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O que é Psicopatologia Fundamental

If for the Romans “position “ meant a place where a person or object would lie, for the Greeks this notion was much more relational in nature. Starting from the position determined by the posture of the body, there were at least two other ones: that of the historian, who doesn't make things up but just heard about them around and that of the theatet; which reveals the body in its natural state of pathos (suffering).

When psychism and the psychic apparatus are considered as extensions of the immunological system and once, according to the authol; pathos is always somatic, the psyche is – following the socratic tradition – strictly physical. It is thus proper of Fundamental Psychopathology to recognize the existence of – multiple body-discourse positions and to try to have the specificity of its position recognized by other positions.

Starting from the concept of position and its developments in pathos and logos, the author presents his conception of Fundamental Psychopathology.

Associação Universitária de Pesquisa em Psicopatologia Fundamental Av. Onze de Junho, 1070, conj. 804, 04041-004 São Paulo, SP - Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil