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The spread of the introduced ascidians Ciona robusta Hoshino & Tokioka, 1967 and Rhodosoma turcicum (Savigny, 1816) in the southwestern Atlantic


New records of the introduced solitary ascidians, Ciona robusta and Rhodosoma turcicum, have been added to the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, from Cabo Frio to Ilha Grande Bay, Brazil, in surveys conducted since 2009. Both species occurred on natural and artificial substrates, in predator-protected habitats, and regions close to harbors or other maritime activities. The distribution of Ciona robusta was related to water temperature, influenced by upwelling intensity and temperatures below 25ºC, while R. turcicum was not sensitive to the range of recorded water temperatures. The occurrence of both species on sites close to maritime terminals suggests vessels as potential vectors.

Ascidiacea; Marine fouling; Introduced species; Marine activities


Marine bioinvasions have been recorded globally and have increased in recent decades in terms of the numbers of recorded species and numbers of scientific papers published (Seebens et al., 2013SEEBENS, H., GASTNER, M. T. & BLASIUS, B. 2013. The risk of marine bioinvasion caused by global shipping. Ecology Letters, 16(6), 782-790, DOI:
; Dias et al., 2019DIAS, P. J., CARMAN, M. R. & BULLARD, S. G. 2019. All for one and one for all: research from the 6th International Invasive Sea Squirt Conference and the 10th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. Management of Biological Invasions, 10(4), 597-601, DOI:
). Invasive species (IS) and nonindigenous species (NIS) have been identified as being responsible for reducing diversity in invaded regions, leading to local extinctions, and causing impacts on economic activities (Creed et al., 2017CREED, J. C., FENNER, D., SAMMARCO, P., CAIRNS, S., CAPEL, K., JUNQUEIRA, A. O. R., CRUZ, I., MIRANDA, R. J., CARLOS JUNIOR, L., MANTELATTO, M. C. & OIGMAN-PSZCZOL, S. 2017. The invasion of the azooxanthellate coral Tubastraea (Scleractinia: Dendrophylliidae) throughout the world: history, pathways and vectors. Biological Invasions, 19(1), 283-305, DOI:
; O’Brien et al., 2017O’BRIEN, C. E., JOHNSTON, M. W. & KERSTETTER, D. W. 2017. Ports and pests: assessing the threat of aquatic invasive species introduced by maritime shipping activity in Cuba. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 125(1-2), 92-102, DOI:
; Blackburn et al., 2019BLACKBURN, T. M., BELLARD, C. & RICCIARDI, A. 2019. Alien versus native species as driver of recent extinction. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 17(4), 203-207, DOI:
). Academic discussions concerning those issues are continually increasing (Junqueira, 2013JUNQUEIRA, A. O. R. 2013. Guilty or innocent? The need to improve the assessment of impacts caused by non-native species. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 23(5), 641-645, DOI:
; Boltovskoy et al., 2018BOLTOVSKOY, D., SYLVESTER, F. & PAOLUCCI, E. M. 2018. Invasive species denialism: sorting out facts, beliefs, and definitions. Ecology and evolution, 8(22), 11190-11198, DOI:
; Fowler et al., 2020FOWLER, A. E., BLAKESLEE A. M. H., BORTOLUS A., DIAS, J., TEPOLT, C. K. & SCHWINDT, E. 2020 Current research, pressing issues, and lingering questions in marine invasion science: lessons from the Tenth International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions (ICMB-X). Aquatic Invasions, 15(1), 1-10, DOI:
). Awareness of the importance of ascidians as invasive species is growing worldwide (Carlton and Eldredge, 2009CARLTON, J. T. & ELDREDGE, L. G. 2009. Marine bioinvasions of Hawai’i: the introduced and cryptogenic marine and estuarine animals and plants of the Hawaiian archipelago. Bishop Museum Bulletin in Cultural and Environmental Studies, 4, 1-203.; Zhan et al., 2015ZHAN, A., BRISKI, E., BOCK, D. G., GHABOOLI, S. & MACISAAC, H. J. 2015. Ascidians as models for studying invasion success. Marine Biology, 162(12), 2449-2470, DOI:
; Colarusso et al., 2016COLARUSSO, P., NELSON, E., AYVAZIAN, S., CARMAN, M. R., CHINTALA, M., GRABBERT, S. & GRUNDEN, D. 2016. Quantifying the ecological impact of invasive tunicates to shallow coastal water systems. Management of Biological Invasions, 7(1), 33-42, DOI:

Eutrophication (Marins et al., 2010MARINS, F. O., NOVAES, R. L. M., ROCHA, R. M. & JUNQUEIRA, A. O. R. 2010. Non indigenous ascidians in port and natural environments in a tropical Brazilian bay. Zoologia (Curitiba), 27(2), 213-221, DOI:
; Crooks et al., 2011CROOKS, J. A., CHANG, A. L. & RUIZ, G. M. 2011. Aquatic pollution increases the relative success of invasive species. Biological Invasions, 13(1), 165-176, DOI:
), aquaculture facilities (McKindsey et al., 2007MCKINDSEY, C. W., LANDRY, T., O’BEIRN, F. X. & DAVIES, I. M. 2007. Bivalve aquaculture and exotic species: a review of ecological considerations and management issues. Journal of Shellfish Research, 26(2), 281-295.; Rocha et al., 2009ROCHA, R. M., KREMER, L. P., BAPTISTA, M. S. & METRI, R. 2009. Bivalve cultures provide habitat for exotic tunicates in southern Brazil. Aquatic invasions, 4(1), 195-205, DOI:
), and harbor and shipping operations (Darbyson et al., 2009DARBYSON, E. A., HANSON, J. M., LOCKE, A. & WILLISON, J. H. M. 2009. Settlement and potential for transport of clubbed tunicate (Styela clava) on boat hulls. Aquatic Invasions, 4(1), 95-103.; Grey, 2010GREY, E. K. 2010. Effects of large enemies on success of exotic species in marine fouling communities of Washington, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 411, 89-100, DOI:
) have been indicated as important influences in increasing their spread. However, NIS introduction and spread are also subjected to limiting factors. Predation by fish (Marins et al., 2009MARINS, F. O., OLIVEIRA, C. S., MACIEL, N. M. V. & SKINNER, L. F. 2009. Reinclusion of Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Cionidae) in Brazil - a methodological view. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e112.; Dumont et al., 2011DUMONT, C. P., GAYMER, C. F. & THIEL, M. 2011. Predation contributes to invasion resistance of benthic communities against the non-indigenous tunicate Ciona intestinalis. Biological Invasions, 13(9), 2023-2034, DOI:
; Dias et al., 2013DIAS, G. M., ROCHA, R. M., LOTUFO, T. M. C. & KREMER, L. P. 2013. Fifty years of ascidian biodiversity research in São Sebastião, Brazil. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93(1), 273-282, DOI:
; Roth et al., 2017ROTH, F., STUHLDREIER, I., SÁNCHEZ-NOGUERA, C., CARVALHO, S. & WILD, C. 2017. Simulated overfishing and natural eutrophication promote the relative success of a non-indigenous ascidian in coral reefs at the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Aquatic Invasions, 12, 435-446, DOI:
) and competition with the local fauna (Paetzold et al., 2012PAETZOLD, S. C., GIBERSON, D. J., HILL, J., DAVIDSON, J. D. P. & DAVIDSON, J. 2012. Effect of colonial tunicate presence on Ciona intestinalis recruitment within a mussel farming environment. Management of Biological Invasions, 3(1), 15-23, DOI:
) are two biological factors that can regulate invasiveness, while environmental factors (such as temperature) can act as selective forces that prevent the establishment and persistence of invasive species. Therefore, environmental and biological factors will delimit species niches and are determinants for successful bioinvasions (Granot et al., 2017GRANOT, I., SHENKAR, N. & BELMAKER, J. 2017. Habitat niche breadth predicts invasiveness in solitary ascidians. Ecology and Evolution, 7(19), 7838-7847, DOI:

Ascidians can be found in many different habitats, and the photonegative behavior of their larvae favors their occurrence in crevices or under rocks, more protected from predation and sedimentation (Millar, 1971MILLAR, R. H. 1971. The biology of ascidians. Advances in Marine Biology, 9, 1-100.; Lambert, 2005LAMBERT, G. 2005. Ecology and natural history of the protochordates. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 83(1), 34-50.). Communities that settle on artificial substrates have often been found to be different from those encountered on natural surfaces (Perkol-Finkel et al., 2006PERKOL-FINKEL, S., ZILMAN, G., SELLA, I., MILOH, T. & BENAYAHU, Y. (2006). Floating and fixed artificial habitats: effects of substratum motion on benthic communities in a coral reef environment. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 317, 9-20.). Artificial substrates are common in ports and marinas and serve as gateways for species introductions (Lambert, 2005LAMBERT, G. 2005. Ecology and natural history of the protochordates. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 83(1), 34-50.; Ignacio et al., 2010IGNACIO, B. L., JULIO, L. M., JUNQUEIRA, A. O. R. & FERREIRA-SILVA, M. A. G. 2010. Bioinvasion in a Brazilian bay: filling gaps in the knowledge of southwestern Atlantic biota. PLoS ONE, 5(9), e13065, DOI:
). Surveys of invasive species must, therefore, use specific methodologies for data collection (Kakkonen, 2019KAKKONEN, J. E., WORSFOLD, T. M., ASHELBY, C. W., TAYLOR, A. & BEATON, K. 2019. The value of regular monitoring and diverse sampling techniques to assess aquatic non-native species: a case study from Orkney. Management of Biological Invasions, 10(1), 46-79, DOI:

The species Ciona robusta Hoshino & Tokioka, 1967HOSHINO, Z. & TOKIOKA, T. 1967. An unusually robust Ciona from the northeastern coast of Honsyu Island, Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 15(4), 275-290. and Rhodosoma turcicum (Savigny, 1816SAVIGNY, J., 1816. Mémoires sur les Animaux sans vertèbres. Paris.) are considered invasive in many parts of the world. Both species have been recorded in Brazil but studies indicated that they are susceptible to native predators (Marins et al., 2009MARINS, F. O., OLIVEIRA, C. S., MACIEL, N. M. V. & SKINNER, L. F. 2009. Reinclusion of Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Cionidae) in Brazil - a methodological view. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e112.; Skinner et al., 2013SKINNER, L. F., OLIVEIRA, G. C. M., BARBOZA, D. F., TENÓRIO, A. A. & SOARES, D. C. 2013. First record of the Ascidiacea Rhodosoma turcicum in the south-west Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biodiversity Records, 6, e37, DOI:
). At least 14 other non-indigenous ascidian species have likewise been recorded in Rio de Janeiro State (Rocha and Costa, 2005ROCHA, R. M. & COSTA, L. V. G. 2005. Ascidians (Urochordata: Ascidiacea) from Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Iheringia. Sries Zoologia, 95(1), 57-64, DOI:
; Marins et al., 2010MARINS, F. O., NOVAES, R. L. M., ROCHA, R. M. & JUNQUEIRA, A. O. R. 2010. Non indigenous ascidians in port and natural environments in a tropical Brazilian bay. Zoologia (Curitiba), 27(2), 213-221, DOI:
; Granthom-Costa et al., 2016GRANTHOM-COSTA, L. V., FERREIRA, C. G. W. & DIAS, G. M. 2016. Biodiversity of ascidians in a heterogeneous bay from southeastern Brazil. Management of Biological Invasions, 7(1), 5-12, DOI:
; Skinner et al., 2016SKINNER, L. F., BARBOZA, D. F. & ROCHA, R. M. 2016. Rapid assessment survey of introduced ascidians in a region with many marinas in the southwest Atlantic Ocean, Brazil. Management of Biological Invasions, 7(1), 13-20, DOI:
, Oricchio et al., 2019ORICCHIO, F., MARQUES, A., HAJDU, E., PITOMBO, F., AZEVEDO, F., PASSOS, F., VIEIRA, L., STAMPAR, S., ROCHA, R. & DIAS, G., 2019. Exotic species dominate marinas between the two most populated regions in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 146, 884-892.).

Ciona robusta (formely identified on Brazil as C. intestinalis) was reported by Millar (1958MILLAR, R. H. 1958. Some ascidians from Brazil. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1(8), 497-514.) in São Sebastião (São Paulo state), and later in Guanabara Bay (Rio de Janeiro state), by Costa (1969)COSTA, H. R. 1969. Notas sobre os Ascidiacea brasileiros. IV. Ordem Phlebobranchia (Lahille, 1887). Atas da Sociedade de Biologia do Rio de Janeiro, 12(5-6), 289-292. in 1958 and 1961, and elsewhere in Rio de Janeiro (Marins et al., 2009MARINS, F. O., OLIVEIRA, C. S., MACIEL, N. M. V. & SKINNER, L. F. 2009. Reinclusion of Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Cionidae) in Brazil - a methodological view. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e112.) and São Paulo (Rocha, 1995ROCHA, R. M. 1995. Abundance and distribution of sessile invertebrates under intertidal boulders (São Paulo, Brazil). Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico, 43(1), 71-88.; Rocha and Bonnet, 2009ROCHA, R. M. & BONNET, N. Y. K. 2009. Ascídias (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) introduzidas no Arquipélago de Alcatrazes, São Paulo. Iheringia. Series Zoologie, 99(1), 27-35.; Dias et al., 2013DIAS, G. M., ROCHA, R. M., LOTUFO, T. M. C. & KREMER, L. P. 2013. Fifty years of ascidian biodiversity research in São Sebastião, Brazil. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93(1), 273-282, DOI:
; Vieira et al., 2012VIEIRA, E. A., DUARTE, L. F. L. & DIAS, G. M. 2012. How the timing of predation affects composition and diversity of species in a marine sessile community?. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 412, 126-133, DOI:
) coasts in the following decades. Rhodosoma turcicum has been recorded from the states of Bahia (Rocha et al., 2012aROCHA, R. M., BONNET, N. Y. K., BAPTISTA, M. S. & BELTRAMIN, F. S. 2012. Introduced and native Phlebobranch and Stolidobranch solitary ascidians (Tunicata: Ascidiacea) around Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Zoologia (Curitiba), 29(1), 39-53, DOI:
) and Rio de Janeiro (Skinner et al., 2013SKINNER, L. F., OLIVEIRA, G. C. M., BARBOZA, D. F., TENÓRIO, A. A. & SOARES, D. C. 2013. First record of the Ascidiacea Rhodosoma turcicum in the south-west Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biodiversity Records, 6, e37, DOI:

We describe here the current distribution of Ciona robusta and Rhodosoma turcicum in coastal areas of Rio de Janeiro (~250 km in total), highlighting the importance of sea temperature on their distributions. We also discuss the current knowledge on possible transport vectors and their spreading along the southeast Brazilian coast.


This study was performed with research authorization from the Instituto Estadual do Ambiente - INEA (Auth. #057/2011 and 025/2017), RESEX Arraial do Cabo (ICMBio Auth. #25024), and Estação Ecológica Tamoios (ICMBio - Auth. #36194).

Study Area

The present study was conducted within the coastal transition zone between Tropical and Warm Temperate regions (Spalding et al., 2007SPALDING, M. D., FOX, H. E., ALLEN, G. R., DAVIDSON, N., FERDAÑA, Z. A., FINLAYSON, M., HALPERN, B. S., JORGE, M. A., LOMBANA, A., LOURIE, S. A., MARTIN, K. D., MCMANUS, E., MOLNAR, J., RECCHIA, C. A. & ROBERTSON, J. 2007. Marine ecoregions of the world: a bioregionalization of coastal and shelf areas. BioScience, 57(7), 573-583, DOI:
) in Rio de Janeiro State (Figure 1A and 1B). The area has intense maritime activities like shipping, harbor, oil industry and other nautical activities, such as tourism, fishing, and coastal development (Silva et al., 2018SILVA, A. C. P., SPATA, A. O. & LIMA, M. S. C. 2018. Gestão ambiental integrada na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro: a avaliação de impactos cumulativos e sinérgicos entre cidades milionárias - o exemplo da baia de Sepetiba (RJ). Confins, 38, DOI:
; INEA, 2015INEA (Instituto Estadual do Ambiente). 2015. Diagnóstico do setor costeiro da Baía da Ilha Grande: Subsídios à elaboração do zoneamento ecológico-econômico costeiro - Volume I [online]. Rio de Janeiro: INEA. Available at: [Acessed 12 Nov. 2019].
; Ignacio et al., 2010IGNACIO, B. L., JULIO, L. M., JUNQUEIRA, A. O. R. & FERREIRA-SILVA, M. A. G. 2010. Bioinvasion in a Brazilian bay: filling gaps in the knowledge of southwestern Atlantic biota. PLoS ONE, 5(9), e13065, DOI:
). The climate is considered tropical humid, with a rainy season from October to April, and a dry season from May to September. Despite that general pattern, rainfall can vary greatly along the coast, mainly due to the proximity of the Serra do Mar Mountains, with average annual rainfall rates varying from 800 to 2,100mm (INEA 2015INEA (Instituto Estadual do Ambiente). 2015. Diagnóstico do setor costeiro da Baía da Ilha Grande: Subsídios à elaboração do zoneamento ecológico-econômico costeiro - Volume I [online]. Rio de Janeiro: INEA. Available at: [Acessed 12 Nov. 2019].
; Coe et al., 2007COE, H. H., CARVALHO, C. N., SOUZA, L. O. & SOARES, A. 2007. Peculiaridades ecológicas da região de Cabo Frio. Revista Tamoios, 3(2), 1-20.). There is a seasonal upwelling, which is stronger close to Cabo Frio, becoming weaker close to Ilha Grande Bay (Valentin, 2001VALENTIN, J. L. 2001. The Cabo Frio upwelling system, Brazil. In: SEELIGER, U. & KJERFVE, B. (eds.). Coastal marine ecosystems of Latin America. Berlin: Springer. pp. 97-105.; Creed et al., 2007CREED, J. C., PIRES, D. O. & FIGUEIREDO, M. A. O. 2007. Biodiversidade marinha da baía da Ilha Grande. Brasília: Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA)/Secretaria de Biodiversidade e Florestas (SBF).).

Figure 1
Surveyed areas on the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil: Cabo Frio (green), Guanabara Bay (blue), Sepetiba Bay (yellow), and Ilha Grande Bay (red).

Water monitoring - sea surface temperatures

Sea surface temperatures (SST) were measured using IButton(R) sensors programmed to record every hour at Cabo Frio and Ilha Grande Bay (at two sites in the latter: Dois Rios and Ponta Leste). The sensors were accommodated inside falcon tubes (to protect them from direct contact with the seawater) and placed at depths of 1-2 m, depending on the site. The shallow positions of the sensors ensured that no effects of water stratification were measured. SST data were aggregated monthly, and mean, and standard deviations were calculated. SST measurements were initiated in 2012 and extended until January 2014 in Cabo Frio and December 2019 in Ilha Grande Bay. Additionally, we extracted monthly SST data from satellite imagery during the period between January 2009 and December 2019 (data provided by NCEP, OISST Version 2, available from, from the Brazilian Navy Oceanographic Buoys Program (PIRATA), and from the National Oceanographic Data Center (BNDO, 2020BNDO (Base Nacional de Dados Oceanográficos). 2020. Centro de Hidrografia da Marinha - Dados PNBOIA [online]. Brasil: Marinha do Brasil. Available at: [Accessed 8 May 2020].
) for Cabo Frio, covering 2009-2010, 2012-2013, and 2016-2018.


We employed two sampling strategies: on artificial experimental structures (Marins et al., 2009MARINS, F. O., OLIVEIRA, C. S., MACIEL, N. M. V. & SKINNER, L. F. 2009. Reinclusion of Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Cionidae) in Brazil - a methodological view. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e112.; Kremer and Rocha, 2011KREMER, L. P. & ROCHA, R. M. 2011. The role of Didemnum perlucidum F. Monniot, 1983 (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) in a marine fouling community. Aquatic Invasions, 6(4), 441-449, DOI:
; Skinner et al., 2013SKINNER, L. F., OLIVEIRA, G. C. M., BARBOZA, D. F., TENÓRIO, A. A. & SOARES, D. C. 2013. First record of the Ascidiacea Rhodosoma turcicum in the south-west Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biodiversity Records, 6, e37, DOI:
) and by active SCUBA or free diving searches. Our approach was similar to Kakkonen et al. (2019)KAKKONEN, J. E., WORSFOLD, T. M., ASHELBY, C. W., TAYLOR, A. & BEATON, K. 2019. The value of regular monitoring and diverse sampling techniques to assess aquatic non-native species: a case study from Orkney. Management of Biological Invasions, 10(1), 46-79, DOI:
, which emphasize habitats favoring ascidian recruitment.

Artificial structures

Granite plates (21 x 12cm) and sandwich black polyethylene plates (15×15cm), sensu Kremer and Rocha (2011)KREMER, L. P. & ROCHA, R. M. 2011. The role of Didemnum perlucidum F. Monniot, 1983 (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) in a marine fouling community. Aquatic Invasions, 6(4), 441-449, DOI:
were used to collect ascidians within protected cages, needed to prevent fish predation on ascidian recruits (Marins et al., 2009MARINS, F. O., OLIVEIRA, C. S., MACIEL, N. M. V. & SKINNER, L. F. 2009. Reinclusion of Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Cionidae) in Brazil - a methodological view. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e112.; Skinner et al., 2013SKINNER, L. F., OLIVEIRA, G. C. M., BARBOZA, D. F., TENÓRIO, A. A. & SOARES, D. C. 2013. First record of the Ascidiacea Rhodosoma turcicum in the south-west Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biodiversity Records, 6, e37, DOI:
). The experimental units were immersed 1 m below the surface at 11 sites positioned in the study areas: Cabo Frio (at Itajuru Inlet, Forno Harbor, and Cabo Frio Island); Guanabara Bay (Urca and Praia Vermelha); Sepetiba Bay (Junqueira and Guaíba Island); and Ilha Grande Bay (Piraquara de Fora, Praia do Anil, Ponta Leste, Abraão, and Dois Rios). Polyethylene plates were installed only at sites off Ilha Grande (Table 1).

Table 1
Survey sites, including geographical coordinates, survey methods, and types of substrates sampled.

Scuba and free diving

Exploratory scuba diving was undertaken for periods of 50 minutes each, actively searching for solitary ascidians on potentially predator-protected substrates such as holes, caves, or under boulders (Rocha, 1995ROCHA, R. M. 1995. Abundance and distribution of sessile invertebrates under intertidal boulders (São Paulo, Brazil). Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico, 43(1), 71-88.). Those searches were performed at 26 sites at Ilha Grande Bay and two sites at Cabo Frio (Table 1). Free diving was used at some sites with submerged artificial structures; no scuba diving was undertaken in Guanabara Bay or Sepetiba Bay due to low water visibility.

Data analysis

Mean monthly SST was calculated from daily data for Cabo Frio and Ilha Grande Bay collected by Ibutton® sensors and buoys. Satellite SST was retrieved to gain a wide temporal and regional perspective. Mean SST values (< 25.0ºC and > 25.1ºC) were used in combination with records of Ciona robusta and Rhodosoma turcicum in the selected temperature ranges to perform a square Fisher analysis (Underwood 1997UNDERWOOD, A. J. 1997. Experiments in ecology: their logical design and interpretation using analysis of variance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, DOI:
) testing the hypothesis that temperature influences Ciona robusta distribution, but not Rhodosoma turcicum occurrences. The SST value of 25ºC was chosen as the upper physiological limit of survival for C. robusta (Caputi et al., 2015CAPUTI, L., CROCETTA, F., TOSCANO, F., SORDINO, P. & CIRINO, P. 2015. Long-term demographic and reproductive trends in Ciona intestinalis sp. A. Marine Ecology, 36(1), 118-128, DOI:
; Rocha et al., 2017ROCHA, R. M., CASTELLANO, G. C. & FREIRE, C. A. 2017. Physiological tolerance as a tool to support invasion risk assessment of tropical ascidians. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 577, 105-119, DOI:
; Kim et al., 2019KIM, M. K., KIM, D. H., PARK, J. U., KIM, D. H., YOON, T. J., KIM, D. G., LEE, Y. & SHIN, S. 2019. Effects of temperature and salinity on the egg development and larval settlement of Ciona robusta (Ascidiacea, Phlebobranchia, Cionidae). Ocean Science Journal, 54, 97-106, DOI:
). The physiological temperature limits for R. turcicum are unknown, but due to its tropical distribution the species may thrive in water temperatures higher than 22ºC, as suggested by Shenkar and Loya (2009)SHENKAR, N. & LOYA, Y. (2009). Non-indigenous ascidians (Chordata: Tunicata) along the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e166, DOI:


Water temperature monitoring

SST data from Ibutton® sensors, buoys, and satellites indicated large SST variations between seasons, years, and monitoring methods (Figure 2). Satellite data from 2009 to 2019 indicated seasonal oscillations of SST, with higher values (circa 27ºC) during the austral Spring-Summer, except during the 2011-2012 season (mean 23.5ºC). The mean SST estimated by this method ranged from 20.5 to 27.5ºC (mean 24ºC). Data from Ibutton® and buoys showed more extreme SST values (both high and low).

Figure 2
Mean sea surface temperatures (SST) at Ilha Grande Bay (IGB, red line), Cabo Frio (CF, blue line), and the southern coast of Rio de Janeiro State (green line) from January/2009 to December/2019. Data were obtained from Ibutton® sensors or oceanographic buoys for IGB and CF, and from satellite data for the southern coast of RJ ( Arrows indicate the samples of Rhodosoma turcicum (red arrow) or Ciona robusta (blue arrow). Gaps in plots represent absence of data due to malfunctioning or lost sensors.

At Ilha Grande Bay, the warmest summers occurred in 2014/2015 and 2016/2017, with 63.2% of approximately 3,300 SST records from November through March 2014/2015 higher than 27.1°C. In the 2016/2017 season, 84.2% of the SST records were higher than 24.1, and 40.8% higher than 27.1°C. SST values lower than 18.5ºC were associated to upwelling, as occurred in February/2014 and October/2017.

The SST at Cabo Frio (Figure 2) from June/2009 to October/2018 reveals the influence of local upwelling, usually occurring from September through March. Mean SST ranged from 16.7ºC in October/2012 to 26.4ºC in April/2017. Two seasons draw attention: October-December/2012 and March-April/2016, with very contrasting low temperatures in Cabo Frio compared to Ilha Grande Bay and the remaining study sites.

Combining the SST data from all sources, we estimated the mean monthly SST values for 99 months, of which the means of 53 months (54%) were lower than or equal to 25°C, while those of 43 months (46%) were higher than or equal to 25.1°C. Those data were used to test the influence of temperature on the presence of the two species.

Species occurrences

Ciona robusta Hoshino and Tokioka, 1967HOSHINO, Z. & TOKIOKA, T. 1967. An unusually robust Ciona from the northeastern coast of Honsyu Island, Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 15(4), 275-290.

Ciona individuals found along the coast of Rio de Janeiro agreed with the description of C. robusta by Hoshino and Tokioka (1967)HOSHINO, Z. & TOKIOKA, T. 1967. An unusually robust Ciona from the northeastern coast of Honsyu Island, Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 15(4), 275-290., as well as the revisions conducted by Sato et al. (2012)SATO, A., SATOH, N. & BISHOP, J. D. D. 2012. Field identification of ‘types’ A and B of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis in a region of sympatry. Marine Biology, 159(7), 1611-1619, DOI:
and Brunetti et al. (2015)BRUNETTI, R., GISSI, C., PENNATI, R., CAICCI, F., GASPARINI, F. & MANNI, L. 2015. Morphological evidence that the molecularly determined Ciona intestinalis type A and type B are different species: Ciona robusta and Ciona intestinalis. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 53(3), 186-193, DOI:
. The tunic of C. robusta is cartilaginous, yellowish, with the siphons having almost equal sizes at the anterior end of the body. The tunic has many tubercular protuberances, although they are sometimes restricted to the siphon or anterior regions. The body is covered by six strong longitudinal bands, from the posterior end of the body up to the siphons and red spots were observed at the margin between adjacent siphon lobes. The circular muscles of the siphons are not as strong as the longitudinal muscles, and do not form bands.

We analyzed the material collected between 2008 and 2013 from all regions of Rio de Janeiro State (Figure 3), and those deposited at the Zoological Collection of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (CZFFP), as listed in Table 2.

Figure 3
Occurrences of Ciona robusta (blue triangles) and Rhodosoma turcicum (red cross) in this study along the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.

Table 2
Vouchers numbers of Ciona robusta individuals identified and deposited in the Zoological Collection of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (CZFFP).

Ciona robusta was recorded on artificial plates in all surveyed regions (Figure 3). Ilha Grande Bay was the only site with occurrences on natural substrates, specifically at Jorge Grego Island (depth 18m), where eight individuals were found under large boulders, which are habitats resembling those simulated by experimental cages.

The lengths of the 33 individuals collected ranged from 40 to 150 mm, with the largest specimens being those collected on natural substrates at Jorge Grego Island, at depths of 18m. The maximum number of individuals collected was 8, at Jorge Grego Island (natural substrate, August/2013), and six at Guaíba Island (artificial substrate, May/2009) (Table 3).

Table 3
Ciona robusta records for the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, from 2009 to 2013, in the regions of Cabo Frio, Guanabara Bay, Sepetiba Bay, and Ilha Grande Bay, including sites, years and months of records, and the total number of individuals collected (** - information not available).

Rhodosoma turcicum (Savigny, 1816SAVIGNY, J., 1816. Mémoires sur les Animaux sans vertèbres. Paris.)

The material analyzed comprised specimens collected between 2009 and 2019 at Cabo Frio and Ilha Grande Bay (Figure 3). Most individuals were encountered within protected cages, while those found on natural substrates were under boulders - and so protected from predators. The specimens are deposited in the Zoological Collection of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (CZFFP), as listed in Table 4.

Table 4
Vouchers of Rhodosoma turcicum individuals analyzed and deposited in the Zoological Collection of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (CZFFP).

We have identified 114 individuals obtained on 30 sampling dates. The maximum numbers of individuals collected were 13 (July/2011) and 11 (October/2010 and June/2014) found at Forno Harbor, in the Cabo Frio Region, all on artificial substrates (Table 5). Most individuals were collected during 2010 (n=31) and 2011 (n=32), the most intensively studied years at Cabo Frio.

Table 5
List of Rhodosoma turcicum records for the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, from 2010 to 2019, in the regions near Cabo Frio region and Ilha Grande Bay, including sites, years and months of records, and the total number of individuals collected (** - information not available).

The entire specimens examined (with tunic) varied from 9 to 41 mm in length and 3 to 23 mm in width. Their tunics were thick with epibionts and had greenish colorations that were lost after fixation. They were attached to the substrate by the right sides of their bodies. We found small papillae on the tunics, mainly close to the anterior region of the body. A lid in that region can be displaced by internal muscles to cover both oral and atrial siphons. It is easier to spot individuals in the field when the lid is open. Dissected individuals showed short and simple oral tentacles. Muscles were visible close to the siphons and extended onto the hinge of the lid. The dorsal tubercles were horseshoe-shaped. The pharynx was plain, without folds, and had straight stigmata and papillae sustaining the vessels. Our specimens conformed well with the descriptions provided by Van Name (1945)VAN NAME, W. G. 1945. North and South American ascidians. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 84, 1-462., Kott (1985KOTT, P. 1985. The Australian Ascidiacea part I: Phlebobranchia and Stolidobranchia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 23, 1-440., 2005)KOTT, P. 2005. Catalogue of Tunicata in Australian waters. Canberra: Australian Biological Resources Study., and Rocha et al. (2012aROCHA, R. M., ZANATA, T. B. & MORENO, T. R. 2012. Keys for the identification of families and genera of Atlantic shallow water ascidians. Biota Neotropica, 12(1), 269-303, DOI:
, b)ROCHA, R. M., BONNET, N. Y. K., BAPTISTA, M. S. & BELTRAMIN, F. S. 2012. Introduced and native Phlebobranch and Stolidobranch solitary ascidians (Tunicata: Ascidiacea) around Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Zoologia (Curitiba), 29(1), 39-53, DOI:

The influence of temperature on species occurrences

Ciona robusta was recorded 15 times within the temporal window considered. Among those records, 86.7% occurred with SST between 21-25°C, and 53.3% occurred with SST between 23.1 to 25.0°C. Only two records (13.3%) occurred with SST higher than 25.1°C. The Fisher exact test was significant (p=0.023; 1 d.f.), indicating this environmental variable as a driver of the presence of C. robusta.

Among the 27 records of R. turcicum, 11.1% corresponded to SST below 21.0°C, 59.3% between 21.1-25.0°C, 25.9% between 25.1-29°C and 3.7% with SST higher than 29.1°C. The Fisher exact test was not significant (p=0.1160; 1 d.f.), indicating that temperature did not influence the presence of R. turcicum.


We detected a wider distribution range of Ciona robusta than previously recorded for the studied area (Millar, 1958MILLAR, R. H. 1958. Some ascidians from Brazil. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1(8), 497-514.; Costa, 1969COSTA, H. R. 1969. Notas sobre os Ascidiacea brasileiros. IV. Ordem Phlebobranchia (Lahille, 1887). Atas da Sociedade de Biologia do Rio de Janeiro, 12(5-6), 289-292.; Marins et al., 2009MARINS, F. O., OLIVEIRA, C. S., MACIEL, N. M. V. & SKINNER, L. F. 2009. Reinclusion of Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Cionidae) in Brazil - a methodological view. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e112.). The only previously collected specimens that we have examined were those of Marins et al. (2009)MARINS, F. O., OLIVEIRA, C. S., MACIEL, N. M. V. & SKINNER, L. F. 2009. Reinclusion of Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Cionidae) in Brazil - a methodological view. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e112. but considering the confirmation of recent specimens in Rio de Janeiro as C. robusta, and the widespread occurrence of that species in the Southern Hemisphere, we believe that earlier records in Brazil belongs to this species and not to C. intestinalis, and should be corrected (Sato et al., 2012SATO, A., SATOH, N. & BISHOP, J. D. D. 2012. Field identification of ‘types’ A and B of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis in a region of sympatry. Marine Biology, 159(7), 1611-1619, DOI:
; Brunetti et al., 2015BRUNETTI, R., GISSI, C., PENNATI, R., CAICCI, F., GASPARINI, F. & MANNI, L. 2015. Morphological evidence that the molecularly determined Ciona intestinalis type A and type B are different species: Ciona robusta and Ciona intestinalis. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 53(3), 186-193, DOI:

Ciona robusta was detected at Ilha Grande Bay during an early phase of our monitoring, which appears to be related to intermediate water temperatures. This is because we have not recorded C. robusta at Ilha Grande Bay since 2013, when higher than normal SSTs (sometimes reaching 33°C) have occurred (Skinner, 2018aSKINNER, L. F. 2018a. Sea surface temperature measured since 2012 for Ponta leste, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Researchgate [online]. Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2019], DOI:
, bSKINNER, L. F. 2018b. Sea surface temperature measured since 2012 for Dois Rios cove, Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Researchgate [online]. Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2019], DOI:
). The temperature tolerance range of C. robusta was experimentally tested by Kim et al. (2019)KIM, M. K., KIM, D. H., PARK, J. U., KIM, D. H., YOON, T. J., KIM, D. G., LEE, Y. & SHIN, S. 2019. Effects of temperature and salinity on the egg development and larval settlement of Ciona robusta (Ascidiacea, Phlebobranchia, Cionidae). Ocean Science Journal, 54, 97-106, DOI:
and showed that egg development and larval settlement is greater at temperatures between 16 and 20°C. Caputi et al. (2019)CAPUTI, L., TOSCANO, F., ARIENZO, M., FERRARA, L., PROCACCINI, G. & SORDINO, P. 2019. Temporal correlation of population composition and environmental variables in the marine invader Ciona robusta. Marine Ecology, 40(2), e12543, DOI:
indicated that C. robusta density is associated with SST, with low densities from May to September, the time period with the highest SSTs (24.3 to 27.5ºC). Rocha et al. (2017)ROCHA, R. M., CASTELLANO, G. C. & FREIRE, C. A. 2017. Physiological tolerance as a tool to support invasion risk assessment of tropical ascidians. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 577, 105-119, DOI:
reported that a temperature range of 20 to 25ºC is best for egg, larval, and adult development and recruitment. Our data, in a multiyear comparison, indicate predominance of C. robusta records during periods with mean SST lower than 25.0ºC, corroborating the findings of Caputi et al. (2015)CAPUTI, L., CROCETTA, F., TOSCANO, F., SORDINO, P. & CIRINO, P. 2015. Long-term demographic and reproductive trends in Ciona intestinalis sp. A. Marine Ecology, 36(1), 118-128, DOI:

Previous records of C. robusta in Brazil were made from Cabo Frio (RJ) to São Paulo (Millar, 1958MILLAR, R. H. 1958. Some ascidians from Brazil. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1(8), 497-514.; Costa, 1969COSTA, H. R. 1969. Notas sobre os Ascidiacea brasileiros. IV. Ordem Phlebobranchia (Lahille, 1887). Atas da Sociedade de Biologia do Rio de Janeiro, 12(5-6), 289-292.; Marins et al., 2009MARINS, F. O., OLIVEIRA, C. S., MACIEL, N. M. V. & SKINNER, L. F. 2009. Reinclusion of Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Cionidae) in Brazil - a methodological view. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e112.; Rocha and Bonnet, 2009ROCHA, R. M. & BONNET, N. Y. K. 2009. Ascídias (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) introduzidas no Arquipélago de Alcatrazes, São Paulo. Iheringia. Series Zoologie, 99(1), 27-35.; Dias et al., 2013DIAS, G. M., ROCHA, R. M., LOTUFO, T. M. C. & KREMER, L. P. 2013. Fifty years of ascidian biodiversity research in São Sebastião, Brazil. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 93(1), 273-282, DOI:
), covering the Warm Temperate Southwestern Atlantic (WTSA) Marine Ecoregion (Spalding et al., 2007SPALDING, M. D., FOX, H. E., ALLEN, G. R., DAVIDSON, N., FERDAÑA, Z. A., FINLAYSON, M., HALPERN, B. S., JORGE, M. A., LOMBANA, A., LOURIE, S. A., MARTIN, K. D., MCMANUS, E., MOLNAR, J., RECCHIA, C. A. & ROBERTSON, J. 2007. Marine ecoregions of the world: a bioregionalization of coastal and shelf areas. BioScience, 57(7), 573-583, DOI:
; Bouchemousse et al., 2016BOUCHEMOUSSE, S., BISHOP, J. D. & VIARD, F. 2016. Contrasting global genetic patterns in two biologically similar, widespread and invasive Ciona species (Tunicata, Ascidiacea). Scientific Reports, 6, 24875, DOI:
), influenced by upwelling events, mainly during spring and summer months. SST values in the Cabo Frio region may drop below 20ºC (Skinner et al., 2011SKINNER, L. F., MACHARET, H. K. L. & COUTINHO, R. 2011. Influence of upwelling and tropical environments on the breeding development of the intertidal barnacle Tetraclita stalactifera (Lamarck, 1818). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 59(4), 349-356, DOI:
; Batista et al., 2017BATISTA, D., GONÇALVES, J. E. A., MESSANO, H. F., ALTVATER, L., CANDELLA, R., ELIAS, L. M. C., MESSANO, L. V. R., APOLINÁRIO, M. & COUTINHO, R. 2017. Distribution of the invasive orange cup coral Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 in an upwelling area in the South Atlantic Ocean fifteen years after its first record. Aquatic Invasions, 12(1), 23-32, DOI:
; Boltovskoy and Valentin, 2018BOLTOVSKOY, D. & VALENTIN, J. L. 2018. Overview of the history of biological oceanography in the southwestern Atlantic, with emphasis on plankton. In: HOFFMEYER, M. S., SABATINI, M. E., BRANDINI, F. P., CALLIARI, D. L. & SANTINELLI, N. H. Plankton ecology of the southwestern Atlantic [ebook]. Cham: Springer, pp. 3-34. Available at: [Accessed 15 Apr. 2020].
). Extreme high SST, however, can prevent reproduction or even kill adults growing in shallow waters in the region (Caputi et al., 2015CAPUTI, L., CROCETTA, F., TOSCANO, F., SORDINO, P. & CIRINO, P. 2015. Long-term demographic and reproductive trends in Ciona intestinalis sp. A. Marine Ecology, 36(1), 118-128, DOI:
; Rocha et al., 2017ROCHA, R. M., CASTELLANO, G. C. & FREIRE, C. A. 2017. Physiological tolerance as a tool to support invasion risk assessment of tropical ascidians. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 577, 105-119, DOI:
), which would contribute to the irregular historical records of the species along the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Those records, and successful introductions of C. robusta along the southeastern coast of Brazil, could be related to El Niño/La Niña events that increase or reduce SSTs in the Atlantic Ocean. The 2007-2008-2009, 2010-2011-2012 seasons, when some of our records were made, were characterized by strong to neutral La Niña seasons with negative average anomalies (NOAA, 2019NOAA. National Weather Service. Climate Prediction Center. 2019. El Niño/Southern oscillation (ENSO) diagnostic discussion [online]. Maryland: NOAA. Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2019].
). Data from sensors and buoys confirmed lower SSTs during those years. Records of C. robusta at Ilha Grande Bay ceased after the strong El Niño events of 2014-2015-2016, when SST reached 33ºC (at depths down to 10m) during summer months. There is no evidence of the presence of C. robusta at Cabo Frio in summer 2016 when SST presumably reached favorable conditions for the species (17 to 22ºC).

Shenkar et al. (2018)SHENKAR, N., SHMUEL, Y. & HUCHON, D. 2018. The invasive ascidian Ciona robusta recorded from a Red Sea marina. Marine Biodiversity, 48(4), 2211-2214, DOI:
argues that C. robusta is acclimated to both temperate and tropical areas, matching the environmental conditions of the southwestern Brazilian Coast. Bouchemousse et al. (2016)BOUCHEMOUSSE, S., BISHOP, J. D. & VIARD, F. 2016. Contrasting global genetic patterns in two biologically similar, widespread and invasive Ciona species (Tunicata, Ascidiacea). Scientific Reports, 6, 24875, DOI:
published the global distribution of C. robusta, which included the South Brazilian coast (after introductions in the mid-20th century). According to the SST patterns recorded along the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, the most suitable region for the continuous occupation of C. robusta is the region near Cabo Frio, where SST usually range from 12.5 to 29.0ºC (Skinner et al., 2011SKINNER, L. F., MACHARET, H. K. L. & COUTINHO, R. 2011. Influence of upwelling and tropical environments on the breeding development of the intertidal barnacle Tetraclita stalactifera (Lamarck, 1818). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 59(4), 349-356, DOI:
; Batista et al., 2017BATISTA, D., GONÇALVES, J. E. A., MESSANO, H. F., ALTVATER, L., CANDELLA, R., ELIAS, L. M. C., MESSANO, L. V. R., APOLINÁRIO, M. & COUTINHO, R. 2017. Distribution of the invasive orange cup coral Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 in an upwelling area in the South Atlantic Ocean fifteen years after its first record. Aquatic Invasions, 12(1), 23-32, DOI:

Ciona robusta is an invasive species, often fouling substrates in aquaculture farms (Clancey and Hinton, 2003CLANCEY, L. & HINTON, R. 2003. Distribution of the tunicate, Ciona intestinalis. Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia Department Agriculture and Fisheries.; Daley and Scavia, 2008DALEY, B. A. & SCAVIA, D. 2008. An integrated assessment of the continued spread and potential impacts of the colonial ascidian, Didemnum sp. A, in US waters. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS, 78, 1-70.; Ramsay et al., 2008RAMSAY, A., DAVIDSON, J., LANDRY, T. & STRYHN, H. 2008. The effect of mussel seed density on tunicate settlement and growth for the cultured mussel, Mytilus edulis. Aquaculture, 275(1-4), 194-200, DOI:
; Fofonoff et al., 2019FOFONOFF, P. W., RUIZ, G. M., STEVES, B., HINES, A. H. & CARLTON, J. T. 2019. National exotic marine and estuarine species information system. Nemesis [online]. Available at: [Accessed 13 Dec. 2019].
; Global Invasive Species Database, 2019GISD (Global Invasive Species Database). 2019. Species profile: Ciona intestinalis [online]. Abu Dhabi: GISD. Available at: [Accessed 10 May 2020].
; Kim et al., 2019KIM, M. K., KIM, D. H., PARK, J. U., KIM, D. H., YOON, T. J., KIM, D. G., LEE, Y. & SHIN, S. 2019. Effects of temperature and salinity on the egg development and larval settlement of Ciona robusta (Ascidiacea, Phlebobranchia, Cionidae). Ocean Science Journal, 54, 97-106, DOI:
), and their establishment in bivalve farms along the southern Brazilian coast is a threat to that industry. The socking or pearl net methods (Baylon, 1990BAYLON, C. B. 1990. Culture of bivalve molluscs. Selected papers on mollusc culture [online]. Bangkok: NDP/FAO Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project (RAS/90/002). Available at: [Accessed 10 May 2020].
) usually employed by farmers help to prevent predation events but could favor C. robusta recruitment, growth, and spread. Some fouling prevention procedures can also deter C. robusta development, but certain suspended structures can serve as refuge for the species.

Rhodosoma turcicum was first recorded at Cabo Frio from 2009 to 2012 (Skinner et al., 2013SKINNER, L. F., OLIVEIRA, G. C. M., BARBOZA, D. F., TENÓRIO, A. A. & SOARES, D. C. 2013. First record of the Ascidiacea Rhodosoma turcicum in the south-west Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biodiversity Records, 6, e37, DOI:
), at Sepetiba Bay in 2012, and at Ilha Grande Bay from 2012 to 2019. There are other reports about this species on northeast Brazil, at Bahia and Ceará, but those records remain unpublished on thesis and reports. The species was recorded on both artificial and natural substrates at Ilha Grande and Cabo Frio. The first records of R. turcicum at Ilha Grande Bay were on eastern sites (2012); records from the most western site refer to 2018 and 2019 samples. Thus, our records and those from Granthom-Costa et al. (2016)GRANTHOM-COSTA, L. V., FERREIRA, C. G. W. & DIAS, G. M. 2016. Biodiversity of ascidians in a heterogeneous bay from southeastern Brazil. Management of Biological Invasions, 7(1), 5-12, DOI:
indicate that this species is spreading in Rio de Janeiro State, mainly at Cabo Frio and Ilha Grande Bay. The alternative hypothesis of variable sampling effort is not supported because even at sites where sampling was performed along an extensive period, from early 2012 to 2019, records of this species were scarce.

SST lower than 25ºC and up to 31ºC do not appear to be limiting for R. turcicum, as our surveys both at the warmest (Piraquara de Fora) and at the coldest sites (Arraial do Cabo Bay) recorded the species. Based on the global distribution of R. turcicum, its temperature range is from 20 to 30ºC, with most records within the 25 - 30ºC range (OBIS, 2019OBIS (Ocean Biodiversity Information System). 2019. Rhodosoma turcicum (Savigny, 1815) [online]. New Jersey: OBIS. Available at: [Accessed 20 Nov. 2019].
). Shenkar and Loya (2009)SHENKAR, N. & LOYA, Y. (2009). Non-indigenous ascidians (Chordata: Tunicata) along the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e166, DOI:
suggested 22ºC as the lower limit for this species. It is a tropical species recorded from the Caribbean, Mediterranean, and the Red Sea, and is tolerant to high temperatures.

Some aspects are relevant to the detection of C. robusta and R. turcicum. The tunics of both species are reasonably soft as compared to other solitary ascidians recorded on natural or artificial substrates in Rio de Janeiro State, such as Phallusia nigra Savigny, 1816SAVIGNY, J., 1816. Mémoires sur les Animaux sans vertèbres. Paris., Styela plicata (Lesueur, 1823), Herdmania pallida (Heller, 1878), and Microcosmus exasperatus Heller, 1878 (Marins et al., 2010MARINS, F. O., NOVAES, R. L. M., ROCHA, R. M. & JUNQUEIRA, A. O. R. 2010. Non indigenous ascidians in port and natural environments in a tropical Brazilian bay. Zoologia (Curitiba), 27(2), 213-221, DOI:
; Granthom-Costa et al., 2016; Skinner et al., 2016SKINNER, L. F., BARBOZA, D. F. & ROCHA, R. M. 2016. Rapid assessment survey of introduced ascidians in a region with many marinas in the southwest Atlantic Ocean, Brazil. Management of Biological Invasions, 7(1), 13-20, DOI:
). Those differences in tunic thicknesses and chemical/physical defenses will be determinant for ascidian palatability to predators such as fish (Monniot et al., 1991MONNIOT, C., MONNIOT, F. & LABOUTE, P. 1991. Coral reef ascidians of New Caledonia (No. 30). Paris: Editions de I’ORSTOM.; Tarallo et al., 2016TARALLO, A., YAGI, M., OIKAWA, S., AGNISOLA, C. & D’ONOFRIO, G. 2016. Comparative morphophysiological analysis between Ciona robusta and Ciona savignyi. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 485, 83-87, DOI:
). The recently described Pyura beta Skinner, Rocha & Counts (2019)SKINNER, L. F., ROCHA, R. M. & COUNTS, B. K. 2019. Pyura gangelion and Pyura beta Sp. Nov. (Ascidiacea: Pyuridae): An exotic and a new tunicate from the west Atlantic. Zootaxa 4545 (2): 264. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4545.2.6.
, recognized as introduced into the SW Atlantic, also have a hard tunic that reduces predation. The effects of predator control on Ciona spp. (Marins et al., 2009MARINS, F. O., OLIVEIRA, C. S., MACIEL, N. M. V. & SKINNER, L. F. 2009. Reinclusion of Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Cionidae) in Brazil - a methodological view. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e112.; Dumont et al., 2011DUMONT, C. P., GAYMER, C. F. & THIEL, M. 2011. Predation contributes to invasion resistance of benthic communities against the non-indigenous tunicate Ciona intestinalis. Biological Invasions, 13(9), 2023-2034, DOI:
) and other ascidian species are frequently cited in the literature (Epelbaum et al., 2009EPELBAUM, A., PEARCE, C. M., BARKER, D. J., PAULSON, A. & THERRIAULT, T. W. 2009. Susceptibility of non-indigenous ascidian species in British Columbia (Canada) to invertebrate predation. Marine Biology, 156(6), 1311-1320, DOI:
; Freestone et al., 2011FREESTONE, A. L., OSMAN, R. W., RUIZ, G. M. & TORCHIN, M. E. 2011. Stronger predation in the tropics shapes species richness patterns in marine communities. Ecology, 92(4), 983-993.).

Another common and important factor potentially affecting species introduction and spreading is the proximity of harbors and marinas. The region from Cabo Frio to São Sebastião in the SW Atlantic experiences intense marine ship traffic, potentially connecting those coastal areas to several tropical and subtropical biogeographical realms throughout the world (Seebens et al., 2013SEEBENS, H., GASTNER, M. T. & BLASIUS, B. 2013. The risk of marine bioinvasion caused by global shipping. Ecology Letters, 16(6), 782-790, DOI:
; Brasil, 2019BRASIL. Ministério da Infraestrutura. 2019. Plano Mestre - Complexo portuário de Forno/RJ - Sumário Executivo [online]. Rio de Janeiro: Ministério da Infraestrutura. Available at: [Accessed 15 Dec. 2019].
; Sardain et al., 2019SARDAIN, A., SARDAIN, E. & LEUNG, B. 2019. Global forecasts of shipping traffic and biological invasions to 2050. Nature Sustainability, 2, 274-282.). Transoceanic cruise ships, passenger vessels, and many fishing boats and yachts cross those waters daily, and could locally spread introduced species (Zabin et al., 2014ZABIN, C. J., ASHTON, G. V., BROWN, C. W., DAVIDSON, I. C., SYTSMA, M. D. & RUIZ, G. M. 2014. Small boats provide connectivity for nonindigenous marine species between a highly invaded international port and nearby coastal harbors. Management of Biological Invasions, 5(2), 97-112, DOI:
; Skinner et al., 2016SKINNER, L. F., BARBOZA, D. F. & ROCHA, R. M. 2016. Rapid assessment survey of introduced ascidians in a region with many marinas in the southwest Atlantic Ocean, Brazil. Management of Biological Invasions, 7(1), 13-20, DOI:
; Kauano et al., 2017KAUANO, R. V., ROPER, J. J. & ROCHA, R. M. 2017. Small boats as vectors of marine invasion: experimental test of velocity and desiccation as limits. Marine Biology, 164, 27, DOI:

It will be necessary to establish continuous monitoring and experimental procedures considering predator exclusion near Cabo Frio to test the hypothesis that the continuous records of C. robusta there, in contrast to the discontinuous sightings at Ilha Grande and other regions, can be attributed to the lower SST related to upwelling. It would also represent a good opportunity to test the effects of upwelling strength and other climatic and oceanographic variables such as wind intensity and direction on C. robusta establishment.


Authors would like to thank Dr. Helena Passeri Lavrado (UFRJ) for the suggestions on statistical analysis and the two referees who suggested many improvements in this manuscript. This work was supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - FAPERJ (Proc. #E-26/11.454/2011). The authors are grateful for the scholarship awarded to DFB by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001, the logistic support provided by CEADS-UERJ.


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Edited by

Editor: Rubens M. Lopes
Associate Editor: Abilio Soares-Gomes

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Apr 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    03 Sept 2020
  • Accepted
    01 Apr 2021
Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico 191, CEP: 05508-120, São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Tel.: (11) 3091-6501 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil