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The incarceration of women in dependent and peripheral Brazilian capitalism


The work entitled “The incarceration of women in Brazilian dependent and peripheral capitalism” aims to analyze the role played by the prison and the incarceration of women considering the conformations of the hetero-patriarchal-racist-capitalist system implemented in Brazil. The methodology consisted of a bibliographic and documentary study, and the results showed that the prisons constituted repressive technologies used for the formation and consolidation of the project of a white, classist, racist and sexist nation, as a way of meeting the demands of structuring and development of capitalism. In times of weakening labor ties and uberization of work, the prison has assumed a prominent role in the management of poverty through violence, repression and segregation, deepening the expressions of the social issue arising from unemployment, poverty and food insecurity that affect more effectively single-parent families headed by women, especially black women living in urban peripheries.

Criminal Status; Incarceration of Women; Capitalism

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social e Curso de Graduação em Serviço Social da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina , Centro Socioeconômico , Curso de Graduação em Serviço Social , Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social, Campus Universitário Reitor João David Ferreira Lima, 88040-900, Tel. +55 48 3721 6524 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil