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Morphological characterization of seeds and seedlings to Rheedia acuminata

The Rheedia acuminata is a fruit tree species native of the Amazonian, rarely cultivated, since your fruits, although comestibles, presents scarce pulp. The studies with the Rheedia acuminata seek the use as rootstock, reducing the size for other species of the genus Rheedia and Garcinia that present high height, as the Rheedia macrophylla and the mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.). This work had as objective characterize morphologically the seed and the seedling of this specie. The mature seed are anatropous, becoming bitegmic and exalbuminous. The tegument shows vascular bundle and a dark-brown coloration. The hilum is rounded, with dark coloration and small clearer area in the center, corresponding to the point of entrance of vascular bundles. The micropyle locates near to the hilum, on a small triangulate protuberance. The embryo is anomalous, hypocotylar and it is only represented by the long radicle-hypocotyl axis, being just the tiny cotyleadons, showing in the superior extremity on the opposite side of the micropyle. During the germination, happens the emergency of thin primary root firstly, in the opposite pole from where will arise the epicotyl. That root increases 5-7cm approximately and it ceases, dying later. For occasion of the emergency of the epicotyl, happens the formation of a adventitius root at the same time, in the base of the epicotyl, more robust than the previous and that will be constituted in the radicular system of the plant. Preceding the first metaphylls pair's opening, are developing in the epicotyl equal, three of opposite cataphylls and of greenish coloration. The seedlings is cryptocotylar, with a hypogeal germination.

Amazonian fruit; hypogeal; cryptocotylar

Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n , 14884-900 Jaboticabal SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3209-7188/3209-7609 - Jaboticabal - SP - Brazil