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Nursing students' perception about humanized care: an integrative review

La percepción de los estudiantes de Enfermería sobre el cuidado humanizado: una revisión integrativa



To analyze the productions of knowledge about the students' perception of humanized care.


Study of bibliographical revision of the integrative type. The databases Pubmed, Lilacs, Cuiden and the SciELO virtual library were chosen for selection in October 2017, using the health descriptors "Students, Nursing", "Perception" and "Humanization of assistance", in the languages Portuguese, English and Spanish.


Only eight studies were included that met the objectives of the study, where the majority portrays the Brazilian reality.


Given the current discussion of society on the subject and the scarcity of publications, it is clear the need to adapt the academic field to complaints of society, as well as reflection of why the problem does not have a significant approach in international setting.

Students, Nursing; Perception; Care; Humanization of Assistance; Research



Analizar las producciones del conocimiento sobre la percepción de los estudiantes de Enfermería acerca del cuidado humanizado.


Estudio de revisión bibliográfica del tipo integrativa. Se utilizó para la selección de los artículos las bases Pubmed, Lilacs, Cuiden y la biblioteca virtual SciELO, en el mes de Octubre de 2017, con el uso de los descriptores en salud "estudiantes de Enfermería", "percepción" y "humanización de la asistencia", en los idiomas portugués, inglés y español.


Se incluyeron sólo ocho estudios que se adecuaron a los objetivos del estudio, y la mayoría retrata la realidad brasileña.


En vista de la actual discusión de la sociedad sobre la temática y la escasez de publicaciones, es clara la necesidad de adecuación del campo académico a las quejas de la sociedad, así como la reflexión del por qué la problemática no tiene un enfoque significativo en el escenario internacional.

Estudiantes de Enfermería; Percepción; Cuidado; Humanización de la Asistencia; Investigación



Analisar as produções do conhecimento sobre a percepção dos estudantes de Enfermagem acerca do cuidado humanizado.


Estudo de revisão bibliográfica do tipo integrativa. Utilizando-se para seleção as bases Pubmed, Lilacs, Cuiden e a biblioteca virtual SciELO, no mês de outubro de 2017, com o uso dos descritores em saúde "estudantes de Enfermagem", "percepção" e "humanização da assistência", nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol.


Foram incluídos apenas oito estudos que se adequaram aos objetivos do estudo, onde a maioria retrata a realidade brasileira.


Tendo em vista a atual discussão da sociedade sobre a temática e a escassez de publicações, fica clara a necessidade de adequação do campo acadêmico às queixas da sociedade, bem como a reflexão do porquê a problemática não ter uma abordagem significativa no cenário internacional.

Estudantes de Enfermagem; Percepção; Cuidado; Humanização da Assistência; Pesquisa


Currently, we are seeing a change in Brazilian society, regarding the search for their rights. Inappropriate conduct, which damages rights and/or damages others in any social context, but which is culturally accepted and standardized, is now reviewed. In this way, the health area has been the subject of great discussions regarding the conduct of professionals, ranging from the elementary level to the more specialized(11 Nations KM, Gomes AMA. Patients' complaints of verbal abuse by health professionals during hospital care in Northeast Brazil. Cad Saúde Pública[Internet]. 2007[cited 2017 Feb 09];23(9):2103-12. Available from:

For years, humanization has been put on the agenda, as evidenced by the creation of the National Humanization Policy (PNH- Política Nacional de Humanização), in 2003. This policy aims to humanize health services, through the feasibility of practices that will change the management and care(22 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria-Executiva. Núcleo Técnico da Política Nacional de Humanização. HumanizaSUS: Política Nacional de Humanização: a humanização como eixo norteador das práticas de atenção e gestão em todas as instâncias do SUS. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2004.).

In this scenario, Nursing is inserted, which is the profession that stands out for the art and science of caring(33 Silva LWS, Nazário NO, Silva DS, Martins CR. Art in nursing: initiating a reflexive dialogue. Texto Contexto Enferm[Internet]. 2005[cited 2017 Oct 20];14(1):120-3. Available from:
), and the training period of these professionals is paramount to guide the professional conduct mold.

In Brazil, Nursing courses are based on the National Curriculum Guidelines of the Undergraduate Nursing Course (Enfermagem são baseados nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem - DCNCGE), instituted by the National Education Council (Conselho Nacional de Educação - CNE), through Resolution 3 CNE/ CES of November 7, 2001(44 Brasil. Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem. Resolução CNE/CES nº 3, de 7 de novembro de 2001.).

The DCNCGE deals with the profile of graduates, their competence and abilities, as well as other points related to the course, humanization being reported as competence that the professional must possess in the exercise of the profession(44 Brasil. Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem. Resolução CNE/CES nº 3, de 7 de novembro de 2001.).

Thus it is essential to have knowledge of the student's perception of Nursing on the following points: what is humanization of care; that conduct is used to put into practice the humanization and the positioning of the academy to which they are inserted on the said theme. The investigation of these topics is important, since besides the student of today is the professional of tomorrow, there are divergences between theory and practice, being these inherent in the academic context evidencing that the formation in line with the reality of work is closely related to the quality of the assistance provided(55 Ortega MCB, Cecagno D, Llor AMS, Siqueira HCH, Montesinos MJL, Soler LM. Academic training of nursing professionals and its relevance to the workplace. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem[Internet]. 2015[cited 2017 Nov 06];23(3):404-10. Available from:

Nowadays, knowledge is inserted and the practice begins in the future, that is, the perception of today will be linked to the future practice, justifying the importance of knowing the perception of the students, in order to execute a mechanism to improve such knowledge, helping to improve care practice, since the student of today is the professional of tomorrow(66 Bracarense CF, Duarte JMG, Soares HM, Côrtes RM, Simões ALA. La humanización en el proceso de formación académica de los profesionales de la salud. Cultura Cuid[Internet]. 2014[cited 2017 Nov 06];18(40):72-81. Available from: 10.7184/cuid.2014.40.10


This study aims to analyze the productions of the knowledge about the students' perception of the humanized care.


Ethical aspects

Since it is a rstudy that does not involve human beings, this work did not have to go through ethical appreciation(77 Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Resolução n o 466, de 12 de dezembro de 2012. Brasília, 2012. Available from:

Type of study

This is a bibliographical review of the integrative type, whose purpose is the survey of research related to the theme(88 Soares CB, Hoga LAK, Peduzzi M, Sangaleti C, Yonekura T, Silva DRAD. Integrative review: concepts and methods used in nursing. Rev Esc Enferm USP[Internet]. 2014[cited 2017 Nov 06];48(2):335-45. Available from:
-99 Ercole FF, Melo LS, Alcoforado CLGC. Integrative Review versus Systematic Review. Rev Min Enferm[Internet]. 2014[cited 2017 Nov 06];18(1):1-260. Available from:
), drawing a panorama, evolution and future possibilities of research about the theme.

The six steps of the integrative review were carried out, which are: 1) development of the research question; 2) search in the literature; 3) data collection; 4) critical analysis of the articles included; 5) discussion of results; and 6) presentation of the integrative review(1010 Souza MT, Silva MD, Carvalho R. Integrative review: what is it? how to do it? Einstein[Internet]. 2010[cited 2017 Nov 06];8(1):102-6. Available from:

The research question in this study is the following sentence: How do Nursing students perceive the humanization of assistance?

Methodological procedures

The search was carried out in the Pubmed, Lilacs - via Virtual Health Library (VHL), Cuiden and the SciELO virtual libraries.

Collection and data organizaton

For the search strategy, the health descriptors (DECS) that best fit the guiding sentence were chosen: Perception, Humanization of Assistance and Students, Nursing, as well as their correspondents in English and Spanish.

Crossings with the descriptors were performed in pairs and trios, in the Portuguese and English languages, interconnected by the Boolean operator "AND" in order to demonstrate the state of the art of the theme. In light of the above, Chart 1 is presented.

Chart 1
Search for descriptors in databases

Inclusion criteria were: original articles; publication period comprised in the period from 2006 to 2016 since the humanization policy was started in 2003 and we have a space for dissemination of research after a theoretical framework, adherence to the objective of the study, published in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

The exclusion criteria adopted were the scientific productions that presented only the abstract and articles that did not exclusively address the perspective of Nursing academics on the subject.

The search with descriptors associated to the Boolean operator allowed the identification of the pre-selected studies (Chart 2).

Chart 2
Pre-selected studies

After the identification of the pre-selected studies (n=27), the titles, abstracts and descriptors were checked for the adequacy of the subject matter and relevance of these included in the review, for the full reading and categorization, analysis and interpretation of the results and presentation of the review.

Starting refining by repeated studies, we have a new group of studies that totals 14. Continuing the refining of studies, 6 articles are excluded that do not fit the theme researched for addressing the perception of death, be developed with undergraduate students in Medicine, an/or have taken place with already graduated participants. There remained 8 articles after refining. These 8 remaining articles had their data extracted through the extraction chart.

Figure 1
Refining flowchart for repeated studies

Data analysis

The data analysis was performed by summarizing the methodological characteristics of the selected studies, in order to reach the proposed objective. In light of the above, the data extracted were described and organized in a chart with information regarding their content (Chart 3).

Chart 3
Summarization of selected studies


The eight studies included having a time span of seven years, ranging from 2009 to 2016. These are qualitative studies, carried out in Northeastern, Southern and Southeastern Brazil, North of Portugal, in a province of Spain, but most of studies focused on Brazil.

Participants were from different periods, and participation criteria were conditioned to participation of minimum period of two months in a particular project extension, discipline, or period. The criteria aimed at minimizing contact with the subject studied.

The number of participants involved in the survey ranged from 12 to 133. The Brazilian studies had between 12 and 16, Portuguese 72 and Spanish 133 participants. Only one study had a phenomenological approach.


In the first study(1111 Macedo JQ, Silveira MFA, Eulálio MC, Fraga MNO, Braga VAB. Social representation of nursing care in mental health: qualitative study. O Braz J Nurs[Internet]. 2011[cited 2017 Oct 21];9(3). Available from:
), the students emphasize that humanized care is based on respect for the individuality of the different subjects and dissociation of negative social behaviors of confinement, discrimination and fear.

What is proposed by the National Humanization Policy (PNH- Política Nacional de Humanização) Policy in the field of Mental Health is challenging. The mechanisms to obtain the protagonism of the subjects and the production of health must be worked during the graduation of health professionals.

The students have become part of the process of acquiring mechanisms that facilitate humanized care, which demonstrates a process of co-responsibility. They emphasize that the lessons precedent to the practice must be transposed by the formation of knowledge by the student-teacher pair, in a joint process.

The second study(1212 Montezeli JH, Venturi KK, Peres AM, Labronici LM, Maftum MA, Wolff LDG. Horta's benchmark as a tool of nursing teaching-learning: assistential convergent research. O Braz J Nurs[Internet]. 2009 [cited 2017 Feb 10];8(1). Available from:
) is based on the reference of Wanda Horta as an instrument of the teaching-learning process, in this study the students emphasize that the practice contributes to the holistic view of the client which facilitates the linking of ideas from the practical field with the theoretical and minimizing the chances of occurrence of mechanistic care, thus facilitating the use of humanized care.

The third study(1313 Lima G, Feltrin J, Rodrigues J, Buriola A. Perception of nursing students on mental health home-care: a qualitative approach. JRFCO[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 21];8(2):4255-68. Available from:
) shows that extension activity contributes to the emergence of humanized care in the field of Mental Health. This is evidenced not only by the reading of the full text, but also by the fact that a category that related the extension with humanized care has emerged.

The students mention that the possibility of exercising sensitive listening, communication and the creation of bonds with the clients and their families constitute the first competences for the accomplishment of a humanized care in the field of Mental Health.

The fourth study(1414 Lobo A. Research approach to care: perspective of nursing students. Horiz Enferm[Internet]. 2013[cited 2017 Oct 21];24(1):17-23. Available from:
) refers to the link between research and practice, and students emphasize that research is an extremely important tool for advancing professional and holistic care.

In the fifth study(1515 Eberle CC, Silva APSS. Nursing students' understanding on patient safety. Rev Baiana Enferm [Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 21];30(4):1-9. Available from:
), students perform the association between respect for autonomy and the humanization of care, collaborating with what is advocated in the PNH, which concerns the co-responsibility of the subjects involved in the process and the need for change in care client, in its cultural aspect.

The sixth study(1616 Rocha G, Barcelos I, Coloda R. The distance between the psychiatric asylum and the production of meaning: learning in psychiatric nursing today. Rev Pesqui: Cuid Fundam[Internet]. 2010 [cited 2017 Oct 21];2(4). Available from:
) collaborates with the idea of the need for the holistic view of the patient as an inspirational and driving source of humanized care.

The seventh study(1717 Brito TRP, Resck ZMR, Moreira DS, Marques SM. The playful in the daily practices of care in pediatric nursing. Esc Anna Nery[Internet]. 2009[cited 2017 Oct 21];13(4):802-8. Available from:
) has a pediatric approach and shows that the insertion of play into care leads to reflection on the academy, that practice is a good link for teaching-research-extension triad, resulting in strength and coherence of the same, facilitating the humanization approach and the payment of assistance.

The last study(1818 Jiménez AP, Amengual CH, Perdiz AM, Vicens EP, Agullo IR. Algo se está moviendo en los hospitales, ¿será quizás la humanización clínica? Cultura Cuid [Internet]. 2009[cited 2017 Oct 21];10(25):98-103. Available from:
) brings students to visualize the humanization process of care in a slow way, where professionals are sensitized with the change of practice, but who need to develop more humanistic qualities to make the process more profitable. They also need to change the look on the family, I am aware of its importance to the client's health illness process, and not as a hindrance to being transposed. Among the human qualities mentioned are: empathy, knowing how to listen, respect and interest in the problematic of the family.

The eight studies bring us the importance of research, as well as care based on science or a theory, as suggested by Wanda Horta, for the improvement of care, since with the use of these light technologies, the student would have ease of chaining practice and theory, a movement that often proves to be a challenge(1919 Freitas FDS, Ferreira MA. Humanization knowledge of undergraduate nursing students. Rev Bras Enferm[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 21];69(2):282-9. Available from:

It is evident the scarcity of bibliographies on the subject, in both realities, inside and outside the country, becoming even more evident in the publications of the international scene. The studies in English contain content of Brazilian research.

This absence of international bibliography is not justified by the search mode, since decs and mesh terms were used for this.

The studies do not present a discrepancy in results, even when compared to studies carried out outside Brazil, or the different care fields, all are unanimous about the vision of humanization in care: it requires a holistic view of the patient so that it is favored, as well as the incorporation of the family into the process(2020 Luiz FF, Caregnato RCA, Costa MR. Humanization in the Intensive Care: perception of family and healthcare professionals. Rev Bras Enferm[Internet]. 2017[cited 2017 Oct 21];70(5):1040-7. Available from:
-2121 Salazar OAB. Impersonal Care or Humanized Care: a decision made by nurses? hourglass model. Invest Educ Enferm[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 21];34(3):444-55. Available from:

The ease in the chaining of practice and theory is cited in the studies - whose achievement took place in distinct countries like the humanized care carrier.

The achievement of human qualities as a facilitating process of humanized care also has corresponding in another study(2222 Salazar OAB. The meaning of humanized nursing care for those participating in it: importance of efforts of nurses and healthcare institutions. Invest Educ Enferm[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 21];34(1):18-28. Available from:

The PNH brings a series of questions and mechanisms that may contribute to the humanization of care in the fields of professional activity(22 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria-Executiva. Núcleo Técnico da Política Nacional de Humanização. HumanizaSUS: Política Nacional de Humanização: a humanização como eixo norteador das práticas de atenção e gestão em todas as instâncias do SUS. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2004.). It is evident that this is a gain and a great advance for the improvement of the quality of care, but there is a gap with respect to the formation of the professional,

There is no policy of encouraging the awareness of the need for humanized care in universities. The guideline that guides the undergraduate curriculum is somewhat summarized, since it only mentions humanized care as competence, but does not provide a viability mechanism for the development of such competence, leaving the educational institutions to define the mechanisms for achieving it it, but without any parameter to verify the effectiveness of such, only the possibility of application of the Axiological Scale for the Humanization of Nursing(2323 Serna JMGG, Mencia SF, Marín JMA. Development and validation of the Hospitality Axiological Scale for Humanization of Nursing Care. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem[Internet]. 2017[cited 2017 Oct 23];25: e2919. Available from:

Studies point out that there are professionals with difficulty in implementing humanization in various care sectors(2424 Pina RZ, Lapchinsk LF, Pupulim JSL. Percepção de pacientes sobre o período de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva. Cienc Cuid Saude[Internet]. 2008 [cited 2017 Oct 23];7(4):503-8. Available from:

25 Costa SC, Figueiredo MRB, Schaurich D. Humanization within adult intensive care units (ICUs): comprehension among the nursing team. Interface[Internet]. 2009[cited 2017 Nov 06];13(Suppl-1):571-80. Available from:

26 Farias FBB, Vidal LL, Farias, RAR, Jesus ACP. Humanized Care In The Icu: Challenges From The Viewpoint Of Health Professionals. Rev Pesqui: Cuid Fundam[Internet]. 2013[cited 2017 Nov 06];5(4):635-42. Available from:
-2727 Souza LEPF. Health, development and innovation: a contribution of the critical theory of technology to the discussion. Cad Saúde Pública[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 23];32(Suppl-2):e00029615. Available from:
). These difficulties are mainly related to the overload of work and the high use of hard technologies(2424 Pina RZ, Lapchinsk LF, Pupulim JSL. Percepção de pacientes sobre o período de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva. Cienc Cuid Saude[Internet]. 2008 [cited 2017 Oct 23];7(4):503-8. Available from:

25 Costa SC, Figueiredo MRB, Schaurich D. Humanization within adult intensive care units (ICUs): comprehension among the nursing team. Interface[Internet]. 2009[cited 2017 Nov 06];13(Suppl-1):571-80. Available from:

26 Farias FBB, Vidal LL, Farias, RAR, Jesus ACP. Humanized Care In The Icu: Challenges From The Viewpoint Of Health Professionals. Rev Pesqui: Cuid Fundam[Internet]. 2013[cited 2017 Nov 06];5(4):635-42. Available from:
-2727 Souza LEPF. Health, development and innovation: a contribution of the critical theory of technology to the discussion. Cad Saúde Pública[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 23];32(Suppl-2):e00029615. Available from:

The work developed in the universities needs to be in line with the interests of society, since they form professionals to act in society, directly or indirectly. In the case of Nursing students, who, due to the development of their activities in the assistance, will act directly in the society, making necessary the implementation of a parameter of evaluation of the apprehension of such offer, as well as the expansion of researches in the area, related that the perception of the academics can be known for the elaboration of an intervention that corroborates with the humanized practice(1919 Freitas FDS, Ferreira MA. Humanization knowledge of undergraduate nursing students. Rev Bras Enferm[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 21];69(2):282-9. Available from:
,2323 Serna JMGG, Mencia SF, Marín JMA. Development and validation of the Hospitality Axiological Scale for Humanization of Nursing Care. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem[Internet]. 2017[cited 2017 Oct 23];25: e2919. Available from:

Research is the most palpable mechanism for scenario change. Research is what will renew the knowledge and contribute to the restructuring of care and consequent reach of status the science of Nursing. It is this process that will reaffirm the art of nursing. The art of caring(33 Silva LWS, Nazário NO, Silva DS, Martins CR. Art in nursing: initiating a reflexive dialogue. Texto Contexto Enferm[Internet]. 2005[cited 2017 Oct 20];14(1):120-3. Available from:

4 Brasil. Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem. Resolução CNE/CES nº 3, de 7 de novembro de 2001.

5 Ortega MCB, Cecagno D, Llor AMS, Siqueira HCH, Montesinos MJL, Soler LM. Academic training of nursing professionals and its relevance to the workplace. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem[Internet]. 2015[cited 2017 Nov 06];23(3):404-10. Available from:

6 Bracarense CF, Duarte JMG, Soares HM, Côrtes RM, Simões ALA. La humanización en el proceso de formación académica de los profesionales de la salud. Cultura Cuid[Internet]. 2014[cited 2017 Nov 06];18(40):72-81. Available from: 10.7184/cuid.2014.40.10

7 Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Resolução n o 466, de 12 de dezembro de 2012. Brasília, 2012. Available from:

8 Soares CB, Hoga LAK, Peduzzi M, Sangaleti C, Yonekura T, Silva DRAD. Integrative review: concepts and methods used in nursing. Rev Esc Enferm USP[Internet]. 2014[cited 2017 Nov 06];48(2):335-45. Available from:

9 Ercole FF, Melo LS, Alcoforado CLGC. Integrative Review versus Systematic Review. Rev Min Enferm[Internet]. 2014[cited 2017 Nov 06];18(1):1-260. Available from:

10 Souza MT, Silva MD, Carvalho R. Integrative review: what is it? how to do it? Einstein[Internet]. 2010[cited 2017 Nov 06];8(1):102-6. Available from:

11 Macedo JQ, Silveira MFA, Eulálio MC, Fraga MNO, Braga VAB. Social representation of nursing care in mental health: qualitative study. O Braz J Nurs[Internet]. 2011[cited 2017 Oct 21];9(3). Available from:

12 Montezeli JH, Venturi KK, Peres AM, Labronici LM, Maftum MA, Wolff LDG. Horta's benchmark as a tool of nursing teaching-learning: assistential convergent research. O Braz J Nurs[Internet]. 2009 [cited 2017 Feb 10];8(1). Available from:

13 Lima G, Feltrin J, Rodrigues J, Buriola A. Perception of nursing students on mental health home-care: a qualitative approach. JRFCO[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 21];8(2):4255-68. Available from:

14 Lobo A. Research approach to care: perspective of nursing students. Horiz Enferm[Internet]. 2013[cited 2017 Oct 21];24(1):17-23. Available from:

15 Eberle CC, Silva APSS. Nursing students' understanding on patient safety. Rev Baiana Enferm [Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 21];30(4):1-9. Available from:

16 Rocha G, Barcelos I, Coloda R. The distance between the psychiatric asylum and the production of meaning: learning in psychiatric nursing today. Rev Pesqui: Cuid Fundam[Internet]. 2010 [cited 2017 Oct 21];2(4). Available from:

17 Brito TRP, Resck ZMR, Moreira DS, Marques SM. The playful in the daily practices of care in pediatric nursing. Esc Anna Nery[Internet]. 2009[cited 2017 Oct 21];13(4):802-8. Available from:

18 Jiménez AP, Amengual CH, Perdiz AM, Vicens EP, Agullo IR. Algo se está moviendo en los hospitales, ¿será quizás la humanización clínica? Cultura Cuid [Internet]. 2009[cited 2017 Oct 21];10(25):98-103. Available from:

19 Freitas FDS, Ferreira MA. Humanization knowledge of undergraduate nursing students. Rev Bras Enferm[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 21];69(2):282-9. Available from:

20 Luiz FF, Caregnato RCA, Costa MR. Humanization in the Intensive Care: perception of family and healthcare professionals. Rev Bras Enferm[Internet]. 2017[cited 2017 Oct 21];70(5):1040-7. Available from:

21 Salazar OAB. Impersonal Care or Humanized Care: a decision made by nurses? hourglass model. Invest Educ Enferm[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 21];34(3):444-55. Available from:

22 Salazar OAB. The meaning of humanized nursing care for those participating in it: importance of efforts of nurses and healthcare institutions. Invest Educ Enferm[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 21];34(1):18-28. Available from:

23 Serna JMGG, Mencia SF, Marín JMA. Development and validation of the Hospitality Axiological Scale for Humanization of Nursing Care. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem[Internet]. 2017[cited 2017 Oct 23];25: e2919. Available from:

24 Pina RZ, Lapchinsk LF, Pupulim JSL. Percepção de pacientes sobre o período de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva. Cienc Cuid Saude[Internet]. 2008 [cited 2017 Oct 23];7(4):503-8. Available from:

25 Costa SC, Figueiredo MRB, Schaurich D. Humanization within adult intensive care units (ICUs): comprehension among the nursing team. Interface[Internet]. 2009[cited 2017 Nov 06];13(Suppl-1):571-80. Available from:

26 Farias FBB, Vidal LL, Farias, RAR, Jesus ACP. Humanized Care In The Icu: Challenges From The Viewpoint Of Health Professionals. Rev Pesqui: Cuid Fundam[Internet]. 2013[cited 2017 Nov 06];5(4):635-42. Available from:

27 Souza LEPF. Health, development and innovation: a contribution of the critical theory of technology to the discussion. Cad Saúde Pública[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 23];32(Suppl-2):e00029615. Available from:
-2828 Ferreira MA. Nursing art and science of care. Esc Anna Nery[Internet]. 2011[cited 2017 Oct 20];15(4):664-66. Available from:

The study presents limitations regarding the universe of studies obtained due to the scarcity of publications, despite the fact that it is in great evidence, discussion and a challenge both in the academic and in the care setting(2929 Medeiros AC, Siqueira HCH, Zamberlan C, Cecagno D, Nunes SS, Thurow MRB. Comprehensiveness and humanization of nursing care management in the Intensive Care Unit. Rev Esc Enferm USP[Internet]. 2016[cited 2017 Oct 23];50(5):816-22. Available from:

Reading leads us to the finding of scarcity of publication and the reflection of the need to invest in new research on the subject within the field of Nursing, because only in this way will we improve the formation and consequently the practice and the art of Nursing.

Study limitations

The scarcity of literature is a limitation of the study, evidenced by the low number of articles included in the review.

Contributions to Nursing, Health or Public Policy

The results are relevant, whereas the proposed objectives were contemplated, contributing to the understanding and improvement of the approach regarding the humanization of the student.


In view of the exposed research, it is evident the need to explore the field, considering the timid results and the importance of the subject, since there is in force a nationwide policy of humanization and professionals with difficulty to implement humanization in their practices.

We are also led to reflect on the reasons for the almost non-existence of international publications. Is it the absence of publications arising from the inexistence of problems related to the humanization of assistance?

The student should emerge from the academy, having had the opportunity to contact knowledge that subsidizes their care practice in relation to humanization, since the knowledge from the undergraduate will subsidize their practice, guiding, facilitating or making difficult their practice over of your work day, according to how it was learned.

The university, having knowledge of the understanding and perception of humanization by its clientele, has the possibility to intervene with strategies that best suit them. Having access to information about humanization and/or humanized practices in undergraduate courses, such as through an elective course, a practice based on theories and/or science, the student will already have a foundation when it is formed, remaining only to execute and improve it in your professional life.


  • 1
    Nations KM, Gomes AMA. Patients' complaints of verbal abuse by health professionals during hospital care in Northeast Brazil. Cad Saúde Pública[Internet]. 2007[cited 2017 Feb 09];23(9):2103-12. Available from:
  • 2
    Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria-Executiva. Núcleo Técnico da Política Nacional de Humanização. HumanizaSUS: Política Nacional de Humanização: a humanização como eixo norteador das práticas de atenção e gestão em todas as instâncias do SUS. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2004.
  • 3
    Silva LWS, Nazário NO, Silva DS, Martins CR. Art in nursing: initiating a reflexive dialogue. Texto Contexto Enferm[Internet]. 2005[cited 2017 Oct 20];14(1):120-3. Available from:
  • 4
    Brasil. Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem. Resolução CNE/CES nº 3, de 7 de novembro de 2001.
  • 5
    Ortega MCB, Cecagno D, Llor AMS, Siqueira HCH, Montesinos MJL, Soler LM. Academic training of nursing professionals and its relevance to the workplace. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem[Internet]. 2015[cited 2017 Nov 06];23(3):404-10. Available from:
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    07 Nov 2017
  • Accepted
    21 Apr 2018
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