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Use of Mathematical Models in the Analysis of Growth and Commercial Performance of Brown Layers


Small and medium-sized table egg producers have a large volume of data and information on daily production, which is not used in the decision-making process. It is important to define the best mathematical model for the prediction of both the growth and the egg production of brown layers to relate pullet growth traits with productivity in a commercial cycle. For the above purpose, growth and production data were obtained from 15 brown layer flocks, six mathematical models of growth and five of egg production were tested. Correlations were made between the parameters of growth and egg production, as well as between the parameters derived from the mathematical models. The prediction equations for the egg production indicators were estimated.As a result,the best model for predicting layer growth (Gompertz) and for egg production was obtained (Yang). The growth parameters with the greatest influence on egg production were the maximum growth rate (MGR) and the theta value (TV). Body weight at 8, 9, 10, 12, and 16 weeks of age had effects on egg production. As a conclusion maximizing the growth of the brown layer in key stages of its development has positive effects on egg production.

Brown laying hen; development; egg production; growth; mathematical model


In commercial conditions, egg producers have a large volume of data derived from production system records, which are partially used in decision-making processes, because the producer does not have enough analytical and computational tools. In this sense, such technological developments represent a professional challenge related to the analysis of large information bases and their relationship with the market (Arcila et al., 2016Arcila C, Barbosa E, Cabezuelo F. Técnicas big data: análisis de textos a gran escala para la investigación científica y periodística. El Professional de la Información 2016;25:623-631.; Camargo et al., 2015Camargo JJ, Camargo JF, Joyanes L. Knowing the big data. Facultad de Ingeniería 2015;24:63-77.).

Mathematical models are important to understand any biological dynamics and the most used in birds correspond to the functions of three parameters (Logistic, Gompertz and Von Bertalanffy) and four parameters (Richards, Weibull and Morgan-Mercer-Flodin) (Maruyama et al., 2001Maruyama K, Vinyard B, Akbar MK, Shafer DJ, Turk CM. Growth curve analyses in selected duck lines. British Poultry Science 2001;42:574-582.). Parameters are estimated by using empirical observations of body weight dynamics over several weeks (Ahmad, 2009Ahmad HA. Poultry growth modeling using neural networks and simulated data. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2009;18:440-446.), creating growth patterns over time. The scientific understanding of this phenomenon allows to establish a solid base to develop management and nutritional strategies oriented to optimize the production of eggs at a commercial level. On the other hand, the mathematical models to estimate the egg production curves allow to establish a standard pattern of expression of the genetic potential of layers under specific production conditions (Lokhorst, 1996Lokhorst, C. Mathematical curves for the description of input and output variables of the daily production process in aviary housing systems for laying hens. Poultry Science Journal 1996;75:838-848.). The application of mathematical models to systemically evaluate the growth and production of eggs represents the reality of the biological cycle of the layer (Oliveira et al., 2018Oliveira C, Tavares J, Correa G, Vieira B, Barbosa S, Correa A, et al. Mathematical models to describe the growth curves of white-egg layers. Semina: Ciências Agrárias 2018;39:1327-1334.), whose mathematical analysis is essential for the sustainability and competitiveness of egg production at a commercial level (Gómez et al., 2017Gómez J, Fraga L, Pedraza R, Montes de Oca R, Guerra L, Valdivié M. Modelación de curvas de puesta de los tres últimos años en gallinas White Leghorn en la provincia Ciego de Ávila. Revista de Producción Animal 2017;29:42-49.).


Data collection and management

The pullet growth and egg production data used were provided by a commercial brown egg producer from the Hy Line Brown strain. 15 commercial flocks with production between September 2008 and October 2018 were analyzed. The company is located in the municipality of Choachí, Colombia, whose ambient temperature and relative humidity meet production expectations in a thermoneutral environment (Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Studies Environmental [IDEAM], National University of Colombia [UNAL], 2018). The selection of the flocks was carried out by means of a non-probabilistic sampling with growth and egg production data, where the producer followed the strain management guide. A database was designed using the Microsoft Excel® software, organizing the variables of production for subsequent export to the statistical program SAS 9.4®. The estimated variables were: corporal weight (CW), egg production (P), flock uniformity (FU), feed conversion rate (FCR), cumulative egg mas/hen housed (CEM), number of hens housed eggs (HHE), age at 50% egg production/day, grams of feed per egg produced (GPE) and age at peak of egg production.

Fitting mathematical models

The mathematical growth models used are shown in Table 1 and egg production in Table 2.In the case of the growth models, these were selected by using the weekly average weights of the pullets from each of the flocks analyzed (average weight derived from weighing 4% of pullets in each flock; the average number of pullets per flock was 9337), regarding the modeling of egg production, the mathematical models were adjusted to the weekly egg production percentages presented in each flock, then the best model was selected. The flock is the replica and the weekly weight of the pullets in the flocks was averaged to choose the best mathematical model of growth, in turn the weekly percentage of egg production of the flocks was averaged to choose the best model of egg production. The best model was selected using the RMSPE methodology (Tedeschi, 2004Tedeschi L. Assessment of the adequacy of mathematical models. Workshop on Mathematical Model Analysis and Evaluation; 2004; Sassary, IT.).The modeling for each of the non-linear models and in each of the 15 flocks was performed using the NLIN procedure of the SAS 9.4 statistical program with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm with the selected model, and then each model in each flock was parametrized.

Table 1
Animal growth models.
Table 2
Egg production models.

The statistical criteria for the section of each model were:

Akaike information criterion (AIC):

A I C = 2 L ( Θ ) + 2 P

Where P is the number of model parameters to be estimated and L (Ѳ) is the maximum value of the likelihood function of the model at point Ѳ (Akaike, 1974Akaike H. A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 1974;19:716-723.).

Bayesian information criterion (BIC):

B I C = K l n ( n ) 2 l n ( L )

Where K is the number of parameters, L is the maximum likelihood value and n is the number of data (Rubalcaba, 2017Rubalcaba J. Things to know when using AIC, BIC, and other information criteria. 2017 [cited 2020 Sept 21]. Available from:

Adjusted coefficient of determination (R2 adjusted):

R 2 a d j u s t e d = 1 ( ( n 1 ) / ( n k 1 ) ) * ( 1 R 2 )

Where R2 is the coefficient of determination, n is the number of observations in the sample and k corresponds to the number of parameters of the model (Melillanca, 2018Melillanca E. Adjusted coefficient of determination or adjusted R-squared. Welcome to the Jungle. 2018; [cited in: 2020 Sept 22]. Available from:

Mean square error of prediction (MSEP):

M S E P = ( Σ ( Y i f ( X 1, , X p ) i ) ) 2 / n

Where Yi is the i-th observed value, f(X1,…,Xp)i is the i-th value predicted by the model and n is the number of observations (Tedeschi, 2004Tedeschi L. Assessment of the adequacy of mathematical models. Workshop on Mathematical Model Analysis and Evaluation; 2004; Sassary, IT.).

Mean bias (MB):

M B = ( Σ ( Y i f ( X 1, , X p ) i ) ) / n

Where Yi is the i-th observed value, f(X1,…,Xp)i is the i-th value predicted by the model and n is the number of observations (Tedeschi, 2004Tedeschi L. Assessment of the adequacy of mathematical models. Workshop on Mathematical Model Analysis and Evaluation; 2004; Sassary, IT.).

Growth and egg production parameters associations

Correlations were made between the variables of growth and egg production; additionally, multiple linear regression equations were estimated for the prediction of HHE, CEM and GPE using the stepway selection criteria.


Mathematical models selection and parameterization

Two mathematical models were highlighted (Gompertz & Richards), they presented the lowest values in the Akaike and Bayesian information criterion, the Gompertz model presented the lowest errors (RMSEP: 18.135) and together with the Michaelis-Menten model it stood out for its lowest biases (MB: -0.374 and 0.125 respectively) (Table 3). In general, all models present agood adjusted coefficient of determination (R2 adjs: 0.99) and parameters with height statistical significance. The Gompertz growth model was chosen as the best predictor of brown layer growth in the present study, since it stood out in the statistical criteria as well as being a simpler model and easier to interpret biologically. Figure 1 graphically shows the fit of the growth models on the observed data.

Table 3
Growth parameters and decision criteria in mathematical growth models.

Figure 1
Growth prediction curves in brown layers.

In the modeling of egg production (Table 4), the Yang and Adams-Bell mathematical models stand out, they presented the lowest values in the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria, on the other hand, the Yang model presented the highest adjusted coefficient of determination (R2 adjs: 0.999), and the lowest error (RMSEP: 1.094); regarding the mean bias statistic, the Yang and McNally models were the most unbiased (MB: 0.269 and -0.118 respectively). Yang mathematical model was considered the best predictor of brown layer egg production in the present study due to its low AIC and BIC values, higher R2 adjs, lower error and bias; in general, all the models presented good statistical validity in their parameters. Figure 2 graphically shows the fit of the egg production models on the observed data.

Table 4
Egg production parameters and decision criteria in mathematical egg production models.

Figure 2
Egg production prediction curves in brown layers.

The parameters derived from the adjusted Gompertz growth equation allow inferring characteristics that determine critical points in the development of the laying hen (Table 5). The parameterization derived from Yang’s mathematical model allows us to infer at a commercial level the characteristics of: mean age at sexual maturity, the time it takes to reach the peak of egg production%, production percentage at the peak, and the decrease in the egg production after peak (Table 6).

Table 5
Gompertz model parameterization in growth of brown layers at a commercial level1.
Table 6
Yang model parameterization.1

The maximum adult body weight was 2156 g corresponding to flock 2 and the minimum of 1912 g for flock 4. The values of the maturation rate (%/day) varied between 0.0200 for flock 2 and 0.0235 for flock 1, these values showing the percentage of daily ripening after the inflection point. From the point of view of the expression of the genetic potential of the strain in the context of the study, lower maturation rates were observed and related to higher adult weights (r: -0.57, p<0.05), which suggests a better adaptation of the flocks with lower adult body weights. The delta value (end of structuring phase) of the different flocks showed a similar pattern with a maximum value at 21 days for flock 2 and a minimum of 16 days for flock 1. This response range reflects the dynamic adaptation of the strain to the environmental conditions and the quality of the chick at birth.

Yang’s model established a mean asymptotic value of 99.14, which generated an average peak production of 96.5% for the 15 flocks studied. Flock 12 with an estimated production at the peak of 97.7% contrasted to flock 3, which only reached 95% production of eggs/hen per day. The average age of sexual maturity of the layers was 21.2 days after the start of lay, in flock 4 with 37.69 days compared to flock 11 with 15.23 days. The peak of production presented an average time of 51.6 days after the start of lay, with a maximum of 71 days for flock 4 and a minimum of 36 days for flock 14 (Table 6).

Growth and egg production parameter associations

The analysis of the correlations between the growth and production parameters showed that MGR affected the age at 50% of egg production (r: -0.78, p<0.01), the HHE at week 30 (r: 0.77, p<0.01) and week 50 (r: 0.81, p<0.01). The corporal weight (CW) of the pullets at 10 weeks of age showed negative correlations (r: -0.68, p<0.01) with the age of sexual maturity (Parameter d of Yang equation) while CW at 12 weeks of age was negatively correlated with the mean age of sexual maturity (r: -0.67, p<0.01), while an age less than 50% of egg production was negatively correlated with CW at 16 weeks of age (r: -0.72, p<0.01). The CW at 16 weeks of age was positively associated with the number of HHE at the following weeks of age: 30 (r: 0.71, p<0.01), 50 (r: 0.70, p<0.01) and 80 (r: 0.68, p<0.01).

The variable FU during the growing period became more relevant at 9 and 12 weeks of age since these were correlated with some indicators of the egg production. A higher UF at week 9 was associated with the peak of egg production (r: 0.72, p<0.01), while FU at week 12 was correlated with the days at the peak of production (r: -0.73, p<0.01).

The FCR variable at 8 weeks of age had effects on: age at 50% of egg production (r: 0.66, p<0.01), days to reach peak production (r: 0.83, p<0.01) and the number of HHE at 30 and 50 weeks of age (r: -0.75, p<0.01). The cumulative egg mass per hen housed (CEM) at 30 and 50 weeks of age showed associations with TV (r: -0.67 and -0.65, respectively, p<0.01).

The FCR at 8 weeks of age of the pullets was associated with the CEM at week 30 (r: -0.72, p<0.01). The maturation rate parameter was associated with FCR at 80 weeks (r: -0.71, p<0.01), while the MGR and TV parameters were associated with FCR at 30 weeks of age (r: -0.71 and r: -0.65, p<0.01, respectively). Likewise, the average age of sexual maturity of the layers showed highly significant correlations (p<0.01) with the FCR at weeks 30 (r: 0.89) and 80 (r: 0.80). Table 7 shows a summary of the principal correlations between growth and egg production parameters.

Table 7
Correlations between growth and egg production parameters in brown layers.

Multiple regression equations were estimated to predict HHE, CEM and grams of feed per produced egg in different weeks of the layer production period (Table 8). Layer growth parameters such as theta value, FCR at the 8th week, corporal weights and uniformities stood out in the prediction of the described variables which are related to the productivity of the egg production system.

Table 8
Production period parameters prediction equations.


The mathematical models that appeared for their accuracy, precision and biological interpretation were Gompertz and Yang, but in general the applied models allowed to satisfactorily explain and describe the life cycle of the layer. In this regard, Aggrey (2002Aggrey SE. Comparison of three nonlinear and spline regression models for describing chicken growth curves. Poultry Science Journal 2002;81:1782-1788.) found that the best models to simulate the growth of layers were those of: Gompertz and Richards. Later studies carried out by Oliveira et al. (2018Oliveira C, Tavares J, Correa G, Vieira B, Barbosa S, Correa A, et al. Mathematical models to describe the growth curves of white-egg layers. Semina: Ciências Agrárias 2018;39:1327-1334.) found that the Gompertz and Logistic models were the most appropriate. In both studies, the Gompertz model presented a greater fit (higher coefficient of determination R2 and a lower Akaike information criterion), which agrees with the present study.

Regarding the egg production model, Narinc (2014Narinc D, Uckardes F, Aslan E. Egg production curve analyses in poultry science. World's Poultry Science Journal 2014;70:817-828.) in a review article found that the Adams-Bell model presented the best fit to the poultry production curve, when it was compared with the models of: Mc Nally, Yang, Gamma and Adams-Bell, and he also found that all of them presented particularly good adjustments to the data according to the determination coefficients, however, the Adams-Bell and the Yang models presented the best adjustments to the egg production curve, such as it was also observed in the present study.

MGR fluctuated between 14.8 g/day and 17.3 g/day, these values ​​being like those found by Dos Santos et al. (2017Santos AL, Faria DE, Oliveira RP de, Pavesi M, Silva MFR. Growth and body composition of laying hens under different feeding programs up to 72 weeks. Journal of Animal Science and Research 2017;1:1-6.) of 15.6 g/day and 16.4 g/day for the Hy Line Brown strain. Alves et al. (2019Alves WJ, Malheiros EB, Sakomura NK, Silva E P da, Silva Viana G da, Paula Reis M de, et al. In vivo description of body growth and chemical components of egg-laying pullets. Livestock Science 2019;220:221-229.) report an MGR of 16.5 g/day for the Lohman Brown strain and 15.9 g/day for the Dekalb Brown strain. The MGR was reached between 58 days (8.3 weeks) and 71 days (10.14 weeks). The TV value corresponding to the period between 25% and 75% of layer maturity fluctuated between 56 and 65 days, with an association with the growth rate (r: -0.98, p<0.001, data not shown).

Values of the maturity rate (%/day) ranged between 0.0200 and 0.0235 with a difference in the parameter over the third statistical decimal, which shows the% of daily maturity gained after the inflection point.

From the point of view of expression of the genetic potential of the lineage and in the context of the study, lower maturation rates were observed related to higher adult weights (r: -0.57, p<0.05, data not shown), which suggests a better adaptation of lots with lower adult weights to local commercial production conditions. In this regard, Alves et al. (2019Alves WJ, Malheiros EB, Sakomura NK, Silva E P da, Silva Viana G da, Paula Reis M de, et al. In vivo description of body growth and chemical components of egg-laying pullets. Livestock Science 2019;220:221-229.) found maturity rates of 0.024%/day for the Lohman Brown and Dekalb Brown strains, while Dos Santos et al. (2017Santos AL, Faria DE, Oliveira RP de, Pavesi M, Silva MFR. Growth and body composition of laying hens under different feeding programs up to 72 weeks. Journal of Animal Science and Research 2017;1:1-6.) observed maturity rates between 0.0226 and 0.0229%/day in layers in the Hy Line Brown strain, and while Sakomura et al. (2011Sakomura N, Hauschild L, Silva E, Araujo J. Factorial model to estimate poultry nutritional requirements. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Nutritional Requirements of Poultry and Swine; 2011; Vicosa, BR. p.45-76.) reported a maturity rate of 0.0230%/day.

The duration of postnatal growth, understood as the age at which the layer reaches its adult weight, fluctuated between 224 and 266 days, while in the study by Dos Santos et al. (2017Santos AL, Faria DE, Oliveira RP de, Pavesi M, Silva MFR. Growth and body composition of laying hens under different feeding programs up to 72 weeks. Journal of Animal Science and Research 2017;1:1-6.) for the Hy Line Brown strain it was observed around 224 days of age.

The parameterization of the Yang model established a drop in post-peak production between 0.0004 and 0.0009 eggs bird/day per week. When analyzing that flock 1 was housed in 2008 while flock 15 was housed in 2018, a tendency to reduce the estimated time to reach peak production can be inferred; on the other hand, the drop in egg production has been slightly reduced, which is consistent with the observations made by Bedetti & Van De Braak (2021).

Regarding the association of the growth performance of the layers on their productive phase, variables such as the maturity rate, MGR and TV take relevance.

The optimization of the development of the layer in the above mentioned characteristics shows the importance of maximizing the gains in body weight of the layer in the exponential growth phase, which will culminate at the inflection point with a maximum body weight gain with notable effects in the layer production period, such as reductions in age to 50% of egg production, greater HHE and CEM.

That results indicates that a decrease in the period between 25 and 75% maturity of the layer will also have a relevant impact on the productive performance, making the layer a bird with the highest egg production during its commercial cycle, given by increases in chicks’ daily body weight gain during the maturation process around the inflection point and during early sexual maturation.

It is important to maximize the body weights in the rearing period of the layer. CW at week 10 of life, in its association with performance in early sexual maturity and HHE agrees with the data obtained by Carrizo et al. (2007Carrizo J, Lozano JM, Universonal SS, editors. Alimentación de las pollitas e inicio de puesta. Annales of the 23th Cursos de especialización FEDNA; 2007; Madrid.). On the other hand, the CW at weeks 12 and 16 stand out, showing the importance of reaching the upper growth thresholds described in the layer’s management guide.

FCR takes great importance, especially at the 8th week of life, where the relevance of reaching higher growth thresholds at such age is observed, which is directly related to the use of feeding systems that allow ensuring these growth targets in an objective way, in accordance with the management guide for each particular strain. In general, the results show the importance of FCR throughout the productive period of the layer, since it will contribute to a greater quantity of eggs produced in terms of HHE and CEM.

It is concluded that the growth parameter that most influenced egg production was the MGR, because it was associated with a higher production at the beginning of the laying period, a decrease in age to 50% of production, a higher number of HHE and CEM at 30 and 50 weeks of age.

In addition, reductions in time between 25 and 75% of layer maturity (TV) will make the layer more productive, since this parameter was associated with CEM, and the HHE during the laying cycle. Maximizing the CW and FU during the growth and development of the layer (weeks 3, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 16) produce strategic effects on the production of eggs in variables such as: the reduction in the age of sexual maturity, age at 50% production and peak production, higher production peaks and higher HHE and CEM at 30, 50 and 80 weeks of age.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 Apr 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    28 May 2021
  • Accepted
    29 Sept 2021
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