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The Rachford-Rice equation: application to ternary diagram

A equação de Rachford-Rice: aplicação ao diagrama ternário


Ternary phase diagrams in liquid-liquid equilibrium, for the water-ethanol-ethyl acetate system, were calculated and the results presented in rectangular and triangular diagrams. Initially, the thermodynamical background and the conditions of equilibrium are presented, involving the equality of activities and the mass balance condition. From this system of equations, the Rachford-Rice equation is deduced, transforming the problem of eight equations into a problem of one equation with one unknown. The Non-Random-Two-Liquid model was adopted to calculate activity coefficients, but other models can be easily adapted. An algorithm is presented to calculate the equilibrium compositions of this ternary system, together with numerical results. The theoretical-experimental comparison is in fair agreement, showing the robustness and simplicity of the Rachford-Rice equations. The material presented here is accessible to undergraduate students.

Rachford-Rice; ternary system; liquid-liquid equilibrium

O equilíbrio líquido-líquido no sistema água-etanol-acetato de etila foi calculado e os resultados foram apresentados em diagramas retangulares e triangulares. Inicialmente, o contexto termodinâmico e as condições de equilíbrio são apresentados, envolvendo a igualdade das atividades e o balanço de massas. A equação de Rachford-Rice é deduzida das oito condições de equilíbrio termodinâmico. Definindo uma nova variável, razão de atividades, esse problema de oito variáveis independentes é transformado em um problema de uma variável independente. Serão apresentadas aplicações, adotando-se o modelo de atividade Non-Random-Two-Liquid, para um equilíbrio ternário, considerando o sistema água-etanol-acetato de etila. Os resultados são apresentados em diagramas retangulares e triangulares. É feita comparação com experimental, mostrando a qualidade e simplicidade da equação de Rachford-Rice. Um algoritmo é apresentado para se calcular as composições de equilíbrio, tornando o material aqui apresentado mais acessível aos alunos de graduação.

Rachford-Rice; sistema ternário; equilíbrio líquido-líquido

1. Introduction

The interpretation of many experimental results in ternary phase diagrams can be a challenging subject, usually discussed in a qualitative way. The theoretical point of view of ternary phase diagrams is not even addressed in physics and chemistry textbooks, with the topic being restricted to one component, under the Clausius-Clapeyron equation or to two components, most often using a short range lattice model [1[1] I. Prigogine, The Molecular Theory of Solutions (North-Holland Publishing Company, New York, 1957)., 2[2] T.L. Hill, An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics (Dover Publications, New York, 1986).] or several other models, such as the free volume theory [3[3] E.A. Guggenheim, Mixtures: The Theory of the Equilibrium Properties of Some Simple Classes of Mixtures, Solutions and Alloys (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1952).]. But liquids have also a long range important interaction that must be considered. Solution of the Ornstein-Zernick equations [4[4] L. Ornstein and F. Zernike, Poc. Akad. Sci. 17, 793 (1914)., 5[5] H. Frisch and J. Lebowitz, The Equilibrium Theory of Classical Fluids: A Lecture Note and Reprint Volume (W.A. Benjamin Inc., New York, 1964).] has to be carried out if a more precise nature of the liquid state is to be investigated. Although the Ornstein-Zernick equations can be adapted to the molecular case, with a mean potential, these are equations complex to solve [6[6] F. Carvalho and J.P. Braga, J. Mol. Model. 26, 193 (2020)., 7[7] F. Carvalho and J.P. Braga, J. Mol. Model. 28, 99 (2022).] and not adequated for an undergraduated course.

Therefore, a more suitable formulation is needed to explain the ternary equilibrium in the molecular liquid phase. Surprisingly enough, this important step in the study of the liquid-liquid equilibrium was formulated long ago, by Rachford and Rice [8[8] H. Rachford and J. Rice, J. Pet. Technol. 4, 327 (1952).] and certainly not explored in teaching termodynamics in physics and chemistry courses, although more popular in the engineering area [9[9] S.I. Sandler, Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics (Wiley, Hoboken, 2017).]. These equations, the Rachford-Rice equations, will be discussed and applied to a ternary phase diagram in the present work . A thermodynamical background together with equilibrium conditions will be explained, from which the Rachford-Rice equations will be established. As to be shown, there is no need to use elaborate optimization techniques to solve coupled thermodynamic equations, since the problem is transformed into a one independent variable.

Numerical results for the system, water, ethanol and ethyl acetate, will be discussed under the NRTL (Non Random Two Liquid) activity model [10[10] H. Renon and J. Prausnitz, I. & E. C. Process Design And Development 8, 413 (1969)., 11[11] J. Griswold, P. Chu and W. Winsauer, Ind. Eng. Chem. 41, 2352 (1949).]. These components will be labeled by the numbers 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The material presented in this article will allow the reader to predict a ternary diagram, thus complementing the study on phase diagrams. The theory is not restricted to three components and can easily be adapted to more components or to other activity coefficient models.

2. Thermodynamical Background

The Gibbs energy differential form can be expressed as, dG=-SdT+Vdp+iμidNi or dG=idμiNi+iμidNi, as elaborated in basic thermodynamics courses [12[12] J.P. Braga, Físico-Química – Aspectos Moleculares e Fenomenológicos (UFV, Viçosa, 2002).], with the variables having their usual meaning. Comparing these two results, results in,

(1) S d T - V d p + i N i d μ i = 0

known as the Gibbs-Duhem equation for the Gibbs energy. For fixed temperature and pressure,

(2) i N i d μ i = 0

a particular case of the Gibbs-Duhem equation, if applied to Gibbs energy. Although the proof of the Gibbs-Duhem equation was given for the Gibbs energy, the relationship is more general and expressed as [13[13] E.N. Yeremin, Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics (Mir Publishers, Moscou, 1981).],

(3) i N i d f ¯ i = 0

with f¯i=(fNi)T,p,Nj the partial molar quantity. If f is the Gibbs energy, equation (2) is recovered. However, the quantity f can take on any homogeneous function of degree one (extensive thermodynamic quantity), such as other energies, volume or entropy [14[14] M.J. Oliveira, Termodinâmica (Editora Livraria da Física, São Paulo, 2012).].

Gilbert Lewis [15[15] G.N. Lewis and M. Randall, Thermodynamics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1923).] introduced the concept of activity in thermodynamics as,

(4) μ ( T , p ) = μ 0 ( T ) + R T ln a

with a representing the activity. The activity coeficient, γ, is then defined in the form

(5) a = γ x

representing a departure from the mole fraction. For the ideal system, γ=1, which is taken as a reference to calculate excess energies. Therefore, for the excess Gibbs energy,

(6) G i E = ( μ 0 ( T ) + R T ln x i + R T ln γ i ) ( μ 0 ( T ) + R T ln x i ) = R T ln γ i

or for many components,

(7) G E = R T i x i ln γ i

expression to be used along the present work.

A model for the activity coefficient has to be proposed in order to calculate other thermodynamics properties. From dμi(T,p)=RTdlnai one can develop,

(8) x 1 d μ 1 + x 2 d μ 2 R T = x 1 d ( ln a 1 ) + x 2 d ( ln a 2 ) = x 1 d ( ln x 1 ) + x 2 d ( ln x 2 ) + x 1 d ( ln γ 1 ) + x 2 d ( ln γ 2 ) = 0


(9) x 1 d ( ln γ 1 ) + x 2 d ( ln γ 2 ) = 0

since x1d(lnx1)+x2d(lnx2)=0. For many components,

(10) x i d ( ln γ i ) = 0

This form of the Gibbs-Duhem equation is useful for testing the validity of various activity coefficient models. Any proposed model must satisfy this equation.

3. Conditions of Equilibrium

For a three-component liquid-liquid equilibrium with two phases, α and β, the equality of chemical potentials leads to the equality of activities, aiα=aiβ, i=1,2,3, where aip=γipxip, with p indicating the phase, γ denoting the activity coefficient, and x representing the mole fraction. Number of particles conservation in each phase establishes two more equations, x1p+x2p+x3p=1,p=α,β. Also, these particles will be either in phase α and phase β, that is, Pα+Pβ=1, with P representing the relative mole fraction of each phase p.

Two mass balances can also be taken into account, xiαPα+xiβPβ=zi, i=1,2. Therefore, there will be eight coupled equations,

(11) γ 1 α x 1 α = γ 1 β x 1 β γ 2 α x 2 α = γ 2 β x 2 β γ 3 α x 3 α = γ 3 β x 3 β x 1 α P α + x 1 β P β = z 1 x 2 α P α + x 2 β P β = z 2 x 1 α + x 2 α + x 3 α = 1 x 1 β + x 2 β + x 3 β = 1 P α + P β = 1

with eight unknows, x1α, x1β, x2α, x2β, x3α, x3β, Pα e Pβ. The relation x3αPα+x3βPβ=z3 would be redundant and does not need to be considered in the numerical solution.

The use of x3α=1-x1α-x2α, x3β=1-x1β-x2β and Pβ=1-Pα further reduces the system of eight equations to a system of five equations with five unknowns, implicitly satisfying the conservation of mass. With the global compositions provided and a suitable activity coefficient model, this system of non-linear equations can be solved numerically.

4. The Rachford-Rice Equation

Although the numerical solution of the system of equation (11) is possible, the problem can still be drastically simplified, being reduced to a problem with one unknown. This is the essence of the Rachford-Rice equation, to be discussed. Defining,

(12) K i = x i α x i β = γ i β γ i α

one develops,

(13) z i = P α x i α + P β x i β = P α x i α + ( 1 P α ) x i β = P α x i α + ( 1 + P α ) x i α K i

Multiplying by Ki and rearranging the terms,

(14) K i z i = P α K i x i α + ( 1 P α ) x i α = ( 1 P α + P α K i ) x i α = [ 1 + P α ( K i 1 ) ] x i α


(15) x i α = K i z i 1 + P α ( K i 1 ) x i β = z i 1 + P α ( K i 1 )

in which xiβ=xiαKi was used for the second equation.

Number of particle conservation is expressed by, F=ixiα-ixiβ=0, or,

(16) i = 1 m z i ( K i - 1 ) 1 + P α ( K i - 1 ) = 0

The relative mole fraction Pα is the only unknown in this equation. Result (16) is general and does not depend on components number. Summation has to be carried out for all species, as stated. The equation can also be set in a more compact form, defining

(17) i = 1 m z i c i + P α = 0

with ci=1Ki-1. Expressions, xiα=zi(ci+1)ci+Pα and xiβ=zicici+Pα can also be used, if the constant ci is introduced. Equation (17) is more atractive for numerical and analytical analysis. Equation (17), a simple and elegant relation, is the Rachford-Rice equation.

5. The NRTL Activity Coefficient Model

The quantity Ki will depend on the species compositions, or activity coefficient, and must be updated for each new concentration value, if the Rachford-Rice solution is to be found. It is therefore necessary that a model of this quantity be established. Among the possible models for activity coefficients, the one that became most suitable, as it combined efficiency, simplicity and provided analytical expressions for the case of three components, was the NRTL (Non Random Two Liquid) model [16[16] J. Prausnitz, R. Lichtenthaler and E. Azevedo, Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria (Prentice Hall Inc., Engelwood Cliffs, 1986), 2 ed.]. The NRTL model, like the Wilson, UNIQUAC, and UNIFAC models, belongs to the category of local composition models, where the composition around a molecule differs from the bulk composition [16[16] J. Prausnitz, R. Lichtenthaler and E. Azevedo, Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria (Prentice Hall Inc., Engelwood Cliffs, 1986), 2 ed.]. Several other activity coefficient models are possible and described in the literature, such as the Margules model, the van Laar model and the Flory-Huggins [16[16] J. Prausnitz, R. Lichtenthaler and E. Azevedo, Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria (Prentice Hall Inc., Engelwood Cliffs, 1986), 2 ed.] model. However, as will be shown, the NRTL model was sufficient for the purposes of the present work.

From measurements of the excess Gibbs energy, GE=GE(T,p,N1,N2,. . . ,Np), it is possible to establish the activity coefficients, from which the thermodynamical properties can be inferred. The relationship between the excess Gibbs energy and the activity coefficient is essential, as activity coefficients are deduced from Gibbs energy models.

Activity coefficients for a binary system in the NRTL model are given by [16[16] J. Prausnitz, R. Lichtenthaler and E. Azevedo, Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria (Prentice Hall Inc., Engelwood Cliffs, 1986), 2 ed.],

(18) ln γ 1 = x 2 2 [ τ 21 ( G 21 x 1 + x 2 G 21 ) 2 + G 12 τ 12 ( x 2 + x 1 G 12 ) 2 ] ln γ 2 = x 1 2 [ τ 12 ( G 12 x 2 + x 1 G 12 ) 2 + G 21 τ 21 ( x 1 + x 2 G 21 ) 2 ]

in which G12, G21, τ12 e τ21 are constants. From GERT=x1 lnγ1+x2 lnγ2 one can deduce,

(19) G E x 1 x 2 R T = τ 21 G 21 x 2 G 21 ( x 1 + x 2 G 21 ) 2 + x 2 G 21 τ 12 ( x 2 + x 1 G 12 ) 2 + x 1 τ 12 ( G 12 x 2 + x 1 G 12 ) 2 + x 1 G 21 τ 21 ( x 1 + x 2 G 21 ) 2

Rearranging the terms,

(20) G E x 1 x 2 R T = τ 12 G 12 x 2 + x 1 G 12 + τ 21 G 21 x 1 + x 2 G 21

This is the Gibbs energy for the binary case, when considering the NRTL model. The equations (18) and (20) are thermodynamically consistent, as they satisfy the Gibbs-Duhem equation [12[12] J.P. Braga, Físico-Química – Aspectos Moleculares e Fenomenológicos (UFV, Viçosa, 2002).].

Despite involving a much more laborious algebra, the excess Gibbs energy and activity coefficient relationship are established in an analogous way for the case of many components. The excess Gibbs energy, for a system of m components adopting the NRTL model, is given by [16[16] J. Prausnitz, R. Lichtenthaler and E. Azevedo, Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria (Prentice Hall Inc., Engelwood Cliffs, 1986), 2 ed.],

(21) G E R T = i = 1 m x i j = 1 m τ j i G j i x j l = 1 m G l i x l


(22) ln γ i = j = 1 m τ j i G j i x j l = 1 m G l i x l + j = 1 m x j G i j l = 1 m G l j x l ( τ i j i = 1 m x i r = 1 m τ r j G r j x r l = 1 m G l j x l )

For three components, m = 3,

(23) ln γ i = τ 1 i G 1 i x 1 + τ 2 i G 2 i x 2 + τ 3 i G 3 i x 3 G 1 i x 1 + G 2 i x 2 + G 3 i x 3 + x 1 G i 1 G 11 x 1 + G 21 x 2 + G 31 x 3 ( τ i 1 x 1 τ 11 G 11 + x 2 τ 21 G 21 + x 3 τ 31 G 31 G 11 x 1 + G 21 x 2 + G 31 x 3 ) + x 2 G i 2 G 12 x 1 + G 22 x 2 + G 32 x 3 ( τ i 2 x 1 τ 12 G 12 + x 2 τ 22 G 22 + x 3 τ 32 G 32 G 12 x 1 + G 22 x 2 + G 32 x 3 ) + x 3 G i 3 G 13 x 1 + G 23 x 2 + G 33 x 3 ( τ i 3 x 1 τ 13 G 13 + x 2 τ 23 G 23 + x 3 τ 33 G 33 G 13 x 1 + G 23 x 2 + G 33 x 3 ) i = 1 , 2 , 3.

These relations are to be used in the Rachford-Rice equations numerical solution, with the constants calculated from experimental data and taken from the literature [10[10] H. Renon and J. Prausnitz, I. & E. C. Process Design And Development 8, 413 (1969)., 11[11] J. Griswold, P. Chu and W. Winsauer, Ind. Eng. Chem. 41, 2352 (1949).]. For the data presented in Table 1, one has to use,

(24) τ i j = A i j R T , τ i i = 0 G i j = e τ i j α i j , G i i = 1
Table 1.
Parameters for the water-ethanol-ethyl acetate system in the NRTL model.

in equation (23).

6. Solving the Rachford-Rice Equation

For a given global composition zi(i=1,2,3), the Rachford-Rice equation can be solved following the steps:

(a) Initial guess: x i α , x i β , P α (b) Calculate ln γ i and K i ( or c i ) (c) Solution of i = 1 m z i c i + P α = 0 , for P α (d) New values: x i α = K i z i 1 + P α ( K i 1 ) , x i β = z i 1 + P α ( K i 1 ) (e) Back to (b) until convergence

Step (b) is the most elaborate in solving the Rachford-Rice equation, as it involves the calculation of the activity coefficient and the constant Ki, but for each iteration this value is fixed, as the compositions are pre-defined. The process will be illustrated for each iteration, that is, for a fixed Ki.

Suppose that in the considered iteration, the constants are, c1=-1.4403, c2=0.5640, c3=0.0243 and z1=0.6310, z2=0.0315, z3=0.3375. The solution of the Rachford-Rice,

(25) z 1 c 1 + P α + z 2 c 2 + P α + z 3 c 3 + P α = 0

has to be found and can be carried out in different ways, as a simple command in computational packages, or by using the Newton-Raphson method, resulting in the value of Pα for the considered step. However, the situation is even simpler. Rearranging equation (25),

(26) ( P α ) 2 + ( c 2 z 1 + c 3 z 1 + c 1 z 2 + c 3 z 2 + c 1 z 3 + c 2 z 3 ) P α + ( c 2 c 3 z 1 + c 1 c 3 z 2 + c 1 c 2 z 3 ) = 0

giving the results Pα=0.501, xα=[0.2958, 0.0463, 0.6579] and xβ=[0.9677,0.0167,0.0156].

These new composition values are used again in step (b) until the desired convergence. These mole fraction will represent a point in the rectangular or triangular ternary phase diagram representation.

7. Results and Discussion

The ternary system, water(1)-ethanol(2)-ethyl acetate(3) will be used as a prototype model to illustrate the usage of the Rachford-Rice equation. The results in Table 1, at 70°C and p = 1 atm, have been optimized to reproduce data in reference [11[11] J. Griswold, P. Chu and W. Winsauer, Ind. Eng. Chem. 41, 2352 (1949).], using the previously published results [10[10] H. Renon and J. Prausnitz, I. & E. C. Process Design And Development 8, 413 (1969).] as an initial guess. The set of mole fractions xα=[0.2958,0.0463,0.6579], xβ=[0.9677,0.0167,0.0156], are compatible with γα=[3.2984,0.5816,1.2200] and γβ=[1.0083,1.6128,51.3854] for the NRTL equation, an useful result for testing part of a possible computer code.

As the system under analysis has 3 components, at a fixed temperature and pressure, one has, by the Gibbs phase rule [16[16] J. Prausnitz, R. Lichtenthaler and E. Azevedo, Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria (Prentice Hall Inc., Engelwood Cliffs, 1986), 2 ed.], F=3-P. For the two-phase region (P = 2) there is one degree of freedom (F = 1), while two degrees of freedom (F = 2) are possible for the one-phase region (P = 1). Since P is at most two, two-dimensional diagrams (phase diagrams) can be used to represent the state of the system involving three components. Two equivalent, with two independent variables, are possible: one in which a third mole fraction is implicit (rectangular phase diagram) and one in which it appears explicitly (triangular phase diagram).

The rectangular and triangular phase diagrams for the ternary system under consideration are presented in Fig. 1 and 2, respectively. These diagrams show the results for equilibrium compositions, according to the algorithm explained in section 6 6. Solving the Rachford-Rice Equation For a given global composition zi(i=1,2,3), the Rachford-Rice equation can be solved following the steps: (a) Initial guess: x i α , x i β , P α ↓ (b) Calculate ln γ i and K i ( or c i ) ↓ (c) Solution of ∑ i = 1 m z i c i + P α = 0 , for P α ↓ (d) New values: x i α = K i z i 1 + P α ( K i − 1 ) , x i β = z i 1 + P α ( K i − 1 ) ↓ (e) Back to (b) until convergence Step (b) is the most elaborate in solving the Rachford-Rice equation, as it involves the calculation of the activity coefficient and the constant Ki, but for each iteration this value is fixed, as the compositions are pre-defined. The process will be illustrated for each iteration, that is, for a fixed Ki. Suppose that in the considered iteration, the constants are, c1=-1.4403, c2=0.5640, c3=0.0243 and z1=0.6310, z2=0.0315, z3=0.3375. The solution of the Rachford-Rice, (25) z 1 c 1 + P α + z 2 c 2 + P α + z 3 c 3 + P α = 0 has to be found and can be carried out in different ways, as a simple command in computational packages, or by using the Newton-Raphson method, resulting in the value of Pα for the considered step. However, the situation is even simpler. Rearranging equation (25), (26) ( P α ) 2 + ( c 2 z 1 + c 3 z 1 + c 1 z 2 + c 3 z 2 + c 1 z 3 + c 2 z 3 ) P α + ( c 2 c 3 z 1 + c 1 c 3 z 2 + c 1 c 2 z 3 ) = 0 giving the results Pα=0.501, xα=[0.2958, 0.0463, 0.6579] and xβ=[0.9677,0.0167,0.0156]. These new composition values are used again in step (b) until the desired convergence. These mole fraction will represent a point in the rectangular or triangular ternary phase diagram representation. and for several global compositions.

Figure 1
Rectangular diagram for the ternary system water(1)-ethanol(2)-ethyl acetate(3), at 70°C. Experimental data (circles), calculated data (asterisks) and global composition (squares).
Figure 2
Triangular diagram for the ternary system water(1)-ethanol(2)-ethyl acetate(3), at 70°C. Experimental data (circles), calculated data (asterisks) and global composition (squares).

As observed, there is a very good agreement when comparing calculated and experimental data with a root mean square error of 0.0027. Since the solution can converge to the trivial one (phases with the same composition) or to solutions that represent local minima of the Gibbs energy surface [17[17] J. Sorensen, T. Magnussen, P. Rasmussen and A. Fredenslund, Fluid Phase Equilib. 3, 47 (1979).] it is important to have a reasonable initial condition. The same initial approximations xα=[0.1,0.4,0.5] and xβ=[0.950,0.045,0.005] proved to be satisfactory for all calculated results. It is important to mention that similar results were obtained by solving the eight-dimensional system, equation (11), indicating the overall simplicity of the Rachford-Rice equation. However, with the Rachford-Rice formulation one has to solve a problem with one independent variable, as in the equation (26).

A necessary condition to guarantee thermodynamic equilibrium is to achieve equality of activities (isoactivity), that is, aiα=aiβ, i=1,2,3. The isoactivity of the results was evaluated, using the ratio aiα/aiβ, whose ideal result is unity. For the calculated results, this quantity was shown to have a maximum error of 1.73×10-6, indicating not only the calculation accuracy but also the condition of equilibrium condition.

The results calculated in the present work and the experimental data [11[11] J. Griswold, P. Chu and W. Winsauer, Ind. Eng. Chem. 41, 2352 (1949).] are presented in Table 2. The success in recovering these tie lines shows, again, the efficiency of the algorithm, even close to the critical point.

Table 2.
Calculated (cal) and experimental (exp) [11[11] J. Griswold, P. Chu and W. Winsauer, Ind. Eng. Chem. 41, 2352 (1949).] phase compositions for the ternary system water(1)-ethanol(2)-ethyl acetate(3), at 70°C and p=1atm.

8. Conclusions

The Rachford-Rice method was presented for a three-component prototype system. The method is easy to implement, involving the solution of a second degree polynomial equation. The final solution is obtained iteractively.

The main advantage of the present method is its simplicity.

In some systems, as in liquid-vapor equilibrium, the constant Ki does not depend on composition and the Rachford-Rice can be used to predict equilibrium composition with only one iteraction, independently of the number of components.

The most involved part of the method consists of establishing a suitable model for the activity coefficient. After this step, the computer code contains just over five commands.

Using the NRTL model for the activity coefficient, the solution to the problem was established and the convergence obtained was within the experimental error, demonstrating the robustness of the algorithm. The Rachford-Rice equation, as presented here, is very simple to implement and suitable to teach ternary liquid-liquid equilibrium in undergraduated courses.


J.P. Braga would like to thank CNPq for financial support.


  • [1]
    I. Prigogine, The Molecular Theory of Solutions (North-Holland Publishing Company, New York, 1957).
  • [2]
    T.L. Hill, An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics (Dover Publications, New York, 1986).
  • [3]
    E.A. Guggenheim, Mixtures: The Theory of the Equilibrium Properties of Some Simple Classes of Mixtures, Solutions and Alloys (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1952).
  • [4]
    L. Ornstein and F. Zernike, Poc. Akad. Sci. 17, 793 (1914).
  • [5]
    H. Frisch and J. Lebowitz, The Equilibrium Theory of Classical Fluids: A Lecture Note and Reprint Volume (W.A. Benjamin Inc., New York, 1964).
  • [6]
    F. Carvalho and J.P. Braga, J. Mol. Model. 26, 193 (2020).
  • [7]
    F. Carvalho and J.P. Braga, J. Mol. Model. 28, 99 (2022).
  • [8]
    H. Rachford and J. Rice, J. Pet. Technol. 4, 327 (1952).
  • [9]
    S.I. Sandler, Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics (Wiley, Hoboken, 2017).
  • [10]
    H. Renon and J. Prausnitz, I. & E. C. Process Design And Development 8, 413 (1969).
  • [11]
    J. Griswold, P. Chu and W. Winsauer, Ind. Eng. Chem. 41, 2352 (1949).
  • [12]
    J.P. Braga, Físico-Química – Aspectos Moleculares e Fenomenológicos (UFV, Viçosa, 2002).
  • [13]
    E.N. Yeremin, Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics (Mir Publishers, Moscou, 1981).
  • [14]
    M.J. Oliveira, Termodinâmica (Editora Livraria da Física, São Paulo, 2012).
  • [15]
    G.N. Lewis and M. Randall, Thermodynamics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1923).
  • [16]
    J. Prausnitz, R. Lichtenthaler and E. Azevedo, Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria (Prentice Hall Inc., Engelwood Cliffs, 1986), 2 ed.
  • [17]
    J. Sorensen, T. Magnussen, P. Rasmussen and A. Fredenslund, Fluid Phase Equilib. 3, 47 (1979).

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    15 Apr 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    04 Mar 2024
  • Reviewed
    16 Mar 2024
  • Accepted
    17 Mar 2024
Sociedade Brasileira de Física Caixa Postal 66328, 05389-970 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil