This study analyses the feeding ecology of Brevortia aurea (Brazilian menhaden) larvae during a reproductive season in the Río de la Plata estuary (RPE), and explores its changes along larval development. Data were obtained from stomach content analyses of 205 individuals collected with a Bongo net during spring 2001. Larvae were discriminated into preflexion (PF), flexion (F) and post-flexion (PsF) stages. Feeding was described using complementary metrics like Feeding incidence (FI), the Relative Importance of different prey types consumed (IRI), the Degree of prey digestion (E) and Diet overlap (D), which were estimated and compared between stages. Also, larval morphometric relationships (body length, BL vs mouth width, MW) and between MW and maximum prey width (Wmax) were established for the range of observed larval sizes. The overall FI was 46.3% and increased with the development stage: 40.4% PF, 63.3% F, 78.6% PsF. Feeding occurred mainly during sunlit hours but no clear daily cycle could be established. Copepods and in particular Acartia tonsa were well represented among ingested preys, followed by invertebrate eggs and nauplii. Prey diversity and overlap between stages tended to decrease as development progressed. B. aurea exhibited isometric growth of MW in relation to BL. Average Wmax was 222.5 µm ± 100.9 SD, and increased non-linearly with both BL and MW. Gape size alone did not seem to be the limiting factor for prey choice (size), and we hypothesize that factors involved in the feeding mechanism other than mouth gape and linked with capture performance substantially influence the feeding ecology of this species in the RPE.
Fish larval feeding; Larval morphometry; Brazilian menhaden; Lacha;
Acartia tonsa
Brevoortia aurea (Spix and Agassiz, 1829VON SPIX, J. B. & AGASSIZ, L. 1829. Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam annos MDCCCXVII-MDCCCXX jussu et auspiciis Maximiliani Josephi I. colleget et pingendso curavit Dr J. B. de Spix. Monachii, 9-101.) -locally named as Lacha (Uruguay)- is an estuarine-dependent, pelagic coastal species present in South West Atlantic coastal waters between 13°S (Brazil) and 40°S (Argentina). This is the only Brevoortia species that inhabits South American Atlantic waters (Cousseau and Díaz de Astarloa, 1993COUSSEAU, M. B. & DÍAZ DE ASTARLOA, J. M. 1993. El género Brevoortia en la costa Atlántica sudamericana. Frente Maritimo, 14(1), 49-57.; García et al., 2008GARCÍA, G., VERGARA, J. & GUTIÉRREZ, V. 2008. Phylogeography of the Southwestern Atlantic menhaden genus Brevoortia (Clupeidae, Alosinae). Marine Biology, 155(3), 325-336.). It is an important and often dominant component of the fish community of the Río de la Plata Estuary (RPE) (Cousseau, 1985COUSSEAU, M. B. 1985. Los peces del Río de la Plata y su Frente Marítimo. In: YÁNEZ-ARANCIBIA, A. (ed.). Fish community ecology in estuaries and coastal lagoons: towards an ecosystem integration. México: UNAM Press, pp. 515-534.; Boschi, 1988BOSCHI, E. E. 1988. El ecosistema estuarial del Río de la Plata (Argentina y Uruguay). Anales del Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 15, 159-182.), and other microtidal estuaries along the Uruguayan coast (Santana and Fabiano, 1999SANTANA, O. & FABIANO, G. 1999. Medidas y mecanismos de administración de los recursos de las lagunas costeras del litoral Atlántico del Uruguay (lagunas José Ignacio, Garzón, de Rocha y de Castillos). In: REY, M., AMESTOY, F. & ARENA, G. (eds.). Plan de investigación pesquera. INAPE – PNUD URU/92/003, pp. 1-34.; Gurdek and Acuña-Plavan, 2016GURDEK, R. & ACUÑA-PLAVAN, A. 2016. Temporal dynamics of a fish community in the lower portion of a tidal creek, Pando sub-estuarine system, Uruguay. Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 107, e2017003.; Gurdek et al., 2016GURDEK, R., DE LA ROSA, A., CORRALES, D., CANAVESE, R., GUTIERREZ, J. M., STEBNIKI, S., MUÑOZ, N., SEVERI, V. & ACUÑA-PLAVAN, A. 2016. Estuarine use and composition of fish species in the Solís Grande sub-estuary, Uruguay. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 11(1), 82-86.; Rodríguez, 2016RODRÍGUEZ, C. 2016. Ciclo gonadal y Potencial Reproductivo de la lacha (Brevoortia aurea) en la Laguna de Rocha. MSc. Uruguay: Universidad de la República.). As other clupeids, B. aurea plays an important role in the cycling of matter in pelagic marine ecosystems linking primary producers and higher consumers. Adults are filter feeders which feed mainly on plankton (Sánchez, 1989SÁNCHEZ, M. F. 1989. Características morfológicas del aparato digestivo y espectro trófico de la Saraca (Brevoortia aurea, Clupeiformes, Pisces). Physis, 47(112), 21-33.; Giangiobbe and Sánchez, 1993GIANGIOBBE, A. & SÁNCHEZ, F. 1993. Alimentación de la Saraca. Frente Marítimo, 14(A), 71-80.), and are in turn important components in the diet of several larger fishes (Rivera Prisco et al., 2001RIVERA-PRISCO, A., GARCÍA DE LA ROSA, S. B. & DÍAZ DE ASTARLOA, J. M. 2001. Feeding ecology of flatfish juveniles (Pleuronectiformes) in Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Estuaries, 24(6A), 917-925.; Norbis and Galli, 2004NORBIS, W. & GALLI, O. 2004. Feeding habits of the flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1842) in a shallow coastal lagoon of the southern Atlantic Ocean: Rocha, Uruguay. Ciencias Marinas, 30(4), 619-626.; López Cazorla and Forte, 2005LOPEZ-CAZORLA, A. & FORTE, S. 2005. Food and feeding habits of flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus (Jenyns, 1842) in Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina. Hydrobiologia, 549, 251-257.; De Wysiecki et al., 2018DE WYSIECKI, A. M., MILESSI, A. C., WIFF, R. & JAUREGUIZAR, A. J. 2018. Highest catch of the vulnerable broadnose sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus in the south-west Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology, 92(2), 543-548.), and birds (Mauco and Favero, 2004MAUCO, L. & FAVERO, M. 2004. Diet of the common tern (Sterna hirundo) during the non breeding season in mar chiquita lagoon, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ornitologia Neotropical, 15, 121-131.). The species also supports coastal artisanal and industrial-scale fisheries in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay (Lorenzo et al., 2015LORENZO, M. I., DEFEO, O., MONIRIC, N. R. & ZYLICHC, K. 2015. Fisheries catch statistics for Uruguay. Fisheries Centre - The University of British Columbia Working Paper, 25, 1-6.; Biolé et al., 2020BIOLÉ, F. G., VOLPEDO, A. V. & THOMPSON, G. A. 2020. Length-weight and length-length relationship for three marine fish species of commercial importance from southwestern Atlantic Ocean coast. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 48(3), 506-513.).
Based on previous investigations, there is well established knowledge on the biogeography, phylogeny (Cousseau and Díaz de Astarloa, 1993COUSSEAU, M. B. & DÍAZ DE ASTARLOA, J. M. 1993. El género Brevoortia en la costa Atlántica sudamericana. Frente Maritimo, 14(1), 49-57.; García et al., 2008GARCÍA, G., VERGARA, J. & GUTIÉRREZ, V. 2008. Phylogeography of the Southwestern Atlantic menhaden genus Brevoortia (Clupeidae, Alosinae). Marine Biology, 155(3), 325-336.; Bonetti Pozzobon et al., 2021BONETTI, A. P. P., GONÇALVES, P. R., ANDERSON, J. D., ROCHA, L. A., DÍAZ DE ASTARLOA, J. M. & DI DARIO, F. 2021 Phylogenetic relationships, genetic diversity and biogeography of menhadens, genus Brevoortia (Clupeiformes, Clupeidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 160, 107108.) and life history of juvenile-adult stages of B. aurea (e.g. Acha and Macchi 2000ACHA, E. M. & MACCHI, G. J. 2000. Spawning of Brazilian menhaden, Brevoortia aurea, in the Río de la Plata estuary off Argentina and Uruguay. Fishery Bulletin US, 98(2), 227-235.; Valiñas et al., 2012VALIÑAS, M. S., MOLINA, L. C., ADDINO, M., MONTEMAYOR, D. I., ACHA, E. M. & IRIBARNE, O. O. 2012. Biotic and environmental factors affect Southwest Atlantic saltmarsh use by juvenile fishes. Journal of Sea Research, 68, 49-56.; Bruno et al., 2015BRUNO, D. O., COUSSEAU, M. B., DÍAZ DE ASTARLOA, J. M. & ACHA, E. M. 2015. Recruitment of juvenile fishes into a small temperate choked lagoon (Argentina) and the influence of environmental factors during the process. Scientia Marina, 79(1), 43-55.; Lajud et al., 2016LAJUD, N. A., DÍAZ DE ASTARLOA, J. M. & GONZÁLEZ-CASTRO, M. 2016. Reproduction of Brevoortia aurea (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) (Actinopterygii: Clupeidae) in the Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Neotropical Ichthyology, 14(1), e150064.; Rodríguez, 2016RODRÍGUEZ, C. 2016. Ciclo gonadal y Potencial Reproductivo de la lacha (Brevoortia aurea) en la Laguna de Rocha. MSc. Uruguay: Universidad de la República.). Knowledge on larval stages has lagged behind, but few studies have addressed larval development (de Ciechomski 1968DE CIECHOMSKI, J. D. 1968. Huevos y larvas de tres especies de peces marinos, Anchoa marinii, Brevoortia aurea y Prionotus nudigula del Atlántico Sudoccidental. Boletín del Instituto de Biología Marina, 17, 1-28.; Cassia and García de la Rosa, 1993CASSIA, M. C. & GARCÍA DE LA ROSA, S. B. 1993. Características diferenciales del desarrollo larval de Brevoortia aurea en el Atlántico Sudoccidental. Frente Marítimo, 14(A), 63-69.), the distribution of eggs and larvae, and their occurrence in relation to hydrography (Berasategui et al., 2004BERASATEGUI, A. D., ACHA, E. M. & FERNÁNDEZ ARAOZ, N. C. 2004. Spatial patterns of ichthyoplankton assemblages in the Río de la Plata Estuary (Argentina-Uruguay). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 60(4), 599-610.; Hoffimayer et al., 2009HOFFMAYER, M. S., MENÉNDEZ, M. C., BIANCALANA, F., NIZOVOY, A. M. & TORRES, E. R. 2009. Ichthyoplankton spatial pattern in the inner shelf off Bahía Blanca Estuary, SW Atlantic Ocean. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 84(3), 383-392.; Machado et al., 2011MACHADO, I., CONDE, D. & RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L. 2011. Composition and spatial distribution of the ichthyoplankton in intermittently-open coastal lagoons off Uruguay. Panamerican Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 6(3), 237-243., 2021MACHADO, I., RODRÍGUEZ-GALLEGO, L., LESCANO, C. & CALLIARI, D. 2021. Species-specific traits and the environment drive ichthyoplankton fluxes between an intermittently closed-open lagoon and adjacent coastal waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 261(1), 107549.). However, knowledge on the trophic ecology of B. aurea during larval stages is fragmentary. Larvae of B. aurea were described as zooplanktivores, with the bulk of their diet made up of developmental stages of calanoids copepods (Giangiobbe and Sánchez, 1993GIANGIOBBE, A. & SÁNCHEZ, F. 1993. Alimentación de la Saraca. Frente Marítimo, 14(A), 71-80.; Machado et al., 2017MACHADO, I., CALLIARI, D., DENICOLA, A. & RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L. 2017. Coupling suitable prey field to in situ fish larval condition and abundance in a subtropical estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 187, 31-42.), and with indirect significant carbon contributions of macrodetritus and resuspended debris in shallow coastal lagoons (Bruno, 2014BRUNO, D. O. 2014. Patrones de utilización de la laguna Mar Chiquita (Buenos Aires, Argentina) y área costera adyacente por parte de los primeros estadios ontogénicos de peces. DSc. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, DOI: https://doi.org/10.13140/2.1.3208.7043
Studies based on larval feeding contribute relevant information to understand recruitment processes, their mechanisms and the fluctuations of fish populations (Fuiman and Werner, 2000FUIMAN, L. A. & WERNER, R. G. 2000. Fishery science: the unique contributions of early life stages. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.). Traits such as size and biochemical composition of preys (Machado et al., 2017MACHADO, I., CALLIARI, D., DENICOLA, A. & RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L. 2017. Coupling suitable prey field to in situ fish larval condition and abundance in a subtropical estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 187, 31-42.) appear to be key determinant of successful feeding in fish larvae. In turn, endogenous factors as body length and mouth gape size correlate with the size of prey consumed (e.g. Pepin and Penney, 1997PEPIN, P. & PENNEY, R. W. 1997. Patterns of prey size and taxonomic composition in larval fish: are there general size-dependent models? Journal of Fish Biology, 51(SA), e84-e100.), and it has been hypothesized that fish larvae are gapelimited predators. However, the average size of prey consumed is in many cases well below that predicted by mouth-size vs prey-size relationships (Arthur, 1976ARTHUR, D. K. 1976. Food and feeding of larvae of three fishes occurring in the California Current, Sardinops sagax, Engraulis mordax and Trachurus symmetricus. Fishery Bulletin US, 74, 517-530.; Krebs and Turingan, 2003KREBS, J. M. & TURINGAN, R. G. 2003. Intraspecific variation in gape–prey size relationships and feeding success during early ontogeny in red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 66, 75-84.).
The RPE and inner shelf waters are important spawning and nursery areas for several fish species including B. aurea, where the salinity front and wind patterns favour larval retention within the estuary (Acha and Macchi, 2000ACHA, E. M. & MACCHI, G. J. 2000. Spawning of Brazilian menhaden, Brevoortia aurea, in the Río de la Plata estuary off Argentina and Uruguay. Fishery Bulletin US, 98(2), 227-235.; Simionato et al., 2008SIMIONATO, C. G., BERASATEGUI, A., MECCIA, V. L., ACHA, M. & MIANZAN, H. 2008. On the short time-scale wind forced variability in the Río de la Plata Estuary and its role on ichthyoplankton retention. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Sciences, 76(2), 211-226.; Braverman et al., 2009BRAVERMAN, M. S., ACHA, M., GAGLIARDINI, D. A. & RIVAROSSA M. 2009. Distribution of whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri. Desmarest 1823) larvae in the Río de la Plata estuarine front. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science, 82(4), 557-565.). That area offers shelter and higher temperatures which benefit larval survival (Berasategui et al., 2004BERASATEGUI, A. D., ACHA, E. M. & FERNÁNDEZ ARAOZ, N. C. 2004. Spatial patterns of ichthyoplankton assemblages in the Río de la Plata Estuary (Argentina-Uruguay). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 60(4), 599-610.). Despite the relevance for fish recruitment, current knowledge on the trophic ecology of fish larvae from of RPE is very scarce (Rodríguez-Graña et al., 2018RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L., VERA, M., CERVETTO, G. & CALLIARI, D. 2018. Trophic Ecology of white croacker (Micropogonias furnieri Desmarest 1823) and rough scad (Trachurus lathami Nichols 1920) larvae in Río de la Plata Estuary. In: SABATINI, M. E., BRANDINI, F., CALLIARI, D. & SANTINELLI, N. (eds.). Plankton ecology of the Southwestern Atlantic - From the subtropical to the subantarctic realm. Part IV. Plankton of Coastal Systems. New York: Springer, pp. 349-371.), and particularly for B. aurea.
In this context, the feeding ecology of larval B. aurea was analysed in terms of type and size of ingested prey, feeding preferences, and feeding variability along the daily cycle. The analysis considered different development stages during one reproductive season at RPE (austral spring). The larvae of B. aurea were expected to differ in feeding strategies between developmental stages, which were further explored based on the analysis of intraspecific morphometric relationships and their links to ecological descriptors such as prey size.
Study area and sampling collection
Plankton samples were collected on board the R/V Aldebarán during November 2001 (From November 17 to 19). A total of 25 stations arranged in three transects (T1, T2, T3) were surveyed within the RPE (Fig. 1). Environmental data (vertical profiles of salinity and water temperature) were recorded with a CTD profiler SBE-19. Salinity derived from conductivity measurements corresponds to the practical scale and is reported without units.
Study area. Left panel: Location of the study site at Rio de la Plata estuary of Uruguay. Right panel: sampling stations. Larvae of B. aurea and other plankton were sampled at stations marked as full circles. Open circles indicate hydrographic-only stations. The right inset expands the box in the bigger map. T = transect.
Fish larvae were collected from oblique tows from near the bottom to the surface (bottom depth ranged from 6 to 36 m) with a 50 cm mouth diameter Bongo net fitted with a 300 μm mesh net and a General Oceanic® flowmeter to estimate the volume of water sampled. Tows were performed between 8:30 to 23:30 local time but mostly occurred during daylight hours. All samples were preserved in 4% marine formaldehyde buffered with borax.
Brevoortia aurea larvae were sorted from plankton samples under stereomicroscope and identified based on taxonomical keys (Weiss, 1981WEISS, G. 1981. Ictioplancton del estuario de Lagoa Dos Patos, Brasil. DSc. La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata.; Cassia and García de la Rosa, 1993CASSIA, M. C. & GARCÍA DE LA ROSA, S. B. 1993. Características diferenciales del desarrollo larval de Brevoortia aurea en el Atlántico Sudoccidental. Frente Marítimo, 14(A), 63-69.). Specimens were classified in three developmental stages: preflexion (PF), flexion (F) and posflexion (PsF). Larvae were dissected and their gut contents analysed. Prior to dissection, the following metrics were taken from each specimen to the nearest 0.1 mm: i) body length (BL) as notochord length (LN mm) in PF and F larvae, and standard length (SL mm) in PsF larvae, and ii) mouth width (MW mm; as the width between the posterior edges of the maxillae in ventral view).
Diet was determined by gut content analyses; the digestive tract from each larva was dissected under high-magnification microscope and prey items identified, counted, and measured to the nearest 0.01 mm using an inverted microscope. Prey size was expressed as its maximum width (Wmax; μm) according to Busch (1996)BUSCH, A. 1996. Transition from endogenous to exogenous nutrition: larval size parameters determining the start of external feeding and size of prey ingested by Ruegen spring herring Clupea harengus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 130, 39-46..
Feeding incidence (% FI) was assessed as the percentage of larvae with prey in the guts (Pepin et al., 2015PEPIN, P., ROBERT, D., BOUCHARD, C., DOWER, J. F., FALARDEAU, M., FORTIER, L., JENKINS, G. P., LECLERC, V., LEVESQUE, K., LLOPIZ, J. K., MEEKAN, M. G., MURPHY, H. M., RINGUETTE, M., SIROIS, P. & SPONAUGLE, S. 2015. Once upon a larva: revisiting the relationship between feeding success and growth in fish larvae. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences, 72(2), 359-373.). Feeding rhythm was described based on FI according to the time of the day when the corresponding sample was collected. The degree of digestion (E) of food items was determined according to a qualitative scale into three categories: (E1) not digested or only slightly digested prey (entire and recognizable items), (E2) half digested (items not complete but still recognizable), (E3) digested (disintegrated, unrecognizable items) (Rodríguez-Graña et al., 2005RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L., CASTRO, L., LOUREIRO, M. GONZÁLEZ, H. E. & CALLIARI, D. 2005. Feeding ecology of dominant larval myctophids in an upwelling area of the Humboldt Current. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 290, 119-134.).
The composition of the diet was summarized as frequency of occurrence (% FO) and percent in number (% N) of prey items in PF, F and PsF larval stages (Hyslop, 1980HYSLOP, E. J. 1980. Stomach contents analysis. A review of methods and their application. Journal of Fish Biology, 17, 411-429.). The product of these two factors yields an index of relative dietary importance referred to as IRI (%) (Pinkas et al., 1971PINKAS, L., OLIPHANT, M. S. & IVERSON, I. L. K. 1971. Food habits of albacore, bluefin tuna and bonito in Californian waters. Fishery Bulletin, 152, 1-150.).
Diet overlap between stages was compared using the similarity index D (Schoener, 1968SCHOENER, T. 1968. The Anolis lizards of Bimini: resource partitioning in a complex fauna. Ecology, 49, 704-726.):
where pi is the proportion of item i in the diet of stage p, and qi is the proportion of item i in the diet of stage q. D ranges between 0 (diets do not overlap) and 1 (diets completely overlap) where values above 0.6 are considered as indicative of ecologically significant overlap (Wallace, 1981WALLACE JUNIOR, R. K. 1981. An assessment of diet-overlap indexes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 110(1), 72-76.). Index D was estimated for prey items classified according to two alternative criteria: i) prey type (taxonomic affiliation), and ii) prey size. Prey sizes were classified in six categories that approximately match functional groups: ≤ 50 µm (e.g. phytoplankton, small protozoan microplankton: tintinnids, dinoflagellates), 51-100 µm (e.g eggs of copepods and of other invertebrates, large microzooplankton), 101-150 µm (nauplii and other invertebrate larvae), > 151-200 µm (larger nauplii, and other invertebrate larvae), 201-300 µm (copepodites and small adult stages of small copepod species) and > 300 µm (copepodites and adult copepods).
All the calculations and statistical analyses were performed under the R platform (R Core development team 2020R CORE TEAM. 2020. R: A language and environment for statistical computing [online]. Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing. Available at: https://www.R-project.org. [Accessed: 2020 Oct 20].
). Body morphometric relationships (mouth width vs body length) and morphometrics relationships with prey size (mouth width and body length vs prey width) were explored using nonlinear squares fitting. For body morphometric relationships alternative model formulations were explored and selected based on Akaike information criterion (Burnham and Anderson, 2002BURNHAM, K. P. & ANDERSON, D. R. 2002. Model selection and multimodel inference. A practical information-theoretic approach. 2nd ed. New York: Springer.). The relationship between prey sizes vs larval length, and prey size vs larval mouth width were explored using non-linear quantile regression as implemented in {quantreg} library for R. That allowed to evaluate the change in upper and lower size limits of ingested prey along larval development wichwere represented by quantiles 90 and 10 (upper and lower prey size limits, respectively).
Environmental conditions at RPE
Hydrographic conditions over the surveyed area were characterised by ample ranges in temperature (14.84 – 22.07 °C) and salinity (< 1 – 31.57) (Fig. 2).
Horizontal fields of (A) surface salinity and (B) surface temperature (°C) at Río de la Plata Estuary during spring 2001. Circles correspond to Brevoortia aurea larvae abundances (ind. 10 m-3).
Brevoortia aurea larvae were found in stations representing the whole range of environmental conditions, i.e., in nearly the full spectrum between freshwater and full marine conditions (Fig. 2).
Feeding incidence and feeding rhythm
A total of 242 B. aurea larvae were collected and feeding analyses were performed on 205 individuals (total numbers per stage, PF n = 161, 78.5 %; F n = 30, 14.6 %; PsF n = 14, 6.8 %). Larvae in yolk sac stage were excluded from all analyses (37 individuals).
Overall feeding incidence FI was 46.3 %, discriminated in: 40.4 % for PF, 63.3 % for F, and 78.6 % for PsF larvae. Gut contents were mostly found in larvae collected in daylight hours, when PF and F larvae tended to exhibit higher FI values during the morning, while PsF larvae did so during the afternoon (Fig. 3A). Prey exhibited different degrees of digestion along the day but with no clear pattern; undigested prey (E1) represented 51.2 % of the total ingested prey, half-digested (E2) represented 37.6% and highly digested (E3) represented 11.2 % (Fig. 3B).
Brevoortia aurea in November 2001 of Río de la Plata. A) Feeding incidence (%) as a function of time of day and larval stage: PF = preflexion larva, F = flexion larvae, PsF = postflexion larvae; and B) Degree of digestion of ingested prey in larval guts as a function of time of day: undigested (black bars, E1), half-digested (white bars, E2), highly digested (gray bars, E3).
Diet composition, prey diversity and dietary overlap
The diet of B. aurea was composed by eleven types of prey: copepods and their developmental stages (copepodites and nauplii), invertebrate eggs, cladocerans, phytoplankton (diatoms and other non identified species), dinoflagellates, gastropods and bivalve larvae, ostracods and tintinnids (Fig. 4). Acartia tonsa represented 60.4 % of copepods ingested followed by Oncaea sp. (4.4 %).
Examples of ingested prey by Brevoortia aurea larvae collected at Río de la Plata estuary photographed under microscope with digital camera. From left to right and top to bottom: dinofagellate, bivalve larva, tintinnid, invertebrate egg, copepod nauplii, adult copepod Oithona in cursive spp., adult copepod Acartia tonsa. Images were processed with Inkscape 0.92® and Gimp 2.8.22® free software.
The index of relative importance (IRI) showed slight differences between stages, mainly in the proportion of similar items: PF larvae fed on a wide variety of preys (11 items) dominated by juvenile and adult copepods (IRI = 81.4 %), invertebrate eggs (IRI = 10.32 %) and copepod nauplii (IRI = 3.83%); F larvae fed on 5 types of prey where copepods showed an IRI = 87.3 %, invertebrate eggs IRI = 8.3 % and phytoplankton 2.1%; PsF larvae fed on 3 types of prey, but with an overwhelming dominance of copepods (IRI = 99.9 %, Table 1).
Brevoortia aurea. Prey composition and index of relative dietary importance (IRI, %) expressed as total number (N%) and frequency of occurrence (FO%) of items in the diet discriminated by larval stages: preflexion (PF), flexion (F) and postflexion (PsF). n/i = not identified, Inv. = invertebrate.
The dietary overlap (D index) between stages based on the type of prey evolved from high overlap between PF and F stages (D = 0.85) to low overlap between PF and PsF stages (D = 0.56; Table 2). Diet overlap followed a similar trend according to the size of the ingested prey: PF and F larvae evidenced a high overlap as they tended to consume prey in similar size ranges (D = 0.79), but low overlap was found between PF and PsF larvae (D = 0.20; Table 2).
Brevoortia aurea. Dietary overlap index (D) between preflexion larvae and flexion larvae (D PF-F), preflexion larvae and posflexion larvae (D PF-PsF), and flexion larvae and posflexion larvae (D F-PsF) based on two criteria: prey type and total prey size (above). Number of preys ingested discriminated by prey size classes (µm) and larval stages (below).
Morphometric relationships and prey size
Body size of B. aurea larvae collected at RPE ranged from 2.44 to 27 mm (mean: 6.20 ± 3.13 mm) and mouth width ranged from 0.12 to 1.51 mm (mean: 0.39 ± 0.18 mm). Mean body size and mouth diameter discriminated by stage are shown in Table 3. Mouth width correlated strongly to body length according to an isometric pattern (Fig. 5, Table 4).
Brevoortia aurea larvae body length and mouth width mm, mean ± standard deviation (mm) discriminated by larval stage.
Brevoortia aurea. Relationship between body size (mm) and mouth width (mm). Regression details are shown in Table 4.
Brevoortia aurea: Regressions ft to characterize morphometric relationships. On top: Mouth width vs Body length. Fitted equation: Y = a * X^b. Number of observations is 159. Middle: Prey width vs Body length. Fitted equation: Y = a + X^b. Number of observations is 254 τ = percentile for regression fit (5% and 95%). Bottom: Prey width vs Mouth width. Fitted equation is: Y = a + X^b. Number of observations is 204. τ = percentile for regression ft (5% and 95%).
The size spectrum of ingested prey ranged between 7 to 378.2 μm (mean 188.1 ± 116.9 μm). Prey width increased non-linearly with both larval body size and larval mouth width. The maximum and minimum size of prey ingested at different larval sizes followed very similar patterns along the larval body size range, as indicated by non-linear quantile regression (Fig. 6A, Table 4). In turn, some differences were observed in the increase of maximum and minimum prey sizes along the larval mouth width range: the minimum prey size increased faster at the lower end of the mouth width range, and the maximum prey size grew at a lower pace compared to both minimum and median prey sizes, and particularly at small values of mouth width (Fig. 6B, Table 4).
Brevoortia aurea. Quantile relationship between prey width and body length (A) and between prey width and mouth width (B). Black lines represent the 50% quantile, and grey dashed lines represent 5% and 95% quantile regression lines (upper and lower, respectively). Regression details are shown in Table 4.
Brevoortia aurea larvae in the RPE were omnivore and showed a variety of prey items within a wide size range, and fed mostly at sunlit hours; however, this feeding behaviour did not show an homogeneous trend along ontogeny. The larval stages of B. aurea exhibited differences in terms of feeding incidence, preferences in type, and size of ingested prey linked to morphological changes along ontogeny.
Overall feeding incidence was low or moderate in relation to other species from the same region (Rodríguez-Graña et al., 2018RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L., VERA, M., CERVETTO, G. & CALLIARI, D. 2018. Trophic Ecology of white croacker (Micropogonias furnieri Desmarest 1823) and rough scad (Trachurus lathami Nichols 1920) larvae in Río de la Plata Estuary. In: SABATINI, M. E., BRANDINI, F., CALLIARI, D. & SANTINELLI, N. (eds.). Plankton ecology of the Southwestern Atlantic - From the subtropical to the subantarctic realm. Part IV. Plankton of Coastal Systems. New York: Springer, pp. 349-371.) but within similar to other clupeids (Kurtz and Matsuura, 2001KURTZ, F. W. & MATSUURA, Y. 2001. Food and feeding ecology of Brazilian sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis) larvae from the southeastern Brazilian Bight. Revista Brasilera de Oceanografía, 49(1-2), 61-74.), and feeding incidence increased from smaller to larger individuals. Low FI could result from the combination of the effect of sampling (artifact factor) with the anatomical characteristics of the larvae of this family. That is, clupeiform larvae have a tendency to regurgitation during sampling (Llopiz, 2013LLOPIZ, J. K. 2013. Latitudinal and taxonomic patterns in the feeding ecologies of fish larvae: a literature synthesis. Journal of Marine Systems, 109, 69-77.) due to an elongated body and straight digestive tube, where chances for the prey to be retained are lower in comparison to species with a looped gut type (Arthur, 1976ARTHUR, D. K. 1976. Food and feeding of larvae of three fishes occurring in the California Current, Sardinops sagax, Engraulis mordax and Trachurus symmetricus. Fishery Bulletin US, 74, 517-530.; Govoni et al., 1983GOVONI, J. J., HOSS, D. E. & CHESTER, A. J. 1983. Comparative feeding of three species of larval fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Brevoortia patronus, Leiostomus xanthurus, and Micropogonias undulatus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 13(2-3), 189-199.; Canino and Bailey, 1995CANINO, M. F. & BAILEY, K. M. 1995. Gut evacuation of walleye pollock larvae in response to feeding conditions. Journal of Fish Biology, 46(3), 389-403.). However, FI increased with advancing stage, probably linked to an increase in body length and mouth width, and associated physiological and ethological changes that improve feeding efficiency, as noted for other Brevoortia species (Higgs and Fuiman, 1996HIGGS, D. M. & FUIMAN, L. A. 1996. Ontogeny of visual and mechanosensory structure and function in Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199, 2619-2629.) (see next section).
Most fish larvae are visual predators during daylight hours, depend on a minimum illumination level (light intensity threshold) and thus exhibit feeding rhythms on a circadian scale. Feeding rhythms change during ontogeny related to -among other factors- the development of sensory abilities. In fish larvae, vision evolves during ontogeny as the structural development of the eye progresses, particularly with the appearance of cones and rods, the photosensitive cells in the retina (Evans and Browman, 2004EVANS, B. I. & BROWMAN, H. I. 2004. Variation in the development of the fish Retina. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 40, 145-166.). During early development the retina is dominated by cones, the vision capacity is very restricted and proper object detection relies on sharp contrast under bright light. In more advanced stages the retina acquires rods, improving its sensory capacities and allowing larvae to detect prey at twilight, or even at night (Evans and Browman, 2004EVANS, B. I. & BROWMAN, H. I. 2004. Variation in the development of the fish Retina. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 40, 145-166. and references therein). In the Northern Hemisphere, congeneric species Brevoortia tyrannus cone density is almost constant from hatching until 10 mm total length (TL), after which rods appears and gradually increase in number until 14 mm TL (Higgs and Fuiman, 1996HIGGS, D. M. & FUIMAN, L. A. 1996. Ontogeny of visual and mechanosensory structure and function in Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199, 2619-2629.). If a similar development pattern is valid for B. aurea, that could explain why larvae in PF stages showed high FI mostly during the early morning hours, while PsF larvae (14.1 mm SL ± 6.0) were able to feed efficiently (high FI) also late in the afternoon. However, low number of larvae captured at night do not allow to infer a nocturnal feeding behavior, and this issue deserves further investigation.
High digestive enzyme capacity has been recorded at night hours in larvae of certain clupeid and gadid species (Ueberschär, 1995UEBERSCHÄR, B. 1995. The use of tryptic enzyme activity measurement as a nutritional condition index: laboratory calibration data and field application. ICES Marine Science Symposium, 201, 119-129.). In this study, prey exhibited different degrees of digestion along the daily feeding cycle. The observed pattern was one of mostly undigested prey at daytime hours, preferentially early in the morning and early in the afternoon (with exception of two PF individuals captured at night). Taken together, results on feeding incidence and degree of prey digestion reinforce the idea that the earliest stages of B. aurea in the RPE feed during daylight hours, as most clupeids do (Arthur, 1976ARTHUR, D. K. 1976. Food and feeding of larvae of three fishes occurring in the California Current, Sardinops sagax, Engraulis mordax and Trachurus symmetricus. Fishery Bulletin US, 74, 517-530.).
The ontogenic change in food selection is a well known pattern in fish larvae (e.g. González-Queiroz and Anadon, 2001GONZÁLEZ-QUEIROZ, R. & ANADÓN, R. 2001. Diet breadth variability in larval blue whiting as a response to plankton size structure. Journal of Fish Biology, 59(5), 1111-1125.; Robert et al., 2011ROBERT, D., LEVESQUE, K., GAGNÉ, J. & FORTIER, L. 2011. Change in prey selectivity during the larval life of Atlantic cod in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence. Journal of Plankton Research, 33(1), 195-200.). These changes and the degree of prey selectivity are attributable to factors which may be inherent to the species or functional groups to which they belong. In our study, the diet of larval B. aurea shifted from small microplankton, mostly copepod eggs and nauplii during earlier stages, towards copepodites, and adults of small (Oncaea, Paracalanus) and larger-sized (Acartia tonsa) copepods during mid- and late-larval stages. Use of different prey (e.g. copepods) by larger larvae may also have a bioenergetic basis: increased energy requirements of larval metabolism as development progresses is sustained by an active selection of prey with higher quality composition, for example in terms of lipids (Salhi et al., 1997SALHI, M., IZQUIERDO, M. S., HERNÁNDEZ-CRUZ, C. M., SOCORRO, J. & FERNÁNDEZ-PALACIOS, H. 1997. The improved incorporation of polyunsaturated fatty acids and changes in liver structure in larval gilthead seabream fed on microdiets. Journal of Fish Biology, 51(5), 869-879.; Bessonart et al., 1999BESSONART, M., IZQUIERDO, M. S., SALHI, M., HERNÁNDEZ-CRUZ, C. M. & FERNÁNDEZ-PALACIOS, H. 1999. Effect of dietary arachidonic acid levels on growth and survival of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) larvae. Aquaculture, 179(1-4), 265-276., Cutts et al., 2006CUTTS, C. J., SAWANBOONCHUN, J., MAZORRA DE QUERO, C. & BELL, J. G. 2006. Diet-induced differences in the essential fatty acid (EFA) compositions of larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) with reference to possible effects of dietary EFAs on larval performance. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 63(2), 302-310.). Observations compatible with such pattern were made for a multi-species larval assemblage from a temperate microestuary at the same latitude (Machado et al., 2017MACHADO, I., CALLIARI, D., DENICOLA, A. & RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L. 2017. Coupling suitable prey field to in situ fish larval condition and abundance in a subtropical estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 187, 31-42.).
Copepods were the most consumed prey, and specifically Acartia tonsa was strongly consumed (60.4 % of copepods ingested), well beyond other species present at higher abundances (see Fig. S1, supplementary material). That finding suggests a preference for A. tonsa over other potential prey, probably arising from its high nutritional quality. However, a rigorous analysis of prey selectivity is impeded due to lack of quantitative data on field abundance of microplankton prey categories. The relatively high nutritional quality of copepods in comparison to other zooplankters is well known (Kainz et al., 2004KAINZ, M., ARTS, M. T. & MAZUMDER, A. 2004. Essential fatty acids in the Planktonic food web and their ecological role for higher trophic levels. Limnology and Oceanography, 49(5), 1784-1793.; Gonçalves et al., 2012GONÇALVES, A. M. M., AZEITEIRO, U. M., PARDAL, M. A. & DE TROCH, M. 2012. Fatty acid profiling reveals seasonal and spatial shifts in zooplankton diet in a temperate estuar y. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 109, 70-80.; Tiselius et al., 2012TISELIUS, P., HANSEN, B. W. & CALLIARI, D. 2012. Fatty acid transformation in zooplankton: from seston to benthos. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 446, 131-144.; Leu et al., 2013LEU, E., DAASE, M., SCHULZ, K. G., STUHR, A. & RIEBESELL, U. 2013. Effect of ocean acidification on the fatty acid composition of a natural plankton community. Biogeosciences, 10(2), 1143-1153.; Machado et al., 2017MACHADO, I., CALLIARI, D., DENICOLA, A. & RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L. 2017. Coupling suitable prey field to in situ fish larval condition and abundance in a subtropical estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 187, 31-42.). That characteristic, together with their high abundance and year-round occurrence in a wide range of sizes, makes copepods suitable preys for fish larvae (see supplementary information). Consistent results were found for other fish larvae in the RPE (Rodríguez-Graña et al., 2018RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L., VERA, M., CERVETTO, G. & CALLIARI, D. 2018. Trophic Ecology of white croacker (Micropogonias furnieri Desmarest 1823) and rough scad (Trachurus lathami Nichols 1920) larvae in Río de la Plata Estuary. In: SABATINI, M. E., BRANDINI, F., CALLIARI, D. & SANTINELLI, N. (eds.). Plankton ecology of the Southwestern Atlantic - From the subtropical to the subantarctic realm. Part IV. Plankton of Coastal Systems. New York: Springer, pp. 349-371.) and in other ecosystems, including subtropical and temperate estuaries and nursery areas (e.g. Pepin and Penney, 2000PEPIN, P. & PENNEY, R. W. 2000. Feeding by a larval fish community: impact on zooplankton. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 204, 199-212.; Robert et al., 2011ROBERT, D., LEVESQUE, K., GAGNÉ, J. & FORTIER, L. 2011. Change in prey selectivity during the larval life of Atlantic cod in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence. Journal of Plankton Research, 33(1), 195-200.; Llopiz, 2013LLOPIZ, J. K. 2013. Latitudinal and taxonomic patterns in the feeding ecologies of fish larvae: a literature synthesis. Journal of Marine Systems, 109, 69-77.; Temperoni and Viñas, 2013TEMPERONI, B. & VIÑAS, M. D. 2013. Food and feeding of Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) larvae in the Patagonian nursery ground. Fishery Research, 148, 47-55.). In particular A. tonsa matches well all such qualities as prey features, i.e., size range, quality as food, abundance in estuaries (Calliari et al., 2004CALLIARI, D., CERVETTO, G. & CASTIGLIONI, R. 2004. Summertime herbivory and egg production by Acartia tonsa at the Montevideo coast – Rio de la Plata. Ophelia, 58(2), 115-128.; Calliari et al., 2019CALLIARI, D., ESPINOSA, N., MARTÍNEZ, M. & RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L. 2019. Salinity regulation of copepod egg production in a large microtidal estuary. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 67, e19267.; Derisio et al., 2014DERISIO, C., BRAVERMAN, M., GAITÁN, E., HOZBOR, C., RAMÍREZ, F. C., CARRETO, J., BOTTO, F., GAGLIARDINI, D. A., ACHA, M. E. & MIANZAN, H. 2014. The turbidity front as a habitat for Acartia tonsa (Copepoda) in the Río de la Plata, Argentina-Uruguay. Journal of Sea Research, 85, 197-204.; Machado et al., 2017MACHADO, I., CALLIARI, D., DENICOLA, A. & RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L. 2017. Coupling suitable prey field to in situ fish larval condition and abundance in a subtropical estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 187, 31-42.; Rodríguez-Graña et al., 2018RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L., VERA, M., CERVETTO, G. & CALLIARI, D. 2018. Trophic Ecology of white croacker (Micropogonias furnieri Desmarest 1823) and rough scad (Trachurus lathami Nichols 1920) larvae in Río de la Plata Estuary. In: SABATINI, M. E., BRANDINI, F., CALLIARI, D. & SANTINELLI, N. (eds.). Plankton ecology of the Southwestern Atlantic - From the subtropical to the subantarctic realm. Part IV. Plankton of Coastal Systems. New York: Springer, pp. 349-371.). In fact, the high abundance of copepods and in particular of A. tonsa in the RPE (up to 10,000 ind. m-3, Calliari et al., 2004CALLIARI, D., CERVETTO, G. & CASTIGLIONI, R. 2004. Summertime herbivory and egg production by Acartia tonsa at the Montevideo coast – Rio de la Plata. Ophelia, 58(2), 115-128.; Derisio et al., 2014DERISIO, C., BRAVERMAN, M., GAITÁN, E., HOZBOR, C., RAMÍREZ, F. C., CARRETO, J., BOTTO, F., GAGLIARDINI, D. A., ACHA, M. E. & MIANZAN, H. 2014. The turbidity front as a habitat for Acartia tonsa (Copepoda) in the Río de la Plata, Argentina-Uruguay. Journal of Sea Research, 85, 197-204.; Marrari et al., 2004MARRARI, M., VIÑAS, M. D., MARTOS, P. & HERNÁNDEZ, D. 2004. Spatial patterns of mesozooplankton distribution in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (34°-41° S) during austral spring: relationship with the hydrographic conditions. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 61(4), 667-679.; Fig. S1, supplementary material) contributes to make that ecosystem a high quality nursery area for fish larvae, including B. aurea.
Diet shifts along ontogeny also generally contribute to decrease inter-cohort competition. Strong diet overlap between PF and F stages of B. aurea larvae according to both prey type and size could be interpretated as indicative of a potential competition between younger stages. The actual occurrence of competition and concomitant ecologically relevant densitydependent effects requires a significant impact of predation pressure on prey populations. No evidence exists so far on that matters, and given the typically high prey densities and planktonic production rates in the RPE (Ferrari and Pérez, 2002FERRARI, G. & PEREZ, M. C. 2002. Fitoplancton de la costa platense y Atlántica del Uruguay (1993-1994). Iheringia Serie Botanica, 57(2), 263-278.; Calliari et al., 2018CALLIARI, D., GÓMEZ-ERACHE, M., VIZZIANO CANTONNET, D. & ALONSO, C. 2018. Near-surface biogeochemistry and phytoplankton carbon assimilation in the Rio de la Plata Estuary. In: SABATINI, M. E., BRANDINI, F., CALLIARI, D. & SANTINELLI, N. (eds.). Plankton ecology of the Southwestern Atlantic - from the subtropical to the subantarctic realm. Part IV. Plankton of Coastal Systems. New York: Springer, pp. 289-306., 2019CALLIARI, D., ESPINOSA, N., MARTÍNEZ, M. & RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L. 2019. Salinity regulation of copepod egg production in a large microtidal estuary. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 67, e19267.), the emergence of competition seems unlikely. In any case, the likeliness of any potential competition decreases as development advances and dietary overlap diminishes.
During ontogeny larvae gradually shift their diet to larger prey items as they grow (Pepin and Penney, 1997PEPIN, P. & PENNEY, R. W. 1997. Patterns of prey size and taxonomic composition in larval fish: are there general size-dependent models? Journal of Fish Biology, 51(SA), e84-e100.). Differences in physiological abilities and morphology between stages or cohorts, -for example in terms of mouth and jaw size- lead to differences in prey selection. B. aurea exhibits deep changes in morphology during early development (Cassia and García de la Rosa, 1993CASSIA, M. C. & GARCÍA DE LA ROSA, S. B. 1993. Características diferenciales del desarrollo larval de Brevoortia aurea en el Atlántico Sudoccidental. Frente Marítimo, 14(A), 63-69.; Gianglobbe and Sánchez, 1993; Bonecker and Castro, 2006BONECKER, A. C. T. & CASTRO, M. S. 2006. Atlas de larvas de peixes da regiao central da Zona Econômica Exclusiva Brasileira - Série Livros no. 19. Rio de Janeiro: Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro.). Larvae smaller than 30 mm have teeth and rudimentary gill rakers in the form of rounded protuberances. After 30 mm of body length (at the beginning of metamorphosis), they lose the former and the gill rakers elongate and increase their number and its morphology resembles the mesh-like structure of adults where they become preferentially phytoplanktivorous. (Giangiobbe and Sánchez, 1993GIANGIOBBE, A. & SÁNCHEZ, F. 1993. Alimentación de la Saraca. Frente Marítimo, 14(A), 71-80.). In our study, B. aurea exhibited an isometric development where the increase in mouth width and body length proceeded at equal pace; this is to say, as larvae grow they are (potentially) able to ingest proportionally larger prey like copepods. But interestingly, changes in the size of ingested prey (and therefore prey type) occurred at different paces for minimum and maximum prey sizes along larval development. Unlike other species, where the minimum prey size increases gradually and almost constantly (Rodríguez-Graña et al., 2018RODRÍGUEZ-GRAÑA, L., VERA, M., CERVETTO, G. & CALLIARI, D. 2018. Trophic Ecology of white croacker (Micropogonias furnieri Desmarest 1823) and rough scad (Trachurus lathami Nichols 1920) larvae in Río de la Plata Estuary. In: SABATINI, M. E., BRANDINI, F., CALLIARI, D. & SANTINELLI, N. (eds.). Plankton ecology of the Southwestern Atlantic - From the subtropical to the subantarctic realm. Part IV. Plankton of Coastal Systems. New York: Springer, pp. 349-371.), here an acceleration or pronounced change in minimum prey size was evident early in development (below ca. 9 mm body length; 0.5 mm gape size). Instead, maximum prey size increased more gradually as the larvae grow (Fig. 6) and largest prey were much smaller than the mouth gape would allow. That is consistent with previous studies performed in Sardinops sagax and Engraulis mordax (Arthur, 1976ARTHUR, D. K. 1976. Food and feeding of larvae of three fishes occurring in the California Current, Sardinops sagax, Engraulis mordax and Trachurus symmetricus. Fishery Bulletin US, 74, 517-530.). The slow increase in prey size means that gape size alone may not be the limiting factor for prey choice, and particularly for maximum prey size. Instead, other factors may have limited prey consumption of larger prey such as poor larval swimming capabilities as described for this Order, combined with strong escape responses of larger prey (Hunter, 1972HUNTER, J. R. 1972. Swimming and feeding behavior of larval anchovy Engraulis mordax. Fishery Bulletin, 70(3), 821-838.; Lasker, 1984LASKER, R. 1984. The role of a stable ocean in larval fish survival and subsequent recruitment. In: LASKER, R. (ed.). Marine fish larvae. Morphology, Ecology and relation to fisheries. Washington, DC: Washington Sea Grant Program/University of Washington Press, pp. 80-88.), and/or the timing in the development of feeding structures involved in prey-capture (Hunt Von Herbing, 2001HUNT VON HERBING, I. 2001. Development of feeding structures in larval fish with different life histories: winter flounder and Atlantic cod. Journal of Fish Biology, 59(4), 767-782.). Studies focused on the mechanisms of prey capture and their development along ontogeny will contribute to elucidate the role of different processes in larval feeding performance and their implications for the recruitment of this species.
Authors wish to thank the working team at Dirección Nacional de Recursos Acuáticos (DINARA, Ministerio de Ganadería Agricultura y Pesca, Uruguay): G. Mantero, C. Mesones, L. Ortega and A. Martínez for their help with identification of fsh larvae, providing environmental data and access to plankton samples. Special thanks to M. Vera, I. Machado, D. Cambón and R. Castiglioni (Universidad de la República) for their collaboration during field and laboratory work. This study was supported by contract PDT S/C/ OP/36/10 (DINACYT, Uruguay). LRG and DC were supported by Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica (CSIC), Universidad de la República.
Supplementary material
SM- Abundance (individuals m-3) of total copepods (up-left), nauplii (up-right), Acartia tonsa (bottom-left) and Oithona spp. (bottom-right) sampled at RPE from november 17 to 19, 2001. Zooplankton samples were collected by oblique tows (from 1 to 2 m above the bottom and upwards) with a 19 cm diameter net fitted with a 68 μm mesh and a General Oceanic® flowmeter. Samples were preserved in buffered formaldehyde (~5% final concentration), and at the laboratory copepods were identified, staged and counted.
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