Open-access Determinants attributes of the low use of libraries: study in a federal public educational institution

This study aims to analyze the library users’ behavior of a federal public educational institution. For this purpose, we used a questionnaire applied to 291 actual and potential users of the library of IFMG - Campus Bambuí. The collected data were treated statistically using Excel and SPSS 17.0 with the application of descriptive, factor and discriminant analysis. The theoretical framework was based services marketing in nonprofit organizations, including the library, the service quality offered in information units, the library users’ behavior, the administrative and technical infrastructure, the use of libraries. After analyzing the data obtained in the research, the factors related to the use of the library are: infrastructure / collection / disclosure, encourage reading and reading habits. Among them, the factor access / disclosure is the one which has stronger relation with the low use of library services; followed to a lesser extent, the factor of encouraging the reading. It was also found that among the questioned people, 58% use library services with high frequency and 40%, with low frequency or do not use.

Library users; Library; Service marketing

Escola de Ciência da Informação da UFMG Antonio Carlos, 6627 - Pampulha, 31270- 901 - Belo Horizonte -MG, Brasil, Tel: 031) 3499-5227 , Fax: (031) 3499-5200 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
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