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Analysis of dance as structuring content of the basic education curriculum guidelines of Paraná

This study aims to discuss the issue in dance as structuring content of the Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines of Paraná (DCE) to indicate progress and limits, as well as enhance reflections that contribute to the pedagogical practice of teachers. Through analysis of the Curriculum Guidelines, since its conception, in 2003, until the process of reformulation, it was possible to identify needs and potential of the official document for the teaching of the manifestation. The analysis of this document was made to subside the Ministry of Education (SEED) towards in improvement of the proposal that guides the teaching in school as well as assisting with the work of the teacher, since he is compelled to be a co-participant, intervening in their structure.

Physical education; curriculum; dance; school

Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Avenida Esperança s/n, Câmpus Samambaia, CEP: 74690-900, Telefone: +55 (62) 3521-1513 - Brasília - DF - Brazil