Acessibilidade / Reportar erro

Laboratory infection of the wild rodent, Sciurus alphonsei with Pasteurella pestis


The author studied the susceptibility of the wild rodent, Sciurus alphonsei (Sciuridae) from Brazil to Pasteurella pestis. Two strains of P. pestis isolated from wild rodents were used: one, P. EXU 19, was isolated from O. subflavus in the county of Em, Pernambuco (Brazil), and other, RANGEL, isolated from S. hispidus of Camp. Rangel (Venezuela) . Six animais were tested by inoculation through different routes (percutaneous, subcutaneous and peritoneal). All the animals died as a result of the infection.

O autor estudou a susceptibilidade à Pasteurella pestis de um roedor silvestre encontrado no Brasil, Sciurus alphonsei (sciuridae). Foram utilizadas duas cêpas de P. pestis procedentes de roedores silvestres: uma, P. EXU 19, isolada de O. subflavus no município de Exu, Pernambuco (Brasil) e a outra, RANGEL, isolada de S. hispidus de Camp. Rangel (Venezuela). Foram testados seis animais inoculados por diferentes vias (percutânea, subcutânea e peritoneal). Todos os animais morreram com resultados positivos à infecção.

Laboratory infection of the wild rodent, Sciurus alphonsei with

Pasteurella pestis

Dalva A. de Mello


The author studied the susceptibility of the wild rodent, Sciurus alphonsei (Sciuridae) from Brazil to Pasteurella pestis.

Two strains of P. pestis isolated from wild rodents were used: one, P. EXU 19, was isolated from O. subflavus in the county of Em, Pernambuco (Brazil), and other, RANGEL, isolated from S. hispidus of Camp. Rangel (Venezuela) .

Six animais were tested by inoculation through different routes (percutaneous, subcutaneous and peritoneal).

All the animals died as a result of the infection.


O autor estudou a susceptibilidade à Pasteurella pestis de um roedor silvestre encontrado no Brasil, Sciurus alphonsei (sciuridae).

Foram utilizadas duas cêpas de P. pestis procedentes de roedores silvestres: uma, P. EXU 19, isolada de O. subflavus no município de Exu, Pernambuco (Brasil) e a outra, RANGEL, isolada de S. hispidus de Camp. Rangel (Venezuela).

Foram testados seis animais inoculados por diferentes vias (percutânea, subcutânea e peritoneal).

Todos os animais morreram com resultados positivos à infecção.

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

Full text available only in PDF format.

Instituto Nacional de Endemias Rurais - Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhães - Recife - Brasil. This work was supported in part by a Grant from SUD ENE for resoarch on Plague in Northeastern Recife, Brazil.

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  • 2 - HOLDENDRIED, R. and QUAN, F. S. - Susceptibility of New Mexico Rodents to Experimental Plague. Pub. Health Rep. 71: 979-984, 1956.
  • 3 - MEYER, K.F. - 1942. In Holdendried, R. and Quan, F.S. - Susceptibility of New Mexico Rodents to Experimental Plague. Pub. Health Rep. 71: 979, 1956.
  • 4 - MOOJEN, JOÂO - Os roedores do Brasil. Instituto Nacional do Livro. Biblioteca Científica Brasileira. Série A - II. Rio de Janeiro, 1952.
  • 5
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  • 6 - POLLITZER, R. - Plague World Health Organization: Mõnograph Series n.° 22. Palais des Nations - Geneva, 1954.
  • 7 - SILVA, JR., - Peste e seu diagnóstico no homem e nos roedores - Separata do "Arquivos de Higiene", dezembro, 1941.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 Aug 2013
  • Date of issue
    Aug 1968
Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical - SBMT, Núcleo de Medicina Tropical – UnB, Sala 43C – 70904-970, E-mails: | | , WhatsApp: SBMT (61) 9.9192-6496, WhatsApp: RSBMT (34) 9.9996-5807 - Brasília - DF - Brazil