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Effects of Dietary Hot Pepper Waste Powder on Gut Health and Small Intestine Properties in Japanese Quails


The present study was conducted to evaluate whether dietary hot pepper waste powder (HPWP) would affect the performance and small intestine histology parameters in Japanese quail chicks. A total of 160, one-day-old Japanese quail chicks were divided into 4 treatment groups of similar mean weight, comprising 4 subgroups of 10 chicks each. Chicks were fed on their basal diet supplemented by 0, 100, 200 or 400 mg/kg of dietary HPWP for each kg of starter (0 to 10 days), grower (11 to 24 days) and finisher (25 to 42 days) diets for 7 weeks. At the end of 42 days of age, 10 birds per subgroup were slaughtered and intestinal samples were taken to evaluate histomorphological analyses. The results showed that dietary HPWP supplementation did not affect performance parameters, but 400 mg/kg HPWP supplementation tended to increase the growth performance of the chicks. The villus length, submucosa layer (p<0.05), serosa, muscular layer, villus-crypt length ratio, and villus surface area increased with HPWP supplementation (p<0.01). The goblet cell numbers of the group receiving 200 mg/kg HPWP increased compared to the control and 400 mg/kg HPWP supplementation groups (p<0.05). It could be concluded that dietary HPWP supplementation could improve gut health in quails.

Hot pepper waste powder; quails; growth performance; small intestine; gut health


Worldwide, the equivalent of 1.2 billion tons of petroleum agricultural waste is generated each year (Biyoenerji 2018). In recent years, studies have looked at generating income from the possibility of using agricultural wastes in the field of animal nutrition. Research efforts are continuing to convert the waste residue produced by fruits and vegetables to new, alternative and cheap protein sources and to evaluate other nutritional ingredients (Liadakis et al., 1995; Arogba 1997Arogba SS. Physical, chemical and functional properties of Nigerian Mango (Mangifera indica) kernel and its processed flour. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 1997(73):321-328.; Wang et al., 1999Wang M, Hettiarachchy NS, Qi M, Burks W, Siebenmorgen T. Preparation and functional properties of rice bran protein isolate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1999;47:411-416.; Moure et al., 2002Moure A, Rua M, Sinerio J, Dominguez H. Aqueus extraction and embrane isolation of protein from defatted Guevina avellana. Journal of Food Science 2002;67(2):688-696.; Quanhang & Caili 2005Quanhang L, Caili F. Application of response surface methodology for extraction of germinant pumpkin seeds protein. Food Chemistry 2005;92(4):701-706.; Wani et al., 2006Wani AA, Sogi DS, Grover L, Saxena DC. Effect of temperature, alkali concentration, mixing time and meal/solvent ratio on the extraction of watermelon seed proteins-a response surface approach. Biosystems Engineering 2006;94(1):67-73.; Filik & Kutlu, 2018Filik G, Kutlu HR. Determination of nutrient values in drying citrus pulp with alternative drying methods. Blacksea Journal of Agriculture 2018;1:11-14.). Researchers have therefore been investigating whether these waste products can be used as feed sources in animal husbandry. For instance, Garau et al. (2007Garau MC, Simal S, Rosello C, Femenia A. Effect of air-drying temperature on physico-chemical properties of dietary fibre and antioxidant capacity of orange (Citrus aurantium v. Canoneta) by-products. Food Chemistry 2007;104 (3):1014-1024.) reported that after drying, the orange pulp is a good source of crude cellulose and antioxidants. Spigno & Faveri (2007Spigno G, Faveri DMD. Antioxidants from grape stalks and marc: influence of extraction procedure on yield, purity and antioxidant power of the extracts. Journal of Food Engineering 2007;78:793-801.) reported that the antioxidant content increased after the processing of grape pomace. Roldan et al. (2008Roldan E, Sanchez-Moreno C, Ancos B, Cano MP. Characterisation of onion (Allium cepa L.) By-products as food ingredients with antioxidant and antibrowning properties. Food Chemistry 2008;108:907-916.) reported that onion waste might be an important source of antioxidants for useful food production. Civaner & Ertürk (2009Civaner AG, Ertürk MM. The possibilty of using mushroom harvest residue in growing japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Proceedings of the 6th National Animal Science Congress; 2009 June 24-26; Erzurum, Turkey; 2009. p.1395-1401. Available from:ürk%20Üniversitesi.pdf.) determined that mushroom harvest waste could substitute for 25% of the crude protein source in place of soybean in quail rations. Although there are many agricultural wastes used in animal husbandry, there are some by-products not used in animal production or as useful animal food. One of them is Capsicum annuum L. waste; this is the most commonly grown species of capsicum-grown peppers that is mainly grown for vegetables. According to the FAO (2017) there are 36 million tons of pepper production worldwide and approximately 28% of it is waste (Yurdagel et al., 1997Yurdagel U, Yaman UR, Baysal T. Meyve sebze isleme sanayinde atik su aritilmasi, Artik ve Atiklarin Degerlendirilmesi. Izmir (TUR): Ege Üniversitesi Basimevi; 1997.). Therefore, every year, there are 11 million tons of pepper waste. Pepper waste includes capsaicin, which is the active component (Sim & Sil, 2008Sim KH, Sil HY. Antioxidant activities of red pepper (Capsicum annuum) pericarp and seed extracts. Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008;43(10):1813-1823.). Depending on growing conditions and harvesting time, the total amount of capsaicinoids vary from 0.1 to 2.0% of dry matter (Korkmaz, 2016Korkmaz A. Determination of some physicochemical and biochemical properties of the traditional sanliurfa pepper spices (isot) during their production and storage [thesis]. Sanliurfa (TUR): Harran University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Food Engineering; 2016.). Capsicum annuum L. has been reported to decrease abdominal fat pads in the intestinal area and stimulates the central nervous system, accelerates the elimination of metabolic waste products, enhances body heat, facilitates digestion and vasoconstriction (blood vessel contraction) as well as reduce blood cholesterol and abdominal fat accumulation (Özer et al., 2006; Seviçin 2011Seviçin A. The investigation of antimicrobial effect of capsaicin to against some bacteria and yeasts [thesis]. Kayseri (TUR): Erciyes University, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Pharmaceutical Microbiology; 2011.; Puvača et al., 2014; Arabacı, 2015). Besides, capsaicin exhibits anti-virulence activity and has been used against various pathological microorganisms such as Salmonella enteritidis, Helicobacter pylori, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus aureus, Porphyromonas gingivalis and others (McElroy et al., 1994McElroy AP, Manning JG, Jaeger LA, Taub M, Williams JD, Hargis BM. Effect of prolonged administration of dietary capsaicin on broiler growth and Salmonella enteritidis susceptibility. Avian Diseases 1994;38(2):329-333.; Marini et al., 2015Marini E, Magi G, Mingoia M, Pugnaloni A, Facinelli B. Antimicrobial and anti-virulence activity of capsaicin against erythromycin-resistant, cell-invasive group a streptococci. Frontiers in Microbiology 2015;6:1281.). Capsaicin also has a positive effect on reproductive organs and hormones, on follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) cells (Erdost et al., 2006Erdost H, Ozer A, Yakisik M, Ozfiliz N, Zik B. FSH and LH cells in the laying hens and cocks, fed with a diet containing red hot pepper. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 2006;4(1):119-123.) and an increase in the spermatogenic cell count (Özer et al., 2006). Although these positive effects of capsaicin in pepper and pepper waste have already been determined, there has been no study about the use of pepper waste as a useful food or gut enhancer in animals in the present literature. Therefore, the question is whether the hot pepper waste powder (HPWP) could be used as a food additive in animal diets. This study aimed to determine the effects of dietary HPWP on gut health and histomorphological parameters of the ileum in quails.


Animals and Feeds

A total of 160, one-day-old Japanese quail chicks were divided into 4 treatment groups of similar mean weight, comprising 4 sub-groups (10 chicks of mixed sex) and each 5 cages including 2 birds. The Power Procedure Overall F test for One-Way Anova in the SAS Software (SAS 1996SAS. User's guide: statistics. Cary: Institute SAS; 1996.) statistical package program calculated the number of animals to be used in the experiment at 40 chickens per group to give a confidence interval of 99% (Cohen 1988Cohen J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. 2nd ed. Hillsdale: Erlbaum; 1988.). The chicks were fed on their basal diet supplemented with 0, 100, 200 or 400 mg/kg of dietary HPWP per kg of a starter (23.32%, Crude Protein (CP); 3000 ME kg/diet), grower (21.50%, CP; 3100 kg/diet) or finisher (19.50%, CP; 3200 ME kg/diet) diet for 7 weeks (Table 1). The quail diets were prepared by a local company according to NRC (1994) recommendations. HPWP was obtained from a private red pepper paste factory in Şanlıurfa, Turkey. Feed and water were offered daily ad libitum.

Table 1
Composition of the starter, grower, and finisher diet (kg/t).

Experimental Conditions

The experiment was performed using sixteen group cages (sized 50×75 cm, having 10 birds each) within the animal section of the Quail Unit of the Agriculture Faculty of Kırşehir Ahi Evran University. Artificial illumination was provided in the experimental coop by white fluorescent lamps and a thermostatically controlled infrared electric heater for floor heating. The temperature of the coop was maintained at 33 °C during the first week of life and was then gradually reduced by 3 °C weekly according to age until it reached 24 °C between 21 to 42 days. The relative humidity was maintained at 55% throughout the rearing period. During the trial period, the animals were given a 23-hour light/1-hour dark schedule for the first three days in case of a power interruption during the trial, and 24 hours for the other 39 days according to commercial conditions.

An ethics document for the trial was obtained from the Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee of Kırşehir Ahi Evran University with a decision date and number: 07/11/2018-21-1.

Experimental and Histomorphological Measurements

The body weight (BW), feed intake (FI), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were determined weekly. Histological samples were randomly taken from ten birds per subgroup. The gizzard weight, proventriculus weight, gastrointestinal tract weight (GITW), gastrointestinal tract length (GITL), hot carcass, and cold carcass yield were measured using 10 healthy birds of each group. Ileum samples were cut into 10 mm pieces and placed into 10% formalin for histological processing. Tissue sections were inserted into tissue cassettes. After the dehydration process, the tissue sections were embedded in paraffin blocks, cut into 5µ-thick pieces, and placed on a slide. The tissue on the slides was deparaffinized with xylene, and a Periodic acid solution (PAS) with Schiff’s reagent staining procedure was applied, see Table 2.

Table 2
PAS staining procedure for histological properties.

The tissue samples with PAS staining were illustrated by following the manufacturer’s instructions for tissue incubation conditions (Merck). After the embedding process, the ileum villus length and width, serosa, muscular layer, submucosa layer, crypt length, and the number of goblet cells per villus were evaluated by using an image processing and analysis system (ZEN 2012 SP2) for the Zeiss Primo Star HD Light Microscope. The villus surface area (M Value) calculation was performed according to the method of Kisielinski et al. (2002Kisielinski K, Willis S, Prescher A, Klosterhalfen B, Schumpelick V. A simple new method to calculate small intestine absorptive surface in the rat. Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2002;2(3):131-135.). The villus-crypt length ratio (VCR) calculation was performed according to the method of Wilson et al. (2018Wilson FD, Cummings TS, Barbosa TM, Williams CJ, Gerard PD, Peebles ED. Comparison of two methods for determination of intestinal villus to crypt ratios and documentation of early age-associated ratio changes in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 2018;97(5):1757-1761.).

Statistical Analysis

The data obtained in the experiment were analyzed using General Linear Models (GLM), Duncan’s multiple range test procedures, and orthogonal polynomials using SAS Software (SAS 1996SAS. User's guide: statistics. Cary: Institute SAS; 1996.). The linear, quadratic, and cubic effects were determined by orthogonal polynomial contrasts (Düzgüneş et al., 1987). Means differences were considered significant at p<0.05.


In this study, initial and final BW, FI, and FCR are given in Table 3. Dietary supplemental HPWP had no significant (p>0.05) effects on BW, FI, and FCR throughout the study. The differences in final BW, FI, and FCR were not significant among the groups (p>0.05). The differences in the gizzard and proventriculus weight, the gastrointestinal tract weight and length, and the hot and cold carcass yield were also not significant (p>0.05).

Table 3
Hot pepper waste powder effects of Japanese quail performance, carcass, and small intestine histology parameters.

However, dietary supplemental HPWP had significant effects on some intestinal histomorphological parameters. The results concerning intestinal samples taken at the end of the current study showed that dietary 100 and 200 mg/kg HPWP supplementation increased the villus length compared to the control group (p<0.05) while villus length did not change by 400 mg/kg of dietary supplemental HPWP. Villus width increased with 100 mg/kg to 200 mg/kg HPWP supplementation (p>0.05). The dietary HPWP supplementation also increased the M value (p<0.01). Linear and cubic effects were found with the M value (p<0.01). Crypt length decreased more in the 400 mg/kg group than in the 200 mg/kg HPWP supplement group. Goblet cell number per villus increased more in the 200 mg/kg group than in the control and 400 mg/kg HPWP supplementation groups (p<0.05). VCR increased with dietary HPWP supplementation compared to the control group, and the highest VCR was found in the 400 mg/kg HPWP supplementation group (p<0.01). Linear and quadratic effects were found to be significant (p<0.01) for VCR.


The results of the study showed that dietary HPWP supplementation of the basal diet did not change the chicks’ performance. In addition, rising amounts of HPWP tended to increase feed intake and appetite in the animals, although there was no statistical difference in feed intake. The highest feed intake was observed in the 400 mg/kg HPWP group (p>0.05), where the supplementation of HPWP numerically increased the body weight in a dose-related manner (p>0.05). As the current study did not investigate any stress factors, the growth performance did not change. If any stress factors had been used in the trial, growth performance would have been changed. It has been reported that growth in the chick depends on the same genetic, environmental and stress factors (Ozturk & Yildirim 2004Ozturk E, Yildirim A. Probiyotiklerin etlik piliçlerin performansi ve bagirsak mikrobiyolojik özelliklerine etkileri. Proceedings of the 4th National Animal Science Congress; 2004. Isparta (TUR); 2004. v.2, p.297-303,). This means that, in this study, there were no stress factors in the environment affecting the chicks’ genetic capacity for growth.

In our study, we found that FI, GITW, and GITL tended to increase (p>0.05). It can be said that dietary HPWP supplementations did not have a detrimental effect on growth, internal organ development, or GITL development. The 400 mg/kg HPWP supplementation increased the GITL compared to the control group. The feed may have remained in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and better digestion may have occurred because growth in the GITL in chicks increased in the 400 mg/kg HPWP supplementation group (p>0.05). Dietary HPWP supplementation also increased the gizzard and proventriculus weight (Table 3), which may have been caused by the increased digestion time, but they were not important statistically (p>0.05). The increase in the development of the gizzard and proventriculus indicates that the feeds can be digested in the digestive tract. Feed waiting to be digested in the GIT may have increased the GITW (Gariel et al., 2003).

Dietary supplementation with HPWP had a positive impact on the development of the villus, which is responsible for the digestion of feed. Villus length was affected by the supplementation of HPWP (p<0.05), so the VCR and the M value increased with the dietary HPWP supplementation groups compared to the control group, and the highest VCR and M value were in the 400 mg/kg HPWP supplemented group (p<0.01). In this study, the 200 mg/kg HPWP supplementation group had an increased number of goblet cells per villus (p<0.05), and these results may be an indicator that 200 mg/kg of HPWP supplementation increased the ileum epithelial health. It was reported that the deterioration of the mucosa structure due to the decrease in the number of goblet cells shows that the intestine is exposed to prolonged irritation (Kaur et al., 2017Kaur R, Singla N, Bansal N, Pathak D. The biological effects of red chilli containing capsaicin on the small intestine of rats. Indian Veterinary Journal 2017;94(9):35-37.). These results showed that raised doses in HPWP supplementation groups improved gastrointestinal health and digestion. Villus length decreased when the digestive system surface area deteriorated. The stem cells in the crypt are responsible for the recovery of the villus and the renewal of epithelial cells. It was reported that increased VCR proves there is no cell disruption and the intestinal cell mucosa is healed for digestion (Yason et al., 1987Yason CV, Summers BA, Schat KA. Pathogenesis of rotavirus infection in various age groups of chickens and turkeys: pathology. American Journal of Veterinary Research 1987;6:927-938.; Paulus et al., 1992Paulus U, Potten CS, Loeffler M. A model of the control of cellular regeneration in the intestinal crypt after perturbation based solely on local stem cell regulation. Cell Proliferat 1992;25(6):559-578; Yasar & Forbes 1996; Bucław et al., 2016). This contradicts with the view of Kalmendal et al. (2011Kalmendal R, Elwinger K, Holm L, Tauson R. High-fibre sunflower cake affects small intestinal digestion and health in broiler chickens. British Poultry Science 2011;52(1): 86-96.). In this study, while GITL and GITW increased (p>0.05), the muscular layer, the VCR, and the M value increased linearly in the treatment groups compared to the control group (p<0.01) (Shahverdi et al., 2013Shahverdi A, Kheiri F, Faghani M, Rahimian Y, Rafiee A. The effect of use red pepper (Capsicum annum L.) and black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) on performance and hematological parameters of broiler chicks. European Journal of Zoological Research 2013;2(6):44-48.). These findings are in agreement with the observation of Cardoso et al. (2012Cardoso VDS, Lima CARD, Lima MEFD, Dorneles LEG, Danelli MDGM. Piperine as a phytogenic additive in broiler diets. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 2012;47(4):489-496.) who showed that M value was expanded with dietary piperine supplementation. In addition, a decrease in the muscular layer in the 100 and 400 mg/kg HPWP supplementation groups can be a sign of increasing gut health like VCR, because if there were any stress factors or deterioration in the gut, the muscular layer would increase (Figure 1). Silva et al. (2009Silva MAD, Pessotti BMDS, Zanini SF, Colnago GL, Rodrigues MRA, Nunes LDC,et al. Intestinal mucosa structure of broiler chickens infected experimentally with Eimeria tenella and treated with essential oil of oregano. Ciência Rural 2009;39(5):1471-1477.) demonstrated that oral inoculation with Eimeria tenella increased Lamina muscularis mucosae 2 or 3 times more than antibiotics and anticoccidials. On the other hand, the antimicrobial effect of HPWP could have also been effective on the beneficial and harmful microorganism population in the structure of the small intestine (Orndorff et al., 2005Orndorff BW, Novak CL, Pierson FW, Caldwell DJ, McElroy AP. Comparison of prophylactic or therapeutic dietary administration of capsaicin for reduction of salmonella in broiler chickens. Avian Diseases 2005;49(4):527-533.). At the end of the experiment, the FI increased. All these results did not reveal any negative effects as a result of using HPWP in quail rations. Katayama et al. (1986Katayama Y, Baik HS, Koishi H. Effects of capsaicin on stomach and small intestine in rats. Journal of Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science 1986;39(5):361-367.) found similar results in rats. They reported that dietary hot pepper supplementation increased the stomach contents in the gut and produced better growth performance.

Figure 1
Hot pepper waste powder effects of Japanese quail villus properties.

The results of this study are the first record of dietary HPWP supplementation in quail feed. The main component of HPWP is capsaicin-like. Sim & Sil (2008Sim KH, Sil HY. Antioxidant activities of red pepper (Capsicum annuum) pericarp and seed extracts. Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008;43(10):1813-1823.) reported that HPWP has 80% antioxidant activity like hot pepper. Because capsaicin is an antioxidant, the basic effect of capsaicin may be on meat quality and the shelf life of the meat, but this was not determined by this study. Different studies are needed to determine how HPWP supplementation affects the quality of poultry meat and its shelf life. It was concluded that dietary HPWP supplementation in quail feed can be used to increase gut health and improve digestion. Further studies should be conducted to determine dietary HPWP supplementation with different stress factors, such as the challenge of pathogenic bacteria, low protein, high fiber, etc. in the diet in different animal species.


This study was supported by Kırşehir Ahi Evran University Scientific Research Commission. This article reflects a part of the project titled, “The Use of Hot Pepper Waste on Poultry” with ZRT.A3.16.013 project number. The authors would like to thank the University of Kırşehir Ahi Evran for its financial support, and for those who helped in the contraction of the Research Unit and lab analyses. Last but not least, the authors wish to gratefully acknowledge Prof. Dr. Hasan Rüştü Kutlu for his English language correction of the manuscript.


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  • Civaner AG, Ertürk MM. The possibilty of using mushroom harvest residue in growing japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Proceedings of the 6th National Animal Science Congress; 2009 June 24-26; Erzurum, Turkey; 2009. p.1395-1401. Available from:ürk%20Üniversitesi.pdf.
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  • Yurdagel U, Yaman UR, Baysal T. Meyve sebze isleme sanayinde atik su aritilmasi, Artik ve Atiklarin Degerlendirilmesi. Izmir (TUR): Ege Üniversitesi Basimevi; 1997.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    14 Dec 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    12 Mar 2019
  • Accepted
    23 Aug 2020
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