE’s role in school and in curricula, in a debate that includes definitions of legitimate content and sports’ hegemony.

Based on the notes above, we reiterate the relevance of this study, whose purpose is to look into interconnections between the Physical Education curriculum and pedagogical practice in the school routine of Primary Education, through a systematic review of Brazilian PE journals.


This study is a systematic review - a resource for understanding the object of investigation based on other studies as detailed by Sampaio and Mancini (2007) as well as by Gomes and Caminha (2014). In the first stage of this investigation its goals were set and searches were conducted on the websites of eight journals in the socio-educational field of Physical Education with grades A2-B2 (quadrennium 2013-2016). They were the same journals investigated by Bracht et al. (2011)1 and Wiggers et al. (2015). Searching for the descriptor currículo2 in titles or abstracts, 119 articles were found that had been published between 2008 and 2017 (Table 1). We underscore that this criterion was used to cover articles that had curriculum as their core focus.

In the second stage, we excluded articles that addressed teacher’s degrees and continuing education or research on Secondary Education, which discussed difficulties in pedagogical practice, appropriations of theories or educational approaches, in addition to theoretical studies such as literature reviews, document analyzes, or essays. Thus, works left were empirical studies on curriculum and pedagogical practice conducted with Primary Education teachers and addressing curricula in various areas such as the National Curriculum Parameters (NCP) (BRASIL, 1998), state or municipal curricula, political-pedagogical projects (PPP) or those presenting teaching proposals.

Table 1
Number of articles per journal in 2008-2017

Based on the aforementioned exclusion and inclusion criteria, 13 articles were selected and then entered on computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software Atlas.ti (SCALES, 2013). The program allows researchers to set codes based on marks made when reading the texts. Note that these codes are created freely and can be entered or deleted any time. Thus, links were established between those pieces of information that helped define thematic lines as well as analyze and discuss the data.


The articles were organized into three thematic lines according to their goals. The first thematic line - curriculum appropriations in school routine - includes studies addressing how teachers treat, perceive and interact with curricula in their respective states or cities. The second thematic line - NCP and PPP in school routine - addresses Physical Education teachers’ views on these documents, since the PPP represents “the very organization of schools’ pedagogical work” (VEIGA, 2008, p. 22). Another aspect that emerged from the discussions was design and analyses of teaching proposals, presented in the third part of the analysis. Next, we examine articles’ authors in each thematic line in ascending chronological order of publication, their respective goals, levels of education, and states where the research took place.


The research presented under this thematic line aimed to discuss the interconnections between pedagogical practice and curricula. They were conducted with Early Childhood Education and Primary Education teachers, involving the states of Bahia and São Paulo, and the cities of Barueri, SP, and Camaragibe, PE, respectively.

Chart 1
Authors, goals, educational levels and research status

Rocha and Daolio (2014) used ethnography to analyze a PE teacher’s appropriations of São Paulo’s state curriculum. The authors indicated the need for studies addressing the complex relationship between curriculum implementations and school routine, which pervades teachers’ and students’ training, understanding and representation. In addition, they conclude that the teacher appropriates and reframes her pedagogical practice by reading the state curriculum and her relationship with students, i.e., representations of what traditional school Physical Education should be like, and the new proposals included in the current curriculum.

Still in the state of São Paulo, Marani, Sanches Neto and Freire (2017) analyzed teachers’ views about the curriculum of Barueri and discussed the relationship between the official curriculum and the real one, that is, between the city’s Reference Plan and teachers’ actual pedagogical practice. Despite near unanimity (13 out of 14 participants), when teachers agreed with the existence of a curriculum that unifies practice, they criticized it, especially its views, content repetition, overvaluation of sports, lack of proper materials, and the bureaucratic tasks resulting from registration and evaluation. Therefore, 13 teachers also said they adjust the curriculum to their PE approach or to students’ reality.

In Northeast Brazil, Alencar and Lavoura (2012) indicate that teachers from the city of Itabuna, BA, need more discussion and theoretical understanding, since the results point out differences between Curriculum Guidelines’ theoretical assumptions based on the critical-overcoming perspective and their actual pedagogical practice. Through non-participant observation and interviews, the authors aimed to understand the pedagogical theories, objects, goals, social roles, contents and evaluation guiding their practice, in order to establish links between curriculum and that pedagogical practice. The authors see the need to set objective conditions so that teachers understand the curriculum rather than merely putting it away on a drawer. They indicate that changing pedagogical work depends on “solid theoretical education that enables rigorous interchange between knowledge theory, pedagogical theory and the teaching work carried out in school” (ALENCAR; LAVOURA, 2012, p. 171).

In the same Brazilian region, Tenório et al. (2017) analyzed Physical Education teachers’ curriculum appropriation and production in Camaragibe, PE. Based on the subjects’ considerations, the authors sustain that content sequentially organized in curriculum proposals would help preventing Physical Education classes from becoming disconnected activities without defined goals. The authors conclude that the document is considered an important tool to guide systematization of pedagogical work and content definition. Nevertheless, they found a gap between the curriculum’s theoretical assumptions and pedagogical practice, pointing out the need for critical appropriation of the document to avoid mere reproduction of motor gestures.

From the description above, we observed that studies conducted in Brazil’s Northeast focused on understanding theoretical assumptions incorporated into teachers’ practices, especially under the critical-overcoming approach (SOARES et al., 1992). Studies carried out in São Paulo, in turn, focused on teachers’ perceptions about curricula in their practices. The methodology used by authors in this thematic line - interviews - enabled us to understand explanations given by the teachers working in Primary Education. In addition, Alencar and Lavoura (2012), as well as Rocha and Daolio (2014) observed classes in order to compare information provided by teachers. The results point to differences between theoretical-methodological assumptions in curricula and those of actual pedagogical practices, since teachers reframe those guidelines according to their realities, taking into account the materials and physical space available, as well as their theoretical perspectives about the object of Physical Education.

We consider that curricula inform teachers’ planning and consequently their pedagogical practice. Therefore, we agree with Tardif (2010) in that teaching is not merely applying academic and curriculum knowledge but also changing and reinterpreting it based on the teachers’ knowledges. For this reason, articles in this thematic line show the relevance of considering teachers’ daily practices. Thus, we corroborate Boscatto and Darido (2017, p. 14) on the need to “bring scientific work closer to teachers’ teaching practices.” Thus, we consider school as a space for producing knowledge in a reflective and collaborative way.


In this section, studies discuss teachers’ views on Physical Education based on its legal and pedagogical organization at school. As in the previous section, they were conducted with Early Childhood Education and Primary Education teachers. These studies took place in Pelotas, RS, Maringá, PR, and São Paulo, SP (Chart 2).

Chart 2
Authors, research goals, education levels and states

Working on teaching in the early grades of Primary Education, Guimarães (2008) examines how curriculum policy is established - preparation of PPP, study plan, and school bylaws - in a school in Pelotas, RS, through document analysis and observation of pedagogical meetings. The author concluded that the school’s staff appropriate official curricula and reframe them. She underscores that this curriculum component went from a marginal and utilitarian condition to a prominent position as a result of managers’ support and Physical Education teachers’ participation in pedagogical planning. The researcher shows that organizing curriculum components without hierarchy favored interdisciplinary work in that school.

Gramorelli and Neira (2009) consider the NCP to be a milestone in the curriculum reorientation movement, since there was a paradigm shift that broadened views about Physical Education contents beyond sports. Through focus group interviews, the authors found that while teachers did not mention the NCP’s influence directly, they had internalized the theoretical and methodological assumptions of inclusion, the dimensions of the contents3 and the process evaluation contained in that document.

For Sousa, Hunger and Caramaschi (2014), teachers also recognize the NCPs’ relevance for curriculum organization. The authors used a questionnaire to analyze Physical Education and Art teachers’ views on dance in the PPP. They pointed out that the study of NCPs can potentially contribute to organize dance contents and also to achieve projects with shared goals that go beyond performances on commemorative dates. Thus, they underscore teachers’ difficulties resulting from lack of spaces and proper resources, among others, and conclude that Physical Education and Art teachers can work together so that dance gains ground at school.

Still in the state of São Paulo, Venâncio and Darido (2012) analyzed the views of PE teachers in the city of Bauru about the PPP and stressed its role in encouraging teacher participation and guiding collective action. Through action research, they concluded that the discussions and reflections were relevant and considered the PPP a participatory instrument that involves the school community in collective and interdisciplinary planning. They underscore that “teachers are free to select what they want for the list of contents to be taught. There is no consensus or collective interest when it comes to common goals” (VENÂNCIO; DARIDO, 2012, p. 100). Thus, content choices fall predominantly on sports; however, when teachers are allowed to plan collectively, other topics are included such as: extreme sports, dance, gymnastics, martial arts and capoeira.

As for the legal and pedagogical organization of PE in Early Childhood Education and in the early grades of Primary Education, Jardim et al. (2014) investigated public school teachers in Maringá, PR,4 using questionnaires. The authors show that most teachers took part in the preparation of the PPP. In addition, all of them consider that Physical Education is included in the PPP as a curriculum component and that their actions are planned. Regarding content choice, the authors also point out that non-systematized content contributes to inconsistency in the work and undermines Physical Education’s legitimacy. However, it is important to say that some teachers choose their content based on their respective PPPs.

From these studies, we consider that the NCPs helped include teachers in discussions and school plans, resulting in a reflective period that made a difference for pedagogical practices. In addition, as provided for in the NCPs, curriculum policies are represented in the school routine through PPPs. Therefore, constantly discussing and redesigning them contribute to specific plans, which are intrinsically linked to content definition. Therefore, Venâncio and Darido (2012) and Jardim et al. (2014) pointed out the relevance of content systematization as a prevailing element to legitimize Physical Education as a curriculum component.

In this context, it is worth mentioning the recently published National Common Curriculum Base - NCCB (BRASIL, 2017). It is a set of guidelines that establish the content and their sequence to be followed at all levels of Brazil’s Basic Education (Primary + Secondary). This topic was further investigated by Neira (2018), who sees a gap between the NCCB and the current debate in the field of Physical Education, which proves to be fragile, incoherent and inconsistent since its theoretical assumptions are not clear. However, by stressing skills and content it emphasizes precepts of traditional curriculum theories. Thus, Sampaio and Behmoiras (2018) stress their criticism of content organization in the NCCB but advocate curriculum progression based on the school’s curriculum and PPP, considering local reality and students’ participation.


This section highlights research on teaching proposals’ design, discussion and/or analysis. These studies were carried out with teachers from the final grades of Primary Education in Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo - studies conducted in the latter state prevailed.

Chart 3
Authors, goals, education levels and research status

Barroso and Darido (2010) underscore that sport at school cannot be seen only in terms of developing techniques or motor gestures; rather, its historicity must be considered. Through action research, the authors discussed aspects related to teachers’ working conditions, the reasons for choosing volleyball as content and its dimensions, its technique, students’ characteristics and participation in class. They concluded that the debates encouraged teachers to carry out the activities they planned in order to promote students’ participation and reflection.

In the same line, Carlan, Kunz and Fensterseifer (2012) observed the pedagogical practice of a teacher from Ijuí, RS, seeking to understand theory from practice. The authors confirmed that the teacher has control over his planning. Students, in turn, understand the stages of football’s teaching-learning process and its context, considering its senses and meanings. In addition, they see it as a successful experience that can be replicated to develop sport as school Physical Education content in a reflective way.

Diniz and Darido (2015) designed and evaluated a teaching material complementary to the Physical Education curriculum using a blog - an online distance tool. It is available on a digital platform and was intended to assist pedagogical practice of folk dances as school content. Teachers were invited to teach practical lessons and record them on video, seeking to reduce the distance between theory and practice. Interviews were used as a methodology to evaluate this pedagogical resource. The fact that the videos were publicly available contributed to teachers’ better understanding and apprehension of dance as a school content.

From the perspective of sports technique development - which differs from school Physical Education - Luguetti et al. (2015) looked into sports during extracurricular hours. A questionnaire was applied to 85 teachers/coaches in the city of Santos, SP, in order to analyze the theoretical aspects that supported students’ planning, goals, evaluation systems, as well as their relationship to the PPP. The authors indicated the need for approximating theory and practice from teachers’ degrees to continuing education in order to connect sports activities with the PPP and school Physical Education.

Sport is a PE content whose hegemony was reflected in the results of these investigations. These observations are consistent with other studies, as explained by Araújo, Rocha and Bossle (2017). When analyzing school Physical Education contents in Brazilian journals, the authors found that articles addressing sports were more common than research on dance, martial arts, gymnastics and circus activities. However, we see an attempt to broaden the view of sport as a cultural phenomenon that is pedagogically interconnected with other school contents and the PPP.


The curriculum expresses fundamental guidelines for teachers’ work. Based on this view, we sought to understand the processes that take place in the pedagogical practice of Physical Education in its interconnection with the curriculum. According to the studies analyzed, we found that curriculum documents guide pedagogical practice, but teachers maintain their autonomy, keeping their creative and peculiar ways and reframing the previously established curriculum, now translated into curriculum-in-action.

The studies mentioned here indicate systematization of content as crucial to legitimize Physical Education as a curriculum component. The designs and analyses of teaching proposals reflected the hegemony of sport as content in school Physical Education. However, we found a trend that seeks to broaden the view of sport as a cultural phenomenon, incorporating precepts of studies in the theoretical field of contemporary Physical Education.

Based on our analyses, we found that research is needed to discuss the curriculum-in-action in Brazil’s North and Midwest regions, since most of it took pace in the Southeast, especially in the state of São Paulo, probably because it has the largest number of graduate studies programs as pointed out by Wiggers et al. (2015).

Interviews were the most common methodology in the empirical studies analyzed, whether or not they were combined with other methods such as questionnaires, class observation, document analysis, in addition to action research, including development of courses and online teaching resources. Thus, we consider such methods to be coherent for understanding the perspectives of the teachers investigated, stressing their appropriations of the curricula in their pedagogical practices.

Based on these considerations, we suggest studies that provoke reflection and debate on curricula so as to enable teachers to critically appropriate that content and thus reframe their practices. Therefore, we stress the importance that teachers’ degrees and continuing education take place in a collaborative exchange between school and university. In this sense, we also recommend studies that discuss how the NCCB is incorporated into school the routine, in addition to possible changes in the NCPs. Other possibilities are studies discussing teachers’ work, which may inform curriculum reform and design.


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  • 1
    The authors also searched the journal Motus Corporis, but no catalog was available after 2003. That is why it was not included in this search.
  • 2
    We use the curr * cul * descriptor to broaden the search and cover any variations of the word such as curricular, curriculares or currículos. Searches and article selection for the analysis took place on March 8-30, 2018.
  • 3
    Zabala (2007) discusses the content’s dimensions as procedural (knowing how to do it), attitudinal (how to do it) and conceptual (reasons for doing it).
  • 4
    According to Article 31 of Resolution 7 of the National Education Council (BRASIL, 2010), the presence of Physical Education teachers in Early Childhood Education and in the early grades of Primary Education is optional. However, it is mandatory in Maringá as well as other Brazilian states and cities.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 June 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    25 June 2019
  • Accepted
    11 Feb 2020
  • Published
    24 Mar 2020
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Felizardo, 750 Jardim Botânico, CEP: 90690-200, RS - Porto Alegre, (51) 3308 5814 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
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