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Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Volume: 22, Published: 2023
  • Introduction to the special section on the digitalization of industrial sectors Editorial

    Tigre, Paulo Bastos; Cário, Silvio Antonio Ferraz

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Este texto apresenta a seção especial da RBI sobre o processo de adoção de tecnologias digitais e seus impactos na indústria manufatureira em países em desenvolvimento. Com base nos resultados de pesquisas realizadas entre 2017 e 2022 por pesquisadores da área de Economia Industrial e da Tecnologia de diferentes instituições brasileiras e estrangeiras, com o apoio da Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI), do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID/INTAL) e da Agência das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Industrial (UNIDO), os artigos avaliam trajetórias de difusão, identificam as macrotendências e os impactos na inserção em cadeias produtivas globais, bem como analisam as oportunidades e os desafios enfrentados pelas empresas manufatureiras de países em desenvolvimento para incorporar tecnologias digitais em suas práticas produtivas, organizacionais e comerciais. Os trabalhos mostram que a adoção de novas tecnologias digitais depende fundamentalmente das capacitações técnicas existentes na empresa, assim como da visão de futuro de seus dirigentes. Em síntese, revelam como a heterogeneidade estrutural existente entre empresas formais e informais, setores econômicos, regiões geográficas e porte das organizações reforça o hiato na difusão de novas tecnologias e conduz a um provável aumento na concentração econômica em favor de empresas mais capacitadas para explorar as oportunidades das tecnologias digitais.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT This article presents RBI's special section on the diffusion of digital technologies and their impacts on the manufacturing industry of five developing countries. Based on the results obtained in a wide research project conducted in the last five years by researchers in Industrial and Technology Economics from different institutions, with the support of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB/INTAL) and the United Nations Agency for Industrial Development (UNIDO), the articles evaluate trajectories, identify the macro trends, the impacts on insertion in global production chains and the opportunities and challenges faced by manufacturing companies in developing countries to incorporate digital technologies into their productive, organizational and commercial practices. They show that the adoption of new digital technologies depends fundamentally on the existing technical skills in the company, as well as on the vision of the future of its leaders. In summary, the great heterogeneity between formal and informal companies, economic sectors, geographic regions and size of organizations reinforces the gap in the diffusion of new technologies and indicates a probable increase in economic concentration in favor of companies better able to exploit the opportunities of digital technologies.
  • The importance of network innovation process for the disposal of iron ore mining waste: the case of R3 Mineral Platform Artigo

    Carmignano, Ottavio Raul Domenico Riberti; Lago, Rochel Montero; Santos, Ulisses Pereira dos

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Minas Gerais tem um enorme desafio relacionado com a destinação de bilhões de toneladas de rejeitos da mineração de ferro. Neste contexto, a inovação é elemento fundamental para encontrar alternativas técnicas e economicamente viáveis para fazer frente a este problema. Neste trabalho, avalia-se a tentativa de implementação de rede colaborativa para gerar as inovações necessárias para a destinação de rejeitos no estado de Minas Gerais. Trata-se da Plataforma R3 Mineral, uma rede colaborativa para o desenvolvimento de soluções para a destinação dos rejeitos. Para a compreensão dos obstáculos que levaram ao encerramento foram realizadas entrevistas com atores que participaram da Plataforma. As redes colaborativas internacionais da mineração, AMIRA (Austrália) e CEMI (Canadá) são apresentadas como parâmetros para a análise da Plataforma R3 Mineral. De forma geral, observou-se que a falta de uma estrutura organizacional formal foi determinante para a dispersão dos membros da plataforma e para o seu insucesso.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Minas Gerais faces the challenge of disposal billions of tons of iron mining tailings. Innovation is a fundamental key in the search of technically and economically viable alternatives for solving this problem. In this paper, is presented and evaluated an attempt to implement a collaborative network to foster innovations for the disposal of tailings in the state of Minas Gerais. This is the Plataforma R3 Mineral, a collaborative network for the development of solutions for the disposal of mining waste. In order to understand the obstacles that led to the end in its operations, interviews were conducted with actors who participated in the Platform. International collaborative mining networks, AMIRA (Australia) and CEMI (Canada) are presented as parameters for the analysis of the Plataforma R3 Mineral. It was observed that the lack of a formal organizational structure was decisive for the dispersion of the platform members and for its failure.
  • Technological gap between small firms in Brazil and European countries Artigo

    Silva, Marcelo Duarte; Botelho, Marisa dos Reis Azevedo

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO A discussão sobre hiato tecnológico parte da ideia de que empresas e países com diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento tecnológico atingem resultados econômicos distintos, em termos de nível de renda, ou de competitividade. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a existência de hiato tecnológico entre as pequenas empresas do Brasil e de países europeus selecionados, com base nas pesquisas de inovação Community Innovation Survey e Pesquisa de Inovação Tecnológica, para 2014. Por meio de metodologia baseada no conceito de “distância euclidiana”, foi desenvolvido o Índice de Inovação e Índice de Eficiência do Esforço Inovativo, ambos a partir de dados de esforço e resultado inovativo. Os principais resultados mostram que, com referência aos pares europeus, pequenas empresas brasileiras não apenas têm elevado hiato no Índice de Inovação, como também o tem no indicador de eficiência do esforço inovativo.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT The debate about technological gap starts from the idea that firms and countries with different levels of technological development have different economic results, in terms of income level or competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to investigate the existence of technological gap between Brazil and select European countries based on innovation surveys, such as Community Innovation Survey (CIS) and Pesquisa de Inovação Tecnológica (PINTEC) for 2014. Using a methodology based in the concept of “Euclidean distance”, we build indicators such as Innovation Index and Efficiency in Innovation Efforts Index, both from data about innovative effort and results. The main results suggest that, compared to Europeans countries, small firms in Brazil not only have a high gap in the Innovation Index, but also in Efficiency in Innovation Efforts Index.
  • Productivity and environmental innovation: an analysis of the transformation industry in Minas Gerais Artigo

    Santos, Maria Alice Ferreira dos; Santos, Emerson Costa dos; Maia, Maria de Fátima Rocha

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO: A inovação com a incorporação da dimensão ambiental tornou-se um elemento central do debate sobre o desenvolvimento socioeconômico diante dos problemas ambientais crescentes. O trabalho objetiva analisar, por meio de dados em painel e da Pesquisa de Inovação (PINTEC), a relação entre produtividade e inovação ambiental na indústria de transformação de Minas Gerais no período de 2000 a 2014. Os resultados indicaram que a adoção de inovações ambientais por parte das empresas afeta positivamente a produtividade das mesmas, sendo a regulação ambiental um dos fatores que também contribuíram para esse aumento ao analisar os níveis de intensidade tecnológica; resultado que evidencia a importância das heterogeneidades setoriais, além dos fatores individuais das firmas. Nesse sentido, sugere-se que o fortalecimento de ações de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento com enfoque em reduzir impactos ambientais e instrumentos regulatórios específicos podem contribuir para se ter uma indústria de transformação mais aberta a práticas eficientes de gestão ambiental.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Innovation with the incorporation of the environmental dimension has become a central element of the debate on socioeconomic development in the face of growing environmental problems. The work aims to analyze, through panel data and the Innovation Survey (PINTEC), the relationship between productivity and environmental innovation in the processing industry of Minas Gerais in the period from 2000 to 2014. The results indicated that the adoption of environmental innovations by companies positively affects their productivity, with environmental regulation being one of the factors that also contributed to this increase when analyzing the levels of technological intensity; a result that highlights the importance of sectoral heterogeneities, in addition to the individual factors of the firms. In this sense, it is suggested that strengthening Research & Development actions focused on reducing environmental impacts and specific regulatory instruments can contribute to having a manufacturing industry more open to efficient environmental management practices.
  • Geographical and sectoral specialization of Brazilian value-added exports Article

    Costa, Leonardo Thuler; Castilho, Marta dos Reis; Costa, Kaio Vital da

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT This paper deepens the existing analysis of the Brazil’s integration into Global Value Chains by applying the decomposition methodology of gross exports proposed by Wang, Wei and Zhu (2018). This decomposition method breaks down gross exports into several components corresponding to the domestic and foreign value added embedded in bilateral and sectoral exports, which allow an accurate characterization of the countries' participation into GVCs. Using data from the WIOD database for the period 2000-2014, we examine the Brazilian specialization for exports in value added for three of its main trading partners (China, the United States, and the European Union). The geographical and sectoral export profile analysis is of interest to Brazil since the country's commercial specialization differs significantly according to its partners.
  • The role of ICTs in intersectoral relationships between industry and services Article

    Alves, Amanda Tamires; Gomes, Rogério; Neris Junior, Celso Pereira

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT For decades, information and communication technologies (ICTs) have been incorporated into innovations and promoting great transformations in the world economy. This work analyzes the intersectoral relations between industrial activities, ICT and services in the main economies of the world to understand the role that ICT plays in the economy, the relationship between companies and the changes that occurred in 2000, 2007 and 2014. We use the analysis of two indicators: (i) value added, to evaluate the dimension of said activities and (ii) total density, to evaluate the links between them. The results show that, in more advanced economies, the indicators between ICTs and other activities are denser and are directly related to the development of more sophisticated services, located in the stages of the value chains that generate a larger share of the value added.
  • University Engagement as a path to Social Innovation: analysis from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Artigo

    Klaumann, Ana Paula; Tatsch, Ana Lúcia

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Inovações sociais buscam dar respostas às necessidades e problemas sociais e contam com a participação dos agentes na construção de soluções. As universidades desempenham papéis ativos no contexto dessas inovações. Neste contexto, investiga-se o papel da universidade na promoção de inovações sociais a partir das ações de extensão universitária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Realizou-se uma survey com os coordenadores dessas ações. Verificou-se que as ações mapeadas contribuem com soluções para a comunidade envolvida no projeto e o seu desenvolvimento é marcado pela transdisciplinaridade e pelo apoio ao empoderamento e autonomia dos atores sociais, sobretudo via construção de capacidades; o que confirma a ideia de que a extensão é capaz de apoiar a geração de inovações sociais. No entanto, os resultados da pesquisa também revelam que a universidade oferta soluções de maneira mais intensa do que as constrói com a coletividade envolvida; revelando um viés ofertista.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Social innovations aim to respond to social needs and problems and rely on the participation of agents in building solutions. Universities play active roles in the context of these innovations. In this context, the role of the university in promoting social innovations is investigated based on the university engagement at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. A survey was carried out with the coordinators of these actions. It was found that the mapped actions contribute to solutions for the community involved in the project and its development is marked by transdisciplinarity and support for the empowerment and autonomy of social actors, especially via capacity building; which confirms the idea that university engagement is capable of supporting the generation of social innovations. However, the research results also reveal that the university offers solutions more intensely than it builds them with the community involved; revealing an offerist bias.
  • Relational capabilities in corporate accelerator programs with startups: a case study in Brazilian industries Artigo

    Yazbek, Juliana Diniz da Silveira; Alves, Fernanda Salvador

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Programas de Aceleração Corporativas (PACs) representam uma emergente forma de grandes empresas se relacionar com startups. Contudo, deve-se ter capacidades relacionais (CRs) para coordenar competências e combinar conhecimentos. Este estudo investiga a presença das CRs em dois PACs de indústrias brasileiras. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo de caso qualitativo e descritiva. A coleta de dados baseou-se nas motivações, antecedentes e objetivos dos PACs e nas dimensões e componentes das CRs. A análise de dados ocorreu por codificação das informações coletadas. Os resultados revelam a importância das CRs para identificar oportunidades, combinar e gerenciar recursos, adaptar-se às necessidades dos parceiros, aprender com (e junto) a eles, comunicar-se de forma transparente e desenvolver inovações colaborativas. De forma teórica, permite-se utilizar a lente das CRs para analisar aspectos da cooperação nos PACs. De forma prática, auxilia-se gestores na cooperação com startups, assim como empreendedores de startups que queiram trilhar parcerias com grandes corporações.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Corporate Acceleration Programs (CAPs) represent an emerging way for large companies to engage with startups. However, it is necessary to have relational capabilities (RCs) to coordinate competencies and combine knowledge. This study investigates the presence of RCs in two CAPs of Brazilian industries. A qualitative and descriptive case study was conducted. Data collection was based on the motivations, background and objectives of CAPs and the dimensions and components of RCs. Data analysis occurred by coding the collected information. The results reveal the importance of RCs to identify opportunities, combine and manage resources, adapt to partners' needs, learn with (and together with) them, communicate transparently, and develop collaborative innovations. Theoretically, it allows to use the lens of RCs to analyze aspects of cooperation in CAPs. Practically, it assists managers in cooperating with startups, as well as entrepreneurs of startups that want to partner with large corporations.
  • Innovation Management System and Digital Transformation: in search of an integrated approach Artigo

    Martins, Leonardo Duarte; Athanazio, Raphaela Cristina Severiano; Franco, Gustavo Pereira; Paes, Ana Carolina dos Santos; Bagno, Raoni Barros

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO Sistemas de Gestão da Inovação (SGI) têm sido debatidos há muitos anos na literatura especializada e na prática das organizações, dada a importância para as empresas de inovar regularmente. Em paralelo, o debate da Transformação Digital (TD) tem emergido de forma acelerada, mas bastante distribuída entre várias vertentes (e.g., gestão, sistemas de informação, indústria 4.0) trazendo riqueza de perspectivas, mas também complexidade para compreensão do fenômeno. Embora ambos os campos se relacionem fortemente com a dinâmica da inovação nas empresas, um debate integrado ainda é incipiente e as áreas seguem trajetórias de estudo paralelas. Assim, este estudo busca identificar pontos de intercessão entre SGI e TD e investiga como elementos dessas abordagens podem se apoiar mutuamente. Para isso, é feita uma revisão de literatura em cada uma das áreas de conhecimento, selecionados modelos representativos de seus elementos constituintes e, em uma fase de análise e discussão, se propõe um modelo que expresse as conexões mútuas potenciais. Como principal conclusão, aponta-se que um SGI pode nortear iniciativas de TD na organização por meio do desenho de estrutura e processos para lidar com projetos de alta incerteza; por outro lado, a TD associa-se a um conjunto de ferramentas tecnológicas e tendências organizacionais que podem fomentar SGIs aprimorados.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Innovation Management Systems (IMS) have been widely discussed in specialized literature and organizational practice for many years, given their importance for companies to innovate regularly. In parallel, the debate on Digital Transformation (DT) has rapidly emerged, albeit with a distributed nature across various domains (e.g., management, information systems, Industry 4.0), bringing a wealth of perspectives and complexity to understanding the phenomenon. Although both fields are closely related to the dynamics of innovation within companies, an integrated debate is still in its early stages, and the areas continue to follow independent paths. Thus, this study aims to identify points of intersection between IMS and DT and investigates how elements from these approaches can mutually support each other. To this end, we conducted a literature review in each knowledge area and selected the representative models of their constituent parts. After analysis and discussion, we propose a visual model to express potential mutual connections. The main conclusion is that an IMS can guide DT initiatives within the organization by designing structures and processes to deal with highly uncertain projects. On the other hand, one can associate DT with a set of technological tools and organizational trends that can foster enhanced IMSs.
  • Networks of international knowledge flows: new layers in innovation systems Article

    Britto, Jorge Nogueira de Paiva; Ribeiro, Leonardo Costa; Albuquerque, Eduardo da Motta e

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Innovation systems, as dynamic structures, tend to become progressively more globalized, reflecting the presence of a greater intensity of cross-border flows. This process is related to the emergence of a Global Innovation System (GIS). Our research investigates this structural transformation by focusing on international knowledge flows (IKFs). To integrate this investigation with the previous literature on national innovation systems (NISs), we examine international knowledge flows connecting institutions (firms, universities, research institutes, hospitals) from different NISs. Among possible IKF types, we focus on those created by patent citations - of other patents or scientific articles - and scientific coauthorships. We represent the institutions and the IKFs they create as networks where the nodes are the institutions and the links connecting these nodes are the IKFs. We organize the network in three layers according to the type of IKF that connects the institutions: scientific collaboration, patent citation or article citation in patents. We have divided this paper into five sections. The first presents our theoretical background. The second discusses the characteristics and properties of complex networks and complex systems, as well as some characteristics of multilayer networks, a concept used as an analytical tool to develop the empirical analysis. The third addresses the data and methodology. The fourth section analyses the structure of the three network layers, their entanglement and multiplex properties, and the institutions connecting them. The fifth and conclusive section discusses how those findings improve the understanding of an emerging GIS.
  • Applications of artificial intelligence to combat COVID-19: a technology prospection based on patents Article

    Melo, Daniel Reis Armond de; Vilela Junior, Dalton Chaves; Rodrigues, Lana Gonçalves; Pereira, Karla Susiane dos Santos

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT The COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent growth of scientific and technological research to fight it presents challenges for researchers who need to monitor the knowledge produced on this theme. Among these support technologies are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications. This article presents a technology prospection to describe the technology landscape of AI applications in the fight against COVID-19. The study analyzed 350 patent families, which were organized into technology categories. The findings demonstrated a prevalence of patent filings from India, China, and the United States. Collaboration between countries and innovation organizations was not evident, unlike what was observed in academic collaborations in previous studies. There was a predominance of technologies in the areas of computing and medicine, that is, ICTs adapted for the treatment or processing of medical data with focus on identification, triage, diagnosis, and prediction of new outbreaks of the epidemic.
  • Orchestrating technology parks as a Public Policy for regional economic development: an assessment of the São Paulo System of Innovation Environments Artigo

    Mello, Patrícia; Serra, Maurício

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    ABSTRACT Aiming to accelerate the complexity of the economy of the State of São Paulo, the São Paulo System of Innovation Environments (SPAI) was conceived in order to orchestrate the implementation of technology parks in some of its municipalities. After almost a decade of existence, this regional policy begins to be questioned with regard to the performance of its parks, which should generate positive impacts in the regions where they are located. The origin of these questions lies in the divorce between the framework and institutional design of SPAI and the logic of the technology parks policy model. The main objective of this article is to analyse the way in which SPAI has orchestrated the incentives for São Paulo technology parks to promote regional development. To do so, the methodology used in this article combined qualitative research and the construction of a logical model of technology parks.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    ABSTRACT Aiming to accelerate the complexity of the economy of the State of São Paulo, the São Paulo System of Innovation Environments (SPAI) was conceived in order to orchestrate the implementation of technology parks in some of its municipalities. After almost a decade of existence, this regional policy begins to be questioned with regard to the performance of its parks, which should generate positive impacts in the regions where they are located. The origin of these questions lies in the divorce between the framework and institutional design of SPAI and the logic of the technology parks policy model. The main objective of this article is to analyse the way in which SPAI has orchestrated the incentives for São Paulo technology parks to promote regional development. To do so, the methodology used in this article combined qualitative research and the construction of a logical model of technology parks.
  • India from Latin America – peripherisation, statebuilding and demand-led growth Resenha

    Tavares, João Marcos Hausmann
  • Knowledge-based dynamic capabilities: the road ahead in gaining organizational competitiveness Resenha

    Guglielmi, Rodrigo Italo Sauerwein
  • Digitalization, expectations, and industrial dynamism: a conceptual map Article Seção Especial - Digitalização Da Indústria (Digind)

    Coutinho, Luciano

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT This paper proposes a conceptual, theoretical and analytical map, aiming to help understand the contemporary process of digitization of industrial companies in developing economies. It examines the relevance of the Schumpeterian hypothesis that technical progress in the digital age can drive a 4th long cycle of industrial dynamism or the 4th Industrial Revolution. It also highlights the complementarity of this hypothesis with the Keynesian view of the business calculation of the rate of return on investment in innovation under uncertainty, changing expectations, and conventions, pointing out the key role of the entrepreneurial drive (animal spirits) in capitalist development. The paper also analyzes the growing challenges that the digital age poses to developing countries, based on the structuralist and institutionalist views of Furtado and Abramovitz, respectively. Finally, it warns of the risk of deepening heterogeneities, inequalities and, at the limit, exclusion of such countries and their enterprises from the 4th IR.
  • Chasing the rainbow: towards an experimental methodological framework for the assessment of digitalisation at the firm level Article Seção Especial - Digitalização Da Indústria (Digind)

    Ferraz, João Carlos

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT This paper proposes a methodological framework for assessing the adoption of digital technologies by industrial firms. Given the increasing economic importance of digital technologies, proper assessment methods are required. However, evaluating digital adoption can be quite challenging due to the pervasiveness, intangibility, and fast progress rate of such technologies. The proposed framework is designed to enable three tasks: (i) registering information about current and prospective adoption of digital technologies by industrial firms, (ii) developing indicators to capture the dynamics of digital adoption in time; and (iii) analysing digitalisation determinants, requirements, and outcomes. This paper contributes to building a reference framework to evaluating how digital technologies can strengthen the industrial development of nations, particularly developing countries.
  • Digital heterogeneities in developing countries: a comparative analysis Article Seção Especial - Digitalização Da Indústria (Digind)

    Torracca, Julia; Ferraz, João Carlos; Britto, Jorge; Urraca-Ruiz, Ana

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT This article investigates patterns of digital technologies’ adoption by industrial firms of selected developing countries, namely: Argentina, Brazil, Ghana, Thailand, and Vietnam. The objective is to identify inter and intra countries’ similarities and differences in terms of digital adoption, and understand how this distribution is leading to digital heterogeneities thus reinforcing the well-entrenched structural heterogeneity prevailing in these economies. The analysis is based on surveys carried out between 2017 and 2019 that covered a panel of 1,212 firms of varied sizes and industries. The evidence shows that most firms are currently adopting a low level of digitalization and have a positive expectation for the future even with a low level of readiness. The larger and technology intensive firms are, the higher the probability of firms being digitally progressive. These results suggest an increase of inter and intra countries’ asymmetries in digital adoption, bringing the emergence of digital heterogeneities.
  • Factors determining the path of digital technologies adoption of Brazilian industrial firms Article Seção Especial - Digitalização Da Indústria (Digind)

    Urraca-Ruiz, Ana; Torraca, Julia; Britto, Jorge; Ferraz, João Carlos

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT This paper aims to identify the main factors affecting the adoption of digital technologies for a panel of 299 Brazilian industrial firms surveyed in 2017 and 2019/20. A probabilistic model is used to estimate the likelihood of certain organizational, technological, and environmental characteristics of the firms affecting digital adoption in the two survey periods. The study reveals that digital adoption has advanced but still is at an infant stage in Brazil. The econometric results point out that current adoption, size, belonging to high digital intensity industries, being an exporter, and training the workforce have a significant positive effect on digital adoption. However, skills qualification has a negative effect, suggesting that qualification on previous technologies can be more a constraint than a pre-requisite for digitalization. One must interpret such findings against growth-adverse, investment-hostile economic framework conditions where firms can react in any given direction: move forward to survive, stay put to face uncertainty, and/or backtrack defensively.
  • El impacto de la digitalización sobre empleo y las habilidades por estadios de adopción en Brasil y Argentina Artículo Seção Especial - Digitalização Da Indústria (Digind)

    Britto, Jorge; Urraca-Ruiz, Ana; Ferraz, João Carlos; Torracca, Julia; Schmidt, Henrique

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    ABSTRACT This work aims to relate the stages of digitalization of Argentine and Brazilian industrial firms to their perception of how adopting digital technologies affect the labor market concerning job creation and demanded workforce skills. We used the information obtained in recent original field surveys conducted in both countries. The results show a positive correlation between adopting more advanced digital solutions and expectations of job creation in both countries. They also point out the need to further develop workers’ social skills and human-machine interaction. The study suggests that the expected growth of companies in their respective markets due to the adoption of digital technologies determines the relationship between those and employment at the firm level.

    Abstract in Spanish:

    RESUMO El objetivo principal de este estudio es relacionar estadios de digitalización en empresas industriales argentinas y brasileñas con la percepción del impacto de la adopción en dos dimensiones del mercado laboral: la creación de empleo y las habilidades requeridas en la demanda de trabajadores. Para ello, se utiliza la información obtenida en encuestas originales y recientes realizadas en ambos países. Los resultados muestran una asociación positiva entre la adopción de soluciones digitales más avanzadas y una perspectiva de creación de empleo en ambos países, así como una necesidad cada vez mayor de desarrollar las habilidades sociales y la interacción hombre-máquina de los trabajadores. El estudio sugiere que el crecimiento esperado de las empresas en sus respectivos mercados debido a la adopción de tecnologías digitales determina la relación de éstas con el empleo en el nivel de la empresa.
  • Digitalization and the reorganization of international production networks: notes about the Brazilian case Artigo Seção Especial - Digitalização Da Indústria (Digind)

    Marcato, Marília Bassetti; Sarti, Fernando; Introini, Marcelo

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO A digitalização tem potencial de provocar transformações na organização da produção internacional e no escopo e extensão das cadeias globais e regionais de valor (CGVs), com efeitos sobre as possibilidades de inserção dos países em desenvolvimento. A contribuição deste artigo é analisar potenciais impactos da digitalização sobre as CGVs, identificando algumas particularidades do caso brasileiro à luz do seu padrão de inserção nas CGVs. O artigo apresenta a importância das tecnologias digitais, em um primeiro momento, para viabilizar a conformação das CGVs. Já no período marcado pela “desglobalização”, as tecnologias digitais são adotadas pelas empresas líderes para mitigar os problemas associados às estruturas de produção verticalmente fragmentadas e aos riscos sistêmicos associados à extensão das cadeias. Ao considerar como as tecnologias digitais podem influenciar a organização da produção internacional e as estruturas de governança das CGVs, o artigo aponta tendências multifacetadas e, por vezes, de direções contrárias. Dentre elas, o aumento da concentração de valor gerado nos países desenvolvidos e a ampliação das dificuldades de inserção dos países em desenvolvimento, sobretudo daqueles especializados em atividades intensivas em mão de obra e com significativos atrasos para adoção de tecnologias digitais.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Digitalization can change how global production is organized and the scope and extension of global and regional value chains (GVCs), with substantial impacts on the GVC participation of developing countries. This paper analyzes the potential impacts of digitization on GVCs, identifying some particularities of the Brazilian case in light of its insertion pattern in GVCs. We show the importance of digital technologies, at first, to enable the conformation of GVCs. In the period marked by “deglobalization”, digital technologies are adopted by leading companies to mitigate the problems associated with vertically fragmented production structures and the systemic risks associated with the extension of chains. By considering how digital technologies can influence the organization of international production and the governance structures of GVCs, the analysis reveals multifaceted and somewhat contradictory trends, including the increased concentration of value-added in developed countries and even more significant difficulties for developing countries’ GVC participation, especially those specialized in labor-intensive activities lacking sufficient technological capabilities.
  • Innovation ecosystem and digitalization: an analysis of digital adoption among firms in the region of Campinas Artigo Seção Especial - Digitalização Da Indústria (Digind)

    Laplane, Mariano Francisco; Borghi, Roberto Alexandre Zanchetta; Torracca, Julia

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO O artigo tem por objetivo discutir o papel do ecossistema de inovação como fator que contribui para a adoção de gerações mais avançadas de tecnologias digitais nas empresas. Com base na literatura sobre gestão estratégica de empresas e economia da inovação de inspiração neoschumpeteriana, o artigo avalia se a participação em um ecossistema de inovação intensivo em recursos para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias digitais estimula o processo de digitalização das empresas. A discussão baseia-se na análise dos resultados de um questionário aplicado em 2020 a empresas localizadas na região metropolitana de Campinas, algumas das quais vinculadas à Unicamp, e a empresas de outras regiões do Brasil. O exercício econométrico comprova que a participação das empresas em ecossistemas de inovação promove a adoção de estágios mais avançados de digitalização para setores econômicos específicos.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT The paper aims to discuss the role of innovation ecosystems as a factor that contributes to the adoption by companies of more advanced generations of digital technologies. Based on the literature about corporate strategic management and innovation economics from Neoschumpeterian inspiration, the paper assesses whether the participation in an innovation ecosystem intensive in resources for the development of digital technologies stimulates companies’ digitalization process. The discussion derives from the analysis of results from a survey applied in 2020 to different companies located at the Campinas metropolitan region (RMC), some of them linked to the University of Campinas (Unicamp), and to companies from other Brazilian regions. The econometric exercise shows that the participation in innovation ecosystems promotes the adoption of more advanced stages of digitalization in specific economic industries.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua: Carlos Gomes, 250. Bairro Cidade Universitária, Cep: 13083-855 , Campinas - SP / Brasil , Tel: +55 (19) 3521-5176 - Campinas - SP - Brazil