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Método Natural de Georges Hébert: princípios e primeiras influências (1905-1914)


The purpose of the article is to analyze the influences that involved the creation of the Natural Method of Georges Hébert and to discuss his principles. The Guide Pratique d’Éducation Physique (1909) is the book selected as source. The historiographical discussion is based on authors such as Philippe-Meden (2017)Philippe-Meden, Pierre. Du sport à la scène Le naturisme de Georges Hébert (1875-1957). Bourdeaux: Press Universitaires de Bourdeaux; 2017., Froissart and Saint-Martin (2014)Froissart T, Saint-Martin J. Le Collège d’athlètes de Reims. Reims:Épure; 2014.. The initial clipping marks its first publication, and the last one is the closing of the activities of the Collège d’athlètes. Hébert devised a method for training the Marines of the French Navy and his fame became international. He proposed harmonious organic development through the group of ten exercises that practiced outdoors and in denudation would develop strength, courage and cold blood.

French gymnastic; Natural method; Georges Hébert; Pratic guide

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