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Effects of the training season and a half-ironman in muscle damage and inflammation indicators


Aiming to verify the muscle damage and acute inflammatory indicators produced by training and a half-ironman competition in triahlon athletes during twelve weeks of training, we investigated possible muscle changes and inflammatory responses due to the triathlon training and competition in 12 athletes. Blood samples were collected in the beginning of the training (M-1), after 10 weeks of training (M-2) and after the competition (M-3). The activity of CK, LDH, concentration of IL-6, IL-10, C Reactive Protein (PCR) and Cortisol (C) were studied. Changes in CK (M-1= 22,25 ± 36,08 UI/L, M-2= 20,80 ± 42,82 and M-3= 234,5 ± 135,59 UI/L), LDH (41,71 ± 18,98 U/L, 19,87 ± 16,17 and 191 ± 102,47), PCR (8,42 ± 4,13 mg/L, 5,77 ± 3,54 and 7,62 ± 4,87), IL-6 (77,09 ± 27,86 pg/mL, 93,39 ± 65,2 and 228,48 ± 97,61), IL-10 (88,49 ± 26,36 pg/mL, 89,56 ± 37,99 and 193,31 ± 92,77) and C (14,6 ± 5,92 µg/mL, 23,96 ± 6,44 e 37,47 ± 3,58) were found in M-3. From these results, it is possible to conclude that the athletes showed a significant increase of muscle damage and inflammation indicators just after the competition, ilustrating the acute effects of the half-ironman on the organism of these athletes.

Stress; Endurance training; Muscle damage; Inflammation; Half-ironman

Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Avenida Esperança s/n, Câmpus Samambaia, CEP: 74690-900, Telefone: +55 (62) 3521-1513 - Brasília - DF - Brazil