Resultados inesperados e principais exemplos de resistências à introdução de inovações em empresas de serviços brasileiras.
Tecnologia; organização; impacto das inovações
Several unexpected outcomes and collected examples of resistance to innovations among Brazilian service companies.
Technology; organization; novation of impact
Os impactos das novas tecnologias nas empresas prestadoras de serviços
José Ernesto Lima Gonçalves
Engenheiro de Produção pela POLI/USP, Mestre em Administração de Empresas pela FEA/USP e Consultor em Planejamento Empresarial e Informática
Resultados inesperados e principais exemplos de resistências à introdução de inovações em empresas de serviços brasileiras.
Palavras-chave: Tecnologia, organização, impacto das inovações.
Several unexpected outcomes and collected examples of resistance to innovations among Brazilian service companies.
Key words: Technology, organization, innovation of impact.
Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.
Full text available only in PDF format.
Artigo recebido pela redação da RAE em junho/93, aprovado para publicação em outubro/93.
1. SPROULL, Lee, GOODMAN Paul. Technology and organizations: integration and opportunities, in GOODMAN, Paul et al. (Eds.) Technology and organizations, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1990.
2. BARLEY, Stephen. The alignment of technology and structure through roles and networks, Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 35, n. 1, p 61-103, Mar. 1990.
3. FLEURY, Afonso C. C. Capacitação tecnológica e processo de trabalho: comparação entre o modelo japonês e o brasileiro, RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 30, n. 4 p. 23-30, out./dez. 1990
4. CUNNINGHAM, J. Barton, FARQUHARSON, John, HULL, Denis. A profile of human fear of technological change. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, v. 40, p. 355-70, 1991.
5. WEICK, Karl, Technology as equivoque: sensemaking in New Technologies. In: GOODMAN, Paul. Technology and Organizations. San Francisco,Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1991.
6. HUNT, Raymond. Technology and organizations. Academy of Management Journal, v. 13, n. 3,p.235-52,Sep.1970.
7. GONÇALVES,José Ernesto L. A., GOMES,Cecília A. A tecnologia e a realização do trabalho. RAE - Revista de Administracão de Empresas, v. 33, n. 1, jan/mar, 1993. 8. WEICK, Karl. Op. cit.
9. BROWNE, Lynn E. Visões conflitantes do progresso tecnológico. Economic Impact, Rio de Janeiro, v. 49, p. 8-14, jan. 1985.
10. ROSOW, J.M. People VS. hogh tech: adapting new technologies to the workplace. Management Review, New York, v. 73,n.9,p.25-8+,Sep.1984.
11. CUNNINGHAM, J. Barton, FARQUHARSON, John, HULL, Denis. Op. cit.
12. GOODMAN, Paul et aI. (Eds.). Technology and organizations, San Francisco, Jossey- Bass Publishers, 1990
13. Idem, ibidem.
14. HENDERSON, Rebecca et al. Architectural innovation: the configuration of existing product technologies and the failure of established firms. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 35, p. 9-30, Mar. 1990.
15. FLEURY, Afonso C. C. Op. cit. 16. WEICK, KARL. Op. cit.
17. BURKHARDT, Marlene, BRASS, DANIEL. Changing patterns or patterns of change: the effects of a change in technology on social network structure and power. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 35, p, 104-27,1990.
18. GONÇALVES, José Ernesto Lima. A informatização de pequenas e médias empresas, notas de aula, FDTE-Poli, Universidade de São Paulo, 1984.
19. LEVITI, Theodore. The industrialization of service. Harvard Busines Review, p.63-74, Sep./Out. 1976.
20. FRITZ, N.R. Information technology and the changing workplace: an interview with Shoshana Zuboff, Personnel, Saranac Lake, v. 66, n. 6, p. 26, June 1989.
21. LlKER, J.K. et aI. Changing everything ali at once: work life and technological change, Sloan Management Review, Cambridge, v. 28, n. 4, p, 29-47, Summer 1987.
22. CUNNINGHAM, J. Barton, et al. Op, cit; CALVIN, Pava. Managing new office it technology. New York: The Free Press, 1983.
23. QUINN, James Brian. Intelligent enterprise. New York: The Free Press, 1992.
24. Forbes 500, 27 de abril de 1992, p.192.
25. QUINN, James Brian. Op. cit.
26. GONÇALVES, José Ernesto et al. A tecnologia e a realização do trabalho. Op. cit. work and workplaces. Management Decision, v. 29, n. 8, 1991.
27. WILD. Ray. Technology, work and workplaces. Management Decision, v. 29, n. 8, 1991. 28. Survey sinks miths about olfice automation revolution. Training and Development Journal, July 1985.
29. RODRIGUES,Suzana Braga. A informática na organização e no trabalho. RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, São Paulo, v, 28, n. 3, p. 43-50, jul/set. 1988.
30. WILD, Ray. Op. cit.
31. McFARLAN, F. Warren. Information Technology changes the way you compete. Harvard Business Review, p.98-103, May./Jun. 1984.
32. FRISCHTAK. Claudio. Banking automation and productivity change: the Brazilian experience, Word Bank, p. 1, jul. 1991
33. Idem, ibidem, p. 7
34. CASH, James, KONSYNSKI Benn R. IS redraws competitive boundaries, Harvard Business Review, p. 134, Mar./Apr. 1985
Referências bibliográficas
- 1. SPROULL, Lee, GOODMAN Paul. Technology and organizations: integration and opportunities, in GOODMAN, Paul et al. (Eds.) Technology and organizations, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1990.
- 2. BARLEY, Stephen. The alignment of technology and structure through roles and networks, Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 35, n. 1, p 61-103, Mar. 1990.
- 3. FLEURY, Afonso C. C. Capacitação tecnológica e processo de trabalho: comparação entre o modelo japonês e o brasileiro, RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, v. 30, n. 4 p. 23-30, out./dez. 1990
- 4. CUNNINGHAM, J. Barton, FARQUHARSON, John, HULL, Denis. A profile of human fear of technological change. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, v. 40, p. 355-70, 1991.
- 5. WEICK, Karl, Technology as equivoque: sensemaking in New Technologies. In: GOODMAN, Paul. Technology and Organizations. San Francisco,Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1991.
- 6. HUNT, Raymond. Technology and organizations. Academy of Management Journal, v. 13, n. 3,p.235-52,Sep.1970.
- 7. GONÇALVES,José Ernesto L. A., GOMES,Cecília A. A tecnologia e a realização do trabalho. RAE - Revista de Administracão de Empresas, v. 33, n. 1, jan/mar, 1993. 8.
- 9. BROWNE, Lynn E. Visões conflitantes do progresso tecnológico. Economic Impact, Rio de Janeiro, v. 49, p. 8-14, jan. 1985.
- 10. ROSOW, J.M. People VS. hogh tech: adapting new technologies to the workplace. Management Review, New York, v. 73,n.9,p.25-8+,Sep.1984.
- 12. GOODMAN, Paul et aI. (Eds.). Technology and organizations, San Francisco, Jossey- Bass Publishers, 1990
- 14. HENDERSON, Rebecca et al. Architectural innovation: the configuration of existing product technologies and the failure of established firms. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 35, p. 9-30, Mar. 1990.
- 17. BURKHARDT, Marlene, BRASS, DANIEL. Changing patterns or patterns of change: the effects of a change in technology on social network structure and power. Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 35, p, 104-27,1990.
- 18. GONÇALVES, José Ernesto Lima. A informatização de pequenas e médias empresas, notas de aula, FDTE-Poli, Universidade de São Paulo, 1984.
- 19. LEVITI, Theodore. The industrialization of service. Harvard Busines Review, p.63-74, Sep./Out. 1976.
- 20. FRITZ, N.R. Information technology and the changing workplace: an interview with Shoshana Zuboff, Personnel, Saranac Lake, v. 66, n. 6, p. 26, June 1989.
- 21. LlKER, J.K. et aI. Changing everything ali at once: work life and technological change, Sloan Management Review, Cambridge, v. 28, n. 4, p, 29-47, Summer 1987.
- 22. CUNNINGHAM, J. Barton, et al. Op, cit; CALVIN, Pava. Managing new office it technology. New York: The Free Press, 1983.
- 23. QUINN, James Brian. Intelligent enterprise. New York: The Free Press, 1992.
- 24. Forbes 500, 27 de abril de 1992, p.192.
- 26. GONÇALVES, José Ernesto et al. A tecnologia e a realização do trabalho. Op. cit. work and workplaces. Management Decision, v. 29, n. 8, 1991.
- 27. WILD. Ray. Technology, work and workplaces. Management Decision, v. 29, n. 8, 1991.
- 28. Survey sinks miths about olfice automation revolution. Training and Development Journal, July 1985.
- 29. RODRIGUES,Suzana Braga. A informática na organização e no trabalho. RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, São Paulo, v, 28, n. 3, p. 43-50, jul/set. 1988.
- 31. McFARLAN, F. Warren. Information Technology changes the way you compete. Harvard Business Review, p.98-103, May./Jun. 1984.
- 32. FRISCHTAK. Claudio. Banking automation and productivity change: the Brazilian experience, Word Bank, p. 1, jul. 1991
- 34. CASH, James, KONSYNSKI Benn R. IS redraws competitive boundaries, Harvard Business Review, p. 134, Mar./Apr. 1985
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