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Physical Education and the funambulist: between science and circus arts (19th century and the beginning of the 20th century)

This study aimed to investigate the separation of circus activities and Physical Education, more specifically, the gymnastic, in the 19th century and early 20th century. For this, it was conducted a historical research which found explanations and data of this relationship. The sources were characterized by texts of historical persons identified as theorists of Physical Education in the period. The study examined the files centered in the thoughts of the teachers on the criteria for the organization of a scientific gymnastic. It concluded that the association between Physical Education and natural sciences identified the gymnastic as the scientific education of the body. In this definition, circus arts were criticized and excluded.

Physical Education; History; Arts; Natural Sciences

Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Avenida Esperança s/n, Câmpus Samambaia, CEP: 74690-900, Telefone: +55 (62) 3521-1513 - Brasília - DF - Brazil