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A new age-based equation for predicting maximum heart rate in endurance-trained runners

Uma nova equação baseada em idade para predição da frequência cardíaca máxima em corredores aerobiamente treinados

Una nueva ecuación basada en la edad para pronosticar la frecuencia cardíaca máxima en corredores entrenados en resistencia


This study aimed to generate an age-based maximum heart rate (HRmax) equation for endurance-trained runners. Thirty-four male runners performed three tests on a motorized treadmill, starting at 8 km h-1 with increments of 1 km h-1 every 1, 2 or, 3 min. HRmax was defined as the highest heart rate value recorded during each test. Post hoc analyses indicated that the HRmax derived from each test was significantly lower than the highest HRmax value, for each participant. HRmax predicted by "206 - 0.7 × age" underestimated the highest HRmax by 8.6 beats min-1. Thus, the generated age-based "218 - 0.8 × age" equation should be used to predict HRmax in endurance-trained runners.

Cardiovascular system; Exercise test; Physical endurance; Running

Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Avenida Esperança s/n, Câmpus Samambaia, CEP: 74690-900, Telefone: +55 (62) 3521-1513 - Brasília - DF - Brazil