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A great challenge for education these days is the fact that many of the students are becoming information repeaters and not thinkers with the potential of reflecting on this information, criticize it, or even rework it to develop new ideas or capacities.

I do not remember who expressed these words, but I have to fully agree with them. It is easily observed in the articles submitted to REM, which clearly demonstrate the "enormous rush” of the authors to comply with the old and dangerous saying "Publish or Perish”. Because of this "rush”, the magazine's staff is facing situations of plagiarism, discordance with publishing regulations, and lack of verification of the relevance of the article, etc. It is only after the correction of these situations that the analysis of the article's merit for publication can begin. As such, REM has recently established new rules (encountered in our site: General Instruction). In addition, REM has adopted the use of CrossRef to detect plagiarism, etc.

Another challenge for scientific publishers is the fact that the articles are multidisciplinary. Therefore, the publisher needs to attend to the relationship between various areas, i.e. REM needs to deal with issues regarding research and discovery of mineral areas (geology), their ore's exploitation (mining), the ore's transformation (metallurgy and materials) and its usage (civil engineering), among others. The above mentioned areas are part of the educational program of the School of Mines/UFOP. With the amplification of the courses offered at the Escola de Minas/UFOP, a new area (mechanical and energy) has been added. In this issue, the first article from this new area is published.

By publishing this article, REM seeks to open its pages to a new subject, increasing its multidisciplinarity.

Prof. Jório Coelho

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Apr-Jun 2015
Escola de Minas Rua Carlos Walter Marinho Campos, 57 - Vila Itacolomy, 35400-000 Ouro Preto MG - Brazil, Tel: (55 31) 3551-4730/3559-7408 - Ouro Preto - MG - Brazil