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Administração de informática e a organização

Information technology management; information technology; management

Administração de informática; informática; administração


Administração de informática e a organização

Luiz Alberto Albertin

Doutorando em Administração de Empresas na FEA/USP

Palavras-chave: Administração de informática, informática, administração.

Key words: Information technology management, information technology, management.

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

Full text available only in PDF format.

Artigo recebido pela Redação da RAE em fevereiro/94, avaliado e aprovado para publicação em junho/94.

1. PERRY, N. O. Managing the information systems power. Harvard Business School Bulletin, Weley, USA, Feb. 1986.

2. BOSTROM, R. P., HEINEN, J. S. MIS problems and failures: a social-technical perspective­Part 11: The application of socio­technical theory. MIS Quarterly, USA, Dec. 1977.

3. KLING, R. Defining the boundaries of computing across complex organizations. Critical Issues in Information Systems Research, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.

4. ALBERTIN, A. L. Administração de informática: um estudo sobre seus fatores cnticos de sucesso no setor bancário privado nacional. São Paulo: Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade/USP, 1993 (dissertação de mestrado).

5. NOLAN, R.L. Managing the Crises in Data Processing. Harvard Business Review, Weley, USA, Mar./Apr. 1979.

7. Idem, ibidem.

8. Idem, Ibidem.

9. SCHEIN, E. H. The role of the CEO to the management ot change: the case of information technology, Sloan Working Paper, USA, August, 1989.

10. PYBURN, P. J. Linking the MIS plan with corporate strategy: an exploratory study. MIS Quarterly, USA, Jun. 1983.

11. BENJAMIN, R. I. et al. Information technology: a strategic opportunity. Sloan Management Review, USA, Spring 1984.

12. DOOLEY, D. E. View points on the critical issues facing information systems managers. Critical issues in information systems management, USA: I/S Analyser, United Communications Group, v. 29 n. 1, Jan. 1991.

13. ROCKART, J. F., SHORT, J. E. It in the 1990s: managing organizational interdependence. Sloan Management Review, USA, winter 1989; ____ The networked organization and the management of interdependence. The Corporations of the 1990s -Information Technology and Organizational Transformation. Oxtord: Oxford University Press, 1991.

14. BUSS, M. D. J. How to rank computar projects. Harvard Business Revíew, USA, Jan./Feb. 1983.

15. MINTZBERG, H. The manager's job: folklore and fact. Harvard Business Review, USA, Mar./Apr. 1990.

16. McKERSIE, R. B., WALTON, R. E. Orqanlzational change. The Corporations of the 1990s ­Information Technology and Organizational Transformation. Oxtord: Oxtord University Press, 1991.

17. GINZBERG, M. J. Key recurrent issues in the MIS implementation process, MIS Quartely, USA, Jun. 1981.

18. GROVER, V, LEDERER,A. L., SABHERWAL, R. Recognizing the Politics of MIS. Information & Management, North­Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1988.

19. NECCO, C. R .. Evaluating methods of systems development: a management survey. Journal of Information Systems Management, USA, Winter 1989.

20. Nolan, R. L. Managing information systems by committee. Harvard Business Review, USA, July-August 1982.

21. HOFSTEDE, G. et al. Measuring organizational culturas: a Qualitative and Quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Science Quarterly, USA, Jun. 1990.

22. SCHEIN, E. H. Coming to a new awareness of organizational culture. Sloan Management Review, USA, Winter 1984.

23. HOFSTEDE, G. et al. Op. cit.

24. SGHEIN, E. H, The role of the GEO.... Op. cit.

25. NOLAN, R. L. Managing the crises in data processing. Op. cit.

26. HOFSTEDE, G. et al. Op. cit.

27. NECCO, C. R. Op, cit.

28. KLING, R, Op. cit.

29.SCHEIN, E. H. Goming to a new awareness of organizational culture. Op. cit.

30. MINTZBERG, H. Op. cit.

31. ROCKART, J. F., SHORT, J. E. Op. cit.

32. ALBERTIN, A. L. Op. cit., PYBURN, P. J. Op. cit., NOLAN, R. L. Op. cit

33. DOOLEY, D. E. Op. cit.

34. BUSS, M. D. J. Op. cit., MINTZBERG, H. Op. cit.

35. BENJAMIN, R. I. et al. Op. cit.

36. MCKERSIE, R. B., WALTON, R. E. Op. cít.

37. GINZBERG, M.J. Op. cit., GROVER, V., LEDERER, A L., SABHERWAL, R. Op. cit.

  • 1. PERRY, N. O. Managing the information systems power. Harvard Business School Bulletin, Weley, USA, Feb. 1986.
  • 2. BOSTROM, R. P., HEINEN, J. S. MIS problems and failures: a social-technical perspectivePart 11: The application of sociotechnical theory. MIS Quarterly, USA, Dec. 1977.
  • 3. KLING, R. Defining the boundaries of computing across complex organizations. Critical Issues in Information Systems Research, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
  • 4. ALBERTIN, A. L. Administração de informática: um estudo sobre seus fatores cnticos de sucesso no setor bancário privado nacional. São Paulo: Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade/USP, 1993 (dissertação de mestrado).
  • 5. NOLAN, R.L. Managing the Crises in Data Processing. Harvard Business Review, Weley, USA, Mar./Apr. 1979.
  • 9. SCHEIN, E. H. The role of the CEO to the management ot change: the case of information technology, Sloan Working Paper, USA, August, 1989.
  • 10. PYBURN, P. J. Linking the MIS plan with corporate strategy: an exploratory study. MIS Quarterly, USA, Jun. 1983.
  • 11. BENJAMIN, R. I. et al. Information technology: a strategic opportunity. Sloan Management Review, USA, Spring 1984.
  • 12. DOOLEY, D. E. View points on the critical issues facing information systems managers. Critical issues in information systems management, USA: I/S Analyser, United Communications Group, v. 29 n. 1, Jan. 1991.
  • 13. ROCKART, J. F., SHORT, J. E. It in the 1990s: managing organizational interdependence. Sloan Management Review, USA, winter 1989;
  • ____ The networked organization and the management of interdependence. The Corporations of the 1990s -Information Technology and Organizational Transformation. Oxtord: Oxford University Press, 1991.
  • 14. BUSS, M. D. J. How to rank computar projects. Harvard Business Revíew, USA, Jan./Feb. 1983.
  • 15. MINTZBERG, H. The manager's job: folklore and fact. Harvard Business Review, USA, Mar./Apr. 1990.
  • 16. McKERSIE, R. B., WALTON, R. E. Orqanlzational change. The Corporations of the 1990s Information Technology and Organizational Transformation. Oxtord: Oxtord University Press, 1991.
  • 17. GINZBERG, M. J. Key recurrent issues in the MIS implementation process, MIS Quartely, USA, Jun. 1981.
  • 18. GROVER, V, LEDERER,A. L., SABHERWAL, R. Recognizing the Politics of MIS. Information & Management, NorthHolland: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1988.
  • 19. NECCO, C. R .. Evaluating methods of systems development: a management survey. Journal of Information Systems Management, USA, Winter 1989.
  • 20. Nolan, R. L. Managing information systems by committee. Harvard Business Review, USA, July-August 1982.
  • 21. HOFSTEDE, G. et al. Measuring organizational culturas: a Qualitative and Quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Science Quarterly, USA, Jun. 1990.
  • 22. SCHEIN, E. H. Coming to a new awareness of organizational culture. Sloan Management Review, USA, Winter 1984.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    10 Jun 2013
  • Data do Fascículo
    Dez 1994


  • Recebido
    Fev 1994
  • Aceito
    Jun 1994
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de S.Paulo Avenida Nove de Julho, 2.029, Bela Vista, CEP: 01313-902, Telefone: +55 (11) 3799-7718 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil