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Effects of Dietary Zinc Oxide and a Blend of Organic Acids on Broiler Live Performance, Carcass Traits, and Serum Parameters


This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of different dietary supplementation levels of zinc oxide and of an organic acid blend on broiler performance, carcass traits, and serum parameters. A total of 2400 one-day-old male Ross 308 broiler chicks, with average initial body weight 44.21±0.19g, was distributed according to a completely randomized design in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. Six treatments, consisting of diets containing two zinc oxide levels (0 and 0.01% of the diet) and three organic acid blend levels (0, 0.15, and 0.30%) were applied, with eight replicates of 50 birds each. The experimental diets were supplied ad libitum for 42 days. There were significant performance differences among birds fed the different zinc oxide and organic acid blend levels until 42 d of age (p<0.01). The result of this experiment showed that the organic acid blend did not affect feed intake, but zinc oxide increased feed intake. Carcass traits were not influenced by the experimental supplements. Zinc oxide supplementation increased serum alkaline phosphatase level (p<0.01). The organic acid blend reduced serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels (p<0.05). No interactions were found between zinc oxide and the organic acid blend for none of the evaluated parameters. We concluded that zinc oxide and the evaluated organic acid blend improve broiler performance.

Broilers; organic acid blend; zinc oxide


It is well-documented that zinc (Zn) is an essential nutritional trace mineral and the first unequivocal evidences that zinc is required for growth and health were obtained in laboratory animals (Todd et al., 1934Todd WR, Elvehjem CA, Hart EB. Zinc in the nutrition of the rat. American Journal of Physology 1934;107:146-156.). According to previous literature studies, the primary role of Zn in the body appears to be related to its association with enzymes and proteins, both as part of their molecule and as an activator. Numerous studies have provided a detailed description of one thousand known proteins associated with Zn (Balas et al., 1994). Under severe Zn deficiency, the activities of the enzymes plasma alkaline phosphatase; liver, retina and testicular alcohol dehydrogenase; connective tissue and fetal thymidine kinase; pancreatic carboxypeptidase A; and liver nuclear DNA dependent RNA-polymerase may be depressed. Many authors have suggested that Zn deficiency greatly reduces synthesis of DNA, RNA, and proteins and, hence, impairs cellular division, growth, and repair (Prask & Plocke, 1971Prask JA, Plocke DJ. A role for zinc in the structural integrity of thecytoplasmic ribosomes of Euglena gracilis. Plant Physiology 1971;48:150-155.; Balas et al., 1994). Fetal abnormalities occur and hatchability of eggs is reduced (Bao et al., 2007Bao YM, Choct M, Iji PA, Bruerton K. Effect of organically complexes copper, iron, manganese, and zinc on broiler performance, mineral excretion, and accumulation in tissues. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2007;16:448-455.;Golden, 1988Golden MHN. The diagnosis of zinc deficiency.In: Mills CF, editor. Zinc in human biology. London: Springer-Verlag; 1988. p.323-333.). Zinc supplementation of poultry, swine and dairy cattle diets improves the performance as measured by final body weight or feed efficiency ratio (Feng et al., 2009). The inclusions of zinc in broiler diets are commonly based on the NRC (1994) recommendations (40 mg/kg), and this is often criticized for not representing the needs of modern strains of commercial broilers (Leeson, 2003Leeson S. A new look at trace mineral nutrition of poultry: can we reduce environmental burden of poultry manure? In: Lyons TP, Jacques KA. Nutritional biotechnology in the feed and food industries. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press; 2003.). It is a common practice in the broiler industry to formulate diets to contain 100-120 mg supplemental Zn/kg (Feng et al., 2009), and therefore, commercial feed manufacturers use much higher levels than those recommended by the NRC to achieve maximum performance. The common forms of zinc used to supplement poultry fed are zincoxide (ZnO) and feed grade zinc sulfate (ZnSO4.7H2O). Comparisons of the relative bioavailability in broilers have shown that feed-grade sources of ZnO are 44 or 61% of the value of analytical-grade ZnSO4, depending on the index (tibia zinc or broiler growth) (Wedekind and Baker, 1990Wedekind KJ, Baker DH. Zinc bioavailability of feed grade sources of zinc. Journal of Animal Science1990;68:684-689.; Wedekind et al., 1992Wedekind KJ, Hortin AE, Baker DH. Methodology for assessing zinc bioavailability: efficacy estimates for zinc-methionine, zinc sulfate and zinc oxide. Journal of Animal Science1992;70:178-187.). Sandoval et al. (1998Sandoval M, Henry PR, Luo XG, Littell RC, Miles RD, Ammerman CB. Performance and tissue zinc and metallothionein accumulation in chicks fed a high dietary level of zinc. Poultry Science1998;77:1354-1363.) reported that ZnO was about 60% available compared with reagent-grade ZnSO4 and that highly available Zn sources are more toxic when consumed at high levels.

Due to the ban of antibiotic growth promoters in poultry diets in different countries, it is of interest to investigate potential alternatives to maintain good growth performance. Several organic acids have been reported to improve growth performance, feed efficiency, and mineral absorption when supplemented in non-ruminant diets (Langhout, 2000Langhout P. New additives for broiler chickens. Feed Mixture 2000;18:24-27.). Organic acids, such as acetic, butyric, lactic, and propionic acids, can modify intestinal microbial growth and this prebiotic effect results in the production of short-chain fatty acids by bacteria. Short-chain fatty acids are thought to have an antibacterial effect by decreasing luminal pH (Corrier et al., 1990Corrier DE, Hinton A, Ziprin RL, Beier RC, DeLoach JR. Effect of dietary lactose on cecal pH, bacteriostatic volatile fatty acids, and salmonella typhimurium colonization of broiler chicks. Avian Disease 1990;34:617-625. ). Other organic acids, such as citric, fumaric, and malic acids, have been used as growth promoters in chickens. Their mode of action is believed to rely on their ability to acidify the diet and ultimately the contents of the digestive tract. This is primarily important in young poultry, which endogenous acid production is low (Golden, 1988Golden MHN. The diagnosis of zinc deficiency.In: Mills CF, editor. Zinc in human biology. London: Springer-Verlag; 1988. p.323-333.; Biggs & Parsons, 2008Biggs P, Parsons CM. The effects of several organic acids on growth performance, nutrient digestibilities, and cecal microbial populations in young chicks. Poultry Science2008;87:2581-2589.). Afshrmanesh & Porreza (2005)Afsharmanesh M, Porreza J. Effects of calcium, citric acid, ascorbic acid, vitamin D on the efficacy of microbial phytase in broiler starters fed wheat-based diets: performance, bone mineralization and ileal digestibility. International Journal of Poultry Science2005;4:418-424. suggested that the reduction of gastric pH after organic acid consumption may increase pepsin activity. Several studies demonstrated that the supplementation of organic acids to broiler diets increased growth performance and reduced diseases and management problems (Aoet al., 2009Ao T, Cantor AH, Pescatore AJ, Ford MJ, Pierce JL, Dawson KA. Effect of enzyme supplementation and acidification of diets on nutrient digestibility and growth performance of broiler chicks. Poultry Science 2009;88:111-117.; Ricke, 2003Ricke SC. Perspectives on the use of organic acids and short chain fatty acids as antimicrobials. Poultry Science2003;82:632-639.). However, detailed information is still lacking.

The general purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of different levels of zinc oxide and of an organic acid blendes possible alternatives to antibiotics in order to improve broiler chicken growth performance, FCR, and meat and serum parameters.


Test design, Test period and Feeding method

A trial was conducted to examine the effect of zinc oxide and organic acid blend on broiler performance, carcass characteristics, and serum parameters. The protocol for this experiment was reviewed and approved by the University of Tabriz Animal Care Committee, and birds were cared for according to the 2006 Guidelines for Animal Care of the Agriculture Organization of East Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran. The2400 one-day-old Ross 308male broiler chickens used in this experiment were obtained from a commercial producer and sexed at a local commercial hatchery (Behparvar, Tabriz, Iran). Broiler chicks were randomly distributed into six treatments with eight replicates each, with50 chicks per replicate (initial weight 44.21±0.19 g). The diets were provided as mash and fed during the experimental period, from 0 to 42 d of age. Feed and water were available ad libitum. In this experiment, initial room temperature was 32°C and this was reduced by 1°C at 2-d intervals to 24°C. Room humidity was set at 70% for the duration of the experiment and lighting cycle was fixed at 23L: 1D during the whole experimental period.

Experimental diets

The basal diets formulated for the starter and the grower stages contained 20.7% CP, 2890 kcalME/kg, and 18.4% CP and 2960 kcal ME/kg, respectively (Table 1). The following six dietary treatments were applied: 1) a control diet with no additive supplementation and the dietary addition of2) 0% ZnO + 0.15% OA, 3) 0% ZnO + 0.30% OA, 4) 0.01% ZnO + 0% OA, 5) 0.01% ZnO + 0.15% OA, and 6) 0.01% ZnO + 0.30% OA. The commercial organic acid blendcontained15%formicacid, 15%malicacid,15% tartaric acid,20%citric acid,30% lactic acid, and 5% orthophosphoric acid. The feeds were mixed at 2-day intervals to maintain their stability. The test feeds were mixed for 3.5 min in a V-type mixer with a 500-kg capacity.

Table 1
Composition of experimental diets


Broiler performance, carcass traits and serum parameters.

At the end of the experimental period (day 42), feed was removed from the feeders and weighed. After a 12-h fasting period, Broilers were weighed per pen. Out these measurements, broiler live weight gain (g), feed intake (g), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were calculated. After final body weight was recorded, eight birds per pen were randomly selected and tagged, feed fasted (water was still available) for 12 h on day 42. Birds were weighed and sacrificed by severing both the right and left carotid artery and the jugular vein with a single cut and bled for 180s. After slaughter, carcass weight was determined as chilled carcass weight after removal of feathers, head, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney, abdominal fat. Carcass, breast meat, thighs, heart, liver, and abdominal fat yields were calculated as a percentage of fasted live body weight. On day 42, eight birds were randomly selected and 2-mL blood samples were collected from the right jugular vein. Blood samples were allowed to clot and then centrifuged at 3000×g (Beckman Avanti J.) for 10 min. Serum cholesterol (mg/dL), triglyceride (mg/dL), total protein (g dL-1), albumin (g dL-1), alkaline phosphatase (u/L), lactate dehydrogenase(u/L), calcium (mg/dL), and phosphorous (mg/dL) levels were determined in an auto-analyzer (ALCYON 300-Abbott, USA) using commercially available kits.

Statistical analysis

A completely randomized design in a2 x 3factorial arrangement with two levels (0 and 100 mg/kg of diet) of zinc oxide (ZnO) and three levels (0, 0.15, and 0.30%) of an organic acid blend (OA) was applied.

The obtained data were submitted to analysis of variance and treatment means, if significant, were compared by Duncan Multiple range test using SAS, version 9.1, statistical software (2000).


Our findings showed that zinc and organic acid supplementation had a significant effect on broiler weight gain (Table 2). From 0 to 42 d, both ZnO and OA a tall levels improved broiler growth rate when compared with the control diet (p<0.01). During the experimental period, birds fed diet6 (0.01% ZnO + 0.30% OA) presented the highest (p<0.01) weight gain. Birds fed the diets containing 0.01% ZnO presented higher weight gain than those fed the diets with no ZnO (p<0.01). On the other hand, all diets supplemented with OA significantly increased the weight gain of broilers when compared with those fed the control diets (p<0.01). Our findings show that, although weight gain was affected by the diets, significant feed intake differences (p<0.05) were only observed in ZnO supplemented diets. All organic acid blend levels had no effect on feed intake of broiler chicks. The study results provided some interesting findings relative to FCR. The diets supplemented with ZnO and OA significantly influenced FCR during the experimental period (ZnO; 0.05 and OA; p<0.01). The birds fed diet 3 (0% ZnO + 0.30% OA) and 6 (0.01% ZnO + 0.30% OA) presented lower FCR than those fed the other diets. The best FCR was observed when diets containing 0.3% of the organic acid blend was fed. No significant interaction ZnO × OA interaction was detected for the evaluated performance parameters.

Table 2
Effects of dietary ZnO and OA levels on cumulative growth performance (1-42 days of age).

Dietary treatments: 1: a control diet without additive supplementation, 2: 0% ZnO + 0.15% OA, 3: 0% ZnO + 0.30% OA, 4: 0.01% ZnO + 0% OA, 5: 0.01% ZnO + 0.15% OA and 6: 0.01% ZnO + 0.30% OA.

The carcass trait results are shown in Table 3. None of the evaluated by the dietary treatments; however, the birds fed diet6 (0.01% ZnO + 0.30% OA) presented numerically higher empty carcass weight and breast yield than the other diets. The effects of dietary zinc oxide and organic acids levels on serum parameters are summarized in Table 4. The dietary addition of ZnO significantly influenced alkaline phosphatase (p<0.01) levels, but not the other evaluated serum parameters. On the other hand, the addition of the organic acid blend to the diets significantly reduced serum cholesterol (p<0.01) and triglyceride (p<0.05) levels, and increased phosphorus (p<0.01), total protein (p<0.05), and albumin (p<0.01) concentrations. The ZnO × OA interaction was not significant for serum parameters.

Table 3
Effects of dietary zinc oxide and organic acids levels on carcass traits

Dietary treatments: 1: a control diet without additive supplementation, 2: 0% ZnO + 0.15% OA, 3: 0% ZnO + 0.30% OA, 4: 0.01% ZnO + 0% OA, 5: 0.01% ZnO + 0.15% OA and 6: 0.01% ZnO + 0.30% OA.

Table 4
Effects of dietary zinc oxide and organic acids levels on serum parameters

Dietary treatments: 1: a control diet without additive supplementation, 2: 0% ZnO + 0.15% OA, 3: 0% ZnO + 0.30% OA, 4: 0.01% ZnO + 0% OA, 5: 0.01% ZnO + 0.15% OA and 6: 0.01% ZnO + 0.30% OA.


In this study we investigated the effects of the supplementation of zinc oxide and of an organic acid blend to a standard diet on the live performance, carcass traits, and serum parameters of broilers between one and 42 days of age. The Ross 308 (2007) management guide establishes broiler zinc requirement during the grower period at a level of 120 mg Zn/kg diet, whereas the NRC (1994) reports that the zinc requirement of broilers during the starter period is 40 mg Zn/kg. In the present experiment, average zinc supplementation in the control diet from the trace mineral premix was 60 mg Zn/kg. We hypothesized that when conventional corn-soybean meal diets are fed, the Zn content in the mineral premix often meets the requirement for broiler growth. It was shown that Zn supplementation did not significantly change broiler weight gain (Wedekind et al., 1992Wedekind KJ, Hortin AE, Baker DH. Methodology for assessing zinc bioavailability: efficacy estimates for zinc-methionine, zinc sulfate and zinc oxide. Journal of Animal Science1992;70:178-187.). Some previous studies have documented that dietary zinc concentrations of 45 to 48 mg/kg were adequate for broilers (Mohanna & Nys, 1999Mohanna C, Nys Y. Effect of dietary zinc content and sources on the growth, body zinc deposition and retention, zinc excretion and immune response in chickens. British Poultry Science1999;40:108-114.; Huanget al., 2009Huang YL, Lu L, Li SF, Luo XG, Liu B. Relative bioavailabilities of organic zinc sources with different chelation strengths for broilers fed a conventional corn-soybean meal diet. Journal of Animal Science2009;87:2038-2046.). However, Burrell et al. (2004Burrell AL, Dozier WA, Davis AJ, Compton MM, Freeman ME, Vendrell PF, Ward TL. Response ofbroilers to dietary zinc concentrations and sources in relation toenvironmental implications. British Poultry Science2004;45:255-263.) reported that optimum weight gain was achieved with110 mg supplemental Zn/kg in conventional corn-soybean meal diets. In the present experiment, there were significant differences in weight gain between 100 mg ZnO diets and the control diet. This result is consistent with the findings of Golden (1988Golden MHN. The diagnosis of zinc deficiency.In: Mills CF, editor. Zinc in human biology. London: Springer-Verlag; 1988. p.323-333.) and Alcicek et al. (2004Alçiçek A, Bozkurt M, Çabuk M. The effect of a mixture of herbal essential oils, an organic acid or a probiotic on broiler performance. South African Journal of Animal Science 2004;34(4):217-222.), who reported that broiler live performance improved when a zinc complex (ZnSO4) was added above 100 ppm to the diet.

On the other hand, Rossi et al. (2007Rossi P, Rutz F, Anciuti MA, Rech JL, Zauk NHF. Influence of graded levels of organic zinc on growth performance and carcass traits of broilers. Journal of Applied Poultry Research2007;16:219-225.) reported that diets with low zinc levels lead to depressed appetite, resulting in reduced feed intake and weight gain. In contrast with our results, Zn bioavailability was ~40-80% in feed grade ZnO relative to feed-grade ZnSO4, using weight gain as response variable (Sandoval et al., 1997Sandoval M, Henry PR, Littell RC, Cousins RJ, Ammerman CB. Relative bioavailability of supplemental inorganic zinc sources for chicks. Journal of Animal Science1997;75:3195-3205.; Edwards & Baker, 1999Edwards HM, Baker DH. Bioavailability of zinc in several sources of zinc oxide, zinc sulfate, and zinc metal. Journal of Animal Science 1999;77:2730-2735.). The result of Collins & Moran (1999Collins NE, Moran ET. Influences of supplemental manganese and zinc on live performance and carcass quality of diverse broiler strains. Journal of Applied Poultry Research1999;8:228-235.) differ from that obtained in the present experiment: those authors reported that body weight and feed efficiency were generally not influenced by feeding excessive levels of supplemented Zn. Zinc is involved in several biochemical reactions, and the live performance improvements detected in the present study may be explained by the fact that the supplemented Zn levels met the requirements of enzymes that have a main role in the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and body protein (Balas et al., 1994; Karamouz et al., 2010Karamouz H, Shahryar HA, Gorbani A, Maheri-Sis N, Ghaleh-Kandi JG. Effect of zinc oxide supplementation on some serum biochemical values in male broilers. Global Veterinary 2010;4(2):108-111.).

Many additives, including organic acids, have been researched to determine their efficacy in improving the performance of broilers in order to reduce or replace dietary antibiotic growth promoters (Waldroup, 1995Waldroup AL, Kaniwati S, Mauromoustakos A. Performance characteristics and microbiological aspects of broilers fed diets supplemented with organic acids. Journal of Food Protection 1995;58:482-489.). The organic acid blend used in this study effectively improved weight gain and FCR, and did not present any adverse effects on the other evaluated parameters. However, its effect on feed intake was not significant. Hassan et al. (2010Hassan HMA, Mohamed MA, Youssef AW, Hassan ER. Effect of using organic acids to substitute antibiotic growth promoters on performance and intestinal microflora of broilers. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science2010;23(10)1348-1353.) suggested that the addition of organic acid blend in broilers diets may improve live performance (weight gain or FCR), but also found that it significantly increased the feed intake of broilers. Also in contrast with our results, Rafacz et al. (2005)Rafacz-Livingston KA, Parsons CM, Jungk RA.The effects of various organic acids on phytate phosphorus utilizationin chicks. Poultry Science2005;84:1356-1362. reported that organic acids significantly increased feed intake in most experiments (Snow et al., 2004Snow JL, Baker DH, Parsons CM. Phytase, citricacid, and 1ahydroxycholecalciferol improve phytate phosphorusutilization in chicks fed a corn-soybean meal diet. Poultry Science2004;83:1187-1192.). The beneficial effect of organic acids on performance is related to a more efficient utilization of nutrients, which in turn results in improved FCR (Cave, 1982Cave NAG. Effect of dietary short-and medium chain fatty acids on feed intake by chicks. Poultry Science1982;61:1147-1153.). However, Hernándezet al. (2006Hernández F, García V, Madrid J, Orengo J, Catalá P. Effect of formic acid on performance, digestibility, intestinal histomorphology and plasma metabolite levels of broiler chickens. British Poultry Science2006;47:50-56.) showed that, when formic and propionic acids (5,000 or 10,000 ppm) were added to broiler diets, performance was not affected.

Interestingly, we found that, although broiler performance improved with the dietary supplementation of ZnO, none of the evaluated carcass traits were influenced by the treatments. The results of the present study are in agreement with Denli et al. (2003Denli M, Okan F, Çelik K. Effect of dietary probiotic, organic acid and antibiotic supplementation to diets on broiler performance and carcass yield. Pakistan Journal ofNutrition 2003;2(2):89-91.), who reported that organic acid supplemented diets had no effects on carcass traits. On the other hand, Hassanet al. (2010Hassan HMA, Mohamed MA, Youssef AW, Hassan ER. Effect of using organic acids to substitute antibiotic growth promoters on performance and intestinal microflora of broilers. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science2010;23(10)1348-1353.) showed an increased carcass dressing percentage in 35-d-old broilers with the dietary addition of organic acids.

In the present experiment, serum parameters were not affected by the dietary treatments, except for alkaline phosphatase level, which increased with the dietary addition of 100 mg ZnO/kg. This finding contrasts with the result of Watkins and Southern (1993), who reported no differences in alkaline phosphatase activity when dietary Zn level increased. Uyanik et al. (2001Uyanik F, Eren M, Tuncoku G. Effect of supplemental Zn on growth, serum glucose, cholesterol, enzymes and minerals in broilers. Pakistan Journal of Biology Science 2001;6:745-747.) and Karamouzet al. (2010Karamouz H, Shahryar HA, Gorbani A, Maheri-Sis N, Ghaleh-Kandi JG. Effect of zinc oxide supplementation on some serum biochemical values in male broilers. Global Veterinary 2010;4(2):108-111.) showed that zinc supplementation had no significant effect on serum alkaline phosphatase activity, but with increasing Zn levels, serum alkaline phosphatase levels were reduced earlier than normal Zn level feeding. Feng et al. (2009) showed that a zinc-glycine chelate increased serum total protein and calcium concentrations, but had no effect on albumin or phosphorus levels, whereas Barmanet al. (2009Barman C, Goswami J, Sarmah BC, Sarma BC. Effect of zinc supplementation on feed consumption and growth performance of broiler chicks. International Veterinary Journal 2009;86(11):1154-1155.) did not report any significant effect of different dietary zinc supplementation levels on serum protein concentration.

The dietary addition of an organic acid blend significantly reduced serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the study of Abdel-Fattahet al. (2008Abdel-Fattah SA, El-Sanhoury MH, El-Mednay NM,. Abdel-Azeem F Thyroid activity, some blood constituents, organs morphology and performance of broiler chicks fed supplemental organic acids. International Journal of Poultry Science 2008;7(3):215-222.) and Abdo (2004Abdo MAZ. Efficacy of acetic acid in improving the utilization of low protein-low energy broiler diets. Egyptian Poultry Science 2004;24:123-141.). On the other hand, Abdel-Azeem et al. (2000Abdel-Azeem F, El-Hommosany YM, Ali NGM. Effect of citric acid in diets with different starch and fiber levels on productive performance and some physiological traits of growing rabbits. Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science 2000;10:121-145.) did not find any significant blood lipid profile changes in broilers fed citric acid. Powell (2000Powell S R. The antioxidant properties of zinc. Journal of Nutrition 2000;130:1447S-1454S.) reported that the reduction obtained in cholesterol levels may be the result of the increasing breakdown of cholesterol by bile acids and of the inhibitory effect of organic acids on micelle formation in the low pH of digesta content. In present experiment, the addition of organic acids statistically increased serum phosphorous levels of broilers. A possible explanation for this effect may be attributed to the reduction of the intestinal pH, increasing the absorption of such mineral from the gut into the blood stream (Abdel-Fattah et al., 2008Abdel-Fattah SA, El-Sanhoury MH, El-Mednay NM,. Abdel-Azeem F Thyroid activity, some blood constituents, organs morphology and performance of broiler chicks fed supplemental organic acids. International Journal of Poultry Science 2008;7(3):215-222.).Abdel-Fattah et al. (2008)Abdel-Fattah SA, El-Sanhoury MH, El-Mednay NM,. Abdel-Azeem F Thyroid activity, some blood constituents, organs morphology and performance of broiler chicks fed supplemental organic acids. International Journal of Poultry Science 2008;7(3):215-222. reported that the supplementation of organic acids in broiler diets increased serum calcium and phosphorous concentrations, and Abdo (2004)Abdo MAZ. Efficacy of acetic acid in improving the utilization of low protein-low energy broiler diets. Egyptian Poultry Science 2004;24:123-141. observed an increase of blood calcium levels in broilers fed dietary acidifiers. Both of these results contrast with those obtained in the present experiment.

We observed that serum total protein and albumin concentrations were significantly increased with organic acid supplementation. Sonet al. (2002Son JH, Ragl D, Adeola O. Quantification of digestive flow into the caeca. British Poultry Science2002;43:322-324.) reported that adding organic acids to broiler diets slowed the passage of feed through the digestive organs and that the increased digestion time improved nutrient utilization. Several studies demonstrated that the dietary acidification with organic acids enhances nutrient utilization and improves the digestibility coefficient of protein (Abdel-Azeem et al., 2000Abdel-Azeem F, El-Hommosany YM, Ali NGM. Effect of citric acid in diets with different starch and fiber levels on productive performance and some physiological traits of growing rabbits. Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science 2000;10:121-145.). Kommera et al. (2006Kommera SK, Mateo RD, Neher FJ, Kim SW. Phytobiotics and organic acids as potential alternatives to the use of antibiotics in nursery pig diets. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science2006;19:1784-1789.) mentioned that reduced gastric emptying rate is a possible mechanism to improve the protein digestion in the intestine and this may be an explanation for our findings of increased serum protein and albumin levels.

We did not find similar studies evaluating the interaction between organic acid blends and ZnO, and therefore, its possible effects remain unclear. Further studies are required to elucidate the mechanisms that regulate the digestibility of feed by organic acid blend and ZnO supplements. This study is groundwork for future investigations evaluating zinc levels below broiler requirement for maximum performance in control diets. In summary, this study indicated that the that the addition of zinc oxide and an organic acid blend to broiler diets significantly improved broiler weight gain and feed conversion ratio; however, neither the individual or combined use of zinc oxide and the evaluated organic acid blend statistically affected carcass traits or serum parameters of male broilers.


I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Arash Javanmardfor his insightful comments and constructive criticisms during preparation and submission of the present manuscript.


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  • Hernández F, García V, Madrid J, Orengo J, Catalá P. Effect of formic acid on performance, digestibility, intestinal histomorphology and plasma metabolite levels of broiler chickens. British Poultry Science2006;47:50-56.
  • Huang YL, Lu L, Li SF, Luo XG, Liu B. Relative bioavailabilities of organic zinc sources with different chelation strengths for broilers fed a conventional corn-soybean meal diet. Journal of Animal Science2009;87:2038-2046.
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  • Karamouz H, Shahryar HA, Gorbani A, Maheri-Sis N, Ghaleh-Kandi JG. Effect of zinc oxide supplementation on some serum biochemical values in male broilers. Global Veterinary 2010;4(2):108-111.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Oct-Dec 2015


  • Received
    Oct 2014
  • Accepted
    July 2015
Fundação de Apoio à Ciência e Tecnologia Avicolas Rua Barão de Paranapanema, 146 - Sala 72, Bloco A, Bosque., CEP: 13026-010. , Tel.: +55 (19) 3255-8500 - Campinas - SP - Brazil