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Does the elbow position change the handgrip strength in Parkinson's disease?

A posição do cotovelo altera a força de preensão manual na doença de Parkinson?


The flexed elbow is a standardization position on the handgrip strength test, however the literature shows divergence in the values obtained from extended elbow. The aim of this study was to verify if there is such difference in people with Parkinson's disease. Cross-sectional study. Thirty-one elderly individuals with clinical diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, performed 2 handgrip tests, first with extended elbow and second with flexed elbow, with 48 hours of interval. There was not significantly different between positions for handgrip strength (p > 0.05). As well as, the effect size was insignificant (d < 0.19). The main results indicate there was no significant difference between the flexed and the extended protocol, the effect size was negative and very small, it shows there is no clinical effect. Since, there are no difference between elbow positions, The American Society of Hand Therapists standardized position is recommended for testing of handgrip strength.

Key words:
Elbow joint; Muscle strength; Muscle Strength Dynamometer; Neurodegenerative disease; Elderly


O cotovelo flexionado é uma posição padronizada no teste de força de preensão manual, no entanto, a literatura mostra divergências nos valores obtidos com o cotovelo estendido. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existe tal diferença em pessoas com a doença de Parkinson. Estudo transversal. Trinta e um idosos com diagnóstico clínico da doença de Parkinson realizaram 2 testes de preensão manual, o primeiro com o cotovelo estendido e o segundo com o cotovelo flexionado, com intervalo de 48 horas. Não houve diferença significativa entre as posições para a força de preensão manual (p > 0,05). Além disso, o tamanho do efeito foi insignificante (d < 0,19). Os principais resultados indicam que não houve diferença significativa entre o protocolo flexionado e o estendido, o tamanho do efeito foi negativo e muito pequeno, o que mostra que não há efeito clínico. Portanto, não há diferença entre as posições do cotovelo, recomenda-se a posição padronizada da Sociedade Americana de Terapeutas de Mão para o teste de força de preensão manual.

Articulação do cotovelo; Força muscular; Dinamômetro de Força Muscular; Doença neurodegenerativa; Idosos


The measurement of muscle strength is important in studying health11 Orssatto LBR, Moura BM, Bezerra ES, Andersen LL, Oliveira SN, Diefenthaeler F. Influence of strength training intensity on subsequent recovery in elderly. Exp Gerontol. 2018;106:232-9. PMid:29540305.
, aging22 Sirola J, Rikkonen T, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin JS, Kroger H. Association of grip strength change with menopausal bone loss and related fractures: a population-based follow-up study. Calcif Tissue Int. 2006;78(4):218-26. PMid:16604281.
, surgery33 Chung KS, Ha JK, Yeom CH, Ra HJ, Lim JW, Kwon MS, et al. Are muscle strength and function of the uninjured lower limb weakened after anterior cruciate ligament injury? Two-year follow-up after reconstruction. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(12):3013-21. PMid:26460100.
and disease44 Volaklis KA, Halle M, Meisinger C. Muscular strength as a strong predictor of mortality: a narrative review. Eur J Intern Med. 2015;26(5):303-10. PMid:25921473.
, furthermore many diseases are characterized by the loss of muscle strength, these include Parkinson’s disease (PD)55 Corcos DM, Chen CM, Quinn NP, McAuley J, Rothwell JC. Strength in Parkinson’s disease: relationship to rate of force generation and clinical status. Ann Neurol. 1996;39(1):79-88. PMid:8572671.
, metabolic syndrome66 Sayer AA, Syddall HE, Dennison EM, Martin HJ, Phillips DI, Cooper C, et al. Grip strength and the metabolic syndrome: findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study. QJM. 2007;100(11):707-13. PMid:17951315.
and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis77 Brooks BR. Natural history of ALS: symptoms, strength, pulmonary function, and disability. Neurology. 1996;47(4, Suppl 2):S71-81, discussion S81-2. PMid:8858055.
. The handgrip dynamometer is widely used to assess muscle strength in healthy individuals88 Figueiredo IM, Sampaio RF, Mancini MC, Silva FCM, Souza MAP. Test of grip strength using the Jamar dynamometer. Acta Fisiátrica. 2007;14(2):104-10.
, those who have injuries99 Ng GYF, Fan ACC. Does Elbow Position Affect Strength and Reproducibility of Power Grip Measurements? Physiotherapy. 2001;87(2):68-72.
, those with neurodegenerative disease88 Figueiredo IM, Sampaio RF, Mancini MC, Silva FCM, Souza MAP. Test of grip strength using the Jamar dynamometer. Acta Fisiátrica. 2007;14(2):104-10.
including PD55 Corcos DM, Chen CM, Quinn NP, McAuley J, Rothwell JC. Strength in Parkinson’s disease: relationship to rate of force generation and clinical status. Ann Neurol. 1996;39(1):79-88. PMid:8572671.
. Handgrip strength (HGS) is the amount of static force that the hand can squeeze around a dynamometer1010 Massy-Westropp NM, Gill TK, Taylor AW, Bohannon RW, Hill CL. Hand Grip Strength: age and gender stratified normative data in a population-based study. BMC Res Notes. 2011;4(1):127. PMid:21492469.
, and it is an important prerequisite to adequate hand performance. Moreover, occupational and physical therapists often measure HGS of their patients in order to monitor their progress1111 Desrosiers J, Bravo G, Hebert R, Mercier L. Impact of elbow position on grip strength of elderly men. J Hand Ther. 1995;8(1):27-30. PMid:7742892.
, and with the increasing severity of PD the individuals have weaker HGS1212 Roberts HC, Syddall HE, Butchart JW, Stack EL, Cooper C, Sayer AA. The Association of Grip Strength With Severity and Duration of Parkinson’s: a cross-sectional study. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2015;29(9):889-96. PMid:25653226.
. To standardize progress, the American Society of Hand Therapists (ASHT) have standardized a protocol in which the individual is sitting with the elbow maintained flexed at 90º1313 Fess EE. Clinical assessment recommendations. Chicago: American Society of Hand Therapists; 1992., but many factors may influence HGS1111 Desrosiers J, Bravo G, Hebert R, Mercier L. Impact of elbow position on grip strength of elderly men. J Hand Ther. 1995;8(1):27-30. PMid:7742892.
, and one of them is elbow position99 Ng GYF, Fan ACC. Does Elbow Position Affect Strength and Reproducibility of Power Grip Measurements? Physiotherapy. 2001;87(2):68-72.

Some investigators have chosen to compare 90° flexion with full extension because, when the elbow is flexed, the flexor digitorium superficialis, the only flexor muscle that crosses the elbow joint, is placed in a shortened position, which puts it at a mechanical disadvantage1111 Desrosiers J, Bravo G, Hebert R, Mercier L. Impact of elbow position on grip strength of elderly men. J Hand Ther. 1995;8(1):27-30. PMid:7742892.
. For example, Su et al.1414 Su CY, Lin JH, Chien TH, Cheng KF, Sung YT. Grip strength in different positions of elbow and shoulder. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1994;75(7):812-5. PMid:8024431.
found significantly higher grip strength was obtained in the full elbow extension for the dominant hand in healthy young individuals and elderly individuals. España-Romero et al.1515 España-Romero V, Ortega FB, Vicente-Rodríguez G, Artero EG, Rey JP, Ruiz JR. Elbow position affects handgrip strength in adolescents: validity and reliability of Jamar, DynEx, and TKK dynamometers. J Strength Cond Res. 2010;24(1):272-7. PMid:19966590.
found significantly higher grip strength was obtained in the full elbow extension for the right hand in adolescents. Oxford et al.1616 Oxford KL. Elbow positioning for maximum grip performance. J Hand Ther. 2000;13(1):33-6. PMid:10718220.
found that for both the dominant and nondominant hands, and regardless of the sex of the subject, grip strength is significantly greater when measured with the elbow in the fully extended position instead of 90° of flexion in both young and the healthy elderly. Kuzala and Vargo1717 Kuzala EA, Vargo MC. The relationship between elbow position and grip strength. Am J Occup Ther. 1992;46(6):509-12. PMid:1605295.
found significantly higher grip strength was obtained in the full elbow extension for the dominant hand in healthy young individuals.

However, due to the inconclusive findings of the studies already carried out1111 Desrosiers J, Bravo G, Hebert R, Mercier L. Impact of elbow position on grip strength of elderly men. J Hand Ther. 1995;8(1):27-30. PMid:7742892.
,1414 Su CY, Lin JH, Chien TH, Cheng KF, Sung YT. Grip strength in different positions of elbow and shoulder. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1994;75(7):812-5. PMid:8024431.

15 España-Romero V, Ortega FB, Vicente-Rodríguez G, Artero EG, Rey JP, Ruiz JR. Elbow position affects handgrip strength in adolescents: validity and reliability of Jamar, DynEx, and TKK dynamometers. J Strength Cond Res. 2010;24(1):272-7. PMid:19966590.
-1616 Oxford KL. Elbow positioning for maximum grip performance. J Hand Ther. 2000;13(1):33-6. PMid:10718220.
, 1818 Kuzala EA, Vargo MC. The relationship between elbow position and grip strength. Am J Occup Ther. 1992;46(6):509-12. PMid:1605295.
, there is a gap in the literature about HGS in individuals with neural impairments, especially in people with PD1919 Jones GR, Roland KP, Neubauer NA, Jakobi JM. Handgrip strength related to long-term electromyography: application for assessing functional decline in Parkinson Disease. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2017;98(2):347-52. PMid:27825909.
. Since weakness is a characteristic feature of the disease55 Corcos DM, Chen CM, Quinn NP, McAuley J, Rothwell JC. Strength in Parkinson’s disease: relationship to rate of force generation and clinical status. Ann Neurol. 1996;39(1):79-88. PMid:8572671.
, we are interested in whether assessments of HGS do or do not depend on elbow angle, and this raises the question whether the greatest strength occurs in full extension in people with PD. Taken together, we hypothesized that the HGS generated with elbow in full extension would be significantly higher when compared to elbow flexed at 90º, therefore, the aim of the study was to analyze if there is difference in HGS in people with PD in two different elbow positions: ASHT protocol (flexed) and extended.



Data are from 31 elderly individuals with clinical diagnosis of PD (22 men and 9 women) by a neurologist or physician, recruited in the exercise program from University of Brasília, with non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. They were classified in one of four stages of modified Hoehn and Yahr scale2020 Goetz CG, Poewe W, Rascol O, Sampaio C, Stebbins GT, Counsell C, et al. Movement Disorder Society Task Force report on the Hoehn and Yahr staging scale: status and recommendations. Mov Disord. 2004;19(9):1020-8. PMid:15372591.
. The individual's dominance and the most affected side by the disease were not collected. Also, the patient’s medications and disease diagnosis time were not collected.

The inclusion criteria were clinical diagnosis of PD by neurologist or physician, modified Hoehn and Yahr Scale classification between stages 1 and 3, controlled hypertension (<150/90 mmHg), do not have extreme obesity (>40 Kg/m2), do not have a heart pacemaker, do not have amputation of upper or lower limbs, male and female, individuals between 40 and 80 years who do not have health problems and / or disabilities that prevent them from completing the test or who may have their problems aggravated due to participation in the test. The exclusion criteria were any kind of trauma that prevents participation in the study, inability to perform any the test, individuals who may voluntarily want to stop their participation in research, individuals who do not have availability to participate in the test.

The individuals were instructed to not perform physical exercises in the 24 hours prior to the test protocol, not to interfere with the test. The participants did two visits at University of Brasília with 48 hours of interval, the first for the extended elbow and descriptive measures. The second for the flexed elbow, and all participants was evaluated in ‘‘on’’ period of medication. The assessment was performed in both arms and the volunteer chose which hand to start the test. This study was approved by the ethics committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences at University of Brasília, and all subjects signed the informed consent form.

Descriptive measurements

The International Physical Activity Questionnaire short form was used to classify physical activity level2121 Craig CL, Marshall AL, Sjostrom M, Bauman AE, Booth ML, Ainsworth BE, et al. International physical activity questionnaire: 12-country reliability and validity. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003;35(8):1381-95. PMid:12900694.
. In addition, weight and height were assess. The questionnaire was used to be able to have a heterogeneous sample in terms of physical activity.

Elbow positions

HGS was assessed with the JAMAR® hydraulic hand dynamometer (Patterson Medical, Warrenville, Illinois, USA). A trained and experienced researcher carried out all the evaluations of the volunteers. The JAMAR® dynamometer is an isometric tool with 5 fixed grip positions and precision of 2 KgF. The volunteers chose which hand to begin the test and better position of the fixed grip aiming for your comfort, and the principal investigator collected all HGS data. The highest value among all trials in each hand was used as the score.

Extended elbow: The first day of HGS assessment was conducted with the adapted protocol from Su et al.1414 Su CY, Lin JH, Chien TH, Cheng KF, Sung YT. Grip strength in different positions of elbow and shoulder. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1994;75(7):812-5. PMid:8024431.
. In this protocol the individual was seated on a chair without arm support, positioned with the shoulder in adduction and the elbow in full extension. The forearm in neutral position, the wrist position could vary from 0º to 30º of extension, as shown in Figure 1, and three measures were collected for each side. Rest interval was 60 seconds, and right and left arm strength was assessed alternately.

Figure 1
Extended elbow.

Flexed elbow: The second day of HGS assessment was conducted with the adapted protocol from ASHT1313 Fess EE. Clinical assessment recommendations. Chicago: American Society of Hand Therapists; 1992., the individual was seated on chair without arm support, positioned with the shoulder in adduction and the elbow flexed at 90º. The forearm in neutral position, the wrist position could vary from 0º to 30º of extension, as shown in Figure 2, and three measures were collected for each side. Rest interval was 60 seconds, and right and left arm strength was assessed alternately.

Figure 2
Flexed elbow.

Statistical analyses

Descriptive statistics were expressed as means, standard deviation and frequency. Comparisons between the flexed and the extended elbow positions for HGS were made using paired t-test and the clinical effect with Cohen’s d statistic. A p-value of ≤ 0.05 was adopted. All analyses were performed using the SPSS 24 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA, 24.0).


Table 1 shows the descriptive data of the subjects.

Table 1
Sample characterization.

Table 2 presents mean and standard deviation of two elbow positions on both sides for HGS, as well as the results for t-test and clinical effect between-groups. There is no significant difference between elbow positions for HGS. The highest scores were performed by right side.

Table 2
Comparisons between elbow positions for HGS.


The main results indicate there was no significant difference between the flexed and the extended protocol for HGS, in fact the effect size is negative and very small, which shows that there is no clinical effect. Results shows higher values in the HGS for the right hand, as has been shown by other studies99 Ng GYF, Fan ACC. Does Elbow Position Affect Strength and Reproducibility of Power Grip Measurements? Physiotherapy. 2001;87(2):68-72.
,1111 Desrosiers J, Bravo G, Hebert R, Mercier L. Impact of elbow position on grip strength of elderly men. J Hand Ther. 1995;8(1):27-30. PMid:7742892.
,1515 España-Romero V, Ortega FB, Vicente-Rodríguez G, Artero EG, Rey JP, Ruiz JR. Elbow position affects handgrip strength in adolescents: validity and reliability of Jamar, DynEx, and TKK dynamometers. J Strength Cond Res. 2010;24(1):272-7. PMid:19966590.
,2222 Alkurdi ZD, Dweiri YM. A Biomechanical Assessment of Isometric Handgrip Force and Fatigue at Different Anatomical Positions. J Appl Biomech. 2010;26(2):123-33. PMid:20498483.
,2323 Mathiowetz V, Rennells C, Donahoe L. Effect of elbow position on grip and key pinch strength. J Hand Surg Am. 1985;10(5):694-7. PMid:4045150.

The fact that there was no difference in muscle strength between the two elbow conditions is in accordance with other studies that compared elbow positions for HGS and found no significant difference between elbow in full extension or flexed at 90º in different populations99 Ng GYF, Fan ACC. Does Elbow Position Affect Strength and Reproducibility of Power Grip Measurements? Physiotherapy. 2001;87(2):68-72.
,1515 España-Romero V, Ortega FB, Vicente-Rodríguez G, Artero EG, Rey JP, Ruiz JR. Elbow position affects handgrip strength in adolescents: validity and reliability of Jamar, DynEx, and TKK dynamometers. J Strength Cond Res. 2010;24(1):272-7. PMid:19966590.
,2222 Alkurdi ZD, Dweiri YM. A Biomechanical Assessment of Isometric Handgrip Force and Fatigue at Different Anatomical Positions. J Appl Biomech. 2010;26(2):123-33. PMid:20498483.
,2424 Balogun JA, Akomolafe CT, Amusa LO. Grip strength: effects of testing posture and elbow position. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1991;72(5):280-3. PMid:2009042.,2525 Shyam Kumar AJ, Parmar V, Ahmed S, Kar S, Harper WM. A study of grip endurance and strengh in different elbow positions. J Orthop Traumatol. 2008;9(4):209-11. PMid:19384487.
. However, it is important to note that, although not statistically significant, strength differed by 0.165 kg99 Ng GYF, Fan ACC. Does Elbow Position Affect Strength and Reproducibility of Power Grip Measurements? Physiotherapy. 2001;87(2):68-72.
, 0.5 kg1515 España-Romero V, Ortega FB, Vicente-Rodríguez G, Artero EG, Rey JP, Ruiz JR. Elbow position affects handgrip strength in adolescents: validity and reliability of Jamar, DynEx, and TKK dynamometers. J Strength Cond Res. 2010;24(1):272-7. PMid:19966590.
, 19 kg2222 Alkurdi ZD, Dweiri YM. A Biomechanical Assessment of Isometric Handgrip Force and Fatigue at Different Anatomical Positions. J Appl Biomech. 2010;26(2):123-33. PMid:20498483.
, 0.8 kg2424 Balogun JA, Akomolafe CT, Amusa LO. Grip strength: effects of testing posture and elbow position. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1991;72(5):280-3. PMid:2009042. and 0.13 kg2525 Shyam Kumar AJ, Parmar V, Ahmed S, Kar S, Harper WM. A study of grip endurance and strengh in different elbow positions. J Orthop Traumatol. 2008;9(4):209-11. PMid:19384487.
in these 5 studies. In accordance with the studies mentioned above, the 2 values do not differ more than 1.42 kg, showing that difference between elbow positions for HGS is irrelevant for people with PD. A person with PD may not be able to contract all muscles for a determined task, this can be a consequence of a reduction in dopamine signals sent from the substantia nigra to the striatum. Thus, the result is excessive activity in basal ganglia’s output activity which reduces activation of the motor cortex for any movement2626 Mazzoni P, Shabbott B, Cortes JC. Motor control abnormalities in Parkinson’s disease. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2012;2(6):a009282. PMid:22675667.

Desrosiers et al.1111 Desrosiers J, Bravo G, Hebert R, Mercier L. Impact of elbow position on grip strength of elderly men. J Hand Ther. 1995;8(1):27-30. PMid:7742892.
compared the same two protocols used in this study, with healthy elderly people who were right-handed, and found a significant difference for HGS only in the left hand, where elbow flexed was higher by 0.88 KgF. Aging process causes a faster degeneration on the non-dominant side of the subjects by dissociation of motor cortices, characterized, at least, by a decline of the non-dominant hemisphere2727 Coppi E, Houdayer E, Chieffo R, Spagnolo F, Inuggi A, Straffi L, et al. Age-related changes in motor cortical representation and interhemispheric interactions: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Front Aging Neurosci. 2014;6:209. PMid:25157232.
, probably this can explain why Desrosiers et al.1111 Desrosiers J, Bravo G, Hebert R, Mercier L. Impact of elbow position on grip strength of elderly men. J Hand Ther. 1995;8(1):27-30. PMid:7742892.
found different results for each hand and for our study.

PD neurodegeneration negatively affects dopamine production, that is responsible for the preparation, initiation, and execution of movement. So, the depletion of dopamine can result in changes neuronal activity2828 Schultz W. Multiple dopamine functions at different time courses. Annu Rev Neurosci. 2007;30(1):259-88. PMid:17600522.
, which in turn may alter movements and motor control generated by neural circuits of the brain and the spinal cord2929 Purves D, Augustine GJ, Fitzpatrick D, Hall WC, Lamantia A, McNamara JO, et al. Neuroscience. Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates Inc; 2004.. In other words, PD neurodegeneration affects strength55 Corcos DM, Chen CM, Quinn NP, McAuley J, Rothwell JC. Strength in Parkinson’s disease: relationship to rate of force generation and clinical status. Ann Neurol. 1996;39(1):79-88. PMid:8572671.
and muscular contraction2626 Mazzoni P, Shabbott B, Cortes JC. Motor control abnormalities in Parkinson’s disease. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2012;2(6):a009282. PMid:22675667.
, Su et al.1414 Su CY, Lin JH, Chien TH, Cheng KF, Sung YT. Grip strength in different positions of elbow and shoulder. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1994;75(7):812-5. PMid:8024431.
and Oxford1616 Oxford KL. Elbow positioning for maximum grip performance. J Hand Ther. 2000;13(1):33-6. PMid:10718220.
found that the extended elbow position is significantly higher than the flexed for HGS, regardless of age and gender in healthy individuals. Besides that, in Su et al.1414 Su CY, Lin JH, Chien TH, Cheng KF, Sung YT. Grip strength in different positions of elbow and shoulder. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1994;75(7):812-5. PMid:8024431.
study the same age group have twice strength when compare with our volunteers in elbow flexed at 90º. Kuzala and Vargo1717 Kuzala EA, Vargo MC. The relationship between elbow position and grip strength. Am J Occup Ther. 1992;46(6):509-12. PMid:1605295.
also found that the HGS for extended elbow position is significantly higher than the flexed. But, in their study there were more women than men, almost double, ranging in age from 21 to 46 years, already Mathiowetz et al.2323 Mathiowetz V, Rennells C, Donahoe L. Effect of elbow position on grip and key pinch strength. J Hand Surg Am. 1985;10(5):694-7. PMid:4045150.
found that the flexed elbow position is significantly higher than the extended for HGS in healthy young women.

The study has some limitations, first a small sample size, which may be affected the statistical analyses. Second, not perform a retest, which could give more strength to statistical analyses, due the small sample size, Third, the non-randomization of the elbow position, as well as the arms order. Fourth, the individual's dexterity and the most affected side by the disease were not collected. Fifth, the patient’s medications were not collected. Sixth, the disease diagnosis time were not collected. For further investigations it is suggested fill the gaps of our work limitations.

For practical application, our results showed performing the handgrip test on people with PD with their elbows flexed or extended will produce the same results. For clinical practice, if the patient feels uncomfortable when flexing the elbow, the HGS test can be performed with the elbow extended. Also, HGS has been considered an important predictor of full-body muscle strength and functional capacity, that is, in both cases, the HGS is an important measure.


Our findings suggest that there is no difference between elbow positions for HGS in people with PD. It is also clear that previously reported studies do not report consistent results since some studies show no difference is strength as a function of elbow position, some show a benefit for flexion and others extension. Therefore, the ASHT standardized position is recommended for testing of HGS.


We receive scholarship support from Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

  • How to cite this article Clael S, Brandão E, Vale R, Celi J, Bezerra L. Does the elbow position change the handgrip strength in Parkinson's disease? Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum 2024, 26:e95540. DOI:
  • Ethical approval

    Ethical approval was obtained from the local Human Research Ethics Committee – University of Brasilia and the protocol was written in accordance with the standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki.
  • Funding

    This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. This study was funded by the authors.


  • 1
    Orssatto LBR, Moura BM, Bezerra ES, Andersen LL, Oliveira SN, Diefenthaeler F. Influence of strength training intensity on subsequent recovery in elderly. Exp Gerontol. 2018;106:232-9. PMid:29540305.
  • 2
    Sirola J, Rikkonen T, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin JS, Kroger H. Association of grip strength change with menopausal bone loss and related fractures: a population-based follow-up study. Calcif Tissue Int. 2006;78(4):218-26. PMid:16604281.
  • 3
    Chung KS, Ha JK, Yeom CH, Ra HJ, Lim JW, Kwon MS, et al. Are muscle strength and function of the uninjured lower limb weakened after anterior cruciate ligament injury? Two-year follow-up after reconstruction. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(12):3013-21. PMid:26460100.
  • 4
    Volaklis KA, Halle M, Meisinger C. Muscular strength as a strong predictor of mortality: a narrative review. Eur J Intern Med. 2015;26(5):303-10. PMid:25921473.
  • 5
    Corcos DM, Chen CM, Quinn NP, McAuley J, Rothwell JC. Strength in Parkinson’s disease: relationship to rate of force generation and clinical status. Ann Neurol. 1996;39(1):79-88. PMid:8572671.
  • 6
    Sayer AA, Syddall HE, Dennison EM, Martin HJ, Phillips DI, Cooper C, et al. Grip strength and the metabolic syndrome: findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study. QJM. 2007;100(11):707-13. PMid:17951315.
  • 7
    Brooks BR. Natural history of ALS: symptoms, strength, pulmonary function, and disability. Neurology. 1996;47(4, Suppl 2):S71-81, discussion S81-2. PMid:8858055.
  • 8
    Figueiredo IM, Sampaio RF, Mancini MC, Silva FCM, Souza MAP. Test of grip strength using the Jamar dynamometer. Acta Fisiátrica. 2007;14(2):104-10.
  • 9
    Ng GYF, Fan ACC. Does Elbow Position Affect Strength and Reproducibility of Power Grip Measurements? Physiotherapy. 2001;87(2):68-72.
  • 10
    Massy-Westropp NM, Gill TK, Taylor AW, Bohannon RW, Hill CL. Hand Grip Strength: age and gender stratified normative data in a population-based study. BMC Res Notes. 2011;4(1):127. PMid:21492469.
  • 11
    Desrosiers J, Bravo G, Hebert R, Mercier L. Impact of elbow position on grip strength of elderly men. J Hand Ther. 1995;8(1):27-30. PMid:7742892.
  • 12
    Roberts HC, Syddall HE, Butchart JW, Stack EL, Cooper C, Sayer AA. The Association of Grip Strength With Severity and Duration of Parkinson’s: a cross-sectional study. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2015;29(9):889-96. PMid:25653226.
  • 13
    Fess EE. Clinical assessment recommendations. Chicago: American Society of Hand Therapists; 1992.
  • 14
    Su CY, Lin JH, Chien TH, Cheng KF, Sung YT. Grip strength in different positions of elbow and shoulder. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1994;75(7):812-5. PMid:8024431.
  • 15
    España-Romero V, Ortega FB, Vicente-Rodríguez G, Artero EG, Rey JP, Ruiz JR. Elbow position affects handgrip strength in adolescents: validity and reliability of Jamar, DynEx, and TKK dynamometers. J Strength Cond Res. 2010;24(1):272-7. PMid:19966590.
  • 16
    Oxford KL. Elbow positioning for maximum grip performance. J Hand Ther. 2000;13(1):33-6. PMid:10718220.
  • 17
    Kuzala EA, Vargo MC. The relationship between elbow position and grip strength. Am J Occup Ther. 1992;46(6):509-12. PMid:1605295.
  • 18
    Kuzala EA, Vargo MC. The relationship between elbow position and grip strength. Am J Occup Ther. 1992;46(6):509-12. PMid:1605295.
  • 19
    Jones GR, Roland KP, Neubauer NA, Jakobi JM. Handgrip strength related to long-term electromyography: application for assessing functional decline in Parkinson Disease. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2017;98(2):347-52. PMid:27825909.
  • 20
    Goetz CG, Poewe W, Rascol O, Sampaio C, Stebbins GT, Counsell C, et al. Movement Disorder Society Task Force report on the Hoehn and Yahr staging scale: status and recommendations. Mov Disord. 2004;19(9):1020-8. PMid:15372591.
  • 21
    Craig CL, Marshall AL, Sjostrom M, Bauman AE, Booth ML, Ainsworth BE, et al. International physical activity questionnaire: 12-country reliability and validity. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003;35(8):1381-95. PMid:12900694.
  • 22
    Alkurdi ZD, Dweiri YM. A Biomechanical Assessment of Isometric Handgrip Force and Fatigue at Different Anatomical Positions. J Appl Biomech. 2010;26(2):123-33. PMid:20498483.
  • 23
    Mathiowetz V, Rennells C, Donahoe L. Effect of elbow position on grip and key pinch strength. J Hand Surg Am. 1985;10(5):694-7. PMid:4045150.
  • 24
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    10 June 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    18 July 2023
  • Accepted
    07 Mar 2024
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Universitário Trindade, Centro de Desportos - RBCDH, Zip postal: 88040-900 - Florianópolis, SC. Brasil, Fone/fax : (55 48) 3721-8562/(55 48) 3721-6348 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil