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REPERTÓRIO, SEGUNDO CHARLES TILLY: HISTÓRIA DE UM CONCEITO 1 1 Agradeço as sugestões de Brasílio Sallum Jr. e as recebidas em exposições no seminário "A Questão Nacional no Pensamento Político-social Brasileiro", USP/Cedec, 2010, e no Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em História da Educação, UFMG, 2010, bem como por questões levantadas por alunos de minha disciplina Cultura e Ação Política, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da USP, em 2008 e 2011.


Based upon a reconstruction of various formulations of the concept of repertoire in the sociological work of Charles Tilly from the 1970's until his last studies in 2008, this article problematizes the consideration of a cultural dimension in the explanation of political processes. It shows how Tilly departed from a notion of repertoire as forms of reiterated actions within different types of conflict, which indicates a structuralist and rationalist approach in joining interest and action and privileging individual actors. Thirty years later, "repertoire" becomes a relational and interactionist concept, privileging the experience of people in contentious interactions, and the use and interpretation of scripts in performances. This reconcepualization refocusses attention upon agency and deviates from Tilly's previous structuralism. This article argues that Tilly's reinterpretation of the concept can be applied to its history, its appropriation in performances of other interpreters. Besides its application to new cases, the concept of repertoire received new specifications, contestations, amplifications and was put to unpredicted uses.

Repertoire; Charles Tilly; Culture and political action; Political sociology; Social movements

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo do São Francisco de Paula, 1, sala 420, cep: 20051-070 - 2224-8965 ramal 215 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil