This paper analyzes the dialogue between Edward Gordon Craig and Ananda Coomaraswamy, a historian of Indian art, as the launching point of the investigative universe known as intercultural theatre, and the consequences of this dialogue in the thought of the British director, challenging his creation of the Über-marionette. From this dialogue, the text presents Gordon Craig's cautious stance on trade between cultural traditions. Those inherent idiosyncrasies in these exchanges, which populated the research throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries, are problematized in this article. The debate's cyclical aspect is exemplified, recovering the clash between Rustom Bharucha, severe critic of Western attempts to Interculturalism, and Richard Schechner, one of the mentors of intercultural theatre.
Edward Gordon Craig; Über-marionette; Interculturalism; Theatre; Eastern Theatre
O artigo analisa o diálogo entre Edward Gordon Craig e Ananda Coomaraswamy, historiador de arte indiana, como ponto inaugural do universo investigativo conhecido como teatro intercultural e as consequências desse diálogo no pensamento do diretor inglês, desafiando sua criação do Über-marionette. A partir desse diálogo, o texto apresenta a postura precavida de Gordon Craig sobre as trocas entre tradições culturais. Problematiza-se as idiossincrasias inerentes a estes intercâmbios, que povoaram as pesquisas ao longo do século XX e início do XXI. Exemplifica-se o aspecto cíclico do debate, resgatando o embate entre Rustom Bharucha, crítico severo das tentativas de interculturalismo ocidental, e Richard Schechner, um dos mentores do teatro intercultural.
Edward Gordon Craig; Über-marionette; Interculturalismo; Teatro; Teatro Oriental
L'article examine le dialogue entre Edward Gordon Craig et Ananda Coomaraswamy, historien de l'art indien, comme point de départ de l'univers d'investigation connu sous le nom de théâtre interculturel et les conséquences de ce dialogue dans la pensée du metteur en scène anglais, contestant sa création de la sur-marionnette. A partir de ce dialogue, le texte présente la position prudente de Gordon Craig concernant les échanges entre traditions culturelles. Sont interrogées les idiosyncrasies inhérentes à ces échanges, qui ont peuplé la recherche tout au long du XXe siècle et au début du XXIe. L'aspect cyclique du débat est illustré par la confrontation entre Rustom Bharucha, critique sévère des tentatives occidentales d'interculturalisme, et Richard Schechner, l'un des mentors du théâtre interculturel.
Edward Gordon Craig; Sur-marionnette; Interculturalisme; Théâtre; Théâtre Oriental
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Hinduism, rigorously, is not a religion, but a "{...} bundle of related religions" (Lemaitre, 1958, p. 7). This gathering of religious practices is only identified as united when seen under the point of view of its common foundations established in the books called Vedas, written around the 15th Century B.C. A true myriad of religious practices identified as Hinduism has, however, as a common axis, a philosophical tripod on the concepts of Dharma, Karma, and Reincarnation. And, as the ultimate goal, the liberation (Moksha) from the painful cycle of incarnations and the final meeting with the Whole.
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
Dec 2014
07 Mar 2014 -
27 Apr 2014